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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Ive read the posts.... didn't seem political-- they were just pointing out that a degree(especially these days) does not mean you will get a good job out of it… a 2 year technical degree seems to pay off more than others,,,,

and my 2 cents.... Universities have gone off the deep end... More interested in raising tuition fees and adding a bunch of social justice courses that do not promote free thought.


Indeed. My daughter just started her last year of college, gets almost all A's and considers half the courses, teachers and students to be horrible. The other half is meh.

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Unfortunately pc's are not progressing at a rate to smash these problems in a timely fashion so design constraints are a thing yet.


They reached the last order of magnitude for etching circuits, long ago, the only particles smaller to potentially

etch the circuits are the xrays which cant be directionaly controlled, and pierce the circuit boards.


Then there is the theoretical.

They are stuck until they can learn to control the Quark, which aint happening in this lifetime.


So they cheesed it, and sandwiched wafer on wafer.

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Do people periodically forget the dev tracker?


Won’t help. They’re complaining that Madmole is talking about non-A18 stuff. The dev tracker won’t help them avoid the MMA, school, body building, etc topics they don’t care about.


They are all about sticking to business. They don’t want the personal or the fun or the socializing and they can’t understand why it is allowed to talk about Hellcats and nutrition but not about LBD and avoiding blood moons.


Dev tracker won’t fix any of that.

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Used to use my whole base at horde nights before, where I was scared as ♥♥♥♥ not to lose my chest full of callipers, or engines, or any valuables. Back then a separate horde base is out of my plans and I love how you did similar thing here.

You did great @madmole, another good one.

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Something is definitely up with military zombies. I thought the health might be bugged or they get knocked down to easily, but when watching further it looks like a majority of the bullets pass right through them. I dunno, just seems off.


Or it might be the type of ammo he is using is super weak against armor.

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Something is definitely up with military zombies. I thought the health might be bugged or they get knocked down to easily, but when watching further it looks like a majority of the bullets pass right through them. I dunno, just seems off.


Or it might be the type of ammo he is using is super weak against armor.


Either that, or armor piercing rounds really are required for them. They went down FAST when madmole was firing them.

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Something is definitely up with military zombies. I thought the health might be bugged or they get knocked down to easily, but when watching further it looks like a majority of the bullets pass right through them. I dunno, just seems off.



Even madmole was wondering at some point, indeed. Probably new values somewhere that need some fixes.

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Something is definitely up with military zombies. I thought the health might be bugged or they get knocked down to easily, but when watching further it looks like a majority of the bullets pass right through them. I dunno, just seems off.


Or it might be the type of ammo he is using is super weak against armor.


But I did also notice that the darts appeared to be travelling through some zombies when madmole first showed off his new gauntlet design.

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