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quyxkh last won the day on January 5 2020

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    "quyxkh" is just a made-up word, pronounced a lot like "cook".

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  1. Might want to stop using the royal "we" when speaking, then.
  2. So you know the game doesn't force you to play with traders at all and you've gone back and played without them many times, again and again. First time for everything I guess. Time to find out how to mute someone on this forum.
  3. Good Lord. Here's how to fix it: play survivalist, dead is dead, no trader. No. Trader. Your complaint is "once you've got some skill the game's easy and boring if you play it on easy and boring settings, and it forces you to play on easy and boring settings because that's easiest". If the wall gets bloody and ugly after you run headlong into it enough times, I'm not sure the right response is to demand the wall be made self cleaning. Can I suggest opening the door, it's right there, and walking through? Stop playing on easy settings. The game gets more interesting.
  4. I don't get it. A Q6 stone axe modded to the gills is basically magic, putting it up against a Q3 iron pickaxe is basically putting Sting up against some random Orc captain's sword: in skilled hands, it's not going to be a contest, and the Orc's gonna lose.
  5. Am I the *only* player still pining for the brutal desperation that was A17.0?
  6. Things I miss from the old forums: backlinks to a quoted-post, and "first unread" in the topic I'm reading. I know you can get there from topic indexes, I'm saying the nav-within-topic features are missing. And I don't see how to go back to the post someone quoted at all, I can hide the quoted bit, there's a link to the poster's profile page, but if there's a link to the actual quoted post my pixel-fu is too weak.
  7. Only thing I'm sure could be better is it needs higher-contrast text still, a darker background for the dark theme might do it. Get somebody with old eyes in there, low-contrast text is great for advertising copy and other novelty/attention-seeking contexts but it sucks for older eyes. Haven't found how to lose the avatar pics, when thread-reading, they suck up so much space you can't see more than three posts in a conversation. ffs I could see more on a 1960's 3270 with a 24×80 text screen. If you really can't turn them off I'd say that's going to be my vote for worst feature ever. Everything else looks like it's there just a matter of getting used to the new setup. I like the expando toggles, could wish for checkbox selections for selective "mark read" ops and such but I know that's soaring pretty high up there in first-world-problems territory.
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