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Thoughts on 1.0

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6 minutes ago, khzmusik said:

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the new pick up/place sounds in the UI.

Honestly, a single generic and subtle sound for all the dragging is enough. More isn't actually more. Really looks like someone who specializes in sounds tried hard to find something to do.

I mean, you can always go wild on combat, empty cardridges hitting whatever is nearby, bullet impacts into different materials and distinguishing crits from normal hits by the sound the bullet makes when going straight through a body with minimal damage instead of getting stuck in the body and unloading all its kinetic energy into it...
Going hard on item drag and drop sounds is somewhat unexpected.

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6 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

What sort of response are you looking for? These sound like questions for the development team and just posting them in the General forum probably isn't going to get immediate attention, especially right after a major release. You could try tagging a moderator or, better yet, @schwanz9000 (QA lead, I think).

Technical Gameplay Designer - XML, shape system, prop implementation, buffs, perks, progression, etc.
I do help QA with testing, reporting, and a few other things. Many hats.

Anyway, what's the issue here? Seems like a lot of opinions to changes made in V1.0. If there is an actual bug with something. Let me know in the bug forum.


Edited by schwanz9000 (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, stample said:

haven't tested, but reading the XML, it should.  They definitely thought of it, and put in code to handle it.


Look in progression xml, you'll find the Enforcer Vol 2 has this entry.

	<book name="perkEnforcerApparel" parent="skillEnforcer" max_level="1" base_skill_point_cost="0" desc_key="perkEnforcerApparelDesc" long_desc_key="perkEnforcerApparelLongDesc">
		<!-- effect is on armorEnforcerOutfit -->


When you check items.xml and look for perkEnforcerApparel, you'll see they have an effect group dedicated to it in the Enforcer Outfit:

<!-- Enforcer Vol 02 -->
        <passive_effect name="GeneralDamageResist" operation="base_add" value="0.05">
            <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkEnforcerApparel" operation="Equals" value="1"/>


So, barring bugs, yes, it should work


Okay, that's good to know. Now if @faatal might be able to tell us about the vehicle armor and storage mods?

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5 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

Technical Gameplay Designer - XML, shape system, prop implementation, buffs, perks, progression, etc.
I do help QA with testing, reporting, and a few other things. Many hats.

Anyway, what's the issue here? Seems like a lot of opinions to changes made in V1.0. If there is an actual bug with something. Let me know in the bug forum.


I am gonna be honest with this. I am probably not smart enough to tell a bug in the system vs me being dumb and not doing the right thing or not knowing how something is suppose to behave.

I mean ill still be able to like report if a cow is flying past me in the game and be like hey this probably isnt suppose to happen. Or even trying to repeat or know what i did to cause such action.

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On 6/26/2024 at 9:38 PM, BFT2020 said:

So if you want to adjust quests per tier (before you unlock the next one), make a modlet that will modify the quests xml file.


What you are looking for is this:


<quests max_quest_tier="6" quests_per_tier="10">


And if you want, here is the code I used back in A21 to actually increase it from 7 to 10.  You just need to change the 10 to whatever value you want.


    <set xpath="//@quests_per_tier">10</set>


Thank you.  Very helpful.

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15 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

Technical Gameplay Designer - XML, shape system, prop implementation, buffs, perks, progression, etc.
I do help QA with testing, reporting, and a few other things. Many hats.

Anyway, what's the issue here? Seems like a lot of opinions to changes made in V1.0. If there is an actual bug with something. Let me know in the bug forum.


Well, my post was in response to someone else's topic, but someone went and merged a bunch of topics and now I can't see the original one. I'm not even sure it made it into this thread. Disregard.

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Hopefully some body will take the time to read this...


In all honesty, my family and I have been a huge fan of 7 Days to Die and we have spent many hours on this amazing game, however, there are some growing concerns with this upcoming update to Steam and Console.  


Concerns to be addressed: Controls, Controller Layout Change, In-Game Menu, and Removal of certain items.


First off, I've always been a die-hard controller user, not so much a key-board player, no pun intended, however, the controls for the Xbox/PS5 controller to me and my family are quite cumbersome.


Controls: for instance trying to Interact with an item (Hold Y + UP/DOWN/LEFT/ RIGHT on D-pad) this never used to be a thing for people using a controller. This is something new. I will say it's no issue while playing via Keyboard and it's a seamless transition, however, it does take too much time for the player to get used to this new setting using a controller.


Controller Layout: Reloading a Weapon and Inventory have been changed. They are the inverse of each other now: Reload (X) and Inventory (B). Secondly, Swap Item / Quick Select (Left d-pad) and Light (Up d-pad) again they are inverses of each other. (Yeah, I understand that this can be changed in the menu under options, but this should not have been changed in the first place reason being, when I launched the game I thought my Inventory button (X) was not working, unbeknownst the binding had changed). If it ain't broke don't fix it.  


In-Game Menu: My second issue is that there's no Cursor. The Circle or Ring that was previously used to navigate the menus in update V20.1 has been removed for controller, this allowed players to more freely select, deselect, and move items from the menus. Now players are forced to select an item via Row-Column method and it is rather quite irritating and slow. This has not changed for Keyboard players since they can still use there mouse, which is the Arrowhead icon, to navigate to certain items, click, drag and drop etc. Nothing has changed for them and it's much faster. So why all these changes to the controller?


Final Concern (for now) Removal of certain items: uhh all the clothing for the in-game characters  has been completely removed. No t- shirts, pants, shoes, glasses, armor etc... Even the the slots to equip the items to the character have been condensed to only 4 slots. Why? Being able to customize your character through out the game (Im not talking about the character customization menu found at the title screen) has always been a part of 7 days to die and now that's gone. Why? 


I don't know about anybody else, but I'm not digging this new update. Yes, I understand 7 days is still in experimental mode and things are still subject to change... but the things that were not broken before got fixed... It's just not fun, enjoyable or even a relaxing game right now.  So...


As I said before if it isn't broke don't fix it.


Is anybody else feeling this way?


My hours on Steam: 1337.3 Hrs.

Hours on Xbox One: > 2000 Hrs.


Thanks for taking the time to read.



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Lots of people seem unhappy with the controller changes. Hopefully they revert or create more options so people can bind the buttons how they want (including a toggle for the cursor). As to clothes, they were replaced with new light, medium, and heavy armor sets. You will need to give it a playthrough before deciding whether you feel its better or worse.


As a keyboard and mouse player, I am enjoying 1.0.  

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The new armor / clothing system is much better IMHO.  I understand why they did away with clothes and just did armor outfits.  They look a lot better and easier to implement than trying to make all variations of all the clothing items and armor items look good on the characters.

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I've spent some more time in the game and have some feedback:


The game just needs more basic clothes options. I'm fine with light/no armor but one of the best parts of exploring in the early game was finding a laundry basket that might have pants and a T-shirt. 3 sets would do it: jeans & tshirt, bdu pants & top, maybe a western shirt & jeans for variety. And to be honest, the new character models don't matter if I don't want to look at them because I'm in some tribal mishmash. The armor sets, some of them look cool but there should be some low range progression. 


Scavenging seems a lot more difficult. I appreciate what appears to be a decrease in canned food but increase in eggs, seems to incentivize cooking more. 


Can we get a hatchet? I love the stone axe in early game and I feel like a hatchet is a reasonable upgrade path. 


Also, not sure why the rabbits/chickens running under water hasn't been fixed. 


Apart from those, game feels good. 

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21 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

Technical Gameplay Designer - XML, shape system, prop implementation, buffs, perks, progression, etc.
I do help QA with testing, reporting, and a few other things. Many hats.

Anyway, what's the issue here? Seems like a lot of opinions to changes made in V1.0. If there is an actual bug with something. Let me know in the bug forum.



Not really a bug. I was just wondering why the vehicle armor mod doesn't work with the bicycle, despite it being shown in the teaser pics for the new vehicle models, and what happened to the vehicle storage mod, despite it being shown on all of the land vehicles in the same teaser pics? Not sure if you're the right person to ask that though.

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15 minutes ago, Fish36 said:

One last thing, I didn't see in the description where it had the bonuses a given piece gives you. That would be useful. 

If you mean armor, click the text description rather than stats to see the bonus info, including set bonus.  Unfortunately, they did a poor job with displaying armor stats and comparing different armor, especially when you want to craft something.  You can't even sort armor by light, medium, heavy when crafting.  Very poor design.

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+New armor sets, perks ( We use it to gun, tool and armor repairing but could repair different kind of repair kits )
+Graphics ( Lightining is disturbing sometimes )

+Character creation

+Challenge reward system

+Never ending horde i loved it. Till 4am they keep spawns.

+Wasteland is full of tense. Nerves off, but most exciting.

+Dew collector useful early

+New Tier system, visiting to other trader and being able to do current tier quests not limited to T1

+Trader opening at 04:05 ( End of night is time saver )


-Bicycle sound specially when stamina is low (25-35)

-Infested quests are pain ( Even T2 is hard but when i try T3 and bunch of strong ferals are wakes up and never stop coming )

-First days of Navezgane non-stop walking 1km to quest and come back ( with limited backpack and no bicycle or bike : boring )

-Burning Shaft Mod ( When you got Z's on fire, you cant see where Z fell, lots of  burning effect )


Excited to keep continue playing and enjoy it.

Edited by cmanager (see edit history)
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I think that now that the game has so many POIs, a small change that would greatly improve the quality of life is that the vendors do not offer you missions in POIs that you have already done, or that you can filter them. 


How many times has it happened to you that you choose a mission trying to be close, but as you do not remember the names of so many POI when you get to it you realize that you already did it a few days ago, and for not going back to the seller you do it again? this makes the game repetitive and annoying. 


An easy way could be that the completed POIs should appear below and slightly grayed out in the mission lists, so that it is clearer to the player than reading the name of the POI in the mission descriptions. This is an opinion shared with a couple of popular 7 days to die streamers.

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I am currently playing the Miner (STR build) in my multiplayer game.  One of the challenges of doing that is that I often need to focus on early resource harvesting and I am often leaving weapon skills behind for that first week of in game play.  I have to rely more upon friends with more valuable battle skills right away when raiding POIs.   HOWEVER - this has changed somewhat and I've been able to use an Iron Axe to GREAT effect in fighting the zombs.   I feel like I don't need to be tied to either clubs or sledgies in order to be able to save myself both as a solo player and in a multiplayer situation.   At level 20 a few good power attacks connecting are good enough to do the job, and I'm liking that fact.

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Are zombie bears an endangered species in 1.0? I only ask because I haven't seen a single zombie bear in the Wasteland. I've only seen a lot of living bears but no undead except in the Bear Den.

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+better graphics,

+sets of armors,

+better character creation,

+new ambient sounds and music,

+new POIs and revamped old ones,

+reworked vehicles and visible mods,

+challenge system,

+traders forcing you to visit other biomes,

+changes to dew collector,

+foggy environments,

+improved vehicle physics,

+improved animations and character movement,

+more variety to zeds now,

+dismemberment system,

+new voice lines,



-low res textures on guns compared to other titles,

-trash iron sights (putting it mildly) that are not aligned at perfect horizontal position,

-no reasonable holo/dot sight(s) dedicated/interchangeable for all weapons,

-no scopes that I would find fully functional and dedicated for all rifles,

-cheap looking 2x scope sight and higher (while in zoom mode) that is present forever so far,

-I can`t disable default crosshair for hardcore immersion,

-crosshair always stays while zooming in??? meeeh...

-no new weapons or tools,



-high damage received from squashing zombies with a plough mod,

-bicycle sounds are pretty bad,

-vehicles are still dancing on the small objects in wasteland or burnt forest,

-no XP gained from squashing zeds (please at least 10%) of normal XP gains,

-no new vehicle in new build version,



-boosting even further in HP tougher enemies instead of introducing new ones,

-no new enemy types or hazard,

-no radiation as a part of the gameplay except for the edge of the map,

-XP Sharing Party is WAaAaAaY more OPpressive than collective quest rewards and trader progression

(but reading this forum nobody complaints so far which is strange as f*** *fire on the sky),

-current trader progression in player lobbies is a MISERY hardcore mode in its finest,

-no light armor dedicated for any of the available classes or builds since medium and heavy are available,

-perception and agility builds need some boosting still alongside other builds,

-no dedicated tab or information that would include current trader progression and upcoming rewards,

-no basic clothing sets,

-fast standing up zombie animation bug,







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16 hours ago, RipClaw said:

Are zombie bears an endangered species in 1.0? I only ask because I haven't seen a single zombie bear in the Wasteland. I've only seen a lot of living bears but no undead except in the Bear Den.

We didn't really see Zombie Bears much in the wasteland until around levels 40-45.  Seemed like a switch was flipped and suddenly the majority of the live bears turned undead.

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1 hour ago, stample said:

We didn't really see Zombie Bears much in the wasteland until around levels 40-45.  Seemed like a switch was flipped and suddenly the majority of the live bears turned undead.

Interesting mechanics. Thanks for the info.

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Posted (edited)

I like the new armor system, all with pros and cons. I am switching around pieces quite a lot and I like it adds to imersivness. +1

Was expecting with preacher gloves it will be melee all the way, but after day 25-30 or so when you get Rad weights in snow biome and rad bikers it feels like poking them with a stick. Feels more like old school difficulty and I hope they keep it. Been playing on adventurer, but it felt too easy even for the first playthrough, switched to nomad feels better. 

Well I enjoy this first playthrough much more than before, but I am getting close to reaching max levels with armor and weapons/tools. So I can say it took me 25% - 30% longer than before to get here, currently on day 40 and in haven't played this long since A16. ( been playing 7D2D since A9 ).
Game feels much more balanced items/money wise. I never had to look for leather before( except A16 :) ), I actually started breaking down seats in restaurants  again and collecting chairs for leather to build armor sets.
Money is also not abundant, hardly ever have more than one stack and for the first time I am actually finding vending machines candy useful and needed.
So great job pimps with balancing the game and making scavenging interesting so it makes you think about what to craft first and than scavenge for more resources to craft rest of the stuff.

But that said I don't see much to do after day 40 or even 50+. 

Edited by Bhaaltazar (see edit history)
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