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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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6 hours ago, Burrfly said:

It's impossible to make a game where everyone likes all of it. Some people really like the new building system, while some people will prefer the current (in A19) (I personally do as well prefer the A19 building system with the wet concrete).


But it's totally okay. TFP are making a very epic game, and a lot of other cool things are coming which overal improves the game a lot (from as far as I've seen; A20 looks amazing - it's the most exciting I've been for a game (even though this is 'only' an update)).


They even interact with their player base. I've said it before but will say it again: The Fun Pimps are doing better than larger companies like Bethesda and WildCard. ARK Survival isn't even finished yet with the countless gamebreaking bugs, but WildCard only makes DLC's for money now. 7 Days to Die is more finished in alpha state than ARK Survival is in released state XD. (Although ARK can be a really great game, tho, I just hate that the devs don't focus on fixing and balancing the main game.)


So, thank you, TFP

A lot of the simplifications started to appear after TFP started using metrics to find out what the average player does.  This doesn't sound like an "overall goal being steadily worked towards" and more like "knee-jerk reaction to current mechanics".


If you aim for average you will achieve it... in abundance.

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16 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

I think deleting the quest tutorial is not as hard as it seems. Perhaps I'm wrong and it requires writing code comparable to writing code for a drone, but this is unlikely. What other quests are you talking about? About the notes for which they give 500 dukes and 300 experience?


Yes, a simple modlet with a few lines will delete that quest line very easily.  And by using a modlet, it should work for later patches unless they change the code around during development.




I think you are fooling yourself by talking about some kind of loot balancing or world generation that is necessary in the case of a setting that allows you to remove a merchant. Removing the trader is balancing the loot. Because he is the OP at the moment.


I'm not sure if this is true. Trader's POIs could remain but become empty. Whether it is possible to implement it easily, I don’t know. Perhaps this really only applies to generating a new world. If you do it with minimal cost.


Another option is just to do it ourselves.  You don't have to remove the traders altogether, just need to tweak them through xml.  I started a revamp of the traders based on how I would like the game about a month or so ago, but paused because Alpha20 is just around the corner.  Will revisit it after I see how that rolls out.



Breaking is not building. Cutting off some of the content isn't a big deal. The Trader disable option is a compromise between fine-tuning the trader and doing nothing. Therefore, it could be regarded as temporary. Or not. After all, you can turn off Blood Moon in the settings. How so? After all, Blood Moon is almost the central mechanics of the game. How did it happen that the appearance of this setting was considered acceptable?


As Faatal already said, an option to disable or modify the traders is not a simple task and simply not on their list of must haves.  They may visit it down the road prior to final release, but he told you not to get your hopes up if it will be implemented, or even in a manner you wanted.


In the meantime, we have the means to make adjustments ourselves to the traders via modlets.



I don't think that the development of water, the development of bandits, the development of AI drones is comparable in volume in order to pull xml files into the options menu. In order to ban some POI (trader) from the generation list with one button. They already have this mechanic. The game has other options that are also configured in xml files.


I won't say anything here, other than Faatal has already told you that it is not a simple thing to do.  TFP have decided where they are putting their development resources for this game, and development of a trader slider option (along with a ton of other slider requests) is not a priority.

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4 hours ago, meganoth said:



The trader has many problems, including offering too good stuff too early and if you have the money you can simply buy yourself almost everything you need.



I don't mind INT to be specialized in trading and having perks for it, there must be something INT is really good at to offset its disadvantages in fighting capabilities. Once the trader is better balanced and maybe, just maybe this includes toning down the barter perk as well, then bartering could still be a way to win the game, but not as easy as now.





I agree that the traders loot should be relative to your gamestage, or not as strong as it currently is


toning down the bartering perk how? you only get 25% for all 5 points and to nerf its value would make it feel bad or not as worth while compared to so many more options, and making it 4 points would weaken the effect of the different secret stashes.


one of my current strategies is to get 9 int and wear the goggles for 10 int,and have 5 points in better barter. I can then take off the goggles and double dip into the secret 4 and 5 stash from each trader. this is really helpful day 35+ when trying to fill out your books/manuals


maybe that shouldn't be abuseable, but getting all the books is always a pain


I guess they could make it a 4 point skill??

also, I have gone 50+ days from a fresh start  without finding a pump shotgun in the past and that is just super bad rng. I feel like I should have access to it somehow once I am at the appropriate gamestage for it to drop

They did buff vendor prices of most things(  ammo, weapons,books, armor by 50%) and I think that already does a fair job of offsetting the strength of the bartering perks

technically its a buff to bartering as well because even though you still pay more, you save more than you did before.

we will see how traders play out in A20, and I am sure A21 will be a great time for them to focus on the trader and balance/refine it more

I personally wouldn't mind some more new traders and having each trader be more specialized in a few particular things


I wouldn't mind it if there was a trader who specialized in schematics and mods and what not.

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1 hour ago, bachgaman said:


I think deleting the quest tutorial is not as hard as it seems. Perhaps I'm wrong and it requires writing code comparable to writing code for a drone, but this is unlikely. What other quests are you talking about? About the notes for which they give 500 dukes and 300 experience?


I'm not sure if this is true. Trader's POIs could remain but become empty. Whether it is possible to implement it easily, I don’t know. Perhaps this really only applies to generating a new world. If you do it with minimal cost.




False, optional

If you play the game without a trader (I do), then the tutorial quest remains, you get perk points, but you cannot complete it in. Because there is no trader. The only thing that remains to be done is to complete it upon the completion of the penultimate point, and not after finding a trader. I don't think this is a huge amount of work.


False, optional


So, all your responses to the problems I  mentioned are kind of like this, if I have it right:


Problem: change loot to remove all challenge quests if playing without traders.

Solution: don't bother, it just becomes useless loot.


That's the kind of thing that kills a game on review. It's unprofessional, incomplete, a hack. If it is to be done, TFP will try to do it right. It means ALL of it so the experience is smooth and pleasant to the players. It means no empty traders, it means challenges you get from loot and then cannot complete because there's no traders, it means all of I said and things I didn't think of and things TFP won't think of until QA starts playing with it and find issues that need to be addressed.



Besides, I'm not saying that the trader should be removed for everyone by default. I offer this as an option,



It would be much easier if it they removed it for everyone. Being an option means they have to support both paths.



Man, this won't happen until 2 years from now, if we're lucky.

And it will take longer if they take time to add another option to the game, and even longer if that option makes the factions/bandits/storyline development harder.


Breaking is not building. Cutting off some of the content isn't a big deal. The Trader disable option is a compromise between fine-tuning the trader and doing nothing. Therefore, it could be regarded as temporary. Or not. After all, you can turn off Blood Moon in the settings. How so? After all, Blood Moon is almost the central mechanics of the game. How did it happen that the appearance of this setting was considered acceptable?

The blood moon wasn't even a thing for many alphas. And there were multiple "modes" to play the game that were removed. Disabling blood moon did not require changes on anything else. There's no mention of blood moons anywhere in the game, there's nothing that depends on blood moons happening.


I think you are fooling yourself by talking about some kind of loot balancing or world generation that is necessary in the case of a setting that allows you to remove a merchant. Removing the trader is balancing the loot. Because he is the OP at the moment.


Come on, buddy, what kind of balance are you talking about? There is no balance in the game and no one is doing it. For many years to come, we will be able to destroy hordes with a Pipe Bomb made of 1 coal and 2 grass leaves. We will have a Treasure Hunter and so on for many years to come. In this game, balancing is the lot of the player, not the developer. Everybody declares this openly. They say it's a sandbox. So give us a handy balancing tool.

If you think that, you are plain wrong. TFP spends a lot of time balancing things, and the existing balance problems are just a testament to how difficulty and time consuming it is to do it. I was part of the Ravenhearst mod team for a while so I can speak from experience on how hard it is to do it. As for TFP "not doing it"... Alpha 18 was basically a balancing alpha. They talked on dev streams about changing loot balance, they are talking in this very thread right now about changing balance on trader prices. And the new gamestage per biome thing, do you think there's no effort being done to balance it? They spend a ton of time on game balance and you just need to go back and play older alphas to see how much it changed. Just because you don't like the current balance doesn't mean they don't care.

If they add a no-trader option and people start complaining you can't get crucibles, you can't get ammo, etc, etc, they have to pay attention to it. They might decide not to do anything about it, but just meeting and discussing and deciding takes time. And if they decide that yes, they need to do something, it's more time. Adding an option that is so badly supported people will only complain about it does more harm than good.


I don't think that the development of water, the development of bandits, the development of AI drones is comparable in volume in order to pull xml files into the options menu. In order to ban some POI (trader) from the generation list with one button. They already have this mechanic. The game has other options that are also configured in xml files.

If I offered to change the background in the main menu, would you also tell me that developers need to make bandits, and not waste time on the background image? But the background is not what the players suffer from.

Once again, wake up and notice that NO other settings affect anything other than what is written in them. Accept it and stop making lies

I have a fair amount of experience with modding 7 Days to Die. I have mods available on the mod launcher, I was part of the Ravenhearst overhaul mod modding team. I have open source tools I've created to support it.

In replying to you I thought of all things I'd have to change if I were to make a mod to remove traders entirely. I thought of the things I would not be able to do with a modlet and how much code support would be needed for it (I'm a software developer myself). And it isn't the first time I thought about it either: Jax wanted to remove traders from Ravenhearst around the time I was in the project -- as did I --, so I thought about what would be needed at that time.

Every single thing I mentioned as being needed comes from actual experience. 

That said, I'm not trying to convince you of it. You asked a question, and I answered to the best of my ability. I can't help it that you don't like the answer.


31 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

Yes, a simple modlet with a few lines will delete that quest line very easily.  And by using a modlet, it should work for later patches unless they change the code around during development.


Yes, it is very easy for a modlet to completely change the quests. Alas, if you change a quest line that is in progress you can easily completely break the quest progression -- that's something that happened a few times while I was on the Ravenhearst team, forcing people to start a new game when updating. I had not considered this in my original reply, but it's something else that would have to be considered if this option was to be set on game load like the other options.

But the point is that the modlet completely changes the quest. It doesn't make it an option. There's no way in the present system for a quest to go different ways depending on a game option.

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On 11/10/2021 at 4:31 PM, LTKarhel said:

I don't count Bavaria as part of Germany: P Is a separate state within the state :)

Well that was my point initially.

"They" don't say moin in Germany, only a very small group in that country (should I say somewhere at the outer rim) does so.

And also "they" don't perform Schuhplattler in Germany. Again only a (hopefully) very small group of people does that.

And you don't have to look too closely to find out that in every country there are...well some might call it traditions, but it's just a political correct term for odd habits,

cultivated by -again- small groups.

Just wanted to indicate that "generalized prejudice" included in your statement (what "they" say in Germany)


...but as always in this forum, things quickly turn into something completely different.

Even Roland seems to have given up his attempts to clear this thread from off topic stuff.


So as a conclusion, this is the 7D2D A20 dev thread

madmole's first sentences in the first post:

Welcome to the Alpha 20 Dev Diary. Here we will discuss upcoming features for Alpha 20.


What we made of is:

60% stuff that is officially postponed to A21 or further (bandits, character/armor overhaul, water)

20% boobs

10% are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?............

5-10% other minor off topic stuff (gender discussion, what about console,...)

<5% actual A20 related stuff (consisting of 80% Matt insisting on adding skeletons and newsstands, and again 20% boobs) 

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4 hours ago, Doomofman said:

I noticed a blue loot bag drop during one of the hordes that gave better loot. Is there two tiers of loot drop from zombies now or potentially more?

They talked about it on stream. Yes zombie loot bags are leveled by toughness of the zombie dropping it. yellow/blue/red iirc, maybe there were 4 levels?

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Hi y'all. The latest Dev Stream was in a new seed, rural area, cool places were shown, some old, some new. There were actually 5 players this time, and it was lots of fun as always.


New things shown in the video: 

-More shapes are getting added every day, the current count is 1311 (It is said that there are actually 1312 shapes already in b189)

-Zombies now drop 3 types of bags: Weak ones drop yellow bags, stronger ones blue bags and the nasty ones drop red bags, with better loot each colour. The drop rate is around the same as it always was.


The current version is a20 b187 (b189 is already online though). There are 27 high priority Bugs left, but they are generally tough to fix and each one can result in more bugs once fixed, so it can be a while until EXP release.

They hope to have it before Thanksgiving (December 24-25), but that is unlikely, so let's just go with "before Christmas" and be happy with those beautiful city landscapes in the video.


There were some old well known bugs and issues, like the ugly torch shadow casting when several players are holding lit torches in the same room ; some standing idle dead zds, some clipping... the usual.


Also, Lathan actually tried to make a 5 player horde night while using Twitch with 5 players and V Sync and the TAA on and the occluder on and high settings and his CPU said: "LOL boy, I hope you have a threadrypper" (spoiler: he didn't, the game froze a couple of minutes while he changed Antialiasing to 0% and reduced post processing in video settings). His RTX 3070 held on like it was nothing, but VSync made sure to keep crippling the framerate to 30-60fps no matter his video settings. Good pro-developer video tunning right there.


The stream crashed mid video due to the weather back in Lathan's place (real life weather, not in game), so it's actually split in two videos of a bit more than an hour each.







This is the last Playthrough Stream before release, so let's just activate the electric Hype train and then turn it off, step down and walk into the sunset until release.


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34 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

Yep, you forgot level 0 (no bag at all).

Already drops very frequently in A19 and before.

then working as intended :)


but you are actually forgetting something.. the level 0 bag is not a missing bag spawn... it is spawning air.. shirley you can see it right?  <oooops>

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6 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

Hi y'all. The latest Dev Stream was in a new seed, rural area, cool places were shown, some old, some new. There were actually 5 players this time, and it was lots of fun as always.


New things shown in the video: 

-More shapes are getting added every day, the current count is 1311 (It is said that there are actually 1312 shapes already in b189)

-Zombies now drop 3 types of bags: Weak ones drop yellow bags, stronger ones blue bags and the nasty ones drop red bags, with better loot each colour. The drop rate is around the same as it always was.


The current version is a20 b187 (b189 is already online though). There are 27 high priority Bugs left, but they are generally tough to fix and each one can result in more bugs once fixed, so it can be a while until EXP release.

They hope to have it before Thanksgiving (December 24-25), but that is unlikely, so let's just go with "before Christmas" and be happy with those beautiful city landscapes in the video.


There were some old well known bugs and issues, like the ugly torch shadow casting when several players are holding lit torches in the same room ; some standing idle dead zds, some clipping... the usual.


Also, Lathan actually tried to make a 6 player horde night while using Twitch with 5 players and V Sync and the TAA on and the occluder on and high settings and his CPU said: "LOL boy, I hope you have a threadrypper" (spoiler: he didn't, the game froze a couple of minutes while he changed Antialiasing to 0% and reduced post processing in video settings). His RTX 3070 held on like it was nothing, but VSync made sure to keep crippling the framerate to 30-60fps no matter his video settings. Good pro-developer video tunning right there.


The stream crashed mid video due to the weather back in Lathan's place (real life weather, not in game), so it's actually split in two videos of a bit more than an hour each.







This is the last Playthrough Stream before release, so let's just activate the electric Hype train and then turn it off, step down and walk into the sunset until release.



Also, they made a very interesting horde base towards the end. 

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38 minutes ago, dcsobral said:
  Reveal hidden contents



Also, they made a very interesting horde base towards the end. 

Also also... Whoever made that blockbuster (or was it the police station?) is an evil genius. It was suggested that Hernan did it, which is interesting... Hernan's work has always been impressive but deviousness isn't an attribute I had associated with him before. He might be spending too much time with laz man.

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

Yes, a simple modlet with a few lines will delete that quest line very easily.  And by using a modlet, it should work for later patches unless they change the code around during development.

So, is this comparable to coding drone or bandits?

1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

Another option is just to do it ourselves.  You don't have to remove the traders altogether, just need to tweak them through xml.  I started a revamp of the traders based on how I would like the game about a month or so ago, but paused because Alpha20 is just around the corner.  Will revisit it after I see how that rolls out.

I do. The point of my messages is not that I cannot do something, but that most players cannot do it. Those who did not go to the forum (and their overwhelming majority) and did not find out about xml files, etc.

1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

As Faatal already said, an option to disable or modify the traders is not a simple task and simply not on their list of must haves.  They may visit it down the road prior to final release, but he told you not to get your hopes up if it will be implemented, or even in a manner you wanted.


In the meantime, we have the means to make adjustments ourselves to the traders via modlets.


Then don't let them claim that this is a sandbox and that they care about new players. I THINK there should be more tweaks in the sandbox for new players, not more bells and whistles like drone and twitch integration. It's my opinion. I have already read many times that they have other priorities, but my opinion will not change from this. I can express it and I will. Sorry. And I don't care what nobody cares about

1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

So, all your responses to the problems I  mentioned are kind of like this, if I have it right:


Problem: change loot to remove all challenge quests if playing without traders.

Solution: don't bother, it just becomes useless loot.


That's the kind of thing that kills a game on review. It's unprofessional, incomplete, a hack. If it is to be done, TFP will try to do it right. It means ALL of it so the experience is smooth and pleasant to the players. It means no empty traders, it means challenges you get from loot and then cannot complete because there's no traders, it means all of I said and things I didn't think of and things TFP won't think of until QA starts playing with it and find issues that need to be addressed.

Do traders provide exclusive items? No. There are other settings in the game. A player who turns off traders or minimizes their rewards as much as possible can compensate for this by setting loot by 200% if he does not want to suffer. You are not saying that the player choosing Insane Nightmare should get a grenade launcher with unlimited ammunition at the start due to the fact that it will become difficult for him to play? The more such settings, the thinner each player can make the game for himself. There are a lot of options in the world settings menu now, but most of them are not very significant. For example, setting up airdrop (lol, how useless it is), there are already two of them.

Don't you think that the words "unprofessional, incomplete, a hack" work in the opposite direction? Can you customize the amount of loot you get from chests, but can't customize the amount of loot the trader gives you? Isn't that "unprofessional, incomplete, a hack"? Any player who wants to test himself and turn on "25% loot" will be shocked at how the trader spoils his game.

According to your logic, if everything should be either perfect or not at all, they should remove most of the existing world settings. Because their presence without other settings is an inferiority.

1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

It would be much easier if it they removed it for everyone. Being an option means they have to support both paths.


Ok, then they should delete everything that can be disabled in the settings. And they won't have to support anything

1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

And it will take longer if they take time to add another option to the game, and even longer if that option makes the factions/bandits/storyline development harder.


So far, we have no bandits, no factions, no storyline. You idealize by saying that they will be forced to work out an alternative mode in which all of this is not. We already have this mode. We're playing it now.

1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

The blood moon wasn't even a thing for many alphas. And there were multiple "modes" to play the game that were removed. Disabling blood moon did not require changes on anything else. There's no mention of blood moons anywhere in the game, there's nothing that depends on blood moons happening.

Just like a trader. Exactly the same

By the way, the game has quite a few settings related to the blood moon. And there are no settings for the trader at all.

1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

If you think that, you are plain wrong. TFP spends a lot of time balancing things, and the existing balance problems are just a testament to how difficulty and time consuming it is to do it. I was part of the Ravenhearst mod team for a while so I can speak from experience on how hard it is to do it. As for TFP "not doing it"... Alpha 18 was basically a balancing alpha. They talked on dev streams about changing loot balance, they are talking in this very thread right now about changing balance on trader prices. And the new gamestage per biome thing, do you think there's no effort being done to balance it? They spend a ton of time on game balance and you just need to go back and play older alphas to see how much it changed. Just because you don't like the current balance doesn't mean they don't care.

If they add a no-trader option and people start complaining you can't get crucibles, you can't get ammo, etc, etc, they have to pay attention to it. They might decide not to do anything about it, but just meeting and discussing and deciding takes time. And if they decide that yes, they need to do something, it's more time. Adding an option that is so badly supported people will only complain about it does more harm than good.

How many years in the game can you upgrade Treasure Hunter to level 3? This question is enough to cross out all your words about balancing the game.

200 ammo for a tier 1 quest. Pipe Bombs. Barter and Adventurer. Items of the highest grade in quest rewards. Zombies that die with 50 blows with a club on the maximum "difficulty" level. A grenade launcher that destroys millions of zombies in one shot, but does not damage even wooden blocks. Airdrops. Quest notes. Etc. There is no balance in the game.

1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

I have a fair amount of experience with modding 7 Days to Die. I have mods available on the mod launcher, I was part of the Ravenhearst overhaul mod modding team. I have open source tools I've created to support it.

In replying to you I thought of all things I'd have to change if I were to make a mod to remove traders entirely. I thought of the things I would not be able to do with a modlet and how much code support would be needed for it (I'm a software developer myself). And it isn't the first time I thought about it either: Jax wanted to remove traders from Ravenhearst around the time I was in the project -- as did I --, so I thought about what would be needed at that time.

Every single thing I mentioned as being needed comes from actual experience. 

That said, I'm not trying to convince you of it. You asked a question, and I answered to the best of my ability. I can't help it that you don't like the answer.


Once again, no one world options affect anything other than what is written in them


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1 hour ago, meilodasreh said:

Well that was my point initially.

"They" don't say moin in Germany, only a very small group in that country (should I say somewhere at the outer rim) does so.

And also "they" don't perform Schuhplattler in Germany. Again only a (hopefully) very small group of people does that.

And you don't have to look too closely to find out that in every country there are...well some might call it traditions, but it's just a political correct term for odd habits,

cultivated by -again- small groups.

Just wanted to indicate that "generalized prejudice" included in your statement (what "they" say in Germany)


...but as always in this forum, things quickly turn into something completely different.

Even Roland seems to have given up his attempts to clear this thread from off topic stuff.


So as a conclusion, this is the 7D2D A20 dev thread

madmole's first sentences in the first post:

Welcome to the Alpha 20 Dev Diary. Here we will discuss upcoming features for Alpha 20.


What we made of is:

60% stuff that is officially postponed to A21 or further (bandits, character/armor overhaul, water)

20% boobs

10% are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?............

5-10% other minor off topic stuff (gender discussion, what about console,...)

<5% actual A20 related stuff (consisting of 80% Matt insisting on adding skeletons and newsstands, and again 20% boobs) 

OK, now I'll be speaking one-to-one in German with a translation so that nobody can say that we both don't understand each other.

" So Dicker (slang), natürlich redet ein teil im Norddeutschraum mit moin moin. Genauso wie es bei Euch unten der Fall ist, das ihr alle mit Grüß Gott oder Servus sagt" Aber geal, wir sind alles Deutsche im Herzen. Oder anders gesagt Wir sind alles Patrioten. Wir sind zu 50 % Deutsch und zu 50 % Zombies;)

english"So thick (slang), of course a part of northern Germany speaks with moin moin. Just as it is the case with you below that you all say hello or hello" But alright, we are all Germans at heart. In other words, we are all patriots. We are 50% German and 50% zombies:israel:

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10 minutes ago, bachgaman said:


Do traders provide exclusive items? No.


Yes. Solar panels and banks are provided exclusively by the trader.


14 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

I have a fair amount of experience with modding 7 Days to Die. I have mods available on the mod launcher, I was part of the Ravenhearst overhaul mod modding team. I have open source tools I've created to support it.

In replying to you I thought of all things I'd have to change if I were to make a mod to remove traders entirely. I thought of the things I would not be able to do with a modlet and how much code support would be needed for it (I'm a software developer myself). And it isn't the first time I thought about it either: Jax wanted to remove traders from Ravenhearst around the time I was in the project -- as did I --, so I thought about what would be needed at that time.

Every single thing I mentioned as being needed comes from actual experience. 

That said, I'm not trying to convince you of it. You asked a question, and I answered to the best of my ability. I can't help it that you don't like the answer.

Once again, no one world options affect anything other than what is written in them

That reply doesn't even make sense. I explained my experience is how I came to that answer based on that experience. So, "no one world options affect anything other than what is written in th em" and you know this because your experience is what, exactly?


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6 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

Yes. Solar panels and banks are provided exclusively by the trader.


Oh @%$# you're right, it changes everything. It's impossible to play without solar panels. People will complain and TFP doesn't like it. So we are canceling all my posts.

9 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

That reply doesn't even make sense. I explained my experience is how I came to that answer based on that experience. So, "no one world options affect anything other than what is written in th em" and you know this because your experience is what, exactly?

Do you want to argue with that? I am ready to view to your arguments. What world options affect something other than what is written in them?

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2 hours ago, Blake_ said:


They hope to have it before Thanksgiving (December 24-25), but that is unlikely, so let's just go with "before Christmas" and be happy with those beautiful city landscapes in the video.


You mean November 24-25. But essentially what they were talking about is they would like to have streamer weekend next weekend Nov 20-21 which is the last weekend before turkey day for folks in the US (with Exp release on the 22nd if they followed the usual pattern) but I don't really expect that myself, but I think it's looking better for it to come out in November


Though aside from one weird issue where Lathan's FPS dropped to like 0 at one point, I thought overall the game looked in much better a state than previously

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7 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

MFW people won't stop posting wall of texts talking about traders despite  it already being said several times traders are in the process of being reworked in A20 and with future changes coming






What aspect of the game will not change in the future? So that we know what we can argue about.


In addition, I do not see the trader sliders among the announcement of changes. They will "rebalance" it for the "adventurer" difficulty level and 100% loot / experience, but when u playing with harder settings, the trader will still spoil everything

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1 minute ago, Xtrakicking said:

So I got a question prompted from seeing the new RWG. Will the spawning.xml file have entries for cities in Alpha 20? It would be pretty dope to be able to control zombie spawning inside cities and separate from biome spawning like in previous alphas.


It is possible to adjust spawns inside cities. They have already increased city spawns in A20.

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4 minutes ago, jorbascrumps said:


It is possible to adjust spawns inside cities. They have already increased city spawns in A20.

How so? Last time I asked people told me one could only adjust biome spawning in A19, since cities weren't entries anymore; or is this actually a change coming to A20?

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