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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I think in order for it to be fun it has to blend in with the world, like in Red Dead Redemption. Is it cool to find a random note that tells you to do something? Maybe once or twice, but most of the times it isn't. Now, is it fun to walk down a road and come across a griving woman asking for help cause his husband is trapped in a house surrounded by zombies? Hell yeah.


The quest system is one of the things that should make the world feel alive; that should make the player forget he's playing a game. That's very hard to accomplish, but if you nail it you got one hell of a game.


Hmmmmm for this to be the case you would hypothetically need to develop a quest system that could hijack the sleeper volumes and loot of a particular POI so that when triggered, the quest would repopulate the POI to support the quest conditions. Even cooler would be if the devs made these “hijacking” tools available to modders so that community created quests could become as popular as community created prefabs.....


Hypothetically speaking....

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Hmmmmm for this to be the case you would hypothetically need to develop a quest system that could hijack the sleeper volumes and loot of a particular POI so that when triggered, the quest would repopulate the POI to support the quest conditions. Even cooler would be if the devs made these “hijacking” tools available to modders so that community created quests could become as popular as community created prefabs.....


Hypothetically speaking....


Either that or just a system that spawns the house with the husband inside and walkers around whenever the lady appears. That is, spawn a completely new POI for the occasion instead of hijacking an existing one.


I like the hijacking idea better, obviously, but an easier solution would be that.

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I think in order for it to be fun it has to blend in with the world, like in Red Dead Redemption. Is it cool to find a random note that tells you to do something? Maybe once or twice, but most of the times it isn't. Now, is it fun to walk down a road and come across a griving woman asking for help cause his husband is trapped in a house surrounded by zombies? Hell yeah.


The quest system is one of the things that should make the world feel alive; that should make the player forget he's playing a game. That's very hard to accomplish, but if you nail it you got one hell of a game.


I was thinking how you would do random quests.


1) Spawning Quest Initiators: NPC's/POI's that if interacted with correctly and possibly some triggers are active (Player rep > 50, Evil Bandits power > 1500, player has specific item or gamestage).


2) Quest story arc modifier: Active triggers, Prior quest results and "game stage" could affect parts or the entire quest!


3) Friend and enemy NPC's: They could like/hate the player so much that a Quest story is created: Enemy kidnaped a friendly ally demands (money, item, ect). Friendly tells of some secret item, money location.


Something like that could make for virtually endless play! :)

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Hmmmmm for this to be the case you would hypothetically need to develop a quest system that could hijack the sleeper volumes and loot of a particular POI so that when triggered, the quest would repopulate the POI to support the quest conditions. Even cooler would be if the devs made these “hijacking” tools available to modders so that community created quests could become as popular as community created prefabs.....


Hypothetically speaking....


If they had a separate subsystem for spawns instead of having them defined with the POI, that could work easily enough. Have the POI's define where spawns could be, not what or when. Then game difficulty could increase the percentage of active spawn points within POI's and the quest system could also weigh in with what and when.

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We /literally/ just had an a16 update... not seeing why we're asking for 17 just yet... there's still plenty to do IMO. <shrug>


Yea me either. As far as the streaming 7D2D. I am still doing it and have no plans to stop. I am still getting viewers on it and gain more each time I stream it seems for the most part.

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I would agree, but don't you think the fact that EVERY game now a days is EA means the rules have changed? Much like DLC was NEVER a thing back in the nes days now it is standard. EA is quickly becoming a standard way to fund projects further. It isn't all about bug testing. This game and others prove some bugs aren't even worth fixing right away. The main advantage of releasing today is the early influx of cash to continue the project. It is the new way of going to investors and asking for money.


There is an incentive problem whatsoever and we are at fault.


Look at prominent EA examples like PubG or DayZ (or Ark, Rust and others). An EA game is hyped so you will find 80% of those buying will be early adopters buying right in the first weeks. That's where the cash flow is. Further development down the line will only see comparably little money trickling in and actually further development might even be a loss business.


Of course a team cannot just go after 4 weeks and drop the game and start another EA project, which would be the most economic thing to do. This is due to the reputation loss not allowing that. Had we no reputation system this would be the way to go. Nonetheless unless I use the game to promote future games, incentive for further development is reduced by most of the cash flow already acquired.


Early access is a double edged sword and I personally don't like it. That doesnt matter as I have to accept it for what it is, but it's not the best incentive for a good finish job.


This entire statement does not refer to 7d2d, but to the business of Early Access as such.

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That's the most encouraging thing I've heard in some time. I'm hopefully preaching to the choir (or the architect of the church as the case may be), but handcrafted variation can't compete with procedural variation for creating the thousands of hours worth of non-repetitive content that makes this game stand out.

Very small tidbit that will probably be of interest to modders:


<placeholder name="lootYardHelper">

can now also spawn an air block so there's no guarantee that the loot container X in prefab Y is always there. ;)


Random loot, yes, but not necessarily always in the same place...


Or maybe you have a door that's sometimes there or a door that's sometimes wood and sometimes metal or... I'm sure you'll find uses. =P

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Very small tidbit that will probably be of interest to modders:


<placeholder name="lootYardHelper">

can now also spawn an air block so there's no guarantee that the loot container X in prefab Y is always there. ;)


Random loot, yes, but not necessarily always in the same place...


Or maybe you have a door that's sometimes there or a door that's sometimes wood and sometimes metal or... I'm sure you'll find uses. =P



Very small maybe, but the potential is tremendous if all PoIs are populated with this in mind. I've been talking about this all year, and you've just made my day. :high5:

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Hehe, don't I know it.

Prefab builders will LOVE that.


You could place a "clutter appliance" like a juicer or toaster and it might be some random thing... or nothing.

You could fill all kitchen counter spots with this random block and get a "different kitchen" every time.


And that's only the start.

Like the bread said, a trap that's always there is not very dangerous. You only need to pay attention the first time.

A trap that may show up in every 10th prefab of that kind... when you already "know" that this room is safe?

We'll be having sooooo much fun with this "nothing". =P



It's getting hard to keep track of all the new stuff but we're getting some amazing framework changes in to support diversity and random generation in so many spots.

And none of that is very good for showing off in a video so *shrug*.

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Hehe, don't I know it.

Prefab builders will LOVE that.


You could place a "clutter appliance" like a juicer or toaster and it might be some random thing... or nothing.

You could fill all kitchen counter spots with this random block and get a "different kitchen" every time.


And that's only the start.

Like the bread said, a trap that's always there is not very dangerous. You only need to pay attention the first time.

A trap that may show up in every 10th prefab of that kind... when you already "know" that this room is safe?

We'll be having sooooo much fun with this "nothing". =P



It's getting hard to keep track of all the new stuff but we're getting some amazing framework changes in to support diversity and random generation in so many spots.

And none of that is very good for showing off in a video so *shrug*.


That is awesome! A complete random, dangerous and interesting place that is never the same. I guess I'll need to do more clean sweeps of areas than just cherry pick the good poi's! :)


THAT extended the game by 10 more years for me!

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back in a video for A16 I believe it was, there was mention that if I made a wood frame (or any frame base) I could right-click or hold "r" key or something and choose the desired shape from a picture menu (kind of like how painting is now). Is this going to become a "thing" or did that idea get dropped?

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back in a video for A16 I believe it was, there was mention that if I made a wood frame (or any frame base) I could right-click or hold "r" key or something and choose the desired shape from a picture menu (kind of like how painting is now). Is this going to become a "thing" or did that idea get dropped?


It’s not dropped. Madmole is very much for the feature and has personally put work into it even. It just depends on time and resources. I think we will definitely see it but it could just as easily be pushed to the sequel as make it into this game. Hopefully it will make it into this game.

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It’s not dropped. Madmole is very much for the feature and has personally put work into it even. It just depends on time and resources. I think we will definitely see it but it could just as easily be pushed to the sequel as make it into this game. Hopefully it will make it into this game.

That feature would clean up inventory and recipe clutter a lot while building stuff.

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Each has their own qualities. But imho unreal kills unity. Altho I do believe and to my understanding you can't do voxel on unreal engine or have fully destructible worlds and this is where unity exceeds.


So each has their own exceeding qualities and their own downfalls to. Someone whom has more knowledge maybe able to correct me or add to it



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It’s not dropped. Madmole is very much for the feature and has personally put work into it even. It just depends on time and resources. I think we will definitely see it but it could just as easily be pushed to the sequel as make it into this game. Hopefully it will make it into this game.

Sequel? For that? It already worked in his demo... That'll be another prefab killer, please find out more. =)

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That feature would clean up inventory and recipe clutter a lot!


I think it would only clean up the recipe list clutter. Once you select the shape and make it you then have that block in your inventory. If you make 20 different shapes from one wood frame block recipe it makes for easier crafting for sure but then you've got those 20 slots still filling your backpack. In this sense it probably won't affect block id's too much.


Now if there was only one frame that could be crafted and when you placed that frame into the world you chose the shape at the time of placing then inventory would be greatly benefited. However, that would really wreck immersion as it would almost be spell-like in placing a crafted cubical frame but then changing it at the moment of placement to a half cylindrical shape.


Block IDs could be cleaned up if we placed wooden frames always and then when upgrading them to a solid block choosing the shape at that moment-- but that would be even worse thematically....


So I'm betting the shape selector tool will make it in and it will help us greatly by reducing the recipe lists but we will still have the same old inventory issues. On the plus side all the prefab makers will probably be thankful if adding the tool doesn't cause changes to all the block IDs...

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Sequel? For that? It already worked in his demo... That'll be another prefab killer, please find out more. =)


That demo was in his developer editor. It has never been integrated into the actual game. As I said, depending on how it's done it might have zero effect on prefabs. All it will do is simplify the recipe lists. You will still get each block and I'm not sure why their IDs would change if you selected them from a table of shapes rather than a list of names.

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You could place a "clutter appliance" like a juicer or toaster and it might be some random thing... or nothing.


Wait a second, so we are getting place able models for items now? To be found out in a Poi? Or was that just some kind of example?

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I think it would only clean up the recipe list clutter. Once you select the shape and make it you then have that block in your inventory. If you make 20 different shapes from one wood frame block recipe it makes for easier crafting for sure but then you've got those 20 slots still filling your backpack. In this sense it probably won't affect block id's too much.


Now if there was only one frame that could be crafted and when you placed that frame into the world you chose the shape at the time of placing then inventory would be greatly benefited. However, that would really wreck immersion as it would almost be spell-like in placing a crafted cubical frame but then changing it at the moment of placement to a half cylindrical shape.


Block IDs could be cleaned up if we placed wooden frames always and then when upgrading them to a solid block choosing the shape at that moment-- but that would be even worse thematically....


So I'm betting the shape selector tool will make it in and it will help us greatly by reducing the recipe lists but we will still have the same old inventory issues. On the plus side all the prefab makers will probably be thankful if adding the tool doesn't cause changes to all the block IDs...


I thought it would only take onse slot (wood frame) and while selected on the toolbelt you could hold “R” to select the shape. Icon would change and now you place this shape until you change it again.

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