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This forum needs a meta board. And some serious moderating reconsiderations.


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Like Stackoverflow's meta, or Reddit's /r/announcements. A place where users can discuss, ask questions and file complaints about the forum itself, and its policies and moderation.


Because the mods here are often way overboard enacting inane policies without sense or reason or oversight or justification. They don't educate, inform and adjust, they just have a move/delete hammer, and everything looks like a nail.


Successful, happy, helpful, lively and friendly forums don't move everything that could be vaguely described as a question, image, suggestion or support request to some tiny, dead subforums that nobody reads.


First, it really pisses off the thread creators to have their post moved to oblivion.


Second, it makes the General Discussion forum slow and boring. Most people will miss most interesting suggestions and questions, as it seems it's still the same old threads from yesterday on top.


Third, it creates a toxic environment where most of the threads in General Discussion are complaints, because they're about the only type of message that doesn't get moved. Do you really want new members or prospective customers who check out the forums to only read complaints about the game? I didn't think so.


Finally, you also need to do something about those 3000+ page abominations of dev diary threads. It's insanely long, nobody can read through all that ♥♥♥♥ scouring for relevant information. It's disrespectful to your users.


You should take a hint from Paradoxplaza. They have a weekly fresh new Dev Diary thread which is the main source of new information on the development of each of their games. They come out on fixed days of the week, so the fans have something to look forward to. Also, they have a "show dev comments only" button in every thread to filter out the rabble.

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You probably broke 15 different rules posting this.

But I agree for the most part. Who goes to the questions forum section? Even suggestions forum is pretty quiet.


And you can get around these rules by making your thread more then just suggestions by just disguising it as conversation about the gameplay too.


The dev thing-- they do a good job I feel putting the relevant info on the first posts, maybe a few fun details get missed but, no biggy imo. Lately they just haven't said much, must be very busy with 17.2.

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If topics were posted in the correct section, the mods wouldn't have to move it, now would they?


General Discussions are for... general discussions, aka general feedback / conversations relating to the game or forum, not questions or suggestions. There's dedicated areas specifically for those topics.


I (and most other regulars here) see all topic titles that get created here when we click on the "New Posts" link, so if that topic interests us, we'll click on it. So really, it makes zero difference what section of the forum your topics are in, if ppl want to read / post in it, they will.


Dev Diary threads would take ages to sift through and keep only relevant posts. As far as I know, unless something changed since my demotion, mods here are volunteers... why would a volunteer waste several hours sifting through a single topic just for the select few ppl that might read it? In the grand scheme of things, who the hell cares about a topic in a forum? Forums are for recent news and information, hanging out, posting feedback and suggestions, that's it. In my opinion, this forum is doing just fine as it is.


You talk about disrespect to the users when you are in fact showing no respect / appreciation to the efforts of the team of moderators that keep this forum healthy and clean of bad users. You think it's easy to moderate a forum of hundreds of regular users? You think the volunteers deserve to hear about your lack of appreciation?


Also, don't be surprised if this topic gets moved as well since I see a lot of suggestions / demands being thrown around...


You're welcome.

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However they actually did something to fix the dev diary, they created the dev diary for developers,but I guess it's been a while since the last update :(


Yeah, that was a step in the right direction.


And you can get around these rules by making your thread more then just suggestions by just disguising it as conversation about the gameplay too. .


That's what I tried, doesn't seem to work. Being moved to questions/suggestions feels like a punishment.


If topics were posted in the correct section, the mods wouldn't have to move it, now would they?


I disagree, the mods move them from the correct to the wrong section.


General Discussions are for... general discussions, aka general feedback / conversations relating to the game or forum, not questions or suggestions. There's dedicated areas specifically for those topics.

You can't give general feedback without suggestions or questions. The breakdown doesn't make sense. It's splitting off the bread and butter of general discussion. It's like asking people to have a debate without arguments.


I (and most other regulars here) see all topic titles that get created here when we click on the "New Posts" link, so if that topic interests us, we'll click on it. So really, it makes zero difference what section of the forum your topics are in, if ppl want to read / post in it, they will.

I guess New Posts is a thing. It's completely unorganized though and contains content from subforums I'm not interested in. Also, based on 19 years of experience on vBulletin forums, almost nobody uses the New Posts functionality.


Dev Diary threads would take ages to sift through and keep only relevant posts.

Not sure what you're getting at, I'm definitely not advocating that.


You talk about disrespect to the users when you are in fact showing no respect / appreciation to the efforts of the team of moderators that keep this forum healthy and clean of bad users. You think it's easy to moderate a forum of hundreds of regular users? You think the volunteers deserve to hear about your lack of appreciation?

Well I like Roland. And I appreciate the mods intentions. But I think they are going about their well-intended volunteer work the wrong way.


Also, don't be surprised if this topic gets moved as well since I see a lot of suggestions / demands being thrown around...


Yes I wouldn't be surprised. That would be hilarious, and prove my point.


:D Thought the same thing. Asking for more moderation using this tone is shooting oneself in the foot.

But I'm asking for less, or at least more hands-off moderation. You may be right about the tone. The you're welcome at the end may come across a bit too cheeky or passive aggressive.

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I don't really touch the dev thread due to its bloat. It's the ultimate necro'd thread, yet I do hear people cite important things from there sometimes.


I'd offer the constructive suggestion that only devs actually post there. We can start threads in the general section about whatever the devs are posting and they'd at least be quantified.




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Thanks for your feedback. Nobody is perfect and I agree that some of the questions moved to the questions thread or suggestions moved to the Pimp Dreams thread probably could have remained in GD.


However it is not a slap in the face or a show of disrespect. We can’t help that you feel that way but that is your perception. If anything it is an advantage. The moved thread shows up in both subforums thanks to the redirect. So you are actually getting double exposure until the topic falls off the front page of GD. The other advantage is that your topic will stay on the front page of those slower threads.


My experience has been that it doesn’t matter where a topic is placed because if it sparks interest or controversy it will draw lots of replies. In addition most of the questions I’ve seen moved really were not discussion worthy. They just needed an answer and done.


The best thing to do is report your own post if you disagree that it was moved and ask politely for an explanation. The mod team discusses reported posts and if the team feels that whoever moved it went too far it will get moved back.

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If the suggestions forum is quiet....it's not the fault of the forum layout.


It's the fault of the forum population.


Maybe the majority of the people don't want to read the inane suggestions being suggested for the 4 millionth time in that forum? You want a more robust suggestions forum? Then be better forum-goers. Do your research before suggesting. Think through your post. Search for similar posts that can be added to. Read and comment THOUGHTFULLY on other suggestions. Keep discussions on topic - if you want to segue into a different topic, just make a brief reference to it, then start your own thread.


Do the same for the questions forum.


But everyone has to do that.

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Thanks for your feedback. Nobody is perfect and I agree that some of the questions moved to the questions thread or suggestions moved to the Pimp Dreams thread probably could have remained in GD.


However it is not a slap in the face or a show of disrespect. We can’t help that you feel that way but that is your perception.


Wait, what.... you say you are only a basely human.


WTF, and i thought you must be a half god to become a moderator.


Your truly disappointed piece of bread.

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I don't really touch the dev thread due to its bloat. It's the ultimate necro'd thread, yet I do hear people cite important things from there sometimes.


I'd offer the constructive suggestion that only devs actually post there. We can start threads in the general section about whatever the devs are posting and they'd at least be quantified.





Agree. Change that abomination.



-Complaints sections are for extremely large forums like those you mentioned, not for a place like this one.

-Agree that the suggestions section is there just to de-bloat general and there is no point to it, because no dev will ever read it.

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I am not a moderator nor do I have moderator powers yet I manage to get threads unsticked, moved, and closed, because as a forum user, I feel it is my responsibility to inform the moderators of my requested changes rather than just complain that they are not naturally occurring.


This is not a slam on you, this is just a fact. The moderators are mostly volunteers, and are humans like us so therefore imperfect. They need all the help they can get, and we are the ones who should provide it to them.

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Thanks for your feedback. Nobody is perfect and I agree that some of the questions moved to the questions thread or suggestions moved to the Pimp Dreams thread probably could have remained in GD.


However it is not a slap in the face or a show of disrespect. We can’t help that you feel that way but that is your perception. If anything it is an advantage. The moved thread shows up in both subforums thanks to the redirect. So you are actually getting double exposure until the topic falls off the front page of GD. The other advantage is that your topic will stay on the front page of those slower threads.


My experience has been that it doesn’t matter where a topic is placed because if it sparks interest or controversy it will draw lots of replies. In addition most of the questions I’ve seen moved really were not discussion worthy. They just needed an answer and done.


The best thing to do is report your own post if you disagree that it was moved and ask politely for an explanation. The mod team discusses reported posts and if the team feels that whoever moved it went too far it will get moved back.


I had a small conversation about this with the frequent movements of all the video threads that were seemingly exploding in general, yet all were moved to Images/Videos forums that nobody ever looks at, I actually was very pissed those threads got moved.

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I had a small conversation about this with the frequent movements of all the video threads that were seemingly exploding in general, yet all were moved to Images/Videos forums that nobody ever looks at, I actually was very pissed those threads got moved.


My seed thread on steam has been hidden too (have fun to find it)

But, well, C'est la vie!


(I guess the real problem is that everyone means HIS topic is the most important. Did you ever catch yourself with the thought "Damn why is my new Thread allready burried on page 2. Why do all these '%&%$'" post such senseless stuff and burry my important thread. Well i guess the truth is we all think the same, inclusive the 20 poster that posted after you)



(Btw@ mods: Did you considered to make a Post in the steamforums that would act like a linkcollection ? Means no need to sticky everything if you can link it in the ONE sticky)

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1) I think the Moderators are very dedicated to this game and put a lot of time and effort into making these forums great.


2) I feel like TFP do keep an eye on things and this Forum rates as one of the best I've been on.


3) I also agree that Moderators should be held accountable.

I've personally been bullied by a [well known] Moderator and there's just no recourse atm.

If I say anything I'll get a Ban.


4) TFP really SHOULD have a policy for how to deal with upset customers.

The Ban-and-slap-your-face approach doesn't work. It makes things worse.

Having a healthy dialogue and a softer hand for upset folks can do wonders.


5) In the end these Moderators are Humans and they make mistakes or have off days.

Try not to be too hard on them.


After all that let me just say thanks to all those who put in the time to make this forum a nice experience.

I appreciate it.


Here's a kitten.



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3) I also agree that Moderators should be held accountable.

I've personally been bullied by a [well known] Moderator and there's just no recourse atm.

If I say anything I'll get a Ban.


4) TFP really SHOULD have a policy for how to deal with upset customers.

The Ban-and-slap-your-face approach doesn't work. It makes things worse.

Having a healthy dialogue and a softer hand for upset folks can do wonders.



I was banned for some really random reason back in Alpha 9 or 10, don't even know why, really wasn't on the forums much, and could never get unbanned so I had to make another account.


I think it was to make a post about why player bullets weren't hitting other players, it was a pretty general post, nothing spiteful,rude,or nasty. lol oh well.

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I was banned for some really random reason back in Alpha 9 or 10, don't even know why, really wasn't on the forums much, and could never get unbanned so I had to make another account.


I think it was to make a post about why player bullets weren't hitting other players, it was a pretty general post, nothing spiteful,rude,or nasty. lol oh well.

Ban evasions are against the rules here... you probably should have kept that to yourself. Also, I really doubt you were permanently banned over something minor as that NEVER happens. There's a procedure to follow (warning if minor, infraction if serious, variety of temp ban options if repeated infractions, perm ban if all else fails)


3) I also agree that Moderators should be held accountable.

I've personally been bullied by a [well known] Moderator and there's just no recourse atm.

If I say anything I'll get a Ban.

Making comments like that in public can get you into further trouble, and it wouldn't be bullying either, just follow the rules and you're safe. If you have a problem with an individual, report them. Each moderator is their own person with their own opinions, they will look into it and decide whether or not bullying is occurring and take appropriate actions.

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Ban evasions are against the rules here... you probably should have kept that to yourself. Also, I really doubt you were permanently banned over something minor as that NEVER happens. There's a procedure to follow (warning if minor, infraction if serious, variety of temp ban options if repeated infractions, perm ban if all else fails)


You say it never happens but do you really know that?


That could have been some Moderator who's long gone now for good reason.


Please state your source.

I'd like to see the research you've put into this.

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You say it never happens but do you really know that?


That could have been some Moderator who's long gone now for good reason.


Please state your source.

I'd like to see the research you've put into this.

Well, considering I was the main moderator here for 2 years, and a member here since the very start, I'm pretty sure I know how things work here. And if a moderator gets demoted for abuse of power, his previous actions would obviously get looked into and corrected.


You have to keep in mind that you the users only have to follow the general rules of the forums, while moderators have those rules plus more just to stay as moderators. Moderators are often times under the microscope and have to deal with a lot of stress due to conflicting opinions by other moderators or devs.

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Well, considering I was the main moderator here for 2 years, and a member here since the very start, I'm pretty sure I know how things work here. And if a moderator gets demoted for abuse of power, his previous actions would obviously get looked into and corrected.








Well... that's .... pretty good research then.......



I'll just shut my big fat mouth now.

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