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Do you like the A19 loot system?


Do you like the A19 loot system?  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the A19 loot system?

    • Yes
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I’ll respond so this doesn’t fall off the front page...


I like it on its own merits. It could definitely be better balanced and use more variety of loot. But as a general philosophy of design I find it much preferable to all the guns and ammo we were able to find so quickly from the start. 

On a side note, I have been playing with no repairing. Once an item runs out of durability I scrap it and that has enhanced the game even more. I appreciate duplicates of same quality or higher and use them up. 

I can see the problem with replay value but so far haven’t minded restarting myself any more or less than I did before. 

I don’t see the design as objectively bad. I just see people who either like it or don’t. I’m glad there is a mod and a way to revert for those who don’t like it. 

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2 hours ago, Jeraal said:

Voted no. Would have preferred a long string of expletives before the "no", but this will do for now. 

This pretty much, these forums though aren't really populated enough for a decent poll. A18's loot was perfect and just needed some tweaks, its like the whole mistake of getting rid of learn by doing all over again, LBD would have been fine with some tweaks done to it, like having what tier thing you can craft be based on what level perk you have in that weapon type like a17-19 had, and to unlock said perks you need certain levels in that weapon type by using it.

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voted yes ..  idea itself is good ... but it definitely need some polishing

1 hour ago, Scyris said:

This pretty much, these forums though aren't really populated enough for a decent poll. A18's loot was perfect and just needed some tweaks

there wasnt anything that could be called loot system in a18 just chaotic pile of items split between chest types .. with same drop on day 1 and 600  just increased in quantity by gamestage

#purple AK on day 1 is perfect

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9 hours ago, Scyris said:

A18's loot was perfect and just needed some tweaks

I kind of disagree. While A19s loot is bad, A18s loot wasn't good either. It was kind of the extreme opposite of what we have now; you could get level 4 AKs even in smaller POIs during the first week, it was just too OP.

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54 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

That´s a pretty pointless poll tbh. We all know it won´t stay and i really hope they don´t waste time changing anything because some people don´t like it, even when it´s just temporary. Get over it and wait for the next alpha.

quite opposite we know it will stay just with minor gamestage bonuses in big POI .. and TFP never backed off decisions .. based on community/forum

people complained about alot stuff ... but what all those things have in common ?   they stayed  in game  (and removed  stuff stay removed ... like hub cities and LBD)

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I wouldn't say I like it but it's not 'ruining the game' for me or anything.


I like the feeling of progress and working my way up. Yet, I must admit, finding stone tools in a chest does not feel like a 'reward.' It feels like a missed opportunity.


I'm only on day 7 of A19 and like many people I've found many blunderbusses and little else. I did find a generator bank, so that was cool. I'm not sure adding crappier weapons will help, since a Q1 handgun is already pretty crappy. But I suppose we'll see.


One issue is that now when you realize how the loot system works you are disincentivized to loot, which is counter-intuitive. I believe the player should always be rewarded for completing a POI, but right now players will skip the chests and just kill zeds, because opening the chest at a low level feels like such a waste. One option may be to work a variable into the loot system 'number of chests/crates/safes' opened, instead of just level and survival length. That way players are rewarded for exploring as much as zombie bashing.

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@alanea I think you understood something wrong. I would recommend to read more carefull. It will be more than just a few POI´s and pretty sure it won´t be just minor gamestage boni in POI´s like SMG factory or Dishong, i assume you will have the greenies there everywhere no matter wich day it is. Biomes will be different regarding loot and gamestage, the variety of loot will increase with new items.


Propably more to come, can´t imagine they already revealed everything.


Also they backed off from the death penalty. First they reduced 60 to 30mins during A17, and then they removed the attribute malus completly in A18.

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I've been playing this game for a fairly long time. It's actually my most played game on steam.


Maybe I might have more hours in this game than the average player (over 600 hours and counting) and I'm sure this probably affects how I feel but I really like the change to loot progression. Finding a weapon day one and valuing it because it's a weapon that I will be stuck with for a while feels nice to me. It gives the small upgrades I get through either finding them or crafting them feel meaningful. And it makes me really consider how I am playing and investing my points, do I invest this point into my weapons so I can build that t5 weapon or do I put it into something else? And because things are 'locked' behind progression I actually feel way more excited to find a good weapon than I did before. With the old system I expected that I'd find a great gun (like an t1-4 ak-47) in the first day or two and that would carry me through the early part of the game. Now I feel I have to work a bit more at it and I enjoy that.


Did I enjoy the old system? Yes, but I don't hate the change either. I think it's a good balance. Does it make the game a bit more grindy yes, but I don't really see that as a problem as I see the point of this game being how long you can last before you either get bored because you're so godly/safe that you can just walk around on a day 250 horde and survive. Usually when a game starts to get to this point I consider the 'run' a victory and I start over anyways because the game is most fun to me when I do feel threatened by the world in the early stages and for me all this change has done is made that feeling last just a bit longer.


Also I HIGHLY recommend using the new candy system. Seriously I think the candies are probably the most overpowered thing this alpha has introduced. As "Bad" as the loot might seem sometimes. Take some eye candies and open some poi chest. I've gotten 3 t6 scrap armor items on day 5 in the same chest with no lucky looter and only +3 looting goggles. Seriously use the candy, for the cost of $100 (which is laughably cheap if you've done a few quest for a trader) it more than pay s for itself very quickly with either the time they save you or the value they give back. I am typically the type to horde all my resources in games and never use consumables but I will say having started to use them I have seen it affects the game in a pretty significant way.

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12 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@alanea I think you understood something wrong. I would recommend to read more carefull. It will be more than just a few POI´s and pretty sure it won´t be just minor gamestage boni in POI´s like SMG factory or Dishong, i assume you will have the greenies there everywhere no matter wich day it is. Biomes will be different regarding loot and gamestage, the variety of loot will increase with new items.


Propably more to come, can´t imagine they already revealed everything.


Also they backed off from the death penalty. First they reduced 60 to 30mins during A17, and then they removed the attribute malus completly in A18.

err  wrong wrong and wrong

they revealed very little about gamestage  in specific poi  .. so we will have to wait  it definitely wont be   +50 to gamestage  in every messiah  shot  to give you back day 1 shotguns  probably just specific   poi like factories because thats really  the major problem tfp see ( 30 min factory clear leaving with wooden bow)  but you can be sure factory wont be guaranteed q6  high tier gun on day  1 possibility of such drop is reason why they reworked whole  loot system and greenies or not  you can always easily cheat  it with few wood frames

you cant expect gamestage bonus in every house :D

variety of loot should trully increase but in low gamestages only as added items are primitive weapons


biome gamestage difference is something we thinked up in other topic ..  moderator called it good  but thats it

forum idea ... nothing announced or confirmed so calm down ;)


death penalty ... no idea what game  you play  but a17 added  penalty  a18  changed it into " red xp " giving you same penalty until you get up enought xp  to remove it

a19 .. cant say  i didnt died yet but red bar stuff is still here



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8 minutes ago, alanea said:

err  wrong wrong and wrong

they revealed very little about gamestage  in specific poi  .. so we will have to wait  it definitely wont be   +50 to gamestage  in every messiah  shot  to give you back day 1 shotguns  probably just specific   poi like factories because thats really  the major problem tfp see ( 30 min factory clear leaving with wooden bow)  but you can be sure factory wont be guaranteed q6  high tier gun on day  1 possibility of such drop is reason why they reworked whole  loot system and greenies or not  you can always easily cheat  it with few wood frames

you cant expect gamestage bonus in every house :D

variety of loot should trully increase but in low gamestages only as added items are primitive weapons


biome gamestage difference is something we thinked up in other topic ..  moderator called it good  but thats it

forum idea ... nothing announced or confirmed so calm down ;)


death penalty ... no idea what game  you play  but a17 added  penalty  a18  changed it into " red xp " giving you same penalty until you get up enought xp  to remove it

a19 .. cant say  i didnt died yet but red bar stuff is still here



I don't know where you're getting your info but you're wrong. Loot bonuses are for biomes. Not just from "thinking it up in another topic" but from the DEVs themelves saying that is how it is going to work.

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1 hour ago, alanea said:

cant say  i didnt died yet but red bar stuff is still here

Yeah me too. Unlike some of you I’m just not an authority on the death penalty. I just don’t experience it enough to really have an opinion. Wish I could help...

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On 8/26/2020 at 12:53 AM, Scyris said:

This pretty much, these forums though aren't really populated enough for a decent poll. A18's loot was perfect and just needed some tweaks, its like the whole mistake of getting rid of learn by doing all over again, LBD would have been fine with some tweaks done to it, like having what tier thing you can craft be based on what level perk you have in that weapon type like a17-19 had, and to unlock said perks you need certain levels in that weapon type by using it.


On A18 i would have separated each container to have stuff in it what actually makes sense:


  1. Rotten, busted or otherwise destroyed containers have heavily degraded tools and items. Iron is replaced with scrap metal and soo on to indicate the damage.
  2. Sealed containers have loot fitting their type in all cases.
  3. Safes are only for valuable items.
  4. Items are "size" checked before put into a container. No purse rocket launchers.
  5. "Crafted items" aka stuff what looks homemade can only be found in unattended, unsealed and open containers. Survivor gear in logical places.
  6. Delaying T6 items further.

Soo many small improvements could been done before going for the current tiering.

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The alpha 19 loot system isn't that bad. I'm a bit surprised to see more than half of the players don't like it. I'm glad they added the linear progression of loots

. I used to get AKs, shotguns and pistols before day 3 in A18 and I actually lost all my interest in looting cuz I already got everything I need.

17 hours ago, ElCabong said:

My only problem with the looting system is wasting a lock pick for a safe. I opened them anyway but it absolutely sucks when I've used 5 lockpicks to get three stone arrows.

If a safe is locked, I mostly skip it in the lower gamestages cuz it's not worth it. But that's fine man, atleast I won't be doing much looting in bigger POI's before I progress to a higher gamestage cuz I'll be a bit focused on setting up a base for the first horde night.

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@alanea Right, right, right. I didn´t just suck that out of my fingers. And i don´t want a T6 on day one anyways (besides that i am pretty sure we can´t get it anyways on day 1 if there actually is T6 loot, because higher gamestage). I like slow progression.


Never said every house will have a higher gamestage. That would be stupid. Why would i assume this?


It is work in progress. So yeah right now you have not much in low levels, but like said this will change in future. This game is early access you know. Not finished yet. And you can´t just add everything in one step. That´s not how things work in game development.  


And there was a death penalty other than the -10%XP. Your attributes were lowered for an hour wich means many of your skills were also lowered. They toned it down to 30mins after massive criticism and got rid of that completly in A18 only keeping the XP penalty.


I think you should calm down, you make a big fuss out of something that is just temporary and work in progress, plus you ignore that the Dev´s said how things will work in future. Go do some modding or just play like it is and analyze again when A20 hits. No one really likes how it is right now. 

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5 hours ago, NukularBunny said:

The alpha 19 loot system isn't that bad. I'm a bit surprised to see more than half of the players don't like it. I'm glad they added the linear progression of loots

. I used to get AKs, shotguns and pistols before day 3 in A18 and I actually lost all my interest in looting cuz I already got everything I need.

If a safe is locked, I mostly skip it in the lower gamestages cuz it's not worth it. But that's fine man, atleast I won't be doing much looting in bigger POI's before I progress to a higher gamestage cuz I'll be a bit focused on setting up a base for the first horde night.

I'm level 4 and the safe loot has blue simple bows... Something worth waiting for

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11 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

I don't know where you're getting your info but you're wrong. Loot bonuses are for biomes. Not just from "thinking it up in another topic" but from the DEVs themelves saying that is how it is going to work.

devs said they want loot reflect biome difficulty sating nothing about gamestage bonus for biome they  can easily mean quantity  ... but thats not gonna happen now anyway as they also mentioned they  rebalance biomes

to have every biome with severe advantages and disadvantages instead having easy forest and hc wasteland

so who knows what future brings

5 hours ago, NukularBunny said:

The alpha 19 loot system isn't that bad. I'm a bit surprised to see more than half of the players don't like it. I'm glad they added the linear progression of loots

well not rly  keep in mind most people wont bother react ... just some of the most triggered ones and few who waste time opposing them

most people is kinda like they miss t6 ak in first poi  but agree its stupid but wont step to either side enought to to arguing on forum ( most players dont even  read forum and  minority of treaders.. ever write something)

5 hours ago, NukularBunny said:

. I used to get AKs, shotguns and pistols before day 3 in A18 and I actually lost all my interest in looting cuz I already got everything I need.

If a safe is locked, I mostly skip it in the lower gamestages cuz it's not worth it. But that's fine man, atleast I won't be doing much looting in bigger POI's before I progress to a higher gamestage cuz I'll be a bit focused on setting up a base for the first horde night.

well you can still get ak/pistol from day  1   just  quality 1  (Q6 pistol is clearly obtainable from safes before day  7 because that happened to me )

safes are problem itself early ... they take long to destroy ...  and still quite some time to lockpick (you can even break  5+ standing there over minute)  its not worth bothering unless you have jail breakers because time= loot

5 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@alanea Right, right, right. I didn´t just suck that out of my fingers. And i don´t want a T6 on day one anyways (besides that i am pretty sure we can´t get it anyways on day 1 if there actually is T6 loot, because higher gamestage). I like slow progression.

Q6 wood club Q6  pistol Q6  baseball bat Q6  wrench at  7th day  they still drop  despite whiners yelling about stone shovels that are used as fill  instead empty crate

5 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

And there was a death penalty other than the -10%XP. Your attributes were lowered for an hour wich means many of your skills were also lowered. They toned it down to 30mins after massive criticism and got rid of that completly in A18 only keeping the XP penalty.

err  nope  died few  times   in a18  and was mad over fact that i cant unlock  perks  due to  -1 stat penalty for  30 min/until i  get  xp back a17  was hour with no way to remove it

5 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

I think you should calm down, you make a big fuss out of something that is just temporary and work in progress, plus you ignore that the Dev´s said how things will work in future. Go do some modding or just play like it is and analyze again when A20 hits. No one really likes how it is right now. 

glad  you speak for everyone but all we have is forum polls like 

" yeah  no one likes it"  thats why won option  "I like it. I really like the direction this is going and the future sounds even better. "

maybe accept  that the fact    you hate it doesnt  speak for all lol and its  100% sure  it will stay this way developing from current state

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