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Its Annoying That Streamers Get the Game First!


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1 hour ago, Roland said:

This is the sixth time we have done this event and your same prediction has been made five times previously by streamer haters of the past and five times proven false. Every time we have done this there have been thousands of happy viewers and lots of fun happening in nations all over the world by those who enjoy the whole streamer scene. It is not just the streamers themselves enjoying the game. Their audiences enjoy it as well. The developers enjoy it immensely. They watch and they comment in their dev chat and often what they see sparks conversations that bear fruit for everyone during experimental.


Sorry, but five times this event has had proven positive results-- so much so that the owners insist on it continuing on. It is a fantastic soft launch of the game that has consistently netted real beneficial results for the release candidate prepped for the Monday launch for everyone. It is also a ton of fun for those who choose to participate as viewers. I get that you don't count yourself as a viewer and I understand completely. I don't watch professional sports, myself. But it is your choice to abstain.


But you should know that the number of people who enjoy watching streams has been growing and not shrinking. And now, thanks to TFP, you don't even have to just watch and chat. You can participate and several of the streamers in our list plan to use Twitch Integration for the weekend event. So fun!


Look, you erroneously thought it was a whole week and it isn't. It's just 2.5 days.

You erroneously think that streamers aren't true gamers who don't really love gaming.

You erroneously think that streaming is some small fringe fraction of the playerbase.

You erroneously think that early access which we all paid for is somehow being suspending during that weekend.


If you will allow yourself to give up these notions you  will feel much better.


Speaking from experience being a mod for Grand Spartan, I can say that the streamer weekend attracts a huge crowd and has always been a positive experience. For the most part the 7 Days community overall has been great. Sure you get the occasional chucklehead, but lets face it, you're on the internet and you're going to get them no matter what community you belong to.




/goes back to hiding in the shadows 

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1 hour ago, Aldranon said:


You guys worry about when a computer game will be released.  Bah!


Muons wobble faster than they should!

The day reality as science knew it, fell on its face!  Remember you were alive when something stupendous was found.

That success is limited in its implications, but exciting nonetheless. Let's hope that they are able to replicate the experiment. Then we shall have giggling Jen's features beyond the standard model.

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6 hours ago, andydahl said:

TFP are artificially delaying release to the people who have actually plunked down money to buy the game in "early access".


False. No matter what, the release will be on a Monday. There is no delay. If we cancel the weekend event it doesn't mean everyone gets it Friday. It means everyone is getting it Monday. Since we are not cancelling the event, you still get it Monday as you would have if you lived on Earth52777


6 hours ago, andydahl said:

why would they disrespect their customers by not releasing to everyone at the same time?


Soft launches are a tried and true method of making sure all customers feel fully respected on the actual launch day. The only difference between this soft launch and any other for many many products and services sold around the world is that we are allowing our soft launch to be broadcast for entertainment and fun and celebration rather than just privately letting Australians try it out first since they always see tomorrow before the rest of us anyway. (Seriously, Australians are often the recipients of soft launches. Fact.)


Running a soft launch is no disrespect. It is actually the opposite. We respect you too much to blindly release an experimental version to thousands before doing some last minute checks with a couple hundred whom we can watch and get exciting feedback from just as an observer.


If you think soft launches are disrespectful then you've been disrespected by many companies for most of the products you use and movies and other entertainment you engage in and probably never knew. Much healthier

to just agree that a soft launch is not really disrespectful to anyone.


6 hours ago, andydahl said:

some ass-hat streamers


Now your heart's true driving force is revealed and we see that it is hate, spite, envy, and intolerance. Your argument is muddied by these things.


6 hours ago, andydahl said:

As if that isn't enough, I find the fatal flaw actually in the so-called marketing. If they are actually trying to attract customers, what better way than to offer "buy today, play today" while watching a streamer?


But even more egregious is TFP logic of releasing to streamers on a Friday to showcase all their bugs in the wild. That seems pretty risky, to give it to streamers to show it off, warts and all, with no one actively working over the weekend to fix them as they come up. What happens if a showstopper is uncovered on a live-stream that breaks the game and ruins the stream?


Your problem here is that you are trying to feed us worst-case scenario "Just think of how it could all fail and be unsuccessful" conjecture after we have seen five fully successful events in the past. When I stack your speculation of why it is probably a bad marketing scheme next to the history of success, your worries are not our worries. It is going to be fun and entertaining and celebratory for those who choose to participate which will be more than ever before. We just quintupled our number of Chinese streamers this time around. Thanks for your concern but the last five successful events were a great success and people forgave any bugs they saw and devs took notes of any bugs they saw and the full launch on Monday was better for everyone in both stability of the launch and expectations of the customers. Its definitely been win-win. We have zero reservations about what sentiment outweights what. The pleased and happy crowd win by a landslide.


6 hours ago, andydahl said:

I'd love to hear a serious rebuttal of these uncontroversial points.


I think you meant incontrovertible points. You feeling disrespected is incontrovertible as we can't control how you feel. The whole streaming event is getting less and less controversial each time we do it. It is growing each time and gaining more and more popularity and making inroads into more and more countries and languages. It will be more interactive this time around for those who use the twitch integration. Those who are entirely against streamers and video game spectating are a rapidly shrinking demographic.  

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I am entirely against streamers and video game spectating...as I find that completely pointless and the equivalent of watching grass grow or paint dry on the interesting scale...


BUT , I would much rather "streamers" actually PLAY THE DAMN GAME and review it , then BS game reviews and magazines...Have Never forgotten that Gamespot review on the original X-Com for PS1...29% - "A boring game about planet colonization..." yeah...arguably the best version of X-Com made and they didnt even play the game obviously...

Edited by Demonoid74 (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, andydahl said:

Bottom line, the "serious counter argument" is that TFP are disrespecting their paying customers in a misguided attempt to attract new ones. It's especially ironic that in selling a game with "early access", they are actually delaying access to the ones who have been supporting them for so long.


It sounds like the emotional core of your argument is about feeling disrespected, jealous, and entitled to having the experimental update they are choosing to artificially allow access to. I get that that it sucks, I really do. There's nothing wrong about being passionate about wanting something you enjoy. Sure, the first streamer weekend I thought "Man, this is @%$#ty, let me just play the damn game". In my mind, jealously was about taking, entitlement was about it being owed, and disrespect was about not getting what was deserved due to loyalty


Here's the thing right? To get BEYOND those feelings It requires an emotional reframing for proper understanding and wisdom: Do I want the game to be even more successful? Do I want TFP to keep developing the game? How do I even support development when I bought my copy YEARS ago? How can TFP keep solvency without exposure to new audiences to expand the player base? Can the core 'loyal' audience pay the bills of development alone? Am I willing to delay my gratification so the devs can get their needs met while they work on the game? Am I saying their needs really aren't okay with me?


There's no DLC for the game and there's no monthly subscription. My dollar per hour is a little more than pennies at this point. To not express my gratitude for that fact alone is utterly shameless and absurd. I've gifted easily a dozen copies of the game, like I've done with other games where my dollar per hour is fractions on the dollar because I'm the one who owes them. Gotta respect what you put your time into. Streamers, youtubers, and modders all do their part. I never would have found the game had I not seen a stream then watched a lets play and thought with a sense of trepidation "Man, I can't wait to play that".

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We have been waiting this patch for 500 days, so it's okay, it's just a bit of a shame that only hypocritical and greedy Twitch streamers will be able to play on the first weekend, and not ordinary hard workers. At least this weekend, they'll be playing games instead of showing boobs in the pool licking their ear-mics (possibly)

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I personally can't wait for the streamer weekend because then that means they are ready for experimental to go public and it is a great way to find and detect more bugs, I actually found a bug in alpha 19 experimental, had it reported and got it fixed. Although I don't actually develop the game I felt like I helped make the game, in a really small way, a part of what it is today. Experimental is new and exciting, but it is also  free testing for TFP which helps them deliver a much higher quality, more stable product


I am a little sad it took them so much longer to get this ready than with alpha 19..but the scope of A20 just seems so much bigger and the delay is understandable.

so the water overhaul is in alpha 21, will the discussion of water wildlife be something to consider then?


undead and living crocodiles/alligators would be a really cool addition I think

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28 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

hypocritical and greedy Twitch streamers

Am I seeing something that is not there, or is the color scheme in Twitch an attempt to insult two groups of people at the same time?  I’m willing to be wrong here, but the use of those colors just seems suspicious to me.

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On 11/7/2021 at 6:55 PM, Rizno said:


What's annoying is that Streamers get the game before the players do. I wish they would do away with that nonsense. Especially since we have to wait so long for patches in the first place - it's been well over a year now since A19 released.


A universal release for everyone would make much more sense. I'm sure the majority of the player base don't even care about Twitch.


What's annoying is people that have an issue with streamers getting it first. You aren't helping people purchase the game in the future, or right now. You've already purchased it. It's called financial security, and adding future players. It isn't TFP's fault, or their problem, that you don't see that. 

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

Am I seeing something that is not there, or is the color scheme in Twitch an attempt to insult two groups of people at the same time?  I’m willing to be wrong here, but the use of those colors just seems suspicious to me.

I didn't insult anyone. To be offended or not is your business, I don't care

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52 minutes ago, SpiderThatCantHide said:


What's annoying is people that have an issue with streamers getting it first. You aren't helping people purchase the game in the future, or right now. You've already purchased it. It's called financial security, and adding future players. It isn't TFP's fault, or their problem, that you don't see that. 


...and how does releasing the update to everyone at the same time suddenly cut off streamers getting their viewers and TFP getting their new customers? A large chunk of these viewers the streamers will get are just game owners eagerly awaiting the release they're being forced to wait longer for. They can't buy the game again unless it's to give to friends and family. But you don't need a Streamer Event for proud game owners to already do that.


Everyone is right when they say "it's only a few days". But there's this brainless divide being put between the playerbase - where streamers with 5000+ subscribers (that's the requirement, if I recall correctly?) are basically getting treated like royalty in comparison to the regular old players who, in most cases, care more about the game and its future. "Hey we know you love our game but we're going to give this random person with lots of subscribers/followers on Twitch an even Earlier Access copy! We know you will understand, it's only a few days after all haha."


This Streamer Event practice will be harshly defended; but that still doesn't make it right.

A universal release won't hurt streamers and will still attract plenty of new customers to ensure the future of 7 Days to Die.

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I wonder how many people opt in to experimental releases. Obviously the majority of people here probably do. But I wonder what percentage of the active player base download a release before stable automatically updates it for them. 


And having streamer weekends builds anticipation. You know how when big sales and big game releases are getting close they throw out more info or videos or whatever to get people hyped so they buy whatever? This is the same thing. It's also a show of appreciation to content creators who help keep it relevant by showing the game off. You can say your word of mouth helped sell a few copies, but content creators have sold more copies than you whether you like it or not. As Roland said, it sounds like most of you whiners just have a grudge against streamers for some reason. But keep crying, I'm sure it'll convince them to stop doing something they've been successfully doing for the last several years. 

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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I'm pretty anti streamer outside of Hololive too, since I don't really "get" it, and agree that streamer weekend is annoying (to me) because I wanna play the game too. But I also know that's irrational and being a baby since "If I can't have fun, nobody can!"


My stance on Streamer weekend is just to shrug and watch some rando streamers play it badly so I can see the new features, and do other stuff until Monday rolls around.


The biggest issue with Streamer weekend is the risk that Roland doesn't do His Job™ and push for someone to reach out to Cover / Hololive and try and get some of the Holos to play on streamer weekend. Even if TFP had to pay for a couple hour sponsored stream, there's literally no way it wouldn't immediately have a massive return on investment. They do sponsored streams all the time for all kinds of random games, and every single time the fanbase of simps will go buy X random game and leave reviews saying they bought it solely because Gura / Ame / Ina etc played it.


I hereby say we move this discussion to the more important discussion on which Hololive members would be best to get to play it, and whether or not a massive influx of weebs is healthy for the community. For the first point, several have played it in the past, so Pekora, IRyS, Kanata etc would be easy choices, but also Gura / Ame etc could likely figure the game out and play it.  As for the second, riajuu go explode

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