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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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The problem was simply that by digging a 5 deep trench around such a spot the player would have a impenetrable platform.

So if we have no possibility to deny only damage from above it would be too imba.

Finally Vaults are only balanced because the player need to skip the Zombies and their loot, beeing unreachable during a fight dont fit to my opinion of balance.


Maybe dependent how the Digger will/would be implemented it is possible to deaktivate the digging ability inside the Biomes. That would work


Its like building a narrow fort 3 meters wide, flush with the ground, around the trader zone now. if you complete a 10 meter deep trench around the trader, you have an invincible enclosed perch with all your stuff.


Perfect safety (and boredom). I made them in two games. Boredom then death from being reckless. Every time! :)


Probably one reason TFP want the traders to be destructible. Rightly so. :)

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Its like building a narrow fort 3 meters wide, flush with the ground, around the trader zone now. if you complete a 10 meter deep trench around the trader to can have an invincible enclosed perch with all your stuff.


Perfect safety (and boredom). I made them in two games. Boredom then death from being reckless. Every time! :)


So you seem to be still involved in the game. What'd you do after that?

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So you seem to be still involved in the game. What'd you do after that?


Skyscraper Nerd poling.

Loot gathering. My flawless SMG (best gun in game for various reasons and +1800 damage a clip) always needs stuff.


I try to connect adjoining skyscrapers, by making a perch lower down with hay bales and basically a diving board up near the roof of the other. Base jump!


I end up destroying every car I can find as brass is always in short supply.

I look for more traders on my minibike to buy 9mm's and SMG parts.


But eventually, the lack of plot gets to me and I take more risks until, like my current game I have to stay at bedrock and defend my 4 containment chambers (look up "Extruder" I made on the forum). There I will die, trying to defend the world from the interdimensional invaders (my plot) :)



Here's a pic of a 3x3 pit zombie extruder. Its more efficient than a 5x5 pit extruder. You just stand near that window, occasionally hit them with your spiked club and collect loot as they literally ooze out! :)



...and in 'operation' :)



Make sure you nail the Z-cops with your SMG, they are about the only thing that does notable damage.

(Kneel down, look up and shoot them in the head using short, controlled bursts)

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I know I'm a little late to this party, but did A17 already drop? Just wondering if I'm reading my load screen right because it says ""at the bottom now, btw playing on Xbox one.


Your version numbers for Xbox do not match up with the PC alpha versions. That 0.17 is just a coincidence.


PC is possibly going to get A16.4 stable sometime soon and it will probably be months before A17 comes to PC and then months after that before select A17 features come to XBox. Think summer of next year for A17 features coming to console....if you want to be optimistic. :)

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Screw it. I want a mid game shield generator feature. Creates a 5x5x5 immunity bubble and floats in air. Can build anything in it. Like... Storage.


So there. ;-p


LOL. I have made a mod for that (kindoff). For new players that first join server and do it in middle of night (or BM) i have a neat protective bubble that sticks on the player :p



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Ironically, if they're that smart, they won't have to ruin the world with stupid tunnels that wreck SI and they'll be able to reach my hatches and doors..


If they're as smart as you suggest.


That's not irony at all.


What would be ironic is if they were that smart but they dug weird tunnels anyway because they knew it would piss you off...


But then that brings up an interesting point. So if zombies could find your hatches and tunnels because of reasons (smell, zombie sense, sounds) and bashed those in and then just followed your own tunnels down instead of digging new ones then you'd be fine with zombie threats underground? Is it pretty much just the random tunneling you want to avoid?

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Your version numbers for Xbox do not match up with the PC alpha versions. That 0.17 is just a coincidence.


PC is possibly going to get A16.4 stable sometime soon and it will probably be months before A17 comes to PC and then months after that before select A17 features come to XBox. Think summer of next year for A17 features coming to console....if you want to be optimistic. :)


That's what I thought, it was just weird to see it when I jumped on

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I have been reading the forum a lot over the last few days, reading a lot of peoples opinions about what to do with overall threats and overall safety, I do have my own thoughts and I was wondering what everyone else think, some of these I am sure I read in the forums and agree with but here we go.


1.Underground - Should there be digging zombies, I personally would not mind there being a zombie late game that can attack down, would lived things up a bit, on a flip note if we did have air quality and such with electricity we could add in an air filtration system, i mean we have vents and air conditioners in the game, why not make them usable for those that want to live underground or in a mountain, win win in my opinion.

2. Hazards - This ties in to the underground, what if while digging underground we sometimes end up hitting a methane pocket or a gas node that leaks a gas into out "Mine", it would make that air filtration system seem more affective for large mining builds, as far as the discussion on air, what if someone underground is say 15 blocks away from their hatch to the underground, we could have where breathing is becoming hard and stamina regeneration is getting slower till we hit hard breath stage 3 and begin losing hp due to lack of oxygen.

3. Safe Zones - Having little areas we can rent and be safe at sounds like a great idea, and if we are hiding from horde night in a safe zone then maybe the fee for that night is not dukes but aiding in repelling the zombie attack? It would make nomad runs seem amazing. There could also be bunkers like in terminator 3 with shyan mountain, very tough to get through and even tougher to find.

4. Vehicles - All I can say is keep them coming, and will there be times where zombies will attack the minibike and hog simply from using it so it has a heat area generated that slowly goes away as the bike is not in use, just my two cents on that one.

5. Animals - Is there any thoughts on more animals in the environment, like even just birds that have not been turned on the streets we can shoot for some feathers and meat?

6. Storage - Can we get some more storage container options in the future, what we got now is good but I am hoping for more to store and organize in down the road.

7. New Zombie Idea's - Clowns, Goths, Nerds, Revived Raider, Motorcycle Cop (Skinny Varient), Scientist, Just some Ideas.

8. New Block Designs or Paints - Is there any new ones in the works? For Paint I really want blood smears and stains and even bloody hand prints, could have some fun with those.


That is all I have on my table right now, I really wanna hear some opinions so Roland, Gazz, Madmole and even Royal Deluxe and Jaxteller, what do you guys think of some or all of these?

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Is it pretty much just the random tunneling you want to avoid?


I'm not him, but yes, that would be preferred.


For all of them to be randomly hitting things/objects unprovoked and digging randomly with no end in sight until they despawn, seems very... immersive breaking.

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That's not irony at all.


What would be ironic is if they were that smart but they dug weird tunnels anyway because they knew it would piss you off...


But then that brings up an interesting point. So if zombies could find your hatches and tunnels because of reasons (smell, zombie sense, sounds) and bashed those in and then just followed your own tunnels down instead of digging new ones then you'd be fine with zombie threats underground? Is it pretty much just the random tunneling you want to avoid?


But if bandits do it and place TNT on all the structural supports of his base and bury him in rubble he'll be back to pissing and moaning ;)

To be fair tho I think he will be safe in this respect, Gazz is not that sadistic ;)

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1.Underground - Should there be digging zombies, I personally would not mind there being a zombie late game that can attack down, would lived things up a bit, on a flip note if we did have air quality and such with electricity we could add in an air filtration system, i mean we have vents and air conditioners in the game, why not make them usable for those that want to live underground or in a mountain, win win in my opinion.


I wouldn't mind an air quality system like you mentioned to make maintaining an underground base a little more interesting than simply carving it out. I also think we could put the air conditioners to use in above-ground POIs or player-built bases. Attach the AC to a wall of your base, hook up to electricity, and have a temperature buff inside the walls of the building. This would be great for anyone running a forge room in the desert. Balance the comfort with added heat map danger.


As far as diggers, I would live with it if they existed, but I would prefer zombies that follow "breadcrumbs" and find the entrance to the base. Bust through the hatch or door that leads to the underground abode. This is already the programmed behavior of zombies attacking above-ground bases. They prefer to attack doors.

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I have been reading the forum a lot over the last few days, reading a lot of peoples opinions about what to do with overall threats and overall safety, I do have my own thoughts and I was wondering what everyone else think, some of these I am sure I read in the forums and agree with but here we go.


1.Underground - Should there be digging zombies, I personally would not mind there being a zombie late game that can attack down, would lived things up a bit, on a flip note if we did have air quality and such with electricity we could add in an air filtration system, i mean we have vents and air conditioners in the game, why not make them usable for those that want to live underground or in a mountain, win win in my opinion.

2. Hazards - This ties in to the underground, what if while digging underground we sometimes end up hitting a methane pocket or a gas node that leaks a gas into out "Mine", it would make that air filtration system seem more affective for large mining builds, as far as the discussion on air, what if someone underground is say 15 blocks away from their hatch to the underground, we could have where breathing is becoming hard and stamina regeneration is getting slower till we hit hard breath stage 3 and begin losing hp due to lack of oxygen.

3. Safe Zones - Having little areas we can rent and be safe at sounds like a great idea, and if we are hiding from horde night in a safe zone then maybe the fee for that night is not dukes but aiding in repelling the zombie attack? It would make nomad runs seem amazing. There could also be bunkers like in terminator 3 with shyan mountain, very tough to get through and even tougher to find.

4. Vehicles - All I can say is keep them coming, and will there be times where zombies will attack the minibike and hog simply from using it so it has a heat area generated that slowly goes away as the bike is not in use, just my two cents on that one.

5. Animals - Is there any thoughts on more animals in the environment, like even just birds that have not been turned on the streets we can shoot for some feathers and meat?

6. Storage - Can we get some more storage container options in the future, what we got now is good but I am hoping for more to store and organize in down the road.

7. New Zombie Idea's - Clowns, Goths, Nerds, Revived Raider, Motorcycle Cop (Skinny Varient), Scientist, Just some Ideas.

8. New Block Designs or Paints - Is there any new ones in the works? For Paint I really want blood smears and stains and even bloody hand prints, could have some fun with those.


That is all I have on my table right now, I really wanna hear some opinions so Roland, Gazz, Madmole and even Royal Deluxe and Jaxteller, what do you guys think of some or all of these?


Personally I see no problems with any of that.


- - - Updated - - -


I'm not him, but yes, that would be preferred.


For all of them to be randomly hitting things/objects unprovoked and digging randomly with no end in sight until they despawn, seems very... immersive breaking.


My version of digging Zombies would be that they only dig if they detect you, below, if not they make there way to the surface, possibly by the hole they have already dug, because it is easier. (Assuming holes don't fill in).

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That's not irony at all.


What would be ironic is if they were that smart but they dug weird tunnels anyway because they knew it would piss you off...


But then that brings up an interesting point. So if zombies could find your hatches and tunnels because of reasons (smell, zombie sense, sounds) and bashed those in and then just followed your own tunnels down instead of digging new ones then you'd be fine with zombie threats underground? Is it pretty much just the random tunneling you want to avoid?


Bandit Mathematician Named Rolgene with a mullet who goes around and calculates SI and then instructs a group of Bandits on the spots to dig to collapse structures.


Im in!

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I have been reading the forum a lot over the last few days, reading a lot of peoples opinions about what to do with overall threats and overall safety, I do have my own thoughts and I was wondering what everyone else think, some of these I am sure I read in the forums and agree with but here we go.


1.Underground - Should there be digging zombies, I personally would not mind there being a zombie late game that can attack down, would lived things up a bit, on a flip note if we did have air quality and such with electricity we could add in an air filtration system, i mean we have vents and air conditioners in the game, why not make them usable for those that want to live underground or in a mountain, win win in my opinion.

2. Hazards - This ties in to the underground, what if while digging underground we sometimes end up hitting a methane pocket or a gas node that leaks a gas into out "Mine", it would make that air filtration system seem more affective for large mining builds, as far as the discussion on air, what if someone underground is say 15 blocks away from their hatch to the underground, we could have where breathing is becoming hard and stamina regeneration is getting slower till we hit hard breath stage 3 and begin losing hp due to lack of oxygen.

3. Safe Zones - Having little areas we can rent and be safe at sounds like a great idea, and if we are hiding from horde night in a safe zone then maybe the fee for that night is not dukes but aiding in repelling the zombie attack? It would make nomad runs seem amazing. There could also be bunkers like in terminator 3 with shyan mountain, very tough to get through and even tougher to find.

4. Vehicles - All I can say is keep them coming, and will there be times where zombies will attack the minibike and hog simply from using it so it has a heat area generated that slowly goes away as the bike is not in use, just my two cents on that one.

5. Animals - Is there any thoughts on more animals in the environment, like even just birds that have not been turned on the streets we can shoot for some feathers and meat?

6. Storage - Can we get some more storage container options in the future, what we got now is good but I am hoping for more to store and organize in down the road.

7. New Zombie Idea's - Clowns, Goths, Nerds, Revived Raider, Motorcycle Cop (Skinny Varient), Scientist, Just some Ideas.

8. New Block Designs or Paints - Is there any new ones in the works? For Paint I really want blood smears and stains and even bloody hand prints, could have some fun with those.


That is all I have on my table right now, I really wanna hear some opinions so Roland, Gazz, Madmole and even Royal Deluxe and Jaxteller, what do you guys think of some or all of these?


I love all of these ideas personally, especially the zombie variants, more storage options and you come up with great ideas for underground. I have always wanted to be able to purchase a town plot, where you CAN build in peace BUT zombies would have to still be able to break through outer walls and shamble into your town so picture Alexandria I guess, with Walker break ins that you and others have to defend against.


I would LOVE more textures, and even the ability to put our OWN textures into the game and use them as paint. Imagine some of the great things people could do. Right now I did this using SDX but to be able to do this WITHOUT the need of SDX would be glorious.




Great post I enjoyed reading and the ideas were very good.

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That's not irony at all.


What would be ironic is if they were that smart but they dug weird tunnels anyway because they knew it would piss you off...


But then that brings up an interesting point. So if zombies could find your hatches and tunnels because of reasons (smell, zombie sense, sounds) and bashed those in and then just followed your own tunnels down instead of digging new ones then you'd be fine with zombie threats underground? Is it pretty much just the random tunneling you want to avoid?

For me it would be fine, my base entrance is normally around 120 Meters long.

So the entrance is outside the rendered Range ^^


But serious, i think more people would accept that , because it would be a defeatable threat

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I like that. Structural Engineers gone bad, now working for the Duke!


Guy with M.I.T. shirt: "Say there, that's some pretty building you got, yup. Wouldn't want something to happen to it now would you? Black Swan events happen all the time around these parts, funny its only the people who don't pay the Duke. Don't you think that's funny? I do. What do you think the odds of that happening are? Statistically impossible is what I say.


So shall I put you in Duke's building safety program for a small fee, or Duke's free crematorium service?" :)

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2. Hazards - This ties in to the underground,

I am out of that topic for a few days, its better for my Health ^^


3. Safe Zones

Rentable Safe zones should be that for the Nomad Players that a Deep Vault is for the "Architect" player.

More Underground POis and such are more than welcome



4. Vehicles

Heat on Vehicles with no player near, ...i imagine this as anoying (Loot a tower come Back to fnd your Bike at 0%)

But maybe Raiders steal parts or the whole vehicle (if this is believable implementable)


5. Animals - Is there any thoughts on more animals

No idea ? Would not be aware that i miss something


6. Storage - Can we get some more storage container options in the future, what we got now is good but I am hoping for more to store and organize in down the road.

i wish a 1/2 Block Crate Wood, like the Painttable Box with universal loot. By making my Prefabs i really miss this option for small rooms (Would paint them as cabinet, but as name i would prefer deposition or so, Would use them as not so easy to find Ceiling storeroom too) (btw we need the 50% steps back, they are necessary to make 1/2 block walls (corners))


7. New Zombie Idea's - Clowns, Goths, Nerds, Revived Raider, Motorcycle Cop (Skinny Varient), Scientist, Just some Ideas.

Jumping zombies maybe with ropes for Gamebalance. No idea about optical Zombies. Nothing i ever cared


8. New Block Designs or Paints - Is there any new ones in the works? For Paint I really want blood smears and stains and even bloody hand prints, could have some fun with those.

New Pictures for storage (Armor, Money, Books, a star, a Skull) Some not so penetrant Colors, actuall if you use to many colors the prefabs look like circus.

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People always look at the game as "it is now" without having the vision to look further down.


"People can climb in a hole and be safe from zombies, and that's bad! We MUST have digging zombies!"


...well, in the current state of the game, I might agree.


But the game isn't finished.


When bandits open your hatches and lob grenades down, when you're digging and come across a mass grave of swarming zombies, when air needs to be recycled, or underground rad zones are found, or any other kind of threat is added to make underground dwelling "not safe", are we really going to need digging zombies?


Psst... The answer is no, by the way.

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That's not irony at all.


What would be ironic is if they were that smart but they dug weird tunnels anyway because they knew it would piss you off...


But then that brings up an interesting point. So if zombies could find your hatches and tunnels because of reasons (smell, zombie sense, sounds) and bashed those in and then just followed your own tunnels down instead of digging new ones then you'd be fine with zombie threats underground? Is it pretty much just the random tunneling you want to avoid?





At least it is for me. I don't have a problem with such things as bad air needing ventilation, toxic buildup from smoke/fumes from workbench, chem station, forges. Or any other natural causes. Those are the things that would let me go, it's part of real life. I play with a blending of reality and fantasy (if you want to call it that). Zombies aren't real, carrying tons of rock, cement, wood and such aren't real, but a world apocalypse with dangers from various sources could and would create different requirement.

But some "thing" digging down and breaking out the foundation of a building causing it to collapse and destroy all that is in it, that I find irritating.

So, for me it is yes, but others may not like that. We all play with different ideas, concepts, goals, and what we see as a threat varies from person to person. Bears ! I hate Bears! ! !


A zombie who is able to follow a breadcrumb to my hatch, doors, and go down the ladder to get to my base, then get inside is different. Yeah, it will trash it, bust up a lot of stuff, but not everything (hopefully). And I could go as far as putting in traps in case of a breach when I am not there or I can turn on if they start to come down when I am there working. I can think of different set-ups to hopefully protect my base, turrets, dart traps, even blade traps could be placed and sensors. Inside my tunnels, entrances to my various rooms is possible, but to do so around my underground base, I just did half the work for them by digging out to place my spikes, blades and such.


I intend to go the surface and do my best to kill zombies, whenever I want to; and I will do so at various times. I just want the option to not have them crawl or dig through dirt, stone and bust out the sides, foundations and destroy SI without my being able to fight back. And that is what would happen.

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People always look at the game as "it is now" without having the vision to look further down.


"People can climb in a hole and be safe from zombies, and that's bad! We MUST have digging zombies!"


...well, in the current state of the game, I might agree.


But the game isn't finished.


When bandits open your hatches and lob grenades down, when you're digging and come across a mass grave of swarming zombies, when air needs to be recycled, or underground rad zones are found, or any other kind of threat is added to make underground dwelling "not safe", are we really going to need digging zombies?


Psst... The answer is no, by the way.


Oh I like that mass grave idea for a poi using sleepers :)

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I like that. Structural Engineers gone bad, now working for the Duke!


Guy with M.I.T. shirt: "Say there, that's some pretty building you got, yup. Wouldn't want something to happen to it now would you? Black Swan events happen all the time around these parts, funny its only the people who don't pay the Duke. Don't you think that's funny? I do. What do you think the odds of that happening are? Statistically impossible is what I say.


So shall I put you in Duke's building safety program for a small fee, or Duke's free crematorium service?" :)


LOL I can see that happening

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At least it is for me. I don't have a problem with such things as bad air needing ventilation, toxic buildup from smoke/fumes from workbench, chem station, forges. Or any other natural causes. Those are the things that would let me go, it's part of real life. I play with a blending of reality and fantasy (if you want to call it that). Zombies aren't real, carrying tons of rock, cement, wood and such aren't real, but a world apocalypse with dangers from various sources could and would create different requirement.

But some "thing" digging down and breaking out the foundation of a building causing it to collapse and destroy all that is in it, that I find irritating.

So, for me it is yes, but others may not like that. We all play with different ideas, concepts, goals, and what we see as a threat varies from person to person. Bears ! I hate Bears! ! !


A zombie who is able to follow a breadcrumb to my hatch, doors, and go down the ladder to get to my base, then get inside is different. Yeah, it will trash it, bust up a lot of stuff, but not everything (hopefully). And I could go as far as putting in traps in case of a breach when I am not there or I can turn on if they start to come down when I am there working. I can think of different set-ups to hopefully protect my base, turrets, dart traps, even blade traps could be placed and sensors. Inside my tunnels, entrances to my various rooms is possible, but to do so around my underground base, I just did half the work for them by digging out to place my spikes, blades and such.


I intend to go the surface and do my best to kill zombies, whenever I want to; and I will do so at various times. I just want the option to not have them crawl or dig through dirt, stone and bust out the sides, foundations and destroy SI without my being able to fight back. And that is what would happen.





Zombies that follow your own Tunnels you can defend, no Ghost Zombies coming out of massive rocks

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