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Quasimiyao last won the day on February 9 2017

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  1. V0.7experimental of the prefabeditor, with experimental 3D preview
  2. Interesting That will be really useful Atleast would think so, havent made a prefab yet:p
  3. Hmm, I am on a 65" 4k, and the text is pretty large. Borderline huge I would say. Whats your ui size set to? Edit: Hmm, ui size doesnt seem to actually do anything... I use Stedman420s Simple UI mod tho, but I dont think that makes things bigger.
  4. At grease monkey 3. You dont need the accessories, it uses the chassis and helicopter rotor;)
  5. APC accessories and chassis are missing icons
  6. Now that just looks awesome Can't wait to get it uploaded and play around with those
  7. He's not a demon, he's the nicest horse ever. And he only eats dead people, so not dangerous at all. Very smart too, he somehow manages to find several dead people to bring home til lunch every day
  8. If your thumbs are starting to zombifie I would advice seeing a doctor, or a bandsaw, asap.. I agree with you about the mod tho, it really is quite amazing If using the optional guns modlet, and the quality effectivness bonuses mod, I am updating the HDHQ compatible version I made from Elucidus original mod today
  9. I dont have an asnwer for you, but a tip for avoiding updates breaking stuff. Apologies if you are awre of this, but seems like many are not so worth repeating now and then Make a copy of your your install folder, and play from the copy. Then when the game updates you wont be affected by the upate and can choose to update when everything is backed up for example Especially when using modded .dll files, since any file thats edited and not in the mods folder will be overwritten by steam. And I would also suggest regular backups of your saves, especially when installing or removing mods, its still an alpha game after all I do that on my server everytime I add or update a mod, jsut to be on the safe side All I can say about this mod, is that I used it for a while, but not installed on the server. A friend of mine did not have it installed, but he saw the changes I made if he left the chunk and came back.. So might not need to have it installed on both pc's. Edit: I would also strongly advice you to not use an Assembly-CSharp.dll thats from an older version of the game than the one you're playing
  10. Could add a separate progression.xml with your vehicles unlocked earlier, and a recipes.xml with forged iron for the lower tier vehicles, as an optional download for those that want that Personally I like that the more powerful vehicles are something to work towards tho. Of course that wont fix all balancing and progression and such, but a quick temp fix for those that want it all
  11. I just did a quick test in sp, loaded in all vehicles in creative, and all icons were showing as they should. Havent updated localization yet. In the process of updating my dedi from 17.0, so not had a chance to check it running there yet. Trying to preserve current save with updated HDHQ and all other mods. With 95 modlets and half of them customized, it takes some time lol
  12. Thx lol. No problem tho @Exxodous Yes, she needs to install aswell. Not to familiar with local hosting like that, but I think the xml files will get pushed automatically there, like it does from a server. So she might not need those.
  13. Here's a version of Elucidus's Quality Effectiveness Bonuses modlet thats compatible with HDHQ Drop the folder into your mod folder as with any other modlet. I kept it as a modlet so it wouldnt mess with anyones game not using that modlet. I included all the original code aswell so, if running that modlet already, just swap the original with this one. I might post this in a new thread a bit later, gotta go walk the dog now It will load after HDHQ since thats not a modlet as of now, so no need to worry about load order. If running a modlet version of HDHQ just remember its loading modlets alphabetically, and this have to load after HDHQ [ATTACH]26818[/ATTACH] Quality Effectiveness Bonuses_HDHQ compatible.zip
  14. Here you have the three xml's that are changed in the unofficial xml fixes and are a part of this mod, INCL weapons and all, merged together. (items, item_modifiers and recipes) Only did the same fixes as in Clockworks xml fixes, nothing else is touched. Just in case anyone wants those with the nice weaponskins still in the files, or Dust2Death want to include that in the mod instead of the vanilla ones If anyone wants the skinned weapons to include the stats increase based on quality lvl, just let me know and I can make a version with that included [ATTACH]26814[/ATTACH] HDHQxmls_with_xmlFixes_incl_weapons.zip
  15. The huntingrifles need an entry under "modGunSoundSuppressorSilencer" in item_modifiers.xml, the silencer doesnt line up with the barrel. Havent checked other weapons yet, but I'll see if I can do that after dinner with family a bit later in the evening I would think a modlet version of the xml's is possible, but I havent compared the biomes and blocks xml's yet. If I get time I might be able to do that aswell. Thinking about having a look at adding the guns into the Quality Effectivness Bonuses mod too. As it is now the guns that are reskinned dont scale with quality lvl like the nonskinned versions do on my server. In the weapons mod I am working on I am adding that directly to the weapons themselves instead. I also would add the AP and HP versions of some of the ammo types to the guns. Imho I think this mod will be popular enough to justify making versions of popular modlets that are tailored to work with this one But a modlet version of this one would require that any modlet targeting stuff from this one loads after this loads.. /me overthinking stuff again:P And as requested, a link to my stream. My channel Just a tiny streamer tho, so wont gather that much publicity for your mod.. Not even affiliate (Three followers away from qualifying for that). Didnt actually end up doing a stream last night, got too late. But might be on later tonight
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