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Guppycur's Modlets


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I just changed the Probability if the zombie even spawning, If I remember this stop it from spawning in past

mods I worked on.

I did this for a more cleaner way of stopping the spawn of the zombie. So I can leave the code in and change to my

liking in future without having to type all the code back in if I needed to.


I never removed the Coding / line, just changed: prob="0.0"/>


And thanks for all your work on the mods you make, def great additions to the community :)

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i´m big admin noobe ^^ i will use two changes (RadEye and Vehicle) where i must copy the files on server? Must i copy thinks in one xml to the second xml becaus in both file sets are entityclasses.xml?

Please help :-(


Cheers Wintics




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i´m big admin noobe ^^ i will use two changes (RadEye and Vehicle) where i must copy the files on server? Must i copy thinks in one xml to the second xml becaus in both file sets are entityclasses.xml?

Please help :-(


Cheers Wintics




If your installing the modlets you need to make a new folder (Mods) in the exe location. In this location you should see -













Create mods folder and place modlet/s in there.


If however your actually editing the game vanilla xmls then the pic in the bottom right is the correct one.

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It's a great elicopter a shame That this modder just look their own ambitions and not petition of the community but always is there someone what if

listen if you are looking for elicopter modder maxnux I use your mod I do not understand why a person It is modder for just cover their own ambitions and likes I do not see it ethical but each one it's how it is but I

I do not respect the politics of this modder well who is looking credit of the community have to win it listening the petition of the community why for tastes can do your mods for use personal then to this action it is called inculcate soldier626 friend

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man, i didnt get much of that my friend.... not sure anyone did. post in original language maybe also.


as for modders looking for their own ambitions... weird though, not sure what you mean, a person is a modder to cover their own personal ambitions always, except you are paying them to mod something for you, so if the community enjoys and likes what a modder does awesome, but i dont think any modder is there working in something they dont want to do just to satisfy the community.

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I don't think this person is talking to me, but yes, I wish they'd use their native language so one of us could translate.


It's a great elicopter a shame That this modder just look their own ambitions and not petition of the community but always is there someone what if

listen if you are looking for elicopter modder maxnux I use your mod I do not understand why a person It is modder for just cover their own ambitions and likes I do not see it ethical but each one it's how it is but I

I do not respect the politics of this modder well who is looking credit of the community have to win it listening the petition of the community why for tastes can do your mods for use personal then to this action it is called inculcate soldier626 friend


It's a great helicopter. It's a shame that this modder is only looking out for their own ambition and doesn't help the community, but there's always someone like that.


Listen, what if you are looking for a helicopter... Manu, I use your mod but I do not understand why a person mods just for their ego... I do not think it's ethical but to each their own, it's how it is, but I do not respect the politics of this modder who's just looking for credit... you have to win my respect by listening to the community for what they want to use your mods for, then you should teach my friend Soldier 626.


...that's the best I got from that. Hm, maybe it IS for me, I have no clue what he's talking about though.




We have a very respectful and modding community; we learn from each other and teach from each other all of the time. My vehicles wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the help of both Manu and Khelldon, and I'm just still learning. I haven't done any flying vehicles, and I do not plan to, so cannot help Soldier.

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Hey Gupp,


Great mods first off, first time poster long time lurker. I'm reaching out however because I'm having difficulty getting your mobiles in my server, it's most likely human error however I just wanted some confirmation here.


When the mobiles mod is installed (properly I think) are your vehicles supposed to show up in the CM? I was looking for them for testing. Secondly are they craftable? Or are they just littered around the world to find?


Thanks in advance.

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You need to write a corresponding item.xml file (and then loot.xml) to get them proper into your world.

Look for more info a few posts back or check manux mod...

As far as I understood guppy, he first wants to add more stuff to his mod until he then write all that additional stuff.

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Hey Again Guppycur,


after reboot the changes doesnt work :-( here a better screenshot from server and the files.




Idea? How i can test instant for working your changes? a special recept may be from you? ^^


Many thx. Wintics


There's a typo in the name of your resources folder. Resources are spelled with one s ;)

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What settings would you suggest for the serverconfig on BloodmoonEnemyCount, and your mod coinciding ?

Looking to get enough Zombies and to last whole time.

I set the serverconfig to 32 per player, but for some reason last hour / two they kinda faded off. here and their type situation.


Any input greatly appreciated, Thanks.

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I don't think this person is talking to me, but yes, I wish they'd use their native language so one of us could translate.




It's a great helicopter. It's a shame that this modder is only looking out for their own ambition and doesn't help the community, but there's always someone like that.


Listen, what if you are looking for a helicopter... Manu, I use your mod but I do not understand why a person mods just for their ego... I do not think it's ethical but to each their own, it's how it is, but I do not respect the politics of this modder who's just looking for credit... you have to win my respect by listening to the community for what they want to use your mods for, then you should teach my friend Soldier 626.


...that's the best I got from that. Hm, maybe it IS for me, I have no clue what he's talking about though.



I do not put that as it says nd what you understood is not what I put But it doesn't matter have my point of vision and criterion Where I can say what I do not like and I am free of it as long as I do not insult Well I didn't put anything offensive and get Misunderstood I just said I don't like certain things. But nothing but n when the community that is very respectful I am too And if I am a user of this page I am also part of the community and you have to respect my criterion as long as I do not disrespect because I did I just said I don't like certain policies of this modder anything else Have a good day

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this looks awesome. I have an issue of not being able to find the vehicles in the creative menu(or anywhere else). I put it the GuppyMobiles in the mods folder but I cant find them


They're only available in the F6 menu (entity spawning). There are a few posts about that and why. =)


- - - Updated - - -


I do not put that as it says nd what you understood is not what I put But it doesn't matter have my point of vision and criterion Where I can say what I do not like and I am free of it as long as I do not insult Well I didn't put anything offensive and get Misunderstood I just said I don't like certain things. But nothing but n when the community that is very respectful I am too And if I am a user of this page I am also part of the community and you have to respect my criterion as long as I do not disrespect because I did I just said I don't like certain policies of this modder anything else Have a good day


This post, I do understand, but I still do not know what you are saying in your previous post.

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