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Ravenhearst Mod


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**Hot Fix for 3.0** Released: 3/29/2018


We have released a small hot fix for some glaring issues. A full patch will be released next week sometime with some balancing fixes. You do NOT need to wipe any saves or worlds. This file should be safe for all to download. It has been updated into the Launcher.


-Fixed Major Exploit (It is STRONGLY advised anyone running a server update their server to these files to prevent this exploit)


-Fixed models for Kukri Variants Not Showing


-Fixed Tailor Station Model


-Increased Class KP Cost to 300 Points


-Removed 2 Load Heavy POIs from the Mixer to accommodate servers and lower end systems (But kept the actual prefabs in to prevent world crashes)

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Started a fresh new game. (Exact same specs.) Day 5 same thing. BUT, this time I noticed it started happening when I approached a really big POI, big burgundy mall with a high rise, shops, and a skate park, blue parking lot. (Name = HotelDeStallion) Once it starts happening can't get it to stop. Even after I run back to base, exit (everything) and reload.



The hotel has been removed from the rwgmixer in this update. the prefab is still in the folder though so it will not crash games. That Hotel does NOT belong in Ravenhearst due to its sheer size and the beating it can take on a system. We did not experience many issues with it on test, but it DID crash our normal server out!


Just wondering if anyone else having issues with it as well. I can't seem to get through any preview with out crashing out even on the smallest preview map.


Yes my system crashes using it even in Vanilla after 3 previews. But with this mod and all of its added POIs you can really only preview one or two seeds without there being an issue at map size set to anything higher than 2.






You're probably, from what I'm reading, Using an entity in your group list that can't be used in the wandering hordes and/or sleeper list.


Like if you wanted to use a timid animal in your wandering horde you would need to make a new entity of that type and have it use the HostileTemplate give it the same AITask/Target as the timid/ plus give it a handitem.

example: If you wanted a deer in your wandering horde.


<entity_class name="animalStag2" extends="animalTemplateHostile">
<property name="HasRagdoll" value="true"/>
<property name="Mesh" value="Animals/Stag/STAG"/>
<property name="ModelType" value="Standard"/>
<property name="Prefab" value="NPC"/>
<property name="Parent" value="Animals"/>
<property name="AvatarController" value="GameObjectAnimalAnimation"/>
<property name="Class" value="EntityEnemyAnimal"/>
<property name="Weight" value="70"/>
<property name="RotateToGround" value="true"/>
<property name="IsEntityAnimal" value="true"/>
<property name="PhysicsBody" value="Stag"/>
<property name="Faction" value="animals"/>
<property name="CanClimbLadders" value="false"/>
<property name="HandItem" value="handAnimalWolf"/>

<property name="AITask-1" value="Swim"/>
<property name="AITask-2" value="RunawayWhenHurt"/>
<property name="AITask-3" value="RunawayFromEntity" param1="EntityPlayer"/>
<property name="AITask-4" value="RunawayFromEntity" param1="EntityZombie"/>
<property name="AITask-5" value="Wander"/>

<property name="MaxHealth" value="5"/>
<property name="MaxViewAngle" value="180"/>
<property name="WanderSpeed" value="0.7"/>
<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.2"/>
<property name="NightWanderSpeed" value="0.7"/>
<property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="1.2"/>
<property name="PanicSpeed" value="1.2"/>
<property name="SurfaceCategory" value="organic"/>
<property name="ParticleOnDeath" value="blood_death"/>
<property name="SoundHurt" value="Animals/stagpain"/>
<property name="SoundDeath" value="Animals/stagdeath"/>
<property name="TimeStayAfterDeath" value="300"/>
<property name="IsEnemyEntity" value="false"/>
<property name="ExperienceGain" value="327"/>
<property name="HasRagdoll" value="true"/>
<drop event="Harvest" name="rawMeat" tool_category="Butcher" count="6"/> <!-- animalStag -->
<drop event="Harvest" name="animalHide" tool_category="Butcher" count="6"/>
<drop event="Harvest" name="animalFat" tool_category="Butcher" count="4"/>
<drop event="Harvest" name="femur" tool_category="Butcher" count="2"/>


I know you can't use:

invisibleAnimal, invisibleAnimalHotsile, Bandit, Survivor in your sleeper or wandering horde setup.. well bandit and survivor you can but you need to do some funky setup to do so.

But you might have a Entity or Entities in those group lists that can't be used.


The "No valid sleeper block.." deal isn't anything to worry about, it's just letting you know a poi doesn't have valid sleeper blocks or any at all in it but you have a sleeper volume set up for the poi and it tried to find one but couldn't and is moving on. That message won't hurt anything nor cause any real issues other then ppl seeing the message in the 'dm' if they're looking for it.


Hope that helps you narrow it down some..


Tin I owe you more than you will ever know. It has been absolutely driving me up a wall. I DID change the template on one of the custom animals to accommodate a quest that needed animal kills.


I owe you ... SOMETHING. Name it Tin. It is YOURS.



I am hearing a lot of reports on things being bullet sponges. This is by design. I decided to go to that danger zone where you WANT to buy the perks associated with your weapons to make them stronger. EVERYTHING is weak in starting game because you must build up your skills. I can promise you when you start buying the additional perks you will see the weapons become stronger. We spent a lot of time testing that to balance it.


I mean, why buy a perk when you can one headshot everything ANYWAY. Most perks in vanilla are overkill and useless. Not in this one. You CRAVE the perks, as it should be.


Pig MAY be getting a talking to though in the next patch lol



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Couple of things I've spotted. Not sure if one of them is intentional.


BBQ Ribs is missing description on both types (item name is fine, description box is blank).

Ravens/Crows don't count towards "kill any animal" for Advanced Survival, but they do give actual meat rather than rotten meat so I'm assuming they aren't zombies?


Because the Crow is an SDX entity and because they use the vulture flying class they unfortunately can not be recognized as regular animals. Crows aren't dead so i didn't want to give them rotten meat, but without a way to qualify the flying class (vultures also do not count i believe) i could not make them recognize for the animals quest.


Thank you for the description report. Will be fixed.



maybe campfire quest can be triggered before that quest that needs forge?


I know you urge to create complex meals for proper fullness and wellness but charred and boiled meats can provide a bit more fullness imo, simple cooked eggs are better related to them.


Flour icon is missing.


Thanks for this great mod.


There has been much debate over food. Food was balanced by how hard an item is to get, not necessarily by WHAT they are. Meat is a bit easy to pick up, especially with a butcher knife so you COULD be swimming in meat if the cards are played right. Eggs are dependant on RNG unless you have a Coop which is hard to acquire early game.


Advanced Campfire is unlocked after you do the normal campfire quest. Which is well before the forge quest.

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Curious about the mod..


Hello.. I'm curious about the mod in a specific way.


I do not have a super powerful system ( in fact a very old one) but it is able to play Vanilla 7 days to die.. but just barely.. I understand that if I tried to play the mod, it would be too much for my system.. BUT I am wondering.. if an external server HOSTS the mod and i just join the server, wouldn't the server be handling the majority of the workloads? I really would like to play this mod, but I've always regretted that it was really intensive in some areas well beyond vanilla 7 days itself.


I want to experience the mod and ' buy new parts or a new system ' is not an option.


CAN a client still PLAY the mod without having to be HOSTING the server itself? I mean as a client only ( i know I need the mod still, but I'd only be using received in-game info )

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Has anyone else noticed very little water on the map? We have tried to seeds "Donut" and "patience" and have found little to none. We wiped "Donut" after three 120 minute days. Took 2 days (also 120 minutes) to find a small lake. Just curious if anyone else has noticed or are we just unlucky?

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Has anyone else noticed very little water on the map? We have tried to seeds "Donut" and "patience" and have found little to none. We wiped "Donut" after three 120 minute days. Took 2 days (also 120 minutes) to find a small lake. Just curious if anyone else has noticed or are we just unlucky?


you want some water, try ClearDawn


I had to Nope that one because we dont have boats lol

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@Jax, I assumed the bullet “sponges” were an intended feature and it actually has played well overall. Initially it took some adaptation but we pick our fights now. Thanks again for the mod and your efforts !



@Tin. We picked a new seed to play which solved the terrain issue. Very flat so far as we’ve travelled. I do think there was a file issue on the server as I could never get it fixed. Just did a full wipe and started over. Thanks for the input.

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I'm sorry this is such a frustrating process for you.


Would you mind posting log files? Click on the View menu, then go to Log Files. Pick both logs, 7d2dlauncher.txt and output_log.txt and click on upload Log file, and give us the pastebin.com links.


Hi Sphereii and thank you for your time once again. Do you still want the logs? (Not sure I'd be able to get the right ones to you though.)


Managed to get this working. Although I've had no trouble with other mods installing and my Launcher is up to date, this may be because the mods were installed before the Launcher update in December 2017.

I followed your instructions for the Microsoft Hot Fix (Windows 7) and restarted the Laptop. I was then able to install the mod properly.


The above is in case others are having the same difficulty. I thought I had already installed this HotFix but that may have been on my PC rather than the Laptop. I had installed a Mod last month which works ok so didn't think there would be an issue.

Edited by iz2tricky
Forgot to say Thank You (see edit history)
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Why? Are you trying to make it completely unplayable for single player? 200 is already ~4 weeks of scavenging.


we have a solo player on our server with almost enough for two additional classes, and serveral that are almost at their second class.... in about 14 game days.


i know that's not going to be the same for everyone, but there are A LOT of scrappable books in 3.0, possibly twice as many as in v2

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The above is in case others are having the same difficulty. I thought I had already installed this HotFix but that may have been on my PC rather than the Laptop. I had installed a Mod last month which works ok so didn't think there would be an issue.


the thing with the git and win7 is just about a month old now, so that makes sense. same thing happened to me, mods i already had installed were fine, adding something new made me go buh?


glad it's good!


we've seen people on our discord just do a manual download because they don't want to mess with the fix for the system, really should do the fix everyone, no idea what it could lead to down the line.

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Hi Sphereii and thank you for your time once again. Do you still want the logs? (Not sure I'd be able to get the right ones to you though.)


Managed to get this working. Although I've had no trouble with other mods installing and my Launcher is up to date, this may be because the mods were installed before the Launcher update in December 2017.

I followed your instructions for the Microsoft Hot Fix (Windows 7) and restarted the Laptop. I was then able to install the mod properly.


The above is in case others are having the same difficulty. I thought I had already installed this HotFix but that may have been on my PC rather than the Laptop. I had installed a Mod last month which works ok so didn't think there would be an issue.


If you are good, then I am good :) Enjoy the mod, and sorry for the hassle that caused you.

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Has anyone else noticed very little water on the map? We have tried to seeds "Donut" and "patience" and have found little to none. We wiped "Donut" after three 120 minute days. Took 2 days (also 120 minutes) to find a small lake. Just curious if anyone else has noticed or are we just unlucky?


yes, i tried about 7 different seed names and the water was nonexistent. Finally I found a seed that had a few small patches of water. "Ravenhearst2". It just adds to the difficulty I guess. But I have found a few small holes in the forest with water inside and in previous version I tried mining in one spot and when I dig there was water underneath the earth. Having an awesome time with this mod btw. Amazing work to the devs!! :strawberry:

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**Hot Fix for 3.0** Released: 3/29/2018


We have released a small hot fix for some glaring issues. A full patch will be released next week sometime with some balancing fixes. You do NOT need to wipe any saves or worlds. This file should be safe for all to download. It has been updated into the Launcher.


-Fixed Major Exploit (It is STRONGLY advised anyone running a server update their server to these files to prevent this exploit)


-Fixed models for Kukri Variants Not Showing


-Fixed Tailor Station Model


-Increased Class KP Cost to 300 Points


-Removed 2 Load Heavy POIs from the Mixer to accommodate servers and lower end systems (But kept the actual prefabs in to prevent world crashes)



Bugs so far:


Exploit involving Iron, Don't know if this is what you're referring to???


Flour has no image, it's just blank?


Spikes don't slow down zombos, don't know if it's intended???


Stone Pick is extremely underwhelming.


Thanks for the mod.

Edited by Odetta (see edit history)
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Solid work! Even thou some changes making it tough early game, still loving it!


The only problems I've found so far:

- Apples from pine trees (some times with a pine cone)?

- Fetch a walkman quest on completion caused "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

- Barbed club is only craftable in advanced workbench but doesn't say so.

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Hello.. I'm curious about the mod in a specific way.


I do not have a super powerful system ( in fact a very old one) but it is able to play Vanilla 7 days to die.. but just barely.. I understand that if I tried to play the mod, it would be too much for my system.. BUT I am wondering.. if an external server HOSTS the mod and i just join the server, wouldn't the server be handling the majority of the workloads? I really would like to play this mod, but I've always regretted that it was really intensive in some areas well beyond vanilla 7 days itself.


I want to experience the mod and ' buy new parts or a new system ' is not an option.


CAN a client still PLAY the mod without having to be HOSTING the server itself? I mean as a client only ( i know I need the mod still, but I'd only be using received in-game info )


It's possible. A lot of the processing would happen on server side. Only way to tell is to give it a try!

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Day 8 on 90-min-days, and I haven't gotten dirty yet - if there hadn't been a towel quest, I wouldn't even know that hygiene is a thing in this mod. IMO the dirt chances should be much higher.


how many random hordes of zombies did you carve up?

You did carve up all the corpses you killed to get the bones, fat, and rotting flesh. Right?


It does level blade after all. :)

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About to hit horde day and still haven't found much in the way of twine. Only got 7 so far and I have been trying to search every trash pile, vehicle and house I can find....Is it just ultra rare or am I just reallllllyyy unlucky?

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Day 8 on 90-min-days, and I haven't gotten dirty yet - if there hadn't been a towel quest, I wouldn't even know that hygiene is a thing in this mod. IMO the dirt chances should be much higher.


Was the same for me of fist play through until day 10. Then got dirty 3 times in one day. All up to RNG Gods.

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About to hit horde day and still haven't found much in the way of twine. Only got 7 so far and I have been trying to search every trash pile, vehicle and house I can find....Is it just ultra rare or am I just reallllllyyy unlucky?


According to loot table twine is almost everywhere. All up to RNG. I got 5 in first 3 days then 10 the next day.

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