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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


SDX Integration!


  • AnimationSDX added so custom models can all be added, rigged and animated in-game.
  • Plants (not tree's) now REQUIRE water to grow on a farm! They will still spawn in the world with no issues. However, they must have water within 4 blocks of them (any direction, including underneath) otherwise they will die. Water must also be topped up.

Class Information.


Civilian Class.


Grants the following:

Quest 1 - Full suit, +1 skill point.

Quest 2 - 2 murky water, 2 red meat, +1 skill point.

Quest 3 - 2 painkillers, 2 first aid bandages, +1 skill point.

Quest 4 - Flashlight and +1 skill point.

Quest 5 - 2 painkillers, 2 first aid bandages, +2 skill points.

Quest 6 - Bicycle.


Class mastery: None.


Farmer Class.


Grants the following:

Quest 1 - Cowboy hat, t-shirt, denim pants, cowboy boots.

Quest 2 - 2 boiled water, 2 beef rations, +1 Living off the Land perk.

Quest 3 - 2 first aid bandage and +1 Sous Chef perk.

Quest 4 - No reward.

Quest 5 - Blunderbuss, 50 blunderbuss ammo and +1 Sous Chef perk.

Quest 6 - Iron Hoe Recipe.


Class mastery: Gaining the two Mastery perks grants the following:

Wheat Seed Recipe.

Carrot Seed Recipe.

Tomato Seed Recipe.

Banana, Orange, Coconut and Lime Tree Recipes.

Grandpa's Awesome Sauce Recipe.

Grandpa's Moonshine Recipe.

Grandpa's Learnin' Elixir Recipe.

Beer Recipe.

Roast Dinner Recipe.

Blueberry Pancakes Recipe.

Banana Pancakes Recipe.

Banana Bread Recipe.

Orange Marmalade Recipe.

Orange Tea Recipe.

Meat Bolognaise Recipe.

Veggie Bolognaise Recipe.


Hunter Class.


Grants the following:

Quest 1 - T-shirt, denim pants, worn boots, Cowboy Hat.

Quest 2 - 2 boiled water, 2 chicken rations, The Huntsman Perk.

Quest 3 - 2 first aid bandage.

Quest 4 - Scrap Machete, The Huntsman Perk.

Quest 5 - Pipe Rifle, 100 7.62mm Bullets, Stealth Assassin Perk.

Quest 6 - No Reward.


Class mastery: Gaining the Hunter Mastery perk grants the following:

Titanium Machete Recipe.

Titanium Combat Axe Recipe.

Steel Crossbow Recipe.

Titanium Bolt Recipe.


Laborer Class.


Grants the following:

Quest 1 - T-shirt, brown denim pants, worn boots, mining helmet.

Quest 2 - 2 boiled water, 2 beef rations, Hammer and Forge Perk.

Quest 3 - 2 first aid bandage.

Quest 4 - Hammer and Forge Perk.

Quest 5 - Hammer and Forge Perk.

Quest 6 - Nailgun item.


Class mastery: Gaining the Laborer Mastery perk grants the following:

Titanium frame recipes for building bases.

Titanium bar recipes (normal and centred).

All Titanium tools (Hammer, Fireaxe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Auger, Chainsaw)


Mechanic Class.


Grants the following:

Quest 1 - ZU Football T-Shirt, Overalls, Ball Cap, Worn Boots.

Quest 2 - 2 first aid bandage, Salvage Operations Perk.

Quest 3 - Wrench Item, Salvage Operations Perk.

Quest 4 - 2 boiled water, 2 chicken rations.

Quest 5 - Salvage Operations Perk.

Quest 6 - No Reward.


Class mastery: Gaining the Mechanic Mastery perk grants the following:

Motorbike + Parts Recipe.

4x4 + Parts Recipe.

Oil Pump Recipe.

Steel Wrench Recipe.

Car Battery Recipe.

Small Engine Recipe.


Scientist Class.


Grants the following:

Quest 1 - White jacket, t-shirt, suit pants, suit shoes.

Quest 2 - Physician Perk.

Quest 3 - 2 boiled water, 2 chicken rations, Self Medicated Perk.

Quest 4 - Scrap Machete Item.

Quest 5 - Physician Perk.

Quest 6 - No Reward.


Class mastery: Gaining the Scientist Mastery perk grants the following:

Antibiotics Recipe.

Painkillers Recipe.

Paramedic Kit Recipe.

Coedine Pills Recipe.

Acid Recipe.


Security Class.


Grants the following:

Quest 1 - Army shirt, army pants, worn boots, ball cap.

Quest 2 - 2 boiled water, 2 chicken rations, Pain Tolerance Perk.

Quest 3 - Pipe Pistol, 100 9mm bullets.

Quest 4 - Flurry of Blows Perk.

Quest 5 - Pain Tolerance Perk.

Quest 6 - +1 skill point.


Class mastery: Gaining the Security Mastery perk grants the following:

Titanium Armor Recipes (Chest, Boots, Gloves, Legs, Helmet).

Titanium Spiked Club Recipe.

M4A1 and all parts Recipes.


Survivalist Class.


Grants the following:

Quest 1 - T-Shirt, army pants, cowboy boots, cowboy hat.

Quest 2 - 2 murky water, 2 chicken rations, all leather armour recipes.

Quest 3 - 2 first aid bandage, 2 painkillers, +1 skill point.

Quest 4 - No Reward.

Quest 5 - Scrap Fireaxe, Pickaxe and Shovel recipes.

Quest 6 - Watch Recipe.


Class mastery: Gaining the Survival Mastery perk grants the following:

Titanium Machete Recipe.

Survival Torch Recipe.

Radio Recipe.

Jerky Recipe.

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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Modlet Compatibility.


Darkness Falls is a total overhaul mod, which means I have changed large amounts of the XML files on a permanent basis. Not all modlets will be compatible, therefore I thought it might be a good idea to start a list of ones that do work.




Confirmed Working.


Sorcery (A19 preview version confirmed working.)

Valmar's Expanded Traps (other modlets here are not confirmed)


DO NOT INSTALL COMPO PACK. It is already included, has been edited so quests work more reliably and better balance for loot/zombies.

DO NOT USE NITROGEN. It does not obey biome restrictions I have put in place for some POI's.


Known Issues.

  • Animals have some issues that need to be investigated
  • Food/Water don't display correctly. Anything over 100 doesn't seem to work, so bear that in mind.


Alpha 16.4, 45-slot BBM Version Download (Not EAC friendly, also includes 45 slot minibike and dropped backpack increase)

Alpha 16.4, 45-slot BBM Server Version Download (Server version of the 45-slot backpack mod)

Both versions are now available on the mod launcher!


Alpha 17.4 Client Download (Not EAC friendly)

Alpha 17.4 Server Download (Not EAC friendly)


Alpha 18.4 Client Download (Not EAC friendly)

Alpha 18.4 Server Download (Not EAC friendly)

Also available on the mod launcher!


A19.6 Client Download (Not EAC Friendly)
A19.6 Server Download (Not EAC Friendly)

Also available on the mod launcher!


A20.6 Client AND Server Download (Not EAC Friendly. Click the 3 dots, select download as zip)

Also available on the mod launcher!


A21.2 Client AND Server Download (Not EAC Friendly. Click the 3 dots, select download as zip)

Also available on the mod launcher!


Need a server? Check the "Buy Me A Coffee" section for an affiliate link for Bluefang Solutions! They'll even install the mod for you at the time of ordering and handle any updates.


Installation Instructions. (If you don't use the mod launcher)


Make a copy of your 7 Days to Die folder first!!!


Download the zip file at the link above. Unzip the Mods folder and Darkness Falls Icon and Serverconfig.xml to your 7 Days to Die folder. Overwrite when prompted.

Video here for folks who find that easier.


Installation Instructions for macOS users.


IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not have a mac. This is a guide I found for Starvation Mod and Ravenhearst, but it also works on War of the Walkers so it should be fine here.


1) Uninstall 7dtd. Open Finder, from taskbar choose Go -> Home. Open Library -> Application Support -> Steam -> steamapps -> common. Delete 7 Days to Die folder. Reinstall 7 Days to Die.

2) Unzip downloaded mod. Open unzipped folder. You should see 3 folders: 7DaysToDie_Data, Data, and Mods. I will be referring to this as a “home screen”.

3) Open Steam. In your games Library, right-click 7 Days to Die and choose Properties from the drop-down menu. Choose the LOCAL FILES tab and choose BROWSE LOCAL FILES.

4) Copy & paste (do not drag-and-drop) the Mods folder to this location.

5) Open 7DaysToDie_Data -> Managed.

6) Right-click 7DaysToDie.app and choose Show Package Contents. Here you should see 2 folders: Contents and Data. This will be the other “home screen”.

7) Open Contents -> Resources -> Data -> Managed.

😎 Copy & paste (do not drag-and-drop) the .dll files into this location. Mac OSX will ask if you want to keep both or replace. Choose replace.

9) Navigate back to each home screen.

10) Drag-and-drop the 7DaysToDie_Data and Mods folders into this location.

11) Open the Data folders in each location. You will see there are Config, Prefabs, and UMATextures folders in each.

12) For each of these three folders, open up its corresponding folder so you can see the contents. Drag-and-drop the mod’s contents into its respective folder. For duplicate files, mac OSX will ask if you want to Skip, Stop, or Replace. Check the “Apply to All” checkbox, then choose Replace.

13) Start 7 Days to Die and enjoy the mod!(edited)


Social Media Stuff.


Discord Server



Buy Me A Coffee!


There's been more than just my wife and personal friends nagging me to add ways to donate to the mod, so here's a few different ways to do so that will keep me happily stocked up on coffee while I poke the XML.


Bluefang Solutions provide the mod pre-installed for you (if selected on ordering) and this link gives me a cut of however much you pay!




Logic Servers are also very good and have provided me with a free server for testing purposes.


FRAG Servers are a new company who have provided a US-based testing server since all my testers are in the USA (Link is a refferal which gives you $5 off your first month!)


Paypal for those who just want to make a one-off donation.




Patreon for the insane folks who want to contribute on a monthly basis.




Donations/Monetary support are never expected or encouraged. No-one will be getting preferential treatment for dedciding they want to support the mod in this manner. My personal suggestion, if you want to do so, is to go the Bluefang route if you're thinking of ordering a server. It helps out them AND me at the same time, so win/win?

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...




The use of SDX has allowed me to add various models and sound effects into the game, but some of these had to be purchased. As such, a Terms of Use is now required so I can properly detail what may and may not be used by other people in their projects. Personal use is fine, but they may not be redistributed. As such, here are the lists of what may and may not be used by other modders.


Available For Use.


  • Any XML as this is originally property of TFP and I have simply expanded upon it.
  • Combat Axe - Available for free on the Unity store.
  • Water Barrel - Available for free on the Unity store.
  • Tomato Plant + Tomato - Available for free online and legally.
  • Original Behemoth - Property of TFP.
  • Frostbitten Worker - Property of TFP.
  • Female Lab Zombie - Property of TFP.
  • Health/Stamina/Food/Water bars - Property of TFP.
  • Item Icons - Either provided for use by Valmar on these forums, icons from previous alphas or icons altered by me.
  • Roadhog and sounds.

Not Available For Use.

  • New UI textures.
  • Lockpicks.
  • Stone Hammer.
  • Stone Spear.
  • Radio.
  • Oil Pump.
  • Metal Workbench.
  • Laser Workbench.
  • Lathe.
  • Big Forge
  • Advanced Forge.
  • Fusion Forge.
  • Any of the "Sci Fi" stuff, like doors, desks, etc.
  • Laser Rifle, Pistol, Sword and new tool.
  • Male Lab Zombie.
  • AR-15.
  • Combat Shotgun.
  • P225.
  • Apple Tree's + Apple.
  • Banana Tree's + Banana.
  • Carrot Plant's + Carrots.
  • Palm Tree's + Coconut.
  • Wheat Plants.
  • Female Voice Lines for Bandit.
  • Female Voice Lines for Caitlin.
  • Winchester Rifle.
  • Laser Weapons.
  • Coil guns.
  • Steel Wrench.
  • Both Demons.
  • Armoured Car.


Permission will never be granted to use items in the "not available for use" list due to EULA's, so please don't ask! All of them are available on the Unity store and I am happy to provide links to the various store items if people want them (and if they are still available). Any mods found using those assets will be repoted to the moderators. You have been warned.

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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Gave it a bit of a test run earlier today. Didn't make it past noon of day 1.


Got lit up by 3 gun toting bandits in the scrub/savannah biome, I never saw them. They saw me. Slaughtered.


Also, i'm not sure when the class choice is supposed to be available? But I did the initial 2-part short tutorial, then it chained into the Find the Trader mission. Given where I was, that was going to be impossible As it gave me one some 1.5 or so KM away. There were no items, no book to trigger the class selections etc.


Initial class selection and bandit spawning / frequency seem like they need to be looked into and tweaked. I'm all for a challenge, but this was overkill.

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Also, i'm not sure when the class choice is supposed to be available? But I did the initial 2-part short tutorial, then it chained into the Find the Trader mission. Given where I was, that was going to be impossible As it gave me one some 1.5 or so KM away. There were no items, no book to trigger the class selections etc.


The Bandits are so damn hard, and the class thing don't work after i found the trader.

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Gave it a bit of a test run earlier today. Didn't make it past noon of day 1.


Got lit up by 3 gun toting bandits in the scrub/savannah biome, I never saw them. They saw me. Slaughtered.


Also, i'm not sure when the class choice is supposed to be available? But I did the initial 2-part short tutorial, then it chained into the Find the Trader mission. Given where I was, that was going to be impossible As it gave me one some 1.5 or so KM away. There were no items, no book to trigger the class selections etc.


Initial class selection and bandit spawning / frequency seem like they need to be looked into and tweaked. I'm all for a challenge, but this was overkill.


Ok, will look into the bandit spawning. They're being a bit of a pain right now, because I already lowered their probability once, and then lowered it even more for the gun ones. :)


When you get to the trader, you should get a class book in your inventory, so make sure you have room.

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Any chance we can get your mod into the Game Launcher? i mean for the ones like me who dont want to manually alter the game and let the wonderful launcher do it for us :D




I am sure that at some point Sphereii will be summoned from the abyss to do so. In the meantime, you can download the mod and point the mod launcher at the folder that contains the download using 'Add New My Mods'. This -usually- works.

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I am sure that at some point Sphereii will be summoned from the abyss to do so. In the meantime, you can download the mod and point the mod launcher at the folder that contains the download using 'Add New My Mods'. This -usually- works.


Thanks for answering that, because I honestly had no idea on how getting mods added to the mod launcher actually works. :)

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Like you increased default vanilla level cap 200 to eeeh 200? ;)




Okay, that's odd. The file I was editing said the level cap was 100.


I just went and checked a clean version I downloaded... and you're right, it's 200. O.o


I think I need to adjust skill point gain again.

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Quick patch to fix the bandit issue. I've reduced the chance of the gun-bandits spawning, reduced the speed a little so you actually have a chance to outrun the melee ones, and given them a hit point bump to compensate.


Basically think of them as being slow due to armour, but that means they can absorb more damage.




I'm currently looking into the class book issue. It worked fine for me in testing, but I have a theory. :) I released the patch for the bandits separate because it makes the download size really small just in-case anyone has any data cap issues.

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Thanks for answering that, because I honestly had no idea on how getting mods added to the mod launcher actually works. :)


Congrats on your release.


In order to get into the Mod Launcher, we need a direct link to the zip file, and that link can't change if you update your zip file :) Usually I suggest GitHub for this.

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Right, I shall look into that a little later then. Looks like I have stuff I need to patch and get working first. ;)


Thanks!, yea if its added to the launcher the patching process for everyone playing it is a lot more simple as well, also will get many more folks to actually try it cause i know there are people who will wait for the mod to be on the launcher before they try it.

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Mod updated and first post updated with the new link.


  • Changed skill points to 5 per level. Still lower than vanilla, but I felt 4 might be too slow. Feedback on that would be great.
  • Bandit's with guns are now rarer. All bandits are slower but have more HP. So you should hear the ones with melee weapons BEFORE they hit you. If they do hit you, then you have the speed advantage.
  • Rewarding the "Blank Class Paper" should now work. I had the quest set to reward it AFTER completion, rather than as part of the completion stage. Tested it for a few hours and found it occasionally didn't grant the item. That's now been changed so you get it before the quest finishes and this appears to work flawlessly.

Make sure you have inventory slots when completing quests. If your toolbar and bag are full, you won't get the rewards. Yes, that includes the class paper. :)


Going to sort out a github link later tonight. Never used this before so it may take a while.

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