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Removing cotton


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Really though, how is it different? You hit iron ore and instead of getting iron ore you get processed iron scraps, the same thing you get from salvaging cars/refrigerators/metal doors. So how is it that much of a stretch to get cloth from a plant, the same cloth you get from curtains and couches?


Two wrongs don't make a right. That's how I see it.

I was against the ability to scrap iron ore into usable iron when they added that. I didn't make a fuss about it though because it had some gameplay value since scrapping things always gave much less than smelting things whole. That mistake is what paved the way to removing iron ore altogether and made it seem logical to do so.

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I mean sure the plant would remain, but look at what you are saying. I can grow a cotton plant, smack it and get a piece of made cloth back.


Things like iron ore etc I can see just because it still makes some sense within the confines of that mechanic. I hit an iron vein i get scraps of iron etc. But I would gladly grab the popcorn for the memes and hilarious jokes made at the expense of such a decision. Smack a wild plant and cloth pops out ready to be used lol.


May as well add meat plants you can punch and get meat from because whats being suggested is as silly as that.


Is it really that ridiculous? They've made similar changes all over the place... used to be different kinds of wood, now there's just one. Used to be different kinds of leather, now there's just one. Used to be different kinds of meat, now there's just one. Used to be different kinds of iron and lead, now there's just one. Changing cotton is just in line with all the other changes they've made over the years. Not saying I'm in favor of it, I miss the diversity that used to exist.... I'm just saying given the changes that have occurred already, changing cotton isn't that outrageous.

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I have about two uses for it;

- first day bandages and if a little lucky with trash glues, first day padded armors

- in a sit-in-my-base-digging game, harvest or even plant it for cloth wherever required, molotovs, bandages, duct tape, etc. Sure you'll get plenty otherwise since madmole doesn't want base-sitting to be possible..


So, yeah, can't say it's needed in the current direction of the game, but I just think it's the absolute wrong direction... :)


About all I gather cotton for is on day 1, for the same reason you do, for the padded armor, and duct tape. I just punch about 30-40 as I am running around the forest and thats about all I need, I never touch cotton again after that. This is assuming I don't just raid a poi and harvest the drapes and furnature for the cloth instead.

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The POI designers at TFP are just so brilliant at their work i'd choose hundred new prefabs over cotton :)

(No, this was not sarcastic, their work is very very very good).


I agree, though I do find it silly that every poi is somehow a dungeon. What I find great about the design is how many options they have setup for you to get out. Like the big church poi? you can climb down the roof and jump down the sides at certan spots, and they have a overhang/slant set at the perfect height so even on a level 1 char you'd take no fall damage getting down that way. They usually have this easy way out right near the loot rooms as well.


- - - Updated - - -


For all the things streamlined, I'm mostly starting to get annoyed at lead trophies and fishing weights...


I just scrap those when I see them in loot, including the brass trophys. I don't however scrap the radiators thats too big of a loss there.

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Everyone in this thread talks about harvesting drapes and couches when the true payload is tents.


There is this roll of I don’t know what.. maybe carpet? It gives an absurd amount of cloth. I wanna say around 200.

There is another version of it... perhaps a roll of insulation? That one gives hundreds of paper.

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Two wrongs don't make a right. That's how I see it.

I was against the ability to scrap iron ore into usable iron when they added that. I didn't make a fuss about it though because it had some gameplay value since scrapping things always gave much less than smelting things whole. That mistake is what paved the way to removing iron ore altogether and made it seem logical to do so.


Whose to say it's wrong though, if it improves performance and gets rid of useless steps isn't it something that would be beneficial?


P.S. look at my post history on the iron change for perspective

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Whose to say it's wrong though, if it improves performance and gets rid of useless steps isn't it something that would be beneficial?


P.S. look at my post history on the iron change for perspective


Well, I am to say. I know I am not of power to ultimately say it is wrong for the game, but in the context of my previous posts and "how I see it," it is wrong.

You can't take an asset out of a game and make that game lose performance. So, backing up the idea that it's always right for a game because removal improves performance is invalid. An empty game is the most performant.

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