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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Yes there is. Your "stay within" starts flashing and changes colors.


Yeah, but the oversight here is that you never notice that because if you start getting out of the area is usually because ♥♥♥♥ happens. It needs a semi invasive warning. Flashing red Arial red size 48 tipe of warning. Maybe on top of the belt like any other information?


Just my dollar and 7 cents.


Otherwise, good stuff.

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Those are some very good ideas.


Thanks :smile-new: I'm a long time lurker but finally decided to voice my opinion, I'm glad at least someone appreciates my input. I think the weapons should really be tiered similarly to accommodate any play style just like armor does. For example, the assault/automatic category has the MP5, the AK-47, and the M60. that's a three tier scale each with increasingly better overall stats. The game is really built around progression, so I feel that all weapon specialties should reflect that.

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Day 23, still haven't found an m60. I am very disappointed (cos I got one in my previous experimental game, love it and can't wait to get another one). Making do with my tier 5 sawn off, tier 2 hunting rifle, and all the thrown explosives I've found.


Day 25 (gs ~50-60)and no m60 yet for me. Altho I've only been lightly doing quests (only on tier 2 quests) and moderate POI looting.

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yeah, honestly even if they made the cost of slugs more in line with AP 7.62's and made them significantly less powerful (because they are insanely powerful, they are expensive for a reason you get what you pay for). I'd be happy with that. as is Switching needs to be easier or faster or we need to drop the blunderbuss, move the Double barrel to T1 the pump to T2 and put in a proper semi-auto combat shotgun for t3.


Also don't think i've seen slugs in the trader this playthrough.



For inspiration. o//

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Day 40 on my server and only found the initial trader. So, I have a couple of requests:


1. Ensure that when doing random gen that multiple traders will spawn.

2. At the end of the 2nd and 4th tier quests, i.e. when you have completed those tiers and the trader gives you the extra reward, have the trader give you a quest for one of the other traders on the map. Possibly make it a choice you have to make, i.e. make it one of the rewards he gives for the completion of the last tier quest.


Sometimes there are multiple traders and sometimes, like in my current world, they seem to be non-existent. Now, granted I have not explored all of the world yet but I think it would still be a good thing to add. How this would work with factions, I don't know, so maybe it doesn't fit in with TFP's plans, so that would have to be determined.

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I don’t understand the issue with paint, if someone could explain to me in plain English, it would be great.

I don’t see how paint is cluttering anything. If anything, dye is cluttering inventory. All these different dye colors do not stack together. You can scrap them all into paint which does stack together. If any change should be made for the sake of eliminating clutter, it should be that dye is dye and when you use it, you select the color you want.

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Also, for the tier 3 turret, something like an M134 Minigun would be awesome. (One that you'd have to manually operate.)


Ooo yeah I think it's about time for turrets for our bases. Something immobile for sure. It may be a bit overpowered atm, but here soon with bandits and such it'll be a nice addition to the tower-defense aspect.

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I think we covered the basic use case, beyond that, always proceed with caution in the apocalypse.


OK, but is anyone interested in hearing about the non-basic use cases? Is there still an ongoing effort to eliminate cheap deaths, or no? I thought there was, and I will gladly point out any I might find if it's going to be helpful. If it has gone back to a "just deal with it" attitude, I'll make a note of that and I won't point them out.

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I accidentally scrapped my fully modded blue junk turret today, during a loot run. When I figured out what I did, I wanted to puke. There really should be a warning that asks if you want to junk high value items.


normally wont let you scrap something with a mod in it. has that changed, or are some items different?

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Question.....why is the Beef ration..called ...Large beef Ration?? The chicken and lamb are not large? I think all players should boycott the Large Beef Rations until it is brought into line with the chicken and Lamb! Game just doesnt work, until this fix is made!!



Coughs * Airport POI * Coughs


- - - Updated - - -


known issue (in pois not map specific) and will be getting updated by level designers.


Thx Joe!

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We'd have to make more sizes, but where does it stop?


no clue, since this is a bit of a builder game, it goes with the territory


- - - Updated - - -


Cant we already create 1x1 plates? I think of the 1x5 as a freebie, otherwise we would be using 5 1x1 trigger plates. ��


laz, try to hook a hallway of trigger plates to 1 dart trap.... we have the 1x1 which is why I was trying to see if we can get a modular setup that extends with each new 1x1 we add to it. for odd sized or shaped areas, for lights, dart traps, speakers, etc


I tried hooking multiple plates to a relay to route them that way, but only 1 can hook up at a time.

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