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Annnnd the emotes change again pew pew pew....


Now you have to watch out for zombies AND aliens coming for you in spacecraft from the sky! Take that, tower bases! Now we just need worms like from Dune to take care of underground bases, and a renaming of the game to 7 Seconds Until Dead, and we'll be set!

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wasnt able to pop on yesterday, hope i didnt miss one!




This made me laugh more than it probally should have, but I myself had a feeling that the amount of icons and whats going on had to do with the bugs, I bet the spy one is one thats being hard to track down. Even if this is not the case the story is good and looks like it could be a legit thing/status bar. I can also see the last one in the picture being: "Oh crap... they got everyone else and i'm the only one left.."


- - - Updated - - -


Personally, i like the idea of consuming a book to craft a weapon. After day 144 i have a full container of stacked weapons because parts are so easy to find. This will make weapons rarer.


You forget in A17 parts are no longer a thing anymore. Mods yes, weapon parts no. Also not a fan of having to lug around yet MORE junk than we already have in A16. Like all those diffrent parts: mechanical, electrical, electronic componnents, platic, they could all fuse into one item called Misc Parts. Alot less clutter.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I haven't left a comment on this forum in years, and Im sure this question has been asked a 1000 times before but.... What the hell are the icons, we are at 2 devils now? I can wait for the update ive played this game since the minecraft looking days so i know how crazy the forums get once we are close but.... the emojis!....i ... there was ghosts and one devil now two...i....whaa?

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I haven't left a comment on this forum in years, and Im sure this question has been asked a 1000 times before but.... What the hell are the icons, we are at 2 devils now? I can wait for the update ive played this game since the minecraft looking days so i know how crazy the forums get once we are close but.... the emojis!....i ... there was ghosts and one devil now two...i....whaa?


i now think they have something to do with the trolls in this thread

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I haven't left a comment on this forum in years, and Im sure this question has been asked a 1000 times before but.... What the hell are the icons, we are at 2 devils now? I can wait for the update ive played this game since the minecraft looking days so i know how crazy the forums get once we are close but.... the emojis!....i ... there was ghosts and one devil now two...i....whaa?


I'm not quite sure either... I thought it had to do with bug fixes, as well as how long it would be until the experimental, but I think Roland said it had nothing to do with that. I don't know though, don't take my word for it.

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I haven't left a comment on this forum in years, and Im sure this question has been asked a 1000 times before but.... What the hell are the icons, we are at 2 devils now? I can wait for the update ive played this game since the minecraft looking days so i know how crazy the forums get once we are close but.... the emojis!....i ... there was ghosts and one devil now two...i....whaa?


They mean nothing. It's been officially stated by Roland on a few occasions(including when they first started) that they don't mean anything. First we had a life bar that was gradually decreasing, which meant nothing. That was basically playing a joke on the life bars people saw in the test images that caused a huge controversy. And of course [not] everyone thought it was an exact scientific countdown of the progress until release.


Then it went away and was replaced by the simple, obvious and true message that A17 would be done when it was done. Of course [not] everyone found that EXTREMELY offensive and demeaning to the paying customers and demanded that we all be treated better. Between that and some thread banter about how it's hard to tell when people are joking or being sarcastic without smileys, we then got some smileys added to the message to explain the apparently difficult concept that "it's done when it's done" means just that and not an attempt to insult anybody.


That gradually morphed into the slightly more accommodating phrase we have now and the emojis along with it. Which of course [not] everyone believes to be an exact scientific representation of what is happening with A17 progress and a countdown to the moment it will be released. In another week or two it will probably change into random movie quotes or something.



TL;DR - It's just a way for Roland to have fun and play with the forum regulars, and annoy the people looking to get annoyed. It officially means nothing. It COULD secretly mean something. But it probably means nothing. Unless it does.

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They mean nothing. It's been officially stated by Roland on a few occasions(including when they first started) that they don't mean anything. First we had a life bar that was gradually decreasing, which meant nothing. That was basically playing a joke on the life bars people saw in the test images that caused a huge controversy. And of course [not] everyone thought it was an exact scientific countdown of the progress until release.


Then it went away and was replaced by the simple, obvious and true message that A17 would be done when it was done. Of course [not] everyone found that EXTREMELY offensive and demeaning to the paying customers and demanded that we all be treated better. Between that and some thread banter about how it's hard to tell when people are joking or being sarcastic without smileys, we then got some smileys added to the message to explain the apparently difficult concept that "it's done when it's done" means just that and not an attempt to insult anybody.


That gradually morphed into the slightly more accommodating phrase we have now and the emojis along with it. Which of course [not] everyone believes to be an exact scientific representation of what is happening with A17 progress and a countdown to the moment it will be released. In another week or two it will probably change into random movie quotes or something.



TL;DR - It's just a way for Roland to have fun and play with the forum regulars, and annoy the people looking to get annoyed. It officially means nothing. It COULD secretly mean something. But it probably means nothing. Unless it does.


yeah this makes perfect sense

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