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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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8 minutes ago, STyK_ said:

He's giving people what they want to see, don't hate on him, that's where the views are unfortunately. Make it so the game can't do this or accept that is what the game is by not putting the proper rules in place. This is the game giant meme I warned you about. #you can't force self-control

its true, i build the simplest horde base and i have yet to need to change the design of it, cheap yes i know but effective so i can enjoy the other aspects of the game lol, i literally do horde nights in a box

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38 minutes ago, Onarr said:

I do not think you want this. Building plates in this way makes it that the plate actually takes up the inside slot, meaning you cannot put any furniture there. then you have this weird 1block space around the walls that do not allow anything there. 

If you put a plate, it wont allow anything to be placed there anyway. He is showing he want plate to cover all walls on corner. It looks off when putting plates in corners, by not showing look of plates on two of corner walls. 


Doesn't bother me, as I dont really care about looks, but I understand what he is talking about.

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1 minute ago, Phoenixshade35 said:

its true, i build the simplest horde base and i have yet to need to change the design of it, cheap yes i know but effective so i can enjoy the other aspects of the game lol, i literally do horde nights in a box

Different play styles for different players, if your getting your moneys worth that's what matters.

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12 hours ago, FileMachete said:

Totally guessing here; from a couple vids on how to make a poi it looks like there are 'sleeper volumes' in which can be 1 or more zeds. The volumes are 6 sided 'cubes', and if (not sure) there's such a thing as a "trigger spawn in" I'm guessing it's a cube as well.


For performance reasons poi designers likely keep "trigger spawn in" cubes as small as possible.


Wondering if it might be possible to exend the "trigger spawn in" code to allow additional cubes? If it isn't already.


So in the situation I experianced, coming down the stairs, pop a closet, no zed inside, get to foot of stairs, zed spawns in; if the designer could draw in a nother "trigger spawn in" cube that just covered part of the stairs, without extending up through the floor in a wide area, it could be less performance impact.


Edit: oops, meant to say that yeah, can imagine the overhead of constantly tracking player FOV, so put that on the poi designers instead.


Just a wag :)

Actually volumes can be grouped, which would cause them to act as a whole. That was something I added back in March 2019, but designers have a ton of POIs and thousands of volumes, so they can't just easily go through through them all and know what could be improved.

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11 hours ago, x3eemguy said:

Hello all, My wife a I have been playing this game for a little over a year now. Since the new update my wife died randomly 3 times now, first time just digging for a buried supply, then in a poi and then again digging for another buried supply. There was no mine or explosion or any other threat whatsoever. We were together at same location, like less than 1 meter and just puff out of the air death comes. This issue never happened before to her or myself, now this looks like a bug and it sucks. We only play permadeath. If any player dies in our group of 3 we start over. Anyone else experience this? It sucks now with this random death issue.

You can check the log file. It should show why a player died.


Looks like:

Entity name 830 killed by animalDireWolf 1561

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I think it would be cool if some of the less popular play styles received an exp bonus for playing as intended. 


Like agility... it is more about sneaking, and you could make a point that you should probably get from the shadows and sneak damage first, but it is slower, so most people will probably not get it at the start. 


If from the shadows had an exp multiplier when you got a successful sneak attack kill, it would encourage some people to get it sooner, and actually try to sneak and see how enjoyable that gameplay is, while not feeling like they are moving too slowly and gimping their exp. 


From the shadows would be a good choice for extra exp since it is negated by careful play and does not increase your damage... it is something you would probably get later on usually. 


If you are getting like 2,000 exp per sneak attack kill, you are probably going to find sneaking around getting kills very enjoyable. 



Not really necessary... just a thought. 

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1 hour ago, n2n1 said:

No matter how complex the AI is, there will always be exploits.

Do a simple and effective AI.

One side of me agrees that a simple AI that just makes a straight shot towards you would work fine. Another side of me sees that this isn't the best idea since zombies will just avoid obvious openings to get to you.
What would be cool is some algorithm that is a mix of the two with some randomness (somewhat like what we have now, although it leans towards calculated paths and randomness is too subtle)... but also containing some variable such that changing its value greatly impacts the behavior. Then, every horde night, that value changes and you are left with not knowing for certain that what you did on the previous horde will work the same way for the next.

EDIT: Additionally, I am hoping that bandits will be able to raid bases. This way, these builds that create impossible situations for zombies might end up just being easy access for bandits... and builds that attempt to create impossible situations for bandits just end up being easy access for zombies.

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6 hours ago, Nugetti said:

Hey @faatal, freshly spawned wandering hordes seem to auto-target you. You cannot get a sneak attack bonus on them - yet they still don't "see" the player as they are not aggroed. Is this on purpose?

Wandering hordes wander by you, randomly off to a side, but they have an investigate target in the distance, which probably causes them to be alert, so you can't sneak attack them.


I'd call that a bug. Added to TODO.

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11 hours ago, x3eemguy said:

Hello all, My wife a I have been playing this game for a little over a year now. Since the new update my wife died randomly 3 times now, first time just digging for a buried supply, then in a poi and then again digging for another buried supply. There was no mine or explosion or any other threat whatsoever. We were together at same location, like less than 1 meter and just puff out of the air death comes. This issue never happened before to her or myself, now this looks like a bug and it sucks. We only play permadeath. If any player dies in our group of 3 we start over. Anyone else experience this? It sucks now with this random death issue.

If it was a bug then I would not stop your perma death play through.

Did the dirt fall on her and kill her?

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22 minutes ago, faatal said:

Wandering hordes wander by you, randomly off to a side, but they have an investigate target in the distance, which probably causes them to be alert, so you can't sneak attack them.


I'd call that a bug. Added to TODO.


Oh yeah, seems like the same thing when you are playing with another player and they seem him, but you are sneaking shooting them heh. 


I made the mistake going sneak playing as a duo and it was not very fun lel. 

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10 minutes ago, pregnable said:


Oh yeah, seems like the same thing when you are playing with another player and they seem him, but you are sneaking shooting them heh. 


I made the mistake going sneak playing as a duo and it was not very fun lel. 

Thats when you use them as bait while you swoop in with ninja kills....😅

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31 minutes ago, faatal said:

Actually volumes can be grouped, which would cause them to act as a whole. That was something I added back in March 2019, but designers have a ton of POIs and thousands of volumes, so they can't just easily go through through them all and know what could be improved.

@faatalWould you mind if you get a chance someday, directing me to a POI that utilizes these grouped volumes? I've seen plenty of POIs with overlapping volumes, but none that work in the way you have described. What does a sleeper volume group look like in the POI editor? Was there anything added to the POI editor to allow easy grouping of sleeper volumes? Are sleeper volumes assigned to sleeper volume groups in a POI's xml?

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21 minutes ago, pregnable said:

I think it would be cool if some of the less popular play styles received an exp bonus for playing as intended. 


Like agility... it is more about sneaking, and you could make a point that you should probably get from the shadows and sneak damage first, but it is slower, so most people will probably not get it at the start. 


If from the shadows had an exp multiplier when you got a successful sneak attack kill, it would encourage some people to get it sooner, and actually try to sneak and see how enjoyable that gameplay is, while not feeling like they are moving too slowly and gimping their exp. 


From the shadows would be a good choice for extra exp since it is negated by careful play and does not increase your damage... it is something you would probably get later on usually. 


If you are getting like 2,000 exp per sneak attack kill, you are probably going to find sneaking around getting kills very enjoyable. 



Not really necessary... just a thought. 

it would be nice, I use from the shadows end game when doing towers when the game stage is stupid high and thats where it really shines. Game start its not really the best choice. You can hidden strike and reposition out doors easily with out them finding you on nightmare speed. I guess my point is by the time I get it I'm not really worried about the exp.

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44 minutes ago, pregnable said:

I think it would be cool if some of the less popular play styles received an exp bonus for playing as intended. 


Like agility... it is more about sneaking, and you could make a point that you should probably get from the shadows and sneak damage first, but it is slower, so most people will probably not get it at the start. 


If from the shadows had an exp multiplier when you got a successful sneak attack kill, it would encourage some people to get it sooner, and actually try to sneak and see how enjoyable that gameplay is, while not feeling like they are moving too slowly and gimping their exp. 


From the shadows would be a good choice for extra exp since it is negated by careful play and does not increase your damage... it is something you would probably get later on usually. 


If you are getting like 2,000 exp per sneak attack kill, you are probably going to find sneaking around getting kills very enjoyable. 



Not really necessary... just a thought. 

As nice as it would be, I think things like that would also inadvertently create a meta to builds that gain the most exp possible, even if all experience buffs were the same it would just be which is the most effective and efficient build to do so, which some see as kinda already a thing but since exp buffs arnt directly evolved in it, it’s mostly over looked. 

Tho at the same time there always a kinda meta to thinks, just comes down to how ppl wanna do it their way I reckon. 

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4 hours ago, RipClaw said:

Looks great. Would something like a round inside corner be possible or or would that have too many polygons?

What I wish would be a stair inside corner like this:



Yeah I made the outside corner, but noticed the lack of an inside stair corner, it would be great for sunken living rooms, etc.

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1 hour ago, STyK_ said:

He's giving people what they want to see, don't hate on him, that's where the views are unfortunately. Make it so the game can't do this or accept that is what the game is by not putting the proper rules in place. This is the game giant meme I warned you about. #you can't force self-control

Or just leave it alone and accept it as a possible play style. Might be hard to believe that not everyone wants to go hard every playthough or even causal for that matter. Sometime ya just wanna have a relaxing stress free night of just breaking and bending the game to your will for a change. Ultimately if TFP feel they need to fix it they will. But I’m sure there will be other ways. There’s always a way

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6 minutes ago, enragedcamel said:

A quick summary then, maybe? Or is it all undecided still?

When you see an alpha 19 thread go up, we will add stuff to it.

All I can say is most likely pipe weapons, POI work and more HD zombie replacements, possibly some new / old special infected.

4 minutes ago, Phoenixshade35 said:

I have noticed something that i feel needs a small tweak, doesn't need it but i feel it does, the bone shiv compared to the hunting knife, both level 3, no mods, only 4 points of power attack damage difference, i think the bone shiv should be a little less, just a small thought

Knives really suck early game though. If anything I'd buff the hunting knife so it is right in the middle of bone knife and machete.

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21 minutes ago, Yopo said:

As nice as it would be, I think things like that would also inadvertently create a meta to builds that gain the most exp possible, even if all experience buffs were the same it would just be which is the most effective and efficient build to do so, which some see as kinda already a thing but since exp buffs arnt directly evolved in it, it’s mostly over looked. 

Tho at the same time there always a kinda meta to thinks, just comes down to how ppl wanna do it their way I reckon. 


Yeah, I mean part of it is balancing the attributes and exp gain in general.  There are a lot of ways to do it. 


I am not sure where I would put it in other attributes... Strength and Intelligence do not really need it lol. 


I think In the shadows would be pretty safe though, because the power gaming it would encourage is really exactly what you should be doing as a sneaking agility build. 


You would be trying to sneak around and get every kill you could with a sneak attack, and you might want to run around at night sneaking to get kills, with the risk vs reward of what might spawn, heh. 


Plus, then people would get it early and probably sneak attack damage and realize how fun some POIs are and see that a lot of the jump scares will not trigger while you are sneaking. 

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2 minutes ago, madmole said:

When you see an alpha 19 thread go up, we will add stuff to it.

All I can say is most likely pipe weapons, POI work and more HD zombie replacements, possibly some new / old special infected.

Knives really suck early game though. If anything I'd buff the hunting knife so it is right in the middle of bone knife and machete.

i can agree with that, i have yet to get one, too early in this world to find a machete for a comparison, but we shall see

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