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feel like im the only one having fun right now


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Havnt seen a single post complimenting T.F.P for working hard on this.

Granted the timing was bad (nearly 2 years), but they pulled through and made it work!


The game is completely different from what it once was, its a borderline new game to me. The game has a few issues which is why its "ex-peri-ment-al!" Not a "set in stone" build. Im sure the game will come around! :D


Only negative for me right now is the fact that the game has been stretched so it is harder to get set for day 7 and its super laggy...but im happy either way with this! :D


Good job, if your reading this TFP!

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Lots of us are having fun. It's just that (as always) it's the minority that aren't that are the ones shouting.


Personally, I have no problems about any of the changes in A17. Before it came out the AI was being overhyped and I was worried about that, but in actual play it's fine.


If I had to complain it would be about quests being such a prominent part of the game, but even then I'm finding that I can suspend my disbelief and I'm able to do them with a minimum of eye-rolling.

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Havnt seen a single post complimenting T.F.P for working hard on this.

Granted the timing was bad (nearly 2 years), but they pulled through and made it work!


The game is completely different from what it once was, its a borderline new game to me. The game has a few issues which is why its "ex-peri-ment-al!" Not a "set in stone" build. Im sure the game will come around! :D


Only negative for me right now is the fact that the game has been stretched so it is harder to get set for day 7 and its super laggy...but im happy either way with this! :D


Good job, if your reading this TFP!


The vocal minority principle.


You have about 20 people whining how they hate the changes.


Then, you have 22.000 people in game, enjoying it.


Put that into perspective now.

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I'm really enjoying all the changes. I think people that were used to the way A16 worked are having issues since you can't play like that anymore. In A16's POI's had 3 wanders around them, plus a few sleeper inside. I was never afraid of any POI's


Now POI's have sleepers hiding everywhere. I've seen them hiding up in the rafters, under the floor, behind boxes, on the roof. I used to charge right in, now i stealth around and check roofs and rafters. Decide if i can take a few out while stealthed. If there looks to be a lot I'll run around the building, and break all the windows so they all get up and come outside to fight. :)


I Think the moment I realized this wasn't going to be the cakewalk that A16 was when I saw a tent POI and thought , Oh yah a bunch of cloth fragments I can take to the trader. Hit the side of a tent and a vulture came out, I nearly crapped myself.

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I Think the moment I realized this wasn't going to be the cakewalk that A16 was when I saw a tent POI and thought , Oh yah a bunch of cloth fragments I can take to the trader. Hit the side of a tent and a vulture came out, I nearly crapped myself.


My first A17 death was to one of those. It was early on day one and it was the first POI I'd gone near - I thought it would be safe...

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I dont think most people that don't like the game are mad at the difficulty of the zombies. That's almost fine with some minor tweaks.


But the way the game is played has fundamentally changed and isn't what I signed up for. I have to play for 10-20 hours to finally be able to build something worth defending. Then again, I don't need to build anything because by then my completely irrealistic skill of finding better quality things makes me find everything I need rather quickly. At least A16 had economics worth exploring. A17 has what? Zombies and moddable guns.

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Most people expect the game to behave like A16 and it doesn't. It also plays slower. A lot of people complain about forge being locked early on but I think that's actually good idea. Also the balancing is not very good at the moment but it's experimental. What do they expect? Also the game is significantly more difficult and today's gamers like casual games. And no one wants to lower difficulty for some reason. The only complaint I have about A17 except some bugs and balancing (which will be fixed) is the level gating of the skill/perk system. But I already made thread about how that can be improved so I won't go over that. Most people want A16 with A17 AI and graphics.

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Overall I love the new mechanics of A17. I miss very little from what was removed since A16 and welcome the new changes. I find the game a lot more immersive too. Remove the bugs, improve balance and fix the horrible performance and you will have hands down the very best version of 7dtd to date.

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Its simple.

If i dislike something, maybe i write that

If something breaks the game for me, i write that.


And sure i have fun too.

Modded allready that what i cant play away.


My gamestart starts with 15 Extra skillpoints and a tier 1 bicycle.

Cant stand the glue. Not enough masochist in me.


uhhh again out of stamina

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I'm having a lot of fun with it. Of course there are a some things I don't like about it so far, but hey... it's early experimental, not everything's dialed in and fine tuned yet. Adapt and overcome. Zeds respawning to quickly in POIs? First thing I do now is throw a bedroll on the floor as soon as I get in. I can kite zeds out to fight in the street with little to no POI refills...depending on it's size of course, but it does help. Zed damage sponges? My aiming and melee skills are getting better. Zeds can detect you and aggro from further away? I now pay more attention to my surroundings than I used to.

I love that it's forcing me to play outside of my comfort zone. That virtually all my old established same ol'e same ol'e routines no longer apply. I love being afraid, scared, and paranoid in this game again.

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overall i'm enjoying A17. I miss sod, it looked beautiful for gardens, even if it didn't increase yield; wish tilled soil took on sod's texture instead of what we got. having to choose between temperature regulating clothes, or armor, is a pain but makes sense. I do hate however, when you have - stats like when your freezeing, or the death penalty, it actually takes your perks away too. for example i died on 7 day horde, and for an hour i had -2 to my attributes, because of this i could no longer craft iron tools cause it took that perk away.


other then that it seems pretty good so far. plays a bit different now, and is more on par with Don't Starve game in it's unforgiveability, and progression speed.

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Honestly, i'm having a really great time exploring and testing things. Coming from consoles, it's been nice to see new stuff, new POI, and everything else that consoles have never seen. I believe i see what TFP is trying to accomplish over the long haul, and i think they're heading in the right direction...they just may need to make some minor course corrections along the way.


I think right now, especially with the people who are mad at what's been offered, that TFP would be wise to take what's working, fix what isn't, and try to find a balance between the more punishing survival parts of the game (most of which i'm genuinely pleased with) and how to allow players a bit more freedom to craft and build. Since this is still an experimental build, i'm sure those things will come along in their own time. For now, i'm just happy to play something that seems enjoyable to me.

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I Think the moment I realized this wasn't going to be the cakewalk that A16 was when I saw a tent POI and thought , Oh yah a bunch of cloth fragments I can take to the trader. Hit the side of a tent and a vulture came out, I nearly crapped myself.


The problem with this is that the vultures are not visible on the top of the tent, but if you disturb it they will rise up THROUGH the top of the tent (ie bugged), so it's totally unfair. I've been hit by 4 of them in an instant from a single tent.

The only fun to be had with the current vulture incarnation is when you play baseball with them and really send them flying.

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There's a lot of good stuff in A17.

There's a lot of stuff that needs tweaking in A17.


Most of the people here, like myself, find that the second is getting in the way of enjoying the former.


A16 and A17 were both very heavy handed updates, changing massive swaths of how the game is played. A17, in particular, took an almost specific and very heavy hand in dropping player power for days 1-7.


- Headshot damage bonuses were removed and moved to perks, and separated between ranged and melee. (Wood clubs had a 4x multiplier, not a 1x or 1.25x. Bows had 5x)

- Trunk tip defenses were removed entirely

- Arrows no longer have a chance to inflict bleed

- Shotguns and Blunderbuss no longer have a chance to inflict slow

- Weapons do damage comparable to near-minimum Q001 A16 levels, only affected by Levels now, not quality.

- Players are forced to use stone tools or scavenged tools (always pre-damaged) without necessarily the means to repair them, through the first week at a minimum.

- Players operate persistently with less-than-advertised stamina due to the Hunger cap.

- Players operate with less-than-advertised health because everything that does damage deals Max Health damage. Players require a constant source and diet of bandages.

- Stamina consumption is waay up. Most drinks no longer provide stamina injections. Stamina regen drinks now only last moments.

- The gamestate has clearly been changed to an accelerated pace. Worker zombies (250 block damage) always show up in the first 7-day horde with worse entirely possible.

- Focus on direct confrontation with the zombie apocalypse rather than surviving it.

- POI Population tripled at a minimum, with no more 'decoy sleepers'.

- Triple-stacked death penalty costing players more valuable daylight playtime.



Pick your flavor of 'show up and complain by people who've been enjoying the game for 5 years'

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The vocal minority principle.


You have about 20 people whining how they hate the changes.


Then, you have 22.000 people in game, enjoying it.


Put that into perspective now.


What does TFP want? Deliver a good game to make money. What do they need for that? People pointing out negatives that need a fix. Really no need to praise everything that works fine right now and there is a bunch of people who praise it. It´s business and time is money.


I assume they really don´t care too much about missing praises right now. I mean look how many things changed and how few get critized hard. Looks like a good ratio to me. Plus they are super busy with bugfixes atm anyways.


Be honest, does madmole look like he gives a F? ;)


Also those 22k not beeing here doesn´t mean they all like every single aspect of the game or will continue playing. Needs some time to get into endgame and we are only on day 5 of A17. 2 weeks after stable is a time where the playercount shows the real deal. (It´s experimental btw, 22K doesn´t mean everyone plays A17, i also think about switching back and finishing my last A16 base until stable once i reach 3 or 4 ingame weeks)

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What does TFP want? Deliver a good game to make money. What do they need for that? People pointing out negatives that need a fix. Really no need to praise everything that works fine right now and there is a bunch of people who praise it. It´s business and time is money.


I assume they really don´t care too much about missing praises right now. I mean look how many things changed and how few get critized hard. Looks like a good ratio to me. Plus they are super busy with bugfixes atm anyways.


Be honest, does madmole look like he gives a F? ;)


Also those 22k not beeing here doesn´t mean they all like every single aspect of the game.


If A17 was as disliked as some people make it sound, we'd have negative feedback flooding the forums.

We literally have less then 10 threads and maybe 20 people total complaining about gameplay changes, which prevents them from getting to late game by literally skipping early and mid game within 2-4 in-game days and prevents exploiting of zombie AI to never fight them on blood moon.


Hell, I too do not believe everything is 100% nice and dandy in this alpha, but ever since start of A1, the game has never felt so good when it comes to combat, depth, progression and actual progression pacing.


No one ever will be 100% happy with the game, but if the stuff you do not like is minor enough for you to not be vocal about it, then its acceptable for player.


Some negative feedback on A17 is valid, but about 80% of it so far is just hot air from players who can't exploit Zs on blood moon anymore and players who can't cheeze their way into super fast late game.

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If A17 was as disliked as some people make it sound, we'd have negative feedback flooding the forums.

We literally have less then 10 threads and maybe 20 people total complaining about gameplay changes, which prevents them from getting to late game by literally skipping early and mid game within 2-4 in-game days and prevents exploiting of zombie AI to never fight them on blood moon.


Hell, I too do not believe everything is 100% nice and dandy in this alpha, but ever since start of A1, the game has never felt so good when it comes to combat, depth, progression and actual progression pacing.


No one ever will be 100% happy with the game, but if the stuff you do not like is minor enough for you to not be vocal about it, then its acceptable for player.


Some negative feedback on A17 is valid, but about 80% of it so far is just hot air from players who can't exploit Zs on blood moon anymore and players who can't cheeze their way into super fast late game.


What? This update destroys progression. The Fun Pimps didn't improve the early game they just stretched it out and made it boring. Building a base now is pretty pointless as even the weakest zombies can rip right through it and so what if people wanna cheeze their way into the late game, isn't that the freedom a game like this should offer? Because right now you MUST play one way or suffer. I also consider it "cheezing it to late game" by getting high tier weapons on Day 1, but the game did that for me, gave me a whole arsenal on Day 1 actually.

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On here when the forum voted for bigger updates with longer times inbetween there weren´t even 200 votes. That´s not enough to get a picture about 22K (playing at one certain time, it´s propably 40-50k overall)


This forum isn´t really well visited compared to the playerbase. 200 isn´t even one percent, even when there is more now, it´s very low. Not reliable for statistics.


On steam it seems like a lot more really don´t like certain things.

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