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Should mods be removable? Pros and Cons.


Should mods be removable? Pros and Cons.  

136 members have voted

  1. 1. Should mods be removable? Pros and Cons.

    • Yes, we should be able to swap them in and out as we please.
    • No, they should be permanent once attached to a weapon.

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This is a question the devs are discussing and whatever they decide is sure to please some and disappoint others. Before we know for sure what they plan to do lets get some public opinion on this topic and hear some opinions, ideas, and reasons why they should or should not be removable once placed.


Weapon mods are a new feature for A17. A weapon will have 1-6 slots for attachments (mods) that will enhance the weapon in some way. The devs are considering whether a mod, once placed, should be permanent or whether it can be removed and swapped for a different mod.


Vote and weigh in with your thoughts.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Joel said in an earlier video they would be removable, but removing them had a chance of damaging the mod.


Honestly, I thought that was a pretty good idea. Means you can't just swap in and out as you like if you don't want to risk damaging/destroying the mod, but the option of removal IS there.

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This is a question the devs are discussing and whatever they decide is sure to please some and disappoint others. Before we know for sure what they plan to do lets get some public opinion on this topic and hear some opinions, ideas, and reasons why they should or should not be removable once placed.


Weapon mods are a new feature for A17. A weapon will have 1-6 slots for attachments (mods) that will enhance the weapon in some way. The devs are considering whether a mod, once placed, should be permanent or whether it can be removed and swapped for a different mod.


Vote and weigh in with your thoughts.


I think they should.



Once You find a high tiered weapon (or whatever) with mods already on it, not being able to fully personalize it further would be a shame.


Instead, I think once a MOD is attached and if/when you try to remove it, the MOD should break and be unusable (at first).

Then you need to buy perks to learn how to remove them but still have a chance for them to break or Travel to a trader and pay a high price (based on the mods tier) to take it off a weapon to reuse it guaranteed.


I also think MOD attachments should be very specific on where and how you get them. Like only at the gun stores or purchased through traders or as quest rewards.


Just my thought. So I say yes BUT not as we please. ;)


Edit: I also think some MOD attachments should take up more spaces. Like you attached a Full auto kit to a pistol or whatnot and it takes up 2-3 Attachment slots.

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This is also probably one of those things that whatever they decide on paper...until it is played with and the fun factor is considered they won't know which way they will settle.


The early faulty tool grind was one example. They made the stone tools extremely grindy, which, on paper would logically make the progression to better tools more of a significant difference. But after playing with it they made it much less extreme.

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It only makes sense that if you can replace a vanilla part with a modded part, you can replace a modded part with another modded part.


BUT, to appease both, just add an xml flag canRemove="True" or something. Come on Roland, I gotta write this game for ya? =)

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Who thinks it's a great idea that you're done looking for mods once you have one set of the types you like best?


Realism vs a reason to keep playing the game? Guess who'll win that fight.


So mods will wear out, as a function to lengthen game play?

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I think there needs to be a middle ground between "swap anytime" and "permanent". Permanent seems pretty harsh considering we're already at odds with the RNG to even find the things. Swap anytime is too... easy? ... and will likely get abused unless there is a swap timer or something like that. So much depends on how rare they are, too.


My preference is that there be some skill or skill level that would allow swapping them (combination of science 7 and guns 6, or something like that). Add a timer so people can't just drastically change a weapon on the fly but add a chance of failure. Not a "destroy something" kind of failure but one that forces you to start the removal/install process over again. So people aren't so inclined to do it on the fly during combat on horde night.

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Who thinks it's a great idea that you're done looking for mods once you have one set of the types you like best?


Realism vs a reason to keep playing the game? Guess who'll win that fight.


I wouldnt keep playing just to find a mod. I would keep playing if the challenge kept increasing every horde night, giving me a reason to want the mods (and other items)

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If the weapon came pre-modded then I can see it not being "removable", i.e. if like Roland said, they ditch the sniper rifle in lieu of a hunting rifle with a larger clip and scope, then that's just an xml method to create a sniper rifle. Shouldn't be able to pull it apart.


...but if I find a scope and stick it on a pistol, it seems... unreasonable, to not be able to take said scope off of the pistol to put it on a later-found hunting rifle.

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Who thinks it's a great idea that you're done looking for mods once you have one set of the types you like best?


Realism vs a reason to keep playing the game? Guess who'll win that fight.


I see your point, but we can have our cake and eat it if there's a chance of damaging/destroying the mods (perhaps mitigated by a skill).


"Oh, my precious pre-apocalypse experimental quantum range-finder scope, how I love thee! Wait, it's not 'Righty-Removit, Lefty-Lockit'?? What have I done!?"




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Why not have the mods be both. What i mean is this. have mods 50% effective on a weapon until you make it permanent. This gives us flexibility on trying before buying kinda idea.


I like the compromise, I really do, but I cant see reasons as to why a 4x scope would give 2x until its permanent. I know gameplay > realism but this might be stretch.

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I like the compromise, I really do, but I cant see reasons as to why a 4x scope would give 2x until its permanent. I know gameplay > realism but this might be stretch.


Think of it like this, you find a 4x in the field and slap it on. but you only get a 2x out of it.

you need to calibrate it at a bench (ie permanent)

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I voted yes. My reasoning, similar to other games is situational based on use. If I have two scopes say one at 3.5x but later or already have a 12x I tend to use the one needed for the task at hand. If I’m providing long range cover I’ll go higher power. Midrange street cover I might opt for lesser magnification.


So many weapons and variables it only seems reasonable. Now maybe the requirement that change can only completed at a workbench would apply or similar but things shouldn’t be locked imo.

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Just go with the easiest possible. unlimited backpack space, removable super mods that make super weapons early game, hell, remove the zombies, they just get in the way of getting all the things in 5 hours of gameplay. Honestly if TFP listen to the majority, this game is going to turn into a gun version of minecraft, but easier.

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As far as I can remember, it was about mods and upgrades.

Modifications are sights, night vision, muffler and more. Modifications can be easily removed and installed.

Upgrades are a change in the basis of weapons. Installing and removing apgrades can damage the weapon.


Is not it so?

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