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Why are the pimps no longer going to implement the Behemoth?


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Maybe it will show up in a dlc post launch or a sequel or something.


It was determined to be beyond the scope of the game. Both the Behemoth and Ziplines were things considered late in development. The devs were very excited for them and started their implementation but as they discussed features needed to finish the game and looked closer at what time and resources and balancing would be needed to add them they realized it was a more involved and expensive process than they wanted to do.

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I think more diverse zombies would be nice, with different skillsets, be it jumping or climbing or whatever... other than just "doing more damage" and higher HP.


Ziplines seemed cool.


But I fully can appreciate wanting to focus on the core features intended, rather than get sidetracked. Else we'll never hit gold!!! :)


Besides, if we get good modding support, adding other zombies even with abilities might not be such a big problems.


/V - Minibike Guide

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It's a good thing they dropped it. Early access games are very prone to feature creep and the Behemoth was a pretty good example of that, as it would have required a lot of work for something that wasn't really a core part of the game. There are so many more things that need to be worked on, we still have the basic models for zombies that we had in the very first release Alpha for example.

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I'm also happy it got dropped.

Fighting a giant is more like a arcade type of thing and for me would seem incoherent with the rest of the game so far.


As others said, i'm also for making bandits the tough end game enemy. I'm hoping that reworked buff system will greatly vary the difficulty of enemies based on the armor they are wearing. You could assess the difficulty by visual inspection. This would be much better gameplay then a huge behemoth with bazillion hit points...

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if you saw Joels Videos of a16 preview, they already had a working system of zipplines and it looked totally awesome. i was pretty disappointed that it didnt get to the release because it would fit perfect to my buildingtype =(

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It is probably best for TFP to focus on the core game and goals outlined in the original scope. I haven't tried spawning the behemoth in, so I am not even sure what it looks like - so I am not really sad to hear it is going.


That said, I hope they eventually are able to include some really 'endgame-ish' type enemies and situations that will put some serious stress on your base. Similar to the Tank in Left 4 Dead 2 with the ability to do massive damage to your base and have a fairly interesting AI to make it a fun battle. The AI is key so it wouldn't just be a big version of a stupid zombie. Also, it could even be something the players initiate when they are ready via some sort of quest line or item creation.

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Becuse they want the game to remain boring as hell with its uninspired zombies that are no real threat. I think we need some resident evil in here, with lickers and stuff, because lets be honest the zombies are a joke.


That's exactly what they want. I'm sure they are in the process of changing their name to The Boredom Pimps at this very moment.

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That's exactly what they want. I'm sure they are in the process of changing their name to The Boredom Pimps at this very moment.


No need for a name change, we already KNOW they have given up. When's the last time Joey even posted a video? 3 days ago? Yeah, real hard worker there! I mean come on, 2 hours in and you have seen and done it all. Base building? Who cares? Make a box there is your base. What we NEED is a Battle Royal mode. THAT will keep me interested. And forget all this wellness and POI dungeon crap. It's just more filler to hide the fact there is NO game here. Nothing but smash my rocks cut my wood logout and uninstall this bore fest.


When is A17 coming? 2019 or sumptin? Off to play Fortnite with my clan.

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Haha, CLEARLY sarcasm is lost on you. But since you are new, I will spell it out for you.


See how many posts I have? See how long I have been a member. I would say a good 80 percent of them are in defense of this game or kinda trolly comments towards people who criticize it to death. I LOVE this game, worship it even. My post was a parody on the types of posts we see around here that insinuate the Pimps do not work, or are not focused etc.


See now It's not even slightly humorous anymore :(

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