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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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With all due respect, TFP aren't the ones buying the game. Your players are. And if your players don't like the changes made to farming they will stop playing. This is supposed to be a survival game. There's more to survival than running into a POI guns blazing to grab some sweet loot. You have to mine. You have to build. You have to eat. It seems like you're making changes designed to please a new player that's going to put in 10 hours before moving on to something else. That's not who you should be catering to. And if that's who you think you're supposed to be catering to, I'm playing the wrong game.


How is improving farming bad for the survival experience? Sorry but we don't want players to crawl over broken glass to do things in the game. Now its easy to understand, how does that make it bad? Try explaining to someone new how to farm. Just do it. Please respond to me and lets watch how ridiculously long the conversation is going to be.


We've been through this before. Its a sharp stick. Now its usable by anyone, without a wiki and a 50 step process. FFS its farming, not rocket science. Why should I need a forge to start a farm? WHy would I need a cement mixer to make fertilizer. That ♥♥♥♥ was lame, now its fun, simple and easy to learn and use. Some people are just married to clunkly old crap and like crawling over broken glass I guess. If that one thing is a deal breaker to play this game you need your head examined or to download a mod that restores legacy farming.

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Guest Rassilon
Yep. This confirms it. 7DTD is no longer a survival game.


It never really was. Not to me.

Yes it had stronger Survival Elements then it has now. But even tho "survival" is in the slogan the Sandbox/Freedom Part was the main attraction for me and lots of others.


This was never a DayZ or something like that.

And i really cant blame TFP if they want to go to simpler Mechanics in newbie Era of the game. It took even me several attempts to get hook on this game with lots of months inbetween where i thought "meh"


Started to play with A7 or so. stayed to play since A15+.

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Here we go again....Console is back.....So no matter where you are you make the magic box and place it and pick which plant you want?? No more hoeing or planting seed or fertilizer?


I always hoped to be able to make your own exploding barrels as another trap/defense....recipe of fertilizer and oil shale...guess that recipe is never going to happen now.


Next we arent going to have zombies anymore.....



Coughs * Whatever * Coughs


You plant seeds just like before, but over a nice flat surface no more watching your seedling die as it falls off a piece of grass because you placed it in the wrong spot.

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It's not farming. It's just crafting with a delay before you get your item. May as well just craft straight to the finished product.


The only difference is how you prepare the ground for planting. Farming is .00001% of the game, I don't see the big deal.

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How is improving farming bad for the survival experience? Sorry but we don't want players to crawl over broken glass to do things in the game. Now its easy to understand, how does that make it bad? Try explaining to someone new how to farm. Just do it. Please respond to me and lets watch how ridiculously long the conversation is going to be.


We've been through this before. Its a sharp stick. Now its usable by anyone, without a wiki and a 50 step process. FFS its farming, not rocket science. Why should I need a forge to start a farm? WHy would I need a cement mixer to make fertilizer. That ♥♥♥♥ was lame, now its fun, simple and easy to learn and use. Some people are just married to clunkly old crap and like crawling over broken glass I guess. If that one thing is a deal breaker to play this game you need your head examined or to download a mod that restores legacy farming.


Farming isn't even hard now:


1) acquire hoe

2) till soil

3) plant seed

4) wait

5) harvest


If that's too hard for you and too hard to explain to people, then maybe it's best you stick to canned food.

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been gone for a while was not into A17


come back to static environment no zombies in the wild .....etc


sure glad i got my hours in when the game was good


- - - Updated - - -


I dont think anyone has ever done this. I hope you didnt. Thats worse than tossing your bow on horde night.


then changes the drop key



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"Why would the wilderness be full of zombies".


Well the easy answer is because it's fun to have zombies in a zombie game. Fun > realism, right?


The better answers are that there are a lot of buildings with holes in it, a lot of cars on the roads and a lot of open pois, so where did all of THOSE people go to die? They all crawled into that same cupboard or on top of those rafters and acoustic ceilings?


The best answer though is that's where they are in every zombie game, tv show and movie ever. By the thousands.


And I run (ran, recently upgraded to a 2080) on an i5 with a 980ti, and *never* had a fps hitch outside of multiplayer horde nights...


Removing/cutting back wilderness counts will not even be noticed from a performance perspective.


...it's like you and I don't even play the same game...


Maybe shawns breadcrumb code is working well because this is what happens and we're sick of it. You go to a poi, and then 20 jerks from outside after you cleared a block sandwich you in there. They hear for a long ways and just come from everywhere. Or you arrive at 5 pm and its 9 by the time you clear the streets and then you can't even do your POI that day, which is completely annoying.


Everything you say is a waste of breath because your talking about 17. Until you play 18 you don't know what we're doing or the context of the need for these changes. So just stop annoying me with this. Reserve judgement on release day FFS.

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Uhhhh.... wow. Just... wow.


I can't count the number of games where the (early game) survival challenge was getting enough water to drink. Not being able to find a cooking pot, building after building, and being forced to rely on cans of boiled water. Sometimes there was only one can available, which came from my starter can of chili.


The challenge was REAL, and when I finally found the pot and a couple of jars, the feeling of accomplishment and relief was REAL. Just as real as surviving a horde of zombies with a bow and a club for the first time.



Yes and its the same, except you boil it with a jar instead of a can. It takes ages to boil one.

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If this starts a ♥♥♥♥ storm I'm going to ban everyone or close the forums down.


You can no longer boil water in a can. You can simply boil water from a jar of murky water now without a cooking pot, but it takes 4x as long as with a cooking pot.


Do you understand why this isn't as good as boiled cans? Because you can't stack cans of water - they forced you to manage your inventory. Another minor mini-game that made it all that more urgent to find a cooking pot...


Why? More sharp sticks. Only veterans knew about the canned water trick and it was only useful on a really bad day where you couldn't find a cooking pot. So we removed cans of water and you can just boil jars of water now. One way to do things is best.


One way to do things isn't best - it's just the easiest to implement and for players to learn. What's best is giving the players options which have meaningful consequences to their choices. Do I carry 5 cans of boiled water as I trek across the burnt biome and give up looting space? Tradeoff.


I'm sorry you see this as people attacking you - it's not - but many of the people who are asking these questions have thousands of hours playing this game. They are just as passionate as you are about it, they've devoted years of their lives and thousands of dollars to this game - they are Invested. Perhaps they are seeing something you don't? To me, that should be a signal to listen and double check, and not banning or shutting the forums down.



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Wow, just wow. The vocal minority is at is again over farming and food. Yes food is an aspect of the game but it isn't the be all end all. I'm looking forward to the new farm boxes. The old ways worked but as Madmole said were clunky and hard to explain. Hell I was in a game with veterans and was trying to get my farm going and had issues with it. just because something is simple doesn't make it bad.


Why don't you just cool your jets and try out A18 and see how things go before you get all high and mighty with your opinions. I love how the same 10-20 people speak for what "everyone" wants from the game. Be honest it's what you want and nothing else. If you hate all the changes that much why didn't you just stay with one of the older alphas?

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I for one have enjoyed farming in 7DtD a lot, and it's definately more than 0.00001% of the game for me. I don't mind a nice system for smooth ground, but I do mind simplifying farming even more. It really isn't rocket science, nor does it require a 50 page wiki. I explained it very quickly to my brother in law, who then proceeded to outdo my farming with his own, industrial scale fields on the same night.


A lot of us enjoy being the food providers, doing the whole chain from farming to cooking to serving it to our co-players. Just because it's 0.00001% to you, Madmole, please don't assume it's the same for all your players. Farming in 7DtD has been unique, and I hope it continues to be so. That is all.

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I for one have enjoyed farming in 7DtD a lot, and it's definately more than 0.00001% of the game for me. I don't mind a nice system for smooth ground, but I do mind simplifying farming even more. It really isn't rocket science, nor does it require a 50 page wiki. I explained it very quickly to my brother in law, who then proceeded to outdo my farming with his own, industrial scale fields on the same night.


A lot of us enjoy being the food providers, doing the whole chain from farming to cooking to serving it to our co-players. Just because it's 0.00001% to you, Madmole, please don't assume it's the same for all your players. Farming in 7DtD has been unique, and I hope it continues to be so. That is all.



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? we don't have hoes. What kinda fun pimps are you lol. No, but seriously can you make farming a thing. People play this game for multiple reasons. If people liked it as a farming simulator why would you take away from that? That's the beauty of having voxels in a game.


I hope you do put more depth into the farming aspect because some people like the downtime in between fighting zombies that farming provides. Why in the world would you take away our ability to plant on the ground??? We can just have both. A Voxel sandbox game should provide multiple ways to do things.


"We like one way to do things" good for you guys. We don't. Stop getting crazy with this user-friendly frame of thinking. Your making a sandbox game there should be somewhat of a learning curve if done correctly.

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Yes and its the same, except you boil it with a jar instead of a can. It takes ages to boil one.


I never had to use the cans. I knew about it, but the need for it never came up once.

Anyway, cans don't have lids. The most you should be able to carry is 2... and that would be sacrificing all melee and weapon use.

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