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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Have you tried it with default loot settings?


2019-08-28T23:15:30 359.077 INF Setting for 'LootAbundance' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 200, default = 100


...might be something that breaks when you change it in the menu. Lots of custom code in the mod...


it work thank you wery muuuuch :D loot settings default and dificulti at adventurere if it is scavanger doesent have loot and on adventurer it has ....thank you again:D...i was bored after 480 hours of normal 7 days...you dont have what to do animore:)) i hope this will be better....thank you again man:D

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sorry it looks like it works but if you put the minimal setting doesent spawns the loot...i waz pist off that it doesent work cause i have a ♥♥♥♥ti internet that downloads with 600 - 700 kbys and took ages to download it and 2 times deconected the internet when it was to 80 % downloaded......and what i saw on youtube you have what to do not like in the normal 7 d ....im pretty exited to tri this mod :D

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lol man this mod is someting=))) cows survivors gigant spiders beez you can kill the traders=)) and the guards...btw if you dont kill the guards they shoot you=))) man me and my frends love this....thanks for the help Guppycur :D

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Is it possible to heal trader guards? And if yes, how to do it?


I ran a multiplayer game about 2 weeks ago where I accidentally right-clicked on a trader guard while the first-aid bandage was highlighted in my toolbelt. I immediately started getting non-stop error message in the console command line, and this made the game unplayable. Ever since then, my assumption was that trader guards are non-healable.


Thanks in advance.

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Thank you so much Khaine.


So, if I understand it correctly, if I were to heal them, the other player (who I coop play with) should not be near the trader guard (or I can ask him to leave the base). Is there a distance rule to observe?


We are so addicted to your mod Khaine and would like to extend our deepest thanks for all your work.

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NovehicleBM Crash


[*]Added Myth's Bloodmoon Engine Killer.

I placed a minibike and ran into:

InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
at NovehicleBM.Postfix (bool,VehiclePart) <0x00106>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) VehiclePart.IsBroken_Patch1 (object) <0x00052>
at VPEngine.Update (single) <0x0003d>
at Vehicle.Update (single) <0x00065>
at EntityVehicle.Update () <0x012bc>

(Filename:  Line: -1)

Now when we login we get the error. One member was able to login and move the minibike at 1mph (Blood Moon, hmmm) and then *I* could login again, but we are now seemingly randomly causing the error when we login for everyone else.


Any help?

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Can anyone help me understand why my Health is stuck at 135 when it should go to 150? (I have 5/5 Health Nut).


Bandages nor painkillers will raise it. Character screen reveals "135/150" so I don't think it's a Maximum Health issue.


No idea, but I'm looking into that + some near death issues right now. So keep your fingers crossed I can get it to play nice. :)


I placed a minibike and ran into:

InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
at NovehicleBM.Postfix (bool,VehiclePart) <0x00106>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) VehiclePart.IsBroken_Patch1 (object) <0x00052>
at VPEngine.Update (single) <0x0003d>
at Vehicle.Update (single) <0x00065>
at EntityVehicle.Update () <0x012bc>

(Filename:  Line: -1)

Now when we login we get the error. One member was able to login and move the minibike at 1mph (Blood Moon, hmmm) and then *I* could login again, but we are now seemingly randomly causing the error when we login for everyone else.


Any help?


Delete the Harmony-Mythixdino_BloodMoonVehicleBuster.dll file from the server. We're working on a fix atm.

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Eehhh, so regarding the demon portal. (V2.3)


After I fought a ton of demons yesterday that spawned in when I got close (around 250), Today I did a better test with exact numbers.

There were 14 zombies active before I got close to the portal and 23 entites according to the dedicated console, dedicated ran 32Fps. my gamestage is 302


When I approached the portal I thought the game crashed. But. 623 demons/zombies spawned in. Yes 623. o.O

needless to say. that was unplayable, server croaked to 0.4 fps, and client has 1-2fps. (Max zombies in serverconfig is 120 btw)


Can this be fixed in the files somewhere?

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Played for a few days, really like the mod so far. I can't even think about going back to vanilla lol. I got really excited finding Theresa the Archer, and hiring her as a follower. Sadly her food/water requirements seem a bit high. Also I think it might be a bug but every time she would eat/drink the ingame console would pop up and run checks for her etc. Nearly got me killed a few times. RIP Theresa :( dehydration is a cruel mistress... Ate me out of house and home.

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Hi KhaneGb, i got two questions where you may help me with.


1. Is it more or less easy to disable the need of water for farming ? If so, maybe you could give me a small how to ?

2. Did anyone ever tried the mod together with the "Farming Expansion Modlet" ?



Best, Dan

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Hi KaineGB - just produced the 9mm Hollow Point (HP) round and placed it in a heavily modified T6 P225 pistol.


Damage from regular 9mm is 64, but 9mm HP is 58?


Something is wrong - either the damage modifier on the HP ammo is incorrect or it's reporting incorrectly in the window.


Can you comment/fix? Thanks again!

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Hi KhaneGb, i got two questions where you may help me with.


1. Is it more or less easy to disable the need of water for farming ? If so, maybe you could give me a small how to ?

2. Did anyone ever tried the mod together with the "Farming Expansion Modlet" ?



Best, Dan


1) No you can't.

2) I'm pretty sure it doesn't work due to adding extra skills to skills that don't exist in the mod.


Hi KaineGB - just produced the 9mm Hollow Point (HP) round and placed it in a heavily modified T6 P225 pistol.


Damage from regular 9mm is 64, but 9mm HP is 58?


Something is wrong - either the damage modifier on the HP ammo is incorrect or it's reporting incorrectly in the window.


Can you comment/fix? Thanks again!


That's intended.


Lower damage, +25% dismemberment chance. Yes, that stacks with your perks. ;)

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Would it be possible to alter the stats gained from the "Gotta go fast" perks? I bought 5 ranks in it yesterday, and I think it has caused some wierd sideffects, mostly noted when not running, it seems to make the movements 'stutter' similar to how it was on a minibike in earlier alphas.

And it seems like it affects how much your character is turning around when moving the mouse.

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Delete the Harmony-Mythixdino_BloodMoonVehicleBuster.dll file from the server. We're working on a fix atm.


Thank you, amigo. Got time for another? Great :D -- LOVE the mod, it's what vanilla should be, but (besides no arrow recovery) I really think the health bars were about the only step in the wrong direction. Is there a way to easily disable them? I see my team getting lazy when they see a 125 health zombie, casually walk up to it and knock it down. They've stopped being afraid; I must re-instill that fear >:^D



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