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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Rats? Cockroaches?


I still want mutated ants that form colonies in the radiated zone and have nuptial flights that cause them to spread into the player area, where they also found nests that slowly grow, digging tunnels and of course at certain colony sizes get more and more aggressive until you have them actively dig into your tunnels or defenses to get some meat (players).


Trader might even have new "Pest Control" quests!



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Been lurking since A17 for the most part as I lost my zeal for the game temporarily.


So Madmole:


1. What is the A18 ratio on empty houses/bldgs vs. POIs? (I felt there were entirely too many "funhouse" POIs and it ruined the tension/surprise, not to mention the tediousness of it all)


I am looking forward to playing A18 and so far it sounds like you guys are knocking it out of the park. Time will tell, but I can usually trust the "Madmole Barometer" on how good the next version will likely be.

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Been lurking since A17 for the most part as I lost my zeal for the game temporarily.


So Madmole:


1. What is the A18 ratio on empty houses/bldgs vs. POIs? (I felt there were entirely too many "funhouse" POIs and it ruined the tension/surprise, not to mention the tediousness of it all)


I am looking forward to playing A18 and so far it sounds like you guys are knocking it out of the park. Time will tell, but I can usually trust the "Madmole Barometer" on how good the next version will likely be.


There are more empty houses now in A18.

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The only thing that kept us from playing more end game was not being able to keep up with base repairs and ammo after a certain point, like day 145 or so. Horde nights were such bullet sponges


Same for T5 quests in a17. Radiated after Radiated quickly turned a game from fun to grind. Hope the mix is gonna be better in the future.

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Same for T5 quests in a17. Radiated after Radiated quickly turned a game from fun to grind. Hope the mix is gonna be better in the future.


T5 has not been a problem with melee. I typically polish off every final T5 group with little damage taken, and never once lost a life (other POIs that drop you into a confined, crowded space are a greater death trap).

I really like the melee now. No resources consumed (only stamina and bandage issues to deal with).

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The Song of Brass and Trading


I had plenty until I started making 1000 rounds every other day. I haven't harvested any doors yet, I keep forgetting, and I have the knob perk.


I'm generally cool with those sources. The thing is I have well informed doubts on this brass topic despite me doubting less and less each time you give info about how we will get more brass by working for it. Nevertheless I feel like you guys should thoroughly test the early-mid-late game with the supported player cap (8 players) before doing any more balancing changes with brass .


These last couple of weeks, I played extensibly in an 8 player map just to see and calculate the gains of a future bump in brass and removal of steel casings AKA heavenly aid . The results are the following as of day 87 (going together) :


The brass bullets with 8 dudes are scarce in POIs (around 10 bullets per person after double POI clearance)


The steel casings are being used extensibly.

Each guy has about 200 STEEL bullets currently being their biggest ammo reserve in use.


Trader is very frustrating with 8 players as they have only 1 trading item list for everyone instead of a more comfortable 1 trading list per player. Secret stash is also equal to each player when they have the unlocked perks for it, resulting in the same problem.


So getting ammo/stuff from the trader is a myth with that 8 player count.


Having calculated on top of my head the new brass in a18, I kinda see that scarcity will be a steeper on ammo.


Looking a bit into the future ,at least hostile npcs with firearms should always drop bullets. But the point of my test resulted in a very different realization that is currently happening:


For gaming and fun purposes:


Traders should have a different item list and secret stash list for each player, otherwise they will be emptied constantly of useful things by 2 or three players and will result in scarcity of several useful items for the other 6 in a crowded 8p supported game.

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Pretty nice, I guess the occlusion bug it's going to be one of the last standing right?


I hope not. I had addressed it Friday, but they used the build from Thursday. The bug is not totally fixed, but should happen less. I have more things I want to occlude like trees and distant terrain, so hopefully by the end of this week it will all be sorted out.

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I wonder, will a18 fix zombies being able to hear sounds like there are no blocks there? As I am personally tired of hitting a safe, and zombies 30 blocks outside of the poi somehow hear this and all start coming in. Its even more annoying when it does this and your many floors up.


AI hearing works the same in A18, but zombies generally do not go directly to you. Players have a breadcrumb trail now, so AI will seek to somewhere on the trail, depending on how accurate they are and randomness.

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I hope not. I had addressed it Friday, but they used the build from Thursday. The bug is not totally fixed, but should happen less. I have more things I want to occlude like trees and distant terrain, so hopefully by the end of this week it will all be sorted out.


Nice, I also noticed a bug with torches and light sources in prime's stream, there were some crazy shadows going on.

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Me as a senior: "I want everything for free, goddammit!"


One can dream...


- - - Updated - - -


I honestly thought he had his gamma down low, but no, those were some bizarre shadows. It's not like in previous alphas where zombies in pitch black corners were completely dark as they stumbled towards you, but it was not natural, I can say that.

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Nice, I also noticed a bug with torches and light sources in prime's stream, there were some crazy shadows going on.


In A18 the light on your held torch dynamically moves, so it does not go into walls. I tested that in SP, so MP may have some issues with the light position for how others see your light.

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Roland you should delete the last two pages! Delete them all to make an example of your true power!

Just make sure that this post is in page 1000... to also show your authority!


What? why not delete me too? Because of the following:


As A18 release approaches, I just want to say how proud I am of everyone. No one tried to get my, soon to be, Page 1000 post deleted.

I mean who would do a slimy thing like that??


Also... A18.... ummm... is GOOD!



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Who are the POI designers, anyway? All the dungeons kick tremendous amounts of ass and questing is a treat every time. Now with the addition of randomized guns and the return of books, it even solves the later-game issue of running out of meaningful loot to snag. This game is already one of my favorite time sinks and thinking about how there'll be a main quest, harder enemies, and some super-dungeons later on is unbelievable to me.


The only thing left on my wishlist is to maybe see some more friendly NPCs? Not even anything complicated, it could just be some more static NPCs in settlements to protect it, hand out more quests (maybe really specific/advanced ones at some point?) or just to sit around and make the world seem that much less lonely. I just know that finding villages in Minecraft makes the world seem so much more alive, and I love protecting/improving them.

Maybe someday they could have their own little protected 'mini-settlements' in houses/camps? Like how POIs are potentially flagged as empty, they could randomly be flagged as 'safe' instead and have land protection and friendly NPCs inside?


Of course this is all still wishful thinking and a long, long way off if ever. For now, kill those MFers Madmole and co. and bring on A18!!

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