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Do you use the lockpicks?


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I am wodnering how many people use the lockpicks and buy the skill to use them. I usually don't as it feels kinda cheaty to me with how easy it can make looting safes, but I wonder what the general public thinks of it. I personally think its too easy to get the perk to craft them.

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They just change the game, turning a tradeoff too many people made badly into a ooohh-pritty-shiny chance.


Perhaps everyone in this not-so-distant future grew up watching LockpickingLawyer videos but as expected nobody ever cared enough to buy decent locks anyway?

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Yes, I use them. I have not spent a point into the perk yet. I just find them in loot containers. They remind me of Valmod. The pickaxe becomes pretty darn fast in later game when I have a few mods on my pickaxe, but as mentioned above, the safes are much faster to open early game and I appreciate speeding up what used to take way too long, early game.

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I use it. I like it. I think the failure rate needs to be upped some though. One point into it is more than enough with how many lockpicls you find in the world, the way it is now. This is probably why it feels cheaty to you. With 0 points in, you should have to go through 5 lockpicks as a minimum.

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I find them far better to sell than to use. I've had way too many times where I had 5 picks, the first pick worked for 19.5 out of 20 seconds, then the next 4 picks broke almost immediately. This happens time after time, and I'm sick of it....it's frustrating, and even if it is RNG, watching RNG specifically F*** you over right at the end is annoying and frustrating, and annoying and frustrating isn't fun.


Not to mention it's in perception. Perception already has explosives (which I imagine continue to go unused by most), but more importantly, it has the salvage operations skill, which dramatically boosts wrench damage and yield, so your wrench is doing high-end pick damage to safes. Basically, perception already has a far more consistent skill for safe cracking that also gives other massive benefits.


Now if it was an agility skill...I might consider it.

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It's better than whacking a safe for a couple minutes and find it's empty. But I was hoping for a lockpicking minigame, watching a 20s dial...break...break....break....break...isn't exactly fun.


Reminds me of lighting fires in the long dark, there was some negative response to that aswell.

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I use the ones I find. It seems they upped the hit points of the safes and locked hardened chests by quite a bit. Maybe late game a steel pickaxe would go through the 5k+ health to unlock it, but I don't have the patience to beat through that much health doing at most 40 points per hit.


B143 notes said no more instant breaking of lockpicks, but it still does it multiple times in a row. That's kind of annoying. My experience thus far is first pick goes till about .3 seconds then breaks. This is then followed by 3-4 breaking instantly. Seems if you get to under 1 second, it resets timer back to 3-4 seconds. I tend to run out of picks on 1 safe. Pretty much given up on opening safes at this point.

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What you can open a safe combination lock with a lock pick?


That is just silly. I thought they only worked on player made doors and chest that have standard tumbler locks.


As I am sure most people know, you simply CAN'T pick a combination lock. The mechanism works on entirely different principles.


Now if you could get a drill like a mini auger mounted on Neodymium magnets you could stick to the safe and drill out the lock after 30 seconds of loud grinding, I would be more than happy with that. I'd even settle for C4. But lock picks...


That's just silly.

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What you can open a safe combination lock with a lock pick?


That is just silly. I thought they only worked on player made doors and chest that have standard tumbler locks.


As I am sure most people know, you simply CAN'T pick a combination lock. The mechanism works on entirely different principles.


Now if you could get a drill like a mini auger mounted on Neodymium magnets you could stick to the safe and drill out the lock after 30 seconds of loud grinding, I would be more than happy with that. I'd even settle for C4. But lock picks...


That's just silly.


So if they change the name from lockpicks to mini auger drill with neodymium magents you'd be happy?

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I've had decent luck with lock picks. Without perking it's about 2-3 lock picks per safe. I haven't specced into it and don't plan to, but I like the option to opening safes vs. tinking at them with my stone pick axe for days. If I have them? Great, I'll try. If not, I mark the safe for later. It's a nice 'maybe' without being a guarantee.


I can't say yet if it gives undo advantage -- so far, I've run into more safes than lock picks to open them.

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So if they change the name from lockpicks to mini auger drill with neodymium magents you'd be happy?


If they made it something you could only craft with an Auger and some other hard to find parts.


Yep, I sure would.


Just make it a one time use, then require repair. Can't be over powered. If lock picks can open a gun safe that is silly over powered. I assumed they were only for sneaking into POI and chests. Ya know like real lock picks work. Gun/Wall Safe effective devices is far too powerful for such a cheap to acquire resource.

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Notably, lockpicks sell for 20 dukes (without bartering perks) while iron ingots sell for 1-2, and mechanical parts sell for around 8 i think. At 1 bar and 1 mech part per pick, they're decent moneymakers with 1 point in lockpicking in order to craft them.


As it is, a stackable, 20-duke-per-unit item isn't a bad choice for making money during early and early-mid game, when you're using or hoarding most early gear, and the stuff you don't only sells for 40-120 anyways.

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If they made it something you could only craft with an Auger and some other hard to find parts.


Yep, I sure would.


Just make it a one time use, then require repair. Can't be over powered. If lock picks can open a gun safe that is silly over powered. I assumed they were only for sneaking into POI and chests. Ya know like real lock picks work. Gun/Wall Safe effective devices is far too powerful for such a cheap to acquire resource.


I can go with that sure, it's a good idea. I'm indifferent to it either way but your idea seems good.

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If they made it something you could only craft with an Auger and some other hard to find parts.


Yep, I sure would.


Just make it a one time use, then require repair. Can't be over powered. If lock picks can open a gun safe that is silly over powered. I assumed they were only for sneaking into POI and chests. Ya know like real lock picks work. Gun/Wall Safe effective devices is far too powerful for such a cheap to acquire resource.


But smashing it open with an axe I made with sticks, stones and grass is ok?


At some point you have to forget about realism and go with what makes good game play. Sacrificing some skill points and/or resources to be able to "pick locks" is a trade off to avoid the time and noise it would take to bash it in.

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I really liked this topic as I normally ignore lock picks when going on quests. But I can see the advantage of using up a slot for lock pick as many POI's have them and "Double tapping" a Safe before you start the quest and during could be a huge deal.


As people said, Time is money! I would add: Smart time use is the difference between life and death! :)



*Will carry lock picks from now on (at least on the mini-bike.)*

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I personally like that they exist. I like that some people use them. I was kinda lukewarm about having to perk in order to get more use out of them, and I was cool if there was a minigame involved like how they did in Fallout/ESO/Skyrim, etc etc.


I am however, not a fan of increasing the health of some of the Safes in order for them to find an appeal for lockpick use. I found a number of large chests that needed 7k on day 1 and 2. I look at my t1 stone axe and I just shook my head. As mentioned by Laz Man:


Time is money friend! 😅
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I use them but have not spent any points in the perk. The way it is now I find lockpicks all the time so the ones that do break isn't an issue so probably most likely not going to spend points into the perk. That I find is a problem not the lockpicks itself. If we have perks give reasons to want to invest points into it. I think for the vanilla version of the game no perks they should break more often and more perks open up the less they break and last perk is like master lock picking or something. They could lower the spawn count as well and make me wanna spend points to be able to craft them myself. Besides that I enjoy them and think is is a pretty good addition to the game.

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