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Whats your favorite Weapon??????

Adam the Waster

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Late game the only viable options seem to be Sledgehammers and maybe baseball bats. Knuckles can only do so much when you have a half dozen glowing zeds sprinting at you constantly and pounding on you. Need that CC to kick off more often than fist do.


Pretty much, baseball bat is a club and iron club is pretty viable till you get a baseball bat. Sledge is just great at all stages of the game. Warrior difficulty 5 in str 2 or 3 in the sledge perk and a t3 steel sledge and i'm 1 shoting male zombies while standing with head shots. You'd need even less on nomad (100/100 for player/zombies damage and even less on adventurer as the player deals 125 or 150% damage and zombies deal 75% of their normal). The problem here is the devs seemed to have balanced some of this stuff around adventurer which was a stupid move on their part as the player gets a damage bonus vs zombies on that difficulty. On Adv or lower, anything is prob viable. but nomad+? you start to notice issues and on warrior and above? the other melee weapons just aren't viable later on other than sledge/clubs. Its not just the raw damage, blunt weapons have useful secondary abilitys like knockdown etc.

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It's interesting to see the answers here. I agree with Scyris about the sledge/shottie combo for general use. If you can time the swing and charge, all bow down before the sledge. Also, it's fun to line the z's up and pop a couple heads with a single power swing. If I want to stealth in POIs, I'll typically use Ripclaw's composite bow (thanks) and sometimes silenced pistol. Horde nights I like Kage's m60 (thanks).

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Back in whatever alpha, once I tried machete there was no turning back. Kills fast, high decap chance, save 1 inventory space, looks and feels badass.


Steel knuckles comes a very close second, popping zombie heads off doesn't get old.


to bad the baseball bat can't just knock off there heads :D


- - - Updated - - -



2x scope

fore grip

extendo mag

Semi Auto/something else


Nothing even comes close to the flexibility and effectiveness of the AK, High damage, accuracy, range, capacity, reload speed ...it's like an 8/10 for everything with no compromises.


As soon as I find one I don't use anything else, you can start clearing out big POIs that day with no fear at speed. I actually can't think of any circumstance where I'd want any other weapon.


i cant wait for that new M4A1 looking gun for A19

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  • 3 months later...

The AK in current Alpha is such an amazing weapon I can't believe it. Red dot, drum mag, rad, foregrip. I can headshot entire rooms of running zombies with crazy efficiency.


The pistol with silencer, red dot, extended mag and rad killer feels like you're a hitman when clearing POIs as well.

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I love the versatility of the shotgun. This weapon is great for any time, any fight. It never gives you up, and it never lets you down. :p


I also love the stone mallet. Hands down the best starter weapon in the game. Cheap and easy to make, hits hard, and stamina friendly.

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M60 really is the king as the damage output is rather over the top. Stun baton is fantastic for any single zed - totally disables them. Nothing beats a silenced marksman when clearing sleepers - kills them every time.


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I like the iron club, it is easy to make and does not require fancy parts. Once you start putting points into clubs and melee is becomes quite powerful. Guns I don't think are particularly viable except as a clutch weapon, ammo is too expensive.




One night of mining and I have thousands of rounds.

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My favourite has got to be the spear.


I rank the spear up there with A17's bicycle and A16's arrows sticking in targets in terms of "small addition that vastly improves the feel of the game".


I'm not the sort of person who obsesses over DPS and the like. The spear just feels so great that I'm happy to use it even if it isn't the most efficient weapon in the game.


(Having said that, the knuckle dusters are a close second when it comes to the feel of combat - both are great additions to the game.)


Having played much more of A18 since I posted the above, I want to change my selection.


The spear still gets points for being a great day-1 weapon that you can build yourself from a few scraps.


But once you get established then Agility or Fortitude is the way to go, with knives and knuckle dusters both having a great feel (knives are so much better in A18 than in previous alphas). With more experience, I'd put them both above the spear in terms of feel.


I don't do much ranged fighting, but I do like the crossbow for sniping. I never used to use them because the ammo was fiddly and expensive, but now you can make stone bolts (same ingredients as stone arrows) they're a lot more useable.

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Always been and i think always will be... MACHETE STRIKES AGAIN!


For POIs i prefer Compound Bow for silent kills. At some point i was even quite good at shooting bows from big ranges, but spent too little time for that sort of fun to be proficient nowadays.


For Hordes i fancy myself a good pistol, not having yet a proper SMG, nor a high enough GS to warrant any serious threats towards me.


So yeah, still a newbie in A18, but i would love to experiment a bit with various other weapons when i'll have A LOT more time for that hehe.

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