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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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LOL What?

You craft "farm plots" and place them where you want crops to grow. No more hoe, no more fertilizer. No more wondering where your crop grows or where to hit it to harvest, its way better, the testers are raving about it. Some people are actually farming now that never farmed before because it was too clunky.



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One of the strongest sides of 7d2d was that it was 'minecraft that looked natural, not cubical'. And now we have those boxes.. Yes, they look good, and easier to tend to/harvest. They look appropriate for indoor growing, for greenhouses. But outdoors they look out of place (I imagine). I don't feel the need for cubical grow boxes. Can we have both?


Then again, if we have both, if the new ones are really easier to handle, will I still use the old way?


You can mod the old way back in, but nobody in their right mind will.

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Wow. Farming has gone from: tilling the soil, making and using fertilizer, planting the seeds and coming back to harvest later. To: Craft a box, drop it somewhere and wait. The sadness is real.

Well your sadness is 500 people's joy. Farming sucked, now its finally great. Press e to collect and its gold.

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Anyhow you and a few others can grumble all you want, but having a wilderness chock full of zeds is a poor design, bad for performance, and a nuisance to the players.


Having a world full of zombies in a zombie game is not poor design...


...the poi zombies are ridiculously easily cheesed (open hole, make noise, have them all come out one by one), and the ONLY counter threat is wilderness spawns... Walking from loot box (what you would call a poi) to loot box should be fraught with dangers, not boring.


Cities are dead/boring, and that REALLY hurt the game, and now you're going to do it to wilderness too? AND nerf the animals because you had a bad experience?!?


C'mon man... What game are you going for here? "Challenge only on every 7 days"?

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You craft "farm plots" and place them where you want crops to grow. No more hoe, no more fertilizer. No more wondering where your crop grows or where to hit it to harvest, its way better, the testers are raving about it. Some people are actually farming now that never farmed before because it was too clunky.


Your "testers" should be people that play the game. I have never once heard someone say farming is clunky. For the first time I'm beginning to wonder what it will be like to not love this game

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You craft "farm plots" and place them where you want crops to grow. No more hoe, no more fertilizer. No more wondering where your crop grows or where to hit it to harvest, its way better, the testers are raving about it. Some people are actually farming now that never farmed before because it was too clunky.


^ If you salty folks keep being salty about this just dig 1 down and plany the boxes. problem solved.

it is an AMAZING idea because now you can have somewhat of a nice underground base with a farm instead of digging dirt to place it etc etc.

awesome play on the farm plots. I farmed, but this will make me want legit fields and see if i can RPG as a farmer LOL

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Well your sadness is 500 people's joy. Farming sucked, now its finally great. Press e to collect and its gold.


Jesus, the way you just make up statistics... You sure you're not running for office? I mean have you ever considered that the reason for your success WAS the challenge?

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Wow. Farming has gone from: tilling the soil, making and using fertilizer, planting the seeds and coming back to harvest later. To: Craft a box, drop it somewhere and wait. The sadness is real.

But no one said that it would work like that. You made that up.

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I'm fantastic at the game, I rarely die except when something cheap happens. Like you are fighting a zombie on day 1 with your meager club or whatever, and you are back pedaling and out of nowhere a wolf bites you a couple times, there are no bandages and no chance of stopping the bleeding. That is a cheap bs move on the games part that needs to be addressed. Its actually already fixed, and ready to be tested.


Animals will not investigate sounds so far away. What happened was they hear a sound for a long ways away and go investigate the crumb, then when you least expect it they attack you because the noise you are making fighting a zombie. So now you will need to get pretty close for an animal to attack you. I also increased chance for them to flee when hurt (something new), so after trading some blows hopefully the pesky wolf will f off and run, instead of fight to the death every time.


It has nothing to do with getting good. Animals lurk in trees or behind a barn, and investigated sounds.


Anyhow we thinned biome spawning of zeds (they are all like the snow biome now). Its good for the performance of the game, and biome zombies don't do anything but get in your way for no reason. WE did add more zombies to the night in the wasteland so if you want that challenge, go there at night, but the average guy doesn't need to get raped 10x on day 1 and rage quit.


You guys can mod it back in if you want, we don't care, but most zeds in the wild are just costing performance and aren't adding any game play value. Half the time they follow you to the POI and you have to kill 10 guys before you can even go in, and are out of ammo and screwed. So now it will be 5 guys instead of 10.


Down the road with random encounters, we can simulate an extremely populated world without being stupid and spawning 10 zombies in every region like now, which is a waste of resources most of them you'll never see anyway. We could have zeds eating a corpse on the road with some loot left in it, a pack of wolves, group of coyotes, or bandits try to ambush you or rob you, etc. It would seem like more is going on with less actual resources being wasted.


Nobody at TFP minds dying in the game, but when its a cheap death, that irks even veterans. "Getting Gud" has nothing to do with it. Its about proper pacing. Its like a poi you walk into and the first room has 10 guys in it, that is bs. There needs to be some dead spaces so when you do have an encounter, its actually meaningful. Anyone who's watched an action movie with no story knows this. Games are no different. If zombies spawn constantly there is no fear you grow numb to it. If its dead quiet for a bit, then out of nowhere theres 10 guys you ♥♥♥♥ your pants, and its awesome.


Anyhow you and a few others can grumble all you want, but having a wilderness chock full of zeds is a poor design, bad for performance, and a nuisance to the players.


Massive numbers is what zombies is about, to me. I guess that's not the case for you, but, if it gets to the point you describe, you can switch the zombies textures for something else and call them by another name and no one will notice, because all the elements that say "zombie" in today's pop culture will be gone.


Massive numbers have never seem to have stopped the popularity of any other zombie game, and having played modded versions of 7 Days to Die with greatly increased biome zombies did not detract from the game at all. Sure, I didn't get frightened, but I was tense for extended periods of time, and getting to a position where I was safe was such an immense relief it was highly rewarding. So I call bs on that argument.


As for the rest, maybe it will work out fine. I'll wait and play and see it for myself, and decide whether I like it or not after that, but while many gameplay elements have improved, alpha 15 was a better zombie game than alpha 16, and alpha 16 was a better zombie game than alpha 17, so when you come and talk about that sort of thing, I am concerned. And, yes, I've died early game to wolves, which I think shouldn't spawn early game at all in my opinion, but situational awareness is king here, and wolves do make sounds one can pick up and be aware they are around even if they haven't been seen, and bleeding is the scourge of the game which has nothing to do with what caused it so don't come complain that you bled to death and then change something other than limiting when bleeding may occur, and, ah, yes, if you are walking around without bandages, then maybe fix that by adding "make 10 bandages" to the starting quest line. They are rather easy to make day one. I pretty much agree with all your sentiments, but they were caused by the wrong thing -- from your own description, you died because you played badly, and it was preventable in multiple ways, and not because the game was cheap on you.

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You can mod the old way back in, but nobody in their right mind will.


I would take that bet in a heartbeat, and i would win. Remember this post.


No one has a hard time punching plants, not even sure where that came from. It feels like pandering to 12 year olds.


No one wants Conan or Ark farming, farming you yourself said sucked many months ago. I dont get this desire to take something unique and make it as boring as everything else out there.


Your stripping your game of its identity. And turning it into Rust without the PVP. Sorry if i sound bleak but Im extremely sad over this, and i seriously doubt im the only one despite what the testers may think.

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Why was that changed? My guess is to free up a terrain texture.


It's a pity though, I like the more natural look of the original. How does that affect the farming lots in towns? Will the crops still grow without a planter,?


We like one way to do things. Cans of water are gone too. Why leave in a clunky old way? Once someone feels the power of the new farm plots they would never in their right mind want to do it the old way. When a new player asks "How do you farm" there is a 14 paragraph complicated explanation. OR you can just make a farm plot. "Oh wtf didn't you just say so?" Now its simple and they get it. They can get on with playing the game instead of spending hours on the internet figuring out some over complicated janky system. So we deleted the legacy method because it felt so clunky compared to the new way that everyone agreed it was hurting us more than anything.


Sorry some of you guys were attached to it, but we like one way to do things, and it needs to be simple. Its kind of stupid saying you need a hoe anyway, I can dig a hole with my hands and plant a seed with no tools.

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See, I'm exactly the opposite. If I buy a new survival game and it hasn't been able to kill me in the first 15 or 20 minutes even though I have no idea how to play yet, I assume it's way too easy to be fun and quit. Im not talking death after death in a loop. Yeah that's no fun. But wolves aren't that numerous so I don't see that happening often in this game.


We're removing some cheese, relax your coffin is already prepared and awaiting for you.

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With all due respect, have you lost your frickin' mind? I don't want to play a zombie apocalypse game with fewer zombies. I want MORE zombies. Big mean zombies that was to eat my face. I want to live in a constant state of fear. I want to die on day 1. I want leveling my character to mean something. I want starving beasts trying to hunt me down for a taste of my blood.


Farming boxes? Are you serious? No one asked for this. No one wants this. Tilling ground and planting crops is a mechanic that actually works in this game. I've been playing for a number of years, but if you're going to change it into a Rambo shoot 'em up game with nothing to shoot and dumb down farming so it looks like you're playing Subsistence, I'm out.


You're taking something good and making it worse, not better.


Ok mr back seat game designer. TFP unanimously loves the new farming system, and that is a first. Farming is .000001% of the game, who cares? The game is way harder than its ever been, so us lowering the biome zombie count is taken out of content. Since when are a few guys in the biomes a threat? All they do is lower performance and nag at you when you are trying to clear a poi you get sandwiched by 20 guys that followed you for 5 miles. Now its only 10 guys sandwiching you. The game is harder now for undisclosed reasons, so you'll probably thank us for these changes when your getting 60fps and having fun for the first time in 5 years.

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We like one way to do things. Cans of water are gone too. Why leave in a clunky old way? Once someone feels the power of the new farm plots they would never in their right mind want to do it the old way. When a new player asks "How do you farm" there is a 14 paragraph complicated explanation. OR you can just make a farm plot. "Oh wtf didn't you just say so?" Now its simple and they get it. They can get on with playing the game instead of spending hours on the internet figuring out some over complicated janky system. So we deleted the legacy method because it felt so clunky compared to the new way that everyone agreed it was hurting us more than anything.


Sorry some of you guys were attached to it, but we like one way to do things, and it needs to be simple. Its kind of stupid saying you need a hoe anyway, I can dig a hole with my hands and plant a seed with no tools.


wait can? So AKA the bucket? or no, cause i like the bucket for making a well....i mean the RWG i HOPE is nice with rivers like you have shown and stated and i do not need it

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Guest Rassilon
See, I'm exactly the opposite. If I buy a new survival game and it hasn't been able to kill me in the first 15 or 20 minutes even though I have no idea how to play yet, I assume it's way too easy to be fun and quit. Im not talking death after death in a loop. Yeah that's no fun. But wolves aren't that numerous so I don't see that happening often in this game.


Oh dont get me wrong: I do like challenge too. But as Member of the hosting Clan, we aim to have a thriving community with Players that dont leave after the first fail. This is why we cater those Comfort Features for them.

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Ok mr back seat game designer. TFP unanimously loves the new farming system, and that is a first. Farming is .000001% of the game, who cares? The game is way harder than its ever been, so us lowering the biome zombie count is taken out of content. Since when are a few guys in the biomes a threat? All they do is lower performance and nag at you when you are trying to clear a poi you get sandwiched by 20 guys that followed you for 5 miles. Now its only 10 guys sandwiching you. The game is harder now for undisclosed reasons, so you'll probably thank us for these changes when your getting 60fps and having fun for the first time in 5 years.


With all due respect, TFP aren't the ones buying the game. Your players are. And if your players don't like the changes made to farming they will stop playing. This is supposed to be a survival game. There's more to survival than running into a POI guns blazing to grab some sweet loot. You have to mine. You have to build. You have to eat. It seems like you're making changes designed to please a new player that's going to put in 10 hours before moving on to something else. That's not who you should be catering to. And if that's who you think you're supposed to be catering to, I'm playing the wrong game.

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Having a world full of zombies in a zombie game is not poor design...


...the poi zombies are ridiculously easily cheesed (open hole, make noise, have them all come out one by one), and the ONLY counter threat is wilderness spawns... Walking from loot box (what you would call a poi) to loot box should be fraught with dangers, not boring.


Cities are dead/boring, and that REALLY hurt the game, and now you're going to do it to wilderness too? AND nerf the animals because you had a bad experience?!?


C'mon man... What game are you going for here? "Challenge only on every 7 days"?


Again your some little kid looking in the window. You have no idea what is inside. Why would the wilderness be full of zombies? We're paving the way for better FPS and I promise you 80% of the wild zombies were never seen, interacted with, yet sit there and waste cpu and bring down performance. We're planning random encounters so it will be more dangerous than ever, but right now when the entire team is getting rekt in death loops on day 1 its an issue. Too many chefs in the kitchen here. 18 is a whole new animal. Have fun when the coyotes eat your balls, I didn't thin the animals.

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Guest Rassilon
I'm thinking I'm just going to skip A18 and stop recommending this game to people. By the time you're done destroying everything it's just going to be another generic shooter


Dude, chill your horses.

A18 is not even out.

Dont mix up simplicity and lack of Challenge. Not the same.


Lay down your toxicity and lay your hand on it.


Remember, this is still Alpha. What they bring in they can change over time.

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You don't hoe. The hoe is gone. You craft a box and put it where you want a crop to be.


Here we go again....Console is back.....So no matter where you are you make the magic box and place it and pick which plant you want?? No more hoeing or planting seed or fertilizer?


I always hoped to be able to make your own exploding barrels as another trap/defense....recipe of fertilizer and oil shale...guess that recipe is never going to happen now.


Next we arent going to have zombies anymore.....



Coughs * Whatever * Coughs

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