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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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Actually been down your way recently-ish. But yeh.


So what does Guppy do besides average 12.3 post per day since April 2014?


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Horray for the black plague and measles! I heard polio is making a comeback too. So, with no more vaccinations in the zombie apocalypse, we won't be seeing any more autism! Or maybe it was an anti vaxxer that started the zombie apocalypse in the first place. I could have sword one of these zeds looks like Jenny McCarthy


is it confirmed? I don't see that anywhere.


something terminal or that required some major process to cure would be nice. like hard to find parts/ingredients and a chem station and a level XX player + science/medicine skills at the 10/10 to develop would be nice.

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Thanks again for your thoughts. I think it is a mistake to ascribe recent drops in playing to poor PR. Most people who follow the game know that A17 is on the horizon and will require a wipe so any A16 playtime will be wasted in the sense that they will have to start over and lose their progress if they want to update. This has happened every time before an update. It even happens to Empyrion. Here is another Steam Chart that shows the comparison and you can see that both games have an overall upward trend although Empyrions is much slower despite their superior PR department...




I agree with you that we all have room for improvement. I think your suggested steps are bit much and beyond what a small indie company is going to pay to do and since 7 Days to Die is succeeding well compared to Empyrion with what both companies are doing I don't see them going out of their way to change up things to the degree you outlined.


The telling moment will be when A17 releases. Will the graph skyrocket to heights not yet achieved or will it stay flat? If it breaks all previous records then the trend is still upward. You can't look at the last week of the data and say that there is a 10% loss and that is because of bad PR.

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Thanks again for your thoughts. I think it is a mistake to ascribe recent drops in playing to poor PR. Most people who follow the game know that A17 is on the horizon and will require a wipe so any A16 playtime will be wasted in the sense that they will have to start over and lose their progress if they want to update. This has happened very time before an update. It even happens to Empyrion. Here is another Steam Chart that shows the comparison and you can see that both games have an overall upward trend although Empyrions is much slower despite their superior PR department...




I agree with you that we all have room for improvement. I think your suggested steps are bit much and beyond what a small indie company is going to pay to do and since 7 Days to Die is succeeding well compared to Empyrion with what both companies are doing I don't see them going out of their way to change up things to the degree you outlined.


The telling moment will be when A17 releases. Will the graph skyrocket to heights not yet achieved or will it stay flat? If it breaks all previous records then the trend is still upward. You can't look at the last week of the data and say that there is a 10% loss and that is because of bad PR.


Keep in mind that school started for many players over the last 3 weeks. Also College/University kids are having WTF moments trying to figure out what they need for the fall semester starting next week.


So Aug/Sept are always bad months for games - when I worked in the game group at MS it was never a good time for releasing anything. ideal release times for major games was right before Turkey Day, or right before Christmas, or right before summer.

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Well my 2 cents , well even less if converted to U.S $ lol


Just a thread from the devs talking about A.I for example (the one you've done with Faatal is brilliant) without having to click through pages of mostly forum barflies comments. Last time i mentioned this i was meet without passive aggressive remarks from others ( not dev i dont think ) then my posts disappear while others talking about nothing to do with A17 or the game for that matter remain.


Anyway love the game, changes and artwork etc. Best change up ive seen , similar to what Stellaris did with 2.0 update. They weren't happy with core space travel mechanics so gutted it and started a new.



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Releasing items like 'zip lines', Behemoth, etc.. and then retracting them is controversial. Until you're sure something is going to make it, it shouldn't be publicly discussed.


Not sure what you are getting at. Exactly this policy was instantiated while they were making A17, probably because of ziplines and behemoth. Generally no features were disclosed until they were really in, to the detriment of every sensible forum reader who would have liked more detailed info. And also to the possible detriment of the quality of the end product, because a developer should always have the power to remove features in an unfinished product when they don't fit anymore (I'm sure if it comes to that they will remove features and weather the storm, so only a theoretical harm in this case)


And TFP has just done that for all of A17 (with the small exceptions of ornithopter and a tentative release date) and still you seem to be not at all pleased. Look at the first page of this thread, all the stuff there is confirmed to be in A17 and it was only disclosed and put there whenever the feature was in a state that it was sure to be in A17.


So, could you explain what your problem is with A17 development and not with "ancient history" of the development?



Consider how much more informative it would be to have a meeting every month or two weeks, discuss the concepts you're adding, and then posting a development blog with a run down.


Are these "concepts you are adding" or "concepts nearly finished and you are sure are already working so well that they are in"? I guess the second or you would have contradicted yourself.


The level of detail for already disclosed features is something that could be better, but if for example TFP puts in a new weapon system, any details about that weapon system will likely change multiple times, all the way until A17 is released. So what is true for the feature itself (don't mention a feature until it is surely in) is true about any details of the feature. They can't give them to you early because they still might change, right?


and this is done by carefully manicuring processes and products


Well said, but carefully manicuring is just orwellian newspeak for "having a filter" between development and customer that removes or reframes, not adds information. Don't you see that this can only lead to less instead of more information? Ever seen a communication from Electronic Arts that wasn't so whitewashed that you had to scrutinize it carefully to see what really was said?

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Empyrion is great... it has a lot of room to improve, just like 7DTD. Its not finished. Empyrion is all about crafting / building though.. with a massive rework for PoIs and such... the game could be consistently fun. I do enjoy picking it up here n there and try a new HV / SV / CV


I heard A18 will add Zombies in Space.

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Someone needs to see "The Omega Man"... or better yet "The Last Man on Earth"... or better still read the original 1954 novel "I am Legend".


"The Last Man on Earth" with Vincent Price is the closest to the book. The "I am Legend" movie completely misses the point of the book.

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Thanks again for your thoughts. I think it is a mistake to ascribe recent drops in playing to poor PR. Most people who follow the game know that A17 is on the horizon and will require a wipe so any A16 playtime will be wasted in the sense that they will have to start over and lose their progress if they want to update...

/\ this


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Keep in mind that school started for many players over the last 3 weeks. Also College/University kids are having WTF moments trying to figure out what they need for the fall semester starting next week.


So Aug/Sept are always bad months for games - when I worked in the game group at MS it was never a good time for releasing anything. ideal release times for major games was right before Turkey Day, or right before Christmas, or right before summer.

Also this

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both games have an overall upward trend although Empyrions is much slower despite their superior PR department...


Sorry, but I laughed out loud here, Roland... although I agree with probably 99.99% of what you say and admire the panache with which you handle these forums (especially lately), this one falls into that .01%. :playful: You and the Pimps have much greater rapport and involvement with the 7DtD community than Eleon does. I'm not saying they're bad people- and I've fairly enjoyed the game up until a few recent design decisions on their part- but they are definitely not as involved with or willing to listen to their community as you guys are here. In fact, I've suggested on their forums a few times that they could stand to take some notes from TFP. They don't do videos, they rarely do screenshots, they don't talk to streamers, don't talk or tweet about plans or goals or anything else.


I'm looking forward to playing A17 when it's ready and glad that TFP has the integrity to not release it until it is. That and TFP's community involvement mean that I'll be a customer for your next game unless you somehow pick a genre that doesn't interest me. With Eleon, I've played enough to get my entertainment dollar's worth so their bad choices won't leave me bitter when I walk away- just disappointed- but I'll likely not be a repeat customer either.

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Sorry, but I laughed out loud here, Roland... although I agree with probably 99.99% of what you say and admire the panache with which you handle these forums (especially lately), this one falls into that .01%. :playful: You and the Pimps have much greater rapport and involvement with the 7DtD community than Eleon does. I'm not saying they're bad people- and I've fairly enjoyed the game up until a few recent design decisions on their part- but they are definitely not as involved with or willing to listen to their community as you guys are here. In fact, I've suggested on their forums a few times that they could stand to take some notes from TFP. They don't do videos, they rarely do screenshots, they don't talk to streamers, don't talk or tweet about plans or goals or anything else.


I'm looking forward to playing A17 when it's ready and glad that TFP has the integrity to not release it until it is. That and TFP's community involvement mean that I'll be a customer for your next game unless you somehow pick a genre that doesn't interest me. With Eleon, I've played enough to get my entertainment dollar's worth so their bad choices won't leave me bitter when I walk away- just disappointed- but I'll likely not be a repeat customer either.


Well, I was answering the dude within the context of his own reality. HE believes that the devs of Empyrion are better at PR so I was answering him to his point. I really don't know the truth of it as I don't have time for any other forums but this one and a bit of love to the Steam forums. If your experience is different than his then maybe the truth lies somewhere in the middle.


I do know that Eleon does a much better job of posting updates and news to the Steam news feed on their store page than TFP does. There is no comparison that they have faster updates and maybe that is what translates to "better PR" for those who really want an update or two every month. I have suggested to Joel that when he does a video or a tweet to also add that to the news feed over on Steam and he is going to try doing that more.


People also have to realize that I'm equal parts sheriff/bouncer/and customer service rep on these forums. If someone is posting a rant that is likely to start a flame war and derail a thread I can't just thank them for their feedback. Some of these guys are burn the world people and aren't going to be placated. They just want to start something.


Now when someone emails the help desk or the press portal I am 100% customer service rep there. My approach is completely different.

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