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Removing cotton


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So I was out mowing the area that we're going to fight the next blood moon and I got to thinking. Is there any reason to keep cotton around? The main uses for it are to make cloth fragments, beds, office chairs, and the puffer coat. Last time I used cotton to make cloth fragments was back when you needed cloth to make the bedrolls, so it's be awhile. And the other ingredients coudl be switch to either use something else, plant fiber maybe, or just be taken out. Cotton is one of the few items I wouldn't mind if TFP decided to remove. Anyone think of any uses that I don't know about or forgot to mention? Can you think of a reason that it should be kept?

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I have about two uses for it;

- first day bandages and if a little lucky with trash glues, first day padded armors

- in a sit-in-my-base-digging game, harvest or even plant it for cloth wherever required, molotovs, bandages, duct tape, etc. Sure you'll get plenty otherwise since madmole doesn't want base-sitting to be possible..


So, yeah, can't say it's needed in the current direction of the game, but I just think it's the absolute wrong direction... :)

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It is definitely one of the weaker things in the game.

I usually make 10 bandages and a bandanna directly from cotton in the first hour of the game.

One time I forgot bandages on a trek and it saved my life.

I don't think it should be removed because it suits well in those early survival moments. However, I do think they should try to find more uses for it later on... something that needs constant maintenance and constant supply of cotton... like a water purification station. Give some reason to farm it even.

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Well since they're planning on making food more scarce, they could replace cotton with some kind of emergency food source. Perhaps Wildberries that will feed you but also debuff you in some way like reduced stamina regen or lowering all primary stats by 1 for a while.

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It gives variety to the landscape.


Then why not make it a purely cosmetic thing? You could replace it 1:1 with a useful flower that actually looks good.



Btw I'm not arguing for the removal :D

I'm just trying to show that TFPs reason for "its unnecessary and didn't add anything of value" can be applicable to many many things in the game and is therefor a nonargument :D

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That's what I currently do since it is an item that I believe is so pointless that it should be removed from the game lol.


I wish they'd put the drop hotkey so it works inside loot containers, so instead of clicking and draging and dropping junk out, I can just click it and hit D, like in my inventory, would save so much time, you have no idea. Sure it only takea a bit longer to drag and drop it, but, that adds up over time. Any container I loot will be empty when I close it, even if I have to toss or scrap everything.

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Well since they're planning on making food more scarce, they could replace cotton with some kind of emergency food source. Perhaps Wildberries that will feed you but also debuff you in some way like reduced stamina regen or lowering all primary stats by 1 for a while.


Ravenhearst lets you gather bugs by punching grass that you can eat as is, or better cook them in a can or bottle, for more food at once. As for the food issue, they are never going to be able to fix it to be honest, Even on 25% loot I was fine. To really fix it they'd have to massivly lower loot chances of food, and also remove it from the vending machines and traders... *Hides stack of 7 sham chowder he recently bought off his local trader in a box...*. I mean it does kinda make sense traders would have some for sale, and same for vending machines in trader compounds. But IMO, vending machines outside of trader poi's should never restock daily, maybe every 30 days like loot respawn and have it tied to it. I mean who is going to go out in the apocalypse and restock some random vending machine in the middle of no where in some bar or fire station? I mean in a trader poi it makes sense as the trader lives there, but elsewhere? not so much.

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I gather it by the bushel when starting, so I'll have 10 regular bandages on my bar while I save my good bandage for when I need it. Like crossing the wasteland and getting hurt by a snake or dog so I can mitigate my losses before every freaking vulture in the game dive bombs me.

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It gives variety to the landscape.

No one likes him anyway.

We need the most monotonous landscape and single biom - this will solve problems with the workload of RAM. Smoothing the terrain leads to serious drawdowns of processor time, Maincraft is more popular among the masses because its use of voxels is more efficient.

I hope the developers understand this and will soon give up smoothing the terrain.


Of course, the cotton needs to be removed, it's just an atavism from stupid legacy.

Cotton is just a meaningless step for cloth production. I'm tired of constantly collecting cotton to make myself a cloth for bandages or splint.

I am confident that TFP can do - that would instead cotton, on ground grew pieces of tissue or ready clothing. That would be fun.


In addition - removing unnecessary textures and icons - would help to effectively optimize the game and significantly increase performance.

What will you choose cotton or a hundred new prefabs with wonderful dungeons?

(Oh YES!!! Every time i admire the unexpected appearance of a scary zombie from the closet!!!)


In general - i would advise developers to go to the mobile platform - there are no such problems that they have to solve on more serious hardwares. Money comes easier.


Sorry, boiled.

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I wish they'd put the drop hotkey so it works inside loot containers, so instead of clicking and draging and dropping junk out, I can just click it and hit D, like in my inventory, would save so much time, you have no idea. Sure it only takea a bit longer to drag and drop it, but, that adds up over time. Any container I loot will be empty when I close it, even if I have to toss or scrap everything.


That would be such a great addition. I have to drag and drop so many different things that this small change would save me a lot of time.

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What will you choose cotton or a hundred new prefabs with wonderful dungeons?


The POI designers at TFP are just so brilliant at their work i'd choose hundred new prefabs over cotton :)

(No, this was not sarcastic, their work is very very very good).

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The POI designers at TFP are just so brilliant at their work i'd choose hundred new prefabs over cotton :)

(No, this was not sarcastic, their work is very very very good).

No it's not sarcasm - i just wanted to show the comparison scale as developers do.

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Just have the plants drop cloth and, once you have the proper perk or found the recipe, a random chance for a seed.


Wouldn't need to have the cotton icon anymore and it wouldn't be cluttering up our inventory.


It's pretty much only useful for making cloth anyway, so why keep the cotton item around?


And so it begins

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The arguments are pretty well fitting those which where used to justify the removal of iron ore.

Since the funpimps argue that this is a completely valid general decision rule, it should, of course, be applied to every similarly fitting case!


Since cotton has the one and only use to be made into cloth, making the cotton plants directly drop cloth is perfectly inline with the decision to make iron ore veins drop iron: those iron ores, too, had the one and only use to be smelted into iron.


That policy was applied to even broader cases, for example sticks: Those were used for arrows and traps, if i remember correctly. Thus they had two, not only one, usages. And they got removed anyways.


Any more ideas how we can dissect every nice aspect of the game that is not driven by imperative necessity?



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