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Feedback for The Fun Pimps on Alpha 17


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A pressure plate is better suited for this purpose. It does not consume electricity as long as nothing is activated. Therefore a generator can run forever. I wouldn't use solar panels for power supply at the moment because they would cause a lot of lag when charging the batteries.


Lag is the reason I prefer not to use the pressure plate, and the remote sensor only uses 5 watt.

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Btw Roland, if you want to resume my whole critique as a death club, name me one action or development done in favor of modders after René died. One. Because anyone can write a condolence letter. Not everyone can actually say "well this important modder died today, maybe we can improve something for the modder community". 7DTD still requires outside tools for deep modding. Its a joke.


Oh hi, you're back. :)


You're out of touch with the modding scene these days, so I gotta refute you a bit. The need for outside tools has gone down to JUST scripts, and even that will likely be supported.


New entities, items, blocks, sounds, all natively supported now. Entities just need animation hooks.


A lot has changed since you modded homie. Most of it for the better. Still not 100% there yet, but a lot closer since a15.


And with Xpath, new alphas are a lot easier to update mods to.

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Never tried it. I’m assuming it isn’t instant win anymore.


"The last thing I want is to go back to a game where all challenge is gone simply by going underground."




I'm kinda confused by this. If you never tried it and don't do it now why do you care? I thought you'd buy into it for the challenge now.


Sounds to me you are saying you are only comforted by the fact that other people can do this now.

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I'm kinda confused by this. If you never tried it and don't do it now why do you care? I thought you'd buy into it for the challenge now.


Sounds to me you are saying you are only comforted by the fact that other people can do this now.


It's because I am referring to digging down a few blocks only, not building an entire base. That's all you would need to do to survive through what should be the peak moment in a game claiming to be in the survival genre. This, I have tried... and it was ridiculous. I am comforted by the fact people CAN'T do this now.

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It's because I am referring to digging down a few blocks only, not building an entire base. That's all you would need to do to survive through what should be the peak moment in a game claiming to be in the survival genre. This, I have tried... and it was ridiculous. I am comforted by the fact people CAN'T do this now.


I didn't even know that was a thing to be honest. I have to agree then.

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I didn't even know that was a thing to be honest. I have to agree then.


Yeah, just a few blocks down, a single iron bars block as a roof, and you would be safe to sit there and shoot up at them all night.

I feel for the people who enjoyed the world without diggers, but for me this was a major game-breaking issue that digging has solved.

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now people just sit on the roof of a random poi and let it get destroyed each horde night


Yeah, some content creators have series based on that concept. They tend to always do it in early stages of the game though... like day 21 or less. It doesn't work very well for most POIs once your gamestage is higher from what I've watched. I think the intent is to test POIs to see if a true nomadic playstyle is feasible, but I suppose it could also be for those who just wish to spare their good base from horde night repairs. I really don't blame them for trying being that the horde night incentive is so low now.

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Since this is supposed to be the feedback thread, and I'm hoping it is and not just griping about exploits and holes, I'll post this here, and y'all can ignore it, move it, delete it, whatever.


There are a couple of things that I would love to see in game, and I think a couple of them are coming. First off, player artwork, paintings, etc. I would like to be able to take pictures from my computer and set them up in game as framed pictures or paintings. While I enjoy playing on the Navezgane map, I also like using the random gen map, and adjusting the settings to make for a creepier feel to the game.


Second, I would absolutely love to be able to insert music (MP4, wav, etc) with triggers in the game. I have built, and am in the process of building, some horror setting buildings as POIs, and would like to have the players entering the POI trigger creepy music, evil laughter, etc. Just me, but that would be awesome.


Third: Flags. Could we get flag poles with different flags, or the option to put different flags? Maybe different factions in the game, country flag, state flags, etc. Any or all of the above would be awesome.


Fourth: NPCs. I know, we have the traders, and they are pretty cool. I love that you can get quests from them, now, and I love their personalities, but I would love to see survivor NPCs, as well. They don't even necessarily have to do anything, but that would be nice, but even having them stand around could add so much flavor and depth to a POI, especially on a dedicated server with a lobby or a community horde base.


Just some food for thought. Love the game, and looking forward to see what's coming in the future.

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Haven’t played in about 2 years... Have some disappointments


My first time playing in about a year and first time vanilla in about two years.




1# Was having an ok time, but I died to a stealth wolf because my hp was not recovering due to the grey bar, and game crashed after death and also crashes when I try to load my save.


2# After all this time why does my dude keep swinging his item even after I let go of the mouse? Wouldnt this be a single line of code to fix?


3# This stamina thing is kind of boring. Felt lot of my time was spent waiting on the bar to refill or shoving food down my mouth just so there would be a bar to refill. Not challenging, just slow.


4# I don't like the over encumbered system. I want to enjoy the fun parts of the game (looting, killing zomibes, exploring, leveling up, building a base, surviving hoardnight, etc)... Not managing my inventory.


5# Why is my dude dying of heat? I typed in 'weathersurvival off'.

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1# Was having an ok time, but I died to a stealth wolf because my hp was not recovering due to the grey bar, and game crashed after death and also crashes when I try to load my save.


2# After all this time why does my dude keep swinging his item even after I let go of the mouse? Wouldnt this be a single line of code to fix?


3# This stamina thing is kind of boring. Felt lot of my time was spent waiting on the bar to refill or shoving food down my mouth just so there would be a bar to refill. Not challenging, just slow.


4# I don't like the over encumbered system. I want to enjoy the fun parts of the game (looting, killing zomibes, exploring, leveling up, building a base, surviving hoardnight, etc)... Not managing my inventory.


5# Why is my dude dying of heat? I typed in 'weathersurvival off'.


1. Wolves and Dogs seem to be ninjas now. I personally would be ok with stealthy wolves, but I can't stand how hard it is to effectively avoid being snuck up on by dogs.


2. I believe that was fixed in the latest build. Are you using experimental?


3. Food and water have significant penalties when they are low. Staying full it much more important now to keep max stamina and health full


4. This is definitely a pain point for many of us. You can fix this by buying the skills needed. At first it really becomes difficult to manage your inventory, but eventually you get used to it.


5. Lots of buffs have changed names in the last 2 years. I would look for the most recent console commands.

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1# Was having an ok time, but I died to a stealth wolf because my hp was not recovering due to the grey bar, and game crashed after death and also crashes when I try to load my save.


To regenerate the Max-HP you have to use bandages. Normal bandages only regenerate the Max-HP. First aid bandages regenerate both Max-HP and HP. When looting a POI, I always harvest all the cloth I can to make bandages.

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Not a fan of the encumbrance either. (the concept itself that is).

So I use a mod that gives really really large backpack/chests.


Sure the final row is still there for encumbrance, but by the time I fill the rest, it's time to head back and sort out the stuff.



Big backpacks are the first things I look for with every update.

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Big backpacks are the first things I look for with every update.


Much like other games, Larger backpacks with more slots and encumbrance buffs should be something we can find/craft and add to our character like clothes and armor and something I hope that TFP considers.


Tier 1- Plant Fiber to Tier 6 -Military Rucksack

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Why can I just not enjoy this game anymore?


It feels like with every new version arrive more nice bug fixes and graphic improvements which is ok . I really like the fps improvement on A17.3 .

But the more I repeat the early game the more I hate the game itself. First of all it's not just about finding food. This is actually easy if you have a trader nearby. As long as you're not freezing it's easy to go by plus you can find water very easily now with all those water towers spread everywhere.


What I really dislike are the following things:

-The hardness of 50% of the biomes of the game namely snow and even more wasteland. To put it simply as a veteran player I have not yet mastered the ability to survive on wasteland even on normal difficulty since dogs and random silent hordes spawn everywhere around me without me noticing them.


-When playing single player or solo the game is now TOO MUCH TIED on the trader quests. If you ever want to get nice experience you HAVE to make quests early game. 5000 base experience equals to at least 10 zombies killed without counting the extra coin and items that come by. As you've noticed I really dislike A17 wasteland and snow biome. That's because if you are in either of those and the circumstances are bad you'll either [A] die of freezing because RNG wasn't good or you'll have to walk through a mine field and a dog/horde/wolf infested plane of doom. It's impossible to just walk on wasteland on A17.


I'm not sure if A17.3 makes the above better or worse. If an area is too far away early game it makes it practically impossible to farm quests. If those quests are in the same locked areas near you you end up locked away from the early trader quests. As you can understand that is a VERY bad thing.


-The combination of a level gated forge and a useless farming ability until level 20. Unlike wrenches which are very common on dish washers hoes are very hard to come by. A hoe is ESSENTIAL for farming and late game surviving but wrenching is usually not as essential . You can craft those items or buy them on quantities from traders but you can't say buy 50 corn from the trader the same way you can buy 50 cloth/gear/glue .


It all comes down to forge and it's direct connection to game difficulty . I really hate that . If you could change forge and forged weapons/tools to come much earlier in the game (level 5 or 0 requirements instead of 20) you could have access to utilities that protect you against early game unforgiving wasteland , allow you to farm much earlier even with that pathetic 4:1 ratio of the farm skill since and still enjoy a balanced game since forge recipe is actually quite expensive early game.


TL;DR I really hate how forge level gates useful items like pickaxe and hoe which are essential for surviving in harder biomes because those biomes DO require those items.

The number one skill I hate is the farming skill which I believe should be COMPLETELY removed and reverted back to how it was in A16: 2 bonus seeds for each harvested crop,4 bonus seeds if fertile land is applied. The logic behind magically getting more crops from each seed if I'm simply more survivalist is BS and needs to be removed.


Yours kindly


P.S. I'm not very good at explaining things when I'm sleepy,sorry about that.


Edit2 : Just made a new random world and...are you F@#@#@ KIDDING ME?



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Hi Hollowprime,


I know my first comment may annoy you and I am sorry for that, but mods will take care of many things as you are not the only one feeling this way. I generally like where the game is going, but plenty of other people have concerns like you.


I would suggest having a look at Nitrogen which is an amazing tool for generating maps. If you do not like a particular biome, this tool allows you to create a map without it. It has made the game more enjoyable for me. I have been able to create a whole map of greenland and massive cities. I know some will say that is less of a challenge, but I am having fun.


Perhaps have a look in the mods forum and see if there are some overhauls or modlets that can transform the game into something more to your liking. There are some that return the game to a non-level gate system. Perhaps have a look at the Ravenhearst mod to get you started, and the mod loader makes many mods easier to install,


Again, I know that many people would prefer the game to be perfect right off the bat, but one of the many great things about this game is its modability, so there are mods out there that can help you have the experience that you want.

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For me it looks like the Z´s get redundant more and more as the game progresses. Silent Dogs, Food spoilage coming, shortcoming of bones for duct tape, fire arms at day one and so on make them just an annoyance. In a game that has "Horde" in the subtitle.


Rather get more z´s. To demanding for the hardware you say? Get rid of UMA. What use are good looking Z´s if they aren´t a challenge. I don´t care if the Z´s that i don´t see a whole day (while beeeing outside) on a MP server do look good. I want more of them.

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Roland it would be cool if you went through a few of the more common gripes about a17 and made some polls...i enjoy polls. i think it would be cool to see how the actual percent of forum users feel about certain features. theres so many opinions one way or another and i like to see how many other people feel the way i do about stuff...i think im not a minority in the way i feel? or am i?


edited because englishing is HARD!

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My thoughts..


Perks and levelling are boring. It's that simple. World exploration is dead. Especially on multiplayer. You can survive, level up and get to a steel base with turrets and spikes and max weapons by doing the following. Find the shotgun messiah factory, setup camp nearby, mine rocks for stone, iron coal etc, harvest trees, dig for clay, raid the factory which also has cars outside for you to wrench and boom...super base and awesome weapons with tons and tons of ammo. One of the things I loved about 7D2D when I first played it was the level by doing system that meant you had to get out there and get good by using the tools and weapons and moving around. It forced you in a way to have to explore the world in. Now, it's just a standard XP grind watching the bar go up over and over like...pretty much every other game out there with most things level gated instead of allowing the player to take the much better natural progression path. The game was once organic in feel where you could take the path of your choosing. Now..you pretty much have to follow the same path over and over and obtain the same things in the same order through perks. Boring.


POI's. Still predictable, ton of zombies, you know they are in every room. No variety or randomness. Generated around the player instead of random encounter. Boring, repetitive.


Overall, the game is becoming a linear open world with predictable AI and not much wiggle room in the progression you take. The old way of doing things was way better.


You all need to listen to your community more. Whilst some like the changes a lot of others do not. Rather than force the more boring path on people you should create different game modes. Allow people to setup either a XP grind by boring progression or progression organic and naturally, maybe re introduce the horse mode thing that was in A7 and before. Give people a variety of play styles to choose from. Let them choose between the whole 20 hour game thing and something that's longer, harder and more organic. That's one of the problems I see in this forum. The users tell you what they want and you guys...let's be fair...you ignore it, leave a ♥♥♥♥ish comment or acknowledge it but act like you don't really listen. And your answer in the end "guys we have a new vehicle". You need to step back and look at games such as Warframe. A game largely dictated by the wants of its community. It's repetitive, grindy, more so than 7D2D yet it's immensely popular. Why? Because the devs actually listen to their community and take on board and implement the things they want implementing. They quiz their community about how they would like to see the game progress and have earned immense respect and dedication from their fans.


Idk just my thoughts.

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17.3 First impressions


- RWG is still a mess. Crazy roads, solid walls of water, radio tower districts, bad terrain transitions around pois

- No indication of entering RAD zone except you start dying very quickly and will still die (usually) even if you turn around instantly.

- Zombies still popping in right beside you, or behind you. I had a group of 5 pop in behind me while sneaking. Can often watch zombies spawning into a poi.

- Water is like jelly again, no more like glue this time.

- Hit boxes around zombies make head shots harder than they should be. Amazing amount of arrows caught by shoulders, hands, forearms

- Perks are level locked as well as being stat locked. Bad decision, choose one or the other don't punish players for min maxing

- You Are Encumbered (nah just kidding) You Are Encumbered (nah, not really) You are Encumbered (Ok, it's a bug)

- Whoever is playing with the ambient light, chill. Green tint, pink tint, black tint, light tint. So many transitions in a short time, almost like being at a disco.

- The fog off the water effect is low quality and cheesy. It's literally the same puff spammed like 10 times at different angles. I get dizzy looking at it.

- Weapons should not reload automatically, it reduces their usefulness drastically. Hunting rifle and crossbow, you would rather switch to a different weapon after firing a round in a tight situation but can't until the reload animation is finished. Precious seconds wasted.

- Rivers are back! Awesome.

- I haven't really played since 16.4, it's not all bad but I haven't put enough time in yet to tell the whole story

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