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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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I may have missed this but is this replacing the ability to plant in the wild? are we still able to make fertile ground and plant outside our base or do we need these boxes for farming now?


It’s just a visual thing. You still make fertile ground but the appearance is that of a garden box. It costs no wood and isn’t crafted.


So yes, you can still farm on soil anywhere.

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i dont know how often this has to be said in this threat:

Its a THOUGHT to MAYBE add this as an OPTION, AFTER Gold of 7 Days to Die.

Till we are there i think some specifics will be thought of.


Madmole did state that they can imagine something to Skyrims Mining ( Refreshing Ore Blocks on Surface that you might hit ) and im pretty sure they will figure out something for plants too.


He was asking about something else— not static terrain. In A18 when you till land it looks like you have crafted a garden box. If you till the next voxel over it expands your garden box to be bigger. If the next voxel is a height level up or down then the garden boxes appear terraced.


It actually looks nice and helps with seeing the edge of your tilled soil and most importantly makes for a cleaner transition from the tilled terrain voxel to man made voxel.

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yes that I know. the questions are:


1. what happens if I don't pick it up and go far away, does the turret stay there?

2. if it stays will it re-activate when I get close to it?


I deleted #3, but 1 and 2... very important in clearing a POI. It might take longer than the "Shotty in your face" STR build, but the suspense going in a POI, being pretty weak until you establish a defensive perimeter... Can't wait! :D

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I want whatever build MM had going on this last round... he was impenetrable by zombies, so no other build can compete.


I was fortitude. Slow moving (until modded and perked) tank, I had 3 ranks of mining, all the pocket mods so no encumbrance, maybe 1-2 ranks of pack mule. Brawler and Machine Gunner. one rank of scavenging. Anyone can get 3 ranks of heavy armor and be pretty good though at a low cost. Heavy armor is so slow though early game you need to take it off to go anywhere unless you have a vehicle. I'd use it with a strength or fort build, but if I were any other build (perception, agility or int I'd go with light armor). Perception has very rangy melee so you don't get hit as much, or you can just use grenades and rockets for everything mid range and sniper for longer range targets.

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I'm curious about the perception/int build. Those attributes seem to be fun to use against a horde.


I look forward to the non-tanky skilled version of MM.


My fort build had a rough start too, so I am not complaining. Once I get my rifle and some leather armor I'll be happy. I expect some balancing to rockets but who knows I only had Gazz do miner tweaks to the fort build and surprisingly had a blast as that is normally not my thing.

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So instead of seeing a random wolf prowling the forest biome on day 1, the game would instead decide to spawn a pack of wolves on the player once the appropriate level (player level? gamestage?) has been reached? If this one example is accurate in any way, then this possible future feature will be quite interesting. ^^


Yeah random encounters could be a group of bandits, a trader with maybe just a few things he pedals, game staged zeds, we'd send them to the air drops based on who got there first. The potential is awesome, could be a settler in need of help, you could help him or kill him and take what he has on him, ignore him etc.

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Less sleepers and more roamers outside and around high end POI’s can go a long way to help balance early game. Noobs can stick to rubble buildings and cabins for a modest challenge while advanced players will go for city hubs densely populated.


Before sleepers this was the approach and it worked.

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Not a fan of this... As you get better and capable of dealing with hostile animals on day 1 you're going to regret that change... ♥♥♥♥ happens. Sometimes wolves happen... But they are avoidable and defeatable, so changing how they come in to the world based on *your* playthrough isn't a good representation of everyone else's playthrough.


Na, I got attacked from behind while fighting zombies and instant bleed with no bandages. At a minimum they need to howl before they go agro and bark or something. Its completely unfair for day 1 survivors unless we changed them like pigs but they aggro if you get too close. Right now they just rush up silently and cheaply kill players who aren't armored yet, that isn't fun for noobs or veterans. Had I been in the wasteland and it was a rad dog, sure, cool eat me I deserved that, but it wasn't.

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Nice work.


That looks like unholyJoe the smurf. ;)


That`s me, we broke into some pottery and had fun.


- - - Updated - - -


ha ha... i keep telling everyone i am an only child but my 2 brothers and sister keep arguing about it. but that pic is my twin brother i never had. :)


Brother ?!

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Gamma Settings


Yeah random encounters could be a group of bandits, a trader with maybe just a few things he pedals, game staged zeds, we'd send them to the air drops based on who got there first. The potential is awesome, could be a settler in need of help, you could help him or kill him and take what he has on him, ignore him etc.



Is it possible to fix the gamma settings, i want to say that it should with a limit when u play Online and in PVP map it would be Awesome all to have the same or Slightly different Gamma settings as to make use of Flash light etc and even make the game scarier :p But as for now Using Gamma to "Cheat" the game Mechanics (Day-Night) is not the best way to pass the Zomb apocalypse feeling.


The Dark is always nicer and You will think twice to use a light source at night (when in PVP Server)


Just an idea tho.

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Yeah random encounters could be a group of bandits, a trader with maybe just a few things he pedals, game staged zeds, we'd send them to the air drops based on who got there first. The potential is awesome, could be a settler in need of help, you could help him or kill him and take what he has on him, ignore him etc.


That sounds awesome. :D


Concerning events, you mentioned "gatherer quests" in the past. (Ex. Gather 1,000 wood and 1,000 scrap iron for the trader.) If these types of quests are implemented, would we lose these materials upon exchanging them in at the trader for the quest reward? If so, just saying, it would suck (aka not be worth it) to turn in thousands of materials for, say, a level 1 iron reinforced club. :p I doubt this is the way they would be put in, but I'm just saying.

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Na, I got attacked from behind while fighting zombies and instant bleed with no bandages. At a minimum they need to howl before they go agro and bark or something. Its completely unfair for day 1 survivors unless we changed them like pigs but they aggro if you get too close. Right now they just rush up silently and cheaply kill players who aren't armored yet, that isn't fun for noobs or veterans. Had I been in the wasteland and it was a rad dog, sure, cool eat me I deserved that, but it wasn't.


Then making it howl, or prioritizing zeds is a better option than removing the threat entirely from early game.


... what's the point of these animals if we only see them when we can handle them? Oh good, more meat to fill my crates with.


The danger isn't there with gamestaging.


You get what I mean? First post of the morning, not yet coherent.


- - - Updated - - -


It wouldn't need to break any of those perceived/observed "laws"(science isn't finished, not by a long shot), just ideally be very efficient and make use of already available energy. Sterling engines in particular make use of temperature differences. We live on a ball of lava floating next to a star, energy is the most abundant thing there is, everything is made of some form of it or another, and we are constantly finding new ways to harvest it into usable variations. I mean, we extract(manifest?) electrons by moving a rock next to a wire ffs, we've bottled lightning, I'm using it right now to type this.


Go back a few hundred years and try convincing anyone any of what we do now is possible. That said I'd have to see this device to believe it, no doubt, but it would not surprise me. If it does work then it also has an explanation as to how, even if we do not know what that is. Yet.


*Quantum Thermodynamics is a new and growing field, as is Quantum Field Theory, the answer to how will likely come from these new realms of science.


** are we off topic?... how about work some of this into 7DTD lore, we're dealing with radiated zombies afterall, would be fun.


Let me rephrase, and this time read my sentence with a LOT of snark involved, as I'm with you on scientific hubris...


"I'm curious how he defeated what we know about physics and thermodynamics and why he isn't a billionaire yet from the oil industry buying his patents".


...I just don't think it happened, is all.

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Na, I got attacked from behind while fighting zombies and instant bleed with no bandages. At a minimum they need to howl before they go agro and bark or something. Its completely unfair for day 1 survivors unless we changed them like pigs but they aggro if you get too close. Right now they just rush up silently and cheaply kill players who aren't armored yet, that isn't fun for noobs or veterans. Had I been in the wasteland and it was a rad dog, sure, cool eat me I deserved that, but it wasn't.


-that is a reasonable compromise.....

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He already answered all those questions.. he said he was just spitballing ideas out loud, and that it MIGHT be an option after gold to see how many players actually use it vs vanilla.


Thank's man! I thought so, just tried to clarify. English is not my native language, because it was difficult for me to understand the essence of all MM's posts about the indestructible landscape =)

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Its actually opposite, early game you are swimming in brass because your collecting it long before you can use it so it stockpiles up, and then once you get bullet crafting it still kind of increases because your getting better tools, harvesting and looting more, then eventually the hordes get so big your supply runs out and your scrounging for it.


Good luck trying to find brass in a game where 5 other players have looted before you.


The "no recycling of brass rule" worked fine when the world size was unlimited. And to some

extent, the door knobs (with or without the magazine) works well enough for singleplayer.


But with A18 comes what seems like a much higher focus on guns. And that is one of the

reasons i'd like to see recycling of spent bullet casings. Either by default, with a perk magazine ,

or weapon mod.


And even with recycling, one still need to mine coal, nitrate and lead and do the reloading.

Unlimited ammo, well, kinda , but so are feather based weaponry with the nearly endless supply

of birdsnests and vultures. And melee weapons do not require ammo at all.


For a long term play, or multiplayer, it does not take a lot to see why guns are less desirable then

feather based weapons or melee. Simply because guns are not sustainable in the long run. Unless

doing some quest reset or duping, or beeing very aware of not wasting brass.


So please consider a way to not run out of brass. I don't really care how, as long as it is done.

Recycling spent bulletcasings just seems to be the most logical.

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Na, I got attacked from behind while fighting zombies and instant bleed with no bandages...


MM, could you return the opportunity to put ladders to the trees?


I always saved myself from wolves and bears in the early game this way =) Ladders are very easy to create, and there were always several trees with staircases in the places where I mined resources.


Also, I always used to put a ladder to a tree and put thorns around a tree when I was going to shoot a bear or a wolf from a brown bow with a stone arrow =)

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Na, I got attacked from behind while fighting zombies and instant bleed with no bandages. At a minimum they need to howl before they go agro and bark or something. Its completely unfair for day 1 survivors unless we changed them like pigs but they aggro if you get too close. Right now they just rush up silently and cheaply kill players who aren't armored yet, that isn't fun for noobs or veterans. Had I been in the wasteland and it was a rad dog, sure, cool eat me I deserved that, but it wasn't.


I have to agree with my fellow Texan - animals should not be gated because I am a noob. Damage scale sure, but ignoring me because I am level 1 that should not happen. vultures are a great example. often on the MM servers we will see a noob go "Ack! there are vultures chasing me" and sure they die, its fun and we all laugh and learn.


I never saw a creeper ignore me in Minecraft because I was new and they always sneak :)

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