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  1. I must say, this is exactly the response you would expect from someone who doesn't have a leg to stand on.
  2. I noticed zero performance difference between Win 10 and Win 11. Just remember to re-install the GPU drivers after the upgrade and opt-out of the bloatware.
  3. Yeah, SylenThunder already covered that like three posts ago. You might consider having a good read before posting. I know you get forgetful when you get old, but this is just silly.
  4. Console can't have the new updates. This is explained in great detail in several threads here already
  5. I feel sorry for whoever taught you to read. They must really suck at teaching. Or you just really suck at reading. Here is a quote from one of those recent topics that you completely failed to notice.
  6. I don't understand what is so hard to comprehend about it. Now lets break down some facts. 1. It will have to be a new game. The existing version can not be brought up to date on the consoles because it would invalidate your saves. Rules are in place by both Sony and Microsoft that prevent this. 2. Console hardware as it is now sucks balls. If anything is done in the future, it will need to be on the new systems. It will also need to be a new game because of number 1. 3. Who in their right mind would invest several million dollars to put a token update out for the existing consoles knowing that there will be near zero return on that investment? (I think SylenThunder has covered this in great detail in some of the threads you claim to have read.) Taking that into account, I'd imagine that there is a 99% chance that no further update will happen for the existing console version of the game. There is a 95% chance that you will not see TFP venture into branching another version of the game for the console until after they are done making the PC version. It's basic common sense. Especially given the facts in #1 regarding the save files. Seriously, what more news do you need? An official statement from madmole saying "Noe, nothing changed guys. Information is still the same as it was."???
  7. it is really interesting the number of features that get added to this bot after they were created and developed for other tools by other modders, and there is never any credit given to the original authors these features are stolen straight from CPM, and where is the thanks to Prisma for making this so you could rip it? no instead you would rather get the pimps to discredit him just because he made it harder for you to steal his code you sir are an insult to the modding community
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