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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I think two but maybe we need to up it, and maybe up the ammo it holds no way would the small magazine keep up for long unless we do some alternate ammo or something more powerful.


How do you (re-)load the deployed turret? Hit R when near the turret?




Is it possible to fix the gamma settings, i want to say that it should with a limit when u play Online and in PVP map it would be Awesome all to have the same or Slightly different Gamma settings


A PvP player can always use his monitor's gamma settings to remove darkness.


You guys might also want to consider having at least one more stage of power of zombies in between normal and feral. Zombies that are tougher like ferals but do not run all the time,


Aren't they in already? The tourist, the old woman, the soldier are tougher versions of the basic zombie

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I know, but maybe it would be in your best interests to suggest such a feature at a later date. The time now isn't entirely appropriate nor recommended, what with A18 right around the corner (hopefully); I would suggest to anyone in support of this feature to revisit it come the development of A19. Just my honest thoughts.


No, Aurelius is right; MM is *finally* playing the game and is making game design decisions as a result of his playtime, the time is now, and then, so that when/if he comes up short on brass, it's in his head. Will it go into a18? No, that's been feature frozen for a month now. But who knows? 18.1? 19? 20?


If he deems it necessary.


Hell, he has waffled on food spoilage a few times now. =)

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Na, I got attacked from behind while fighting zombies and instant bleed with no bandages. At a minimum they need to howl before they go agro and bark or something. Its completely unfair for day 1 survivors unless we changed them like pigs but they aggro if you get too close. Right now they just rush up silently and cheaply kill players who aren't armored yet, that isn't fun for noobs or veterans. Had I been in the wasteland and it was a rad dog, sure, cool eat me I deserved that, but it wasn't.


So what are your plans to make this better?

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Making hostile animals like wolfs, coyotes and cougars not spawn until X day would be a nice placeholder until you make levelled random encounters.


I loved those random encounters in Skyrim/FO, though I expect you guys to make procedural ones with hundreds of meaningful variations. There, do I get to keep the captain tag?


Hundreds is a stretch. I'm thinking 5-10 random encounter types that pull from a game staged list so yeah variants but not hundreds of unique types. A unique type would be animal encounter, bandit encounter, survivor/quest giver encounter, etc.

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Madmole, don’t think of history in a practical sense. It more just to remind us of who we are what we’ve done to become where we are. That’s hopefully why you really only need to take 1-3 classes out of the whole 28 (minus core classes) you can take.


Yeah I have problem with teaching History up until high school. They could incorporate some history into some people skills courses that would be a nice marriage of history yet teaches something useful.

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New perk tree (Not for A18). I am liking the new perk trees for A18 they are all great. I know you’ve played Fallout 4 and they have one perk tree that lets the player be carnivorous. Do you think you might add a perk tree like that to 7 days to die. I know it’s a bizzare tree but it’s also a different approach than standard shoot or melee and kill.


You can't even kill any humans yet.

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Let me rephrase, and this time read my sentence with a LOT of snark involved, as I'm with you on scientific hubris...


"I'm curious how he defeated what we know about physics and thermodynamics and why he isn't a billionaire yet from the oil industry buying his patents".


...I just don't think it happened, is all.


Word. I too would need to see it, and see what others thought, to get anywhere close to believing it as well. I just keep an open mind, major breakthroughs do happen, it's how we've gotten all the awesome stuff we have thus far, albeit from within a broader landscape mostly composed of smoke and mirrors.

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Na, I got attacked from behind while fighting zombies and instant bleed with no bandages. At a minimum they need to howl before they go agro and bark or something. Its completely unfair for day 1 survivors unless we changed them like pigs but they aggro if you get too close. Right now they just rush up silently and cheaply kill players who aren't armored yet, that isn't fun for noobs or veterans. Had I been in the wasteland and it was a rad dog, sure, cool eat me I deserved that, but it wasn't.


I'm glad you got to experience this. Many of us have had issues with this. For a lone dog, it's not as horrible, but in packs, forget it.

Later on, you can deal with it... but still feels like a cheap shot when you realize you're getting damage and turn around to see a silent pack of zombie dogs in your face.

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I think on day 1 you should be very scared and cautious. I've had the experience when you start a new playthrough and your are still settled into your old build , with all it's glorious strengths, and are used to throwing caution to the wind. Then after some dumb mistakes I remember that my avatar is still a weak thing and I need to assess my environment with scrutiny. What once (in the previous build) was something that I did not need to worry about now is a real threat. I love the first few days of this game. Please don't remove the "oh crap!" moments. Please. Pretty please...with sugar on top.?

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I think on day 1 you should be very scared and cautious. I've had the experience when you start a new playthrough and your are still settled into your old build , with all it's glorious strengths, and are used to throwing caution to the wind. Then after some dumb mistakes I remember that my avatar is still a weak thing and I need to assess my environment with scrutiny. What once (in the previous build) was something that I did not need to worry about now is a real threat. I love the first few days of this game. Please don't remove the "oh crap!" moments. Please. Pretty please...with sugar on top.?


This! It's got to be really hard in the beginning otherwise the later stages are too easy. In the beginning there should be lots of places you never want to go until you're level 50+.

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I think on day 1 you should be very scared and cautious. I've had the experience when you start a new playthrough and your are still settled into your old build , with all it's glorious strengths, and are used to throwing caution to the wind. Then after some dumb mistakes I remember that my avatar is still a weak thing and I need to assess my environment with scrutiny. What once (in the previous build) was something that I did not need to worry about now is a real threat. I love the first few days of this game. Please don't remove the "oh crap!" moments. Please. Pretty please...with sugar on top.?


Yup Yup i love to hate the first days, if too easy- the horror magic will dissapear.:disturbed:

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Na, I got attacked from behind while fighting zombies and instant bleed with no bandages. At a minimum they need to howl before they go agro and bark or something. Its completely unfair for day 1 survivors unless we changed them like pigs but they aggro if you get too close. Right now they just rush up silently and cheaply kill players who aren't armored yet, that isn't fun for noobs or veterans. Had I been in the wasteland and it was a rad dog, sure, cool eat me I deserved that, but it wasn't.


You should definitely give them some kind of real animal-like behavior - and different behavior for each animal too (since you decided to implement so many of them). For example, make dogs/dog packs walk beside you while barking at you and attack you if you start running - make cougars stalk you from a distance for a while before always attacking you if they see you, or coyotes running away and then coming back etc. Make the player react differently to each encounter.

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I think history should be treated more of a telling about many interesting and important moments like wars with surprising outcomes, important discoveries, failings that resonated all around.


You shouldn't learn about 50 kings, rulers and presidents, if most of them didn't do much. Learn about the 300 spartans and why they managed to fight so long. Get to know about Napoleon, Alexander the Great and others that wanted power but failed. Explain their motivations, what guided them and what brought their downfall.


In similar fashion, most memorable and recent betrayals for ones country, fights and discoveries are needed to know. How polish people (am from poland) were treated during ww2, what were the most bloody and rough battles and times in what regions. People forget we were persecuted by not only germans before, during and after ww2. Sometimes people act like no such conflicts happened, like everything was always good and we were always great friends with everyone.


Then there are comments that we were persecuting others, while it was the other way around, like history lessons never existed. Comments as if Greeks and Romans didn't invent most of culture and science. Comments about improper roles of particiapants in some conflicts, treaties and discoveries.


It may seem boring, but many aspects of history need to be taught. Not everything, but things that could influence thinking, reasoning and improvements.

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