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how to calculate horde night?


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For those who aren't into basic arithmetics, there are neat lil helper charts floating about. Like this one:



Many ppl have 2 screens or a phone, so just have this on the second screen for a quick glance - problem solved I guess.



I think it would not be too much to ask of the devs to just include the day of the week in the date display and this would instantly be a non issue.

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...is dividing by 7 really a problem? Like, for real?


I saw we force the player to keep their own journal of days, scratching a notch in the wall or writing in a diary! No more of this OP HUD keeping you informed :p

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every 7th Day obviously :)


It can bugout though when resetting / changing time of server in game. If you have problems with saving and restarting servers it can change the timeline. Then you have to calculate manually from the last horde.


Would be easiest if there was some kind of visual or audio cues on the 6th day. That way it's not too much in advance, but you can still ninja logout to safe your stuff. (red moon 2minutes before start of horde night doesn't count)

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no no no...


yes I know how to do the math I was looking for a calculator I could point users to. teach a man to fish not give them fish.


here is what I have. make it a batch file and run it.


@echo off

echo -----------------------

echo 7DTD - DAY 7 calculator

echo -----------------------



echo What day is it today?


color 07

set /p currentday=

set /a result = %currentday%/7

set /a answer = %result%+1

set /a final = %answer%*7

set /a nextday = %final%+7

set /a test = %final%-7

if %currentday%==%test% (

echo ---------------------------------------

echo TODAY

echo ---------------------------------------

color 40 ) else (

echo ---------------------------------------

echo NEXT DAY7 IS DAY %final% and %nextday%

echo ---------------------------------------)

timeout 6


goto TOP

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(...)I was looking for a calculator I could point users to.teach a man to fish not give them fish.



So you want to be taught how to fish, to not have to teach your users how to fish and give them fish instead – and all that while other fishermen already caught enough fish filling up several well established fish restaurants that have takeout, wheelchair ramps installed at the front door and stunning 5 star yelp reviews?

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So you want to be taught how to fish, to not have to teach your users how to fish and give them fish instead – and all that while other fishermen already caught enough fish filling up several well established fish restaurants that have takeout, wheelchair ramps installed at the front door and stunning 5 star yelp reviews?


"What you talking about Willis?!?" :)

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no no no...


yes I know how to do the math I was looking for a calculator I could point users to. teach a man to fish not give them fish.


here is what I have. make it a batch file and run it.


@echo off

echo -----------------------

echo 7DTD - DAY 7 calculator

echo -----------------------



echo What day is it today?


color 07

set /p currentday=

set /a result = %currentday%/7

set /a answer = %result%+1

set /a final = %answer%*7

set /a nextday = %final%+7

set /a test = %final%-7

if %currentday%==%test% (

echo ---------------------------------------

echo TODAY

echo ---------------------------------------

color 40 ) else (

echo ---------------------------------------

echo NEXT DAY7 IS DAY %final% and %nextday%

echo ---------------------------------------)

timeout 6


goto TOP



local $day = InputBox("Bloodmoon Calculator", "What is the current gameday?")

$remainder = Mod($day, 7)
$daysUntilHorde = 7 - $remainder

If $remainder = 0 Then
msgbox(0,'Bloodmoon', "Bloodmoon is TODAY !")
msgbox(0,'Bloodmoon', "Next Bloodmoon is in " & $daysUntilHorde & " days. Thats day " & $day + $daysUntilHorde)


Lemme know if you need it compiled :)



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Basically what I do is ((current day / 7) + 1) *7 = bloodmoon


- - - Updated - - -


every 7th Day obviously :)


It can bugout though when resetting / changing time of server in game. If you have problems with saving and restarting servers it can change the timeline. Then you have to calculate manually from the last horde.


Would be easiest if there was some kind of visual or audio cues on the 6th day. That way it's not too much in advance, but you can still ninja logout to safe your stuff. (red moon 2minutes before start of horde night doesn't count)


I think the evening of day 6 the sky is pink. on Day 7 at 1800h you get lightning.

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Basically what I do is ((current day / 7) + 1) *7 = bloodmoon


- - - Updated - - -




I think the evening of day 6 the sky is pink. on Day 7 at 1800h you get lightning.


Haven't noticed either of those :o


I'm probably always to busy working, digging , collecting : /

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Well, there are server managers that can do this for you, I saw it on one of them but can't remember which one. You'll have to look them over to see which ones. There's a tonne of stuff they can do besides this, which could possibly 'heighten' you're clients enjoyment.


Edit <ADD> Found one - Server Tools look under the "Other Tools"

"Day7 alerts: automatically receive in game alerts to the upcoming bloodmoon. Can set a custom horde night value"


Donno what that horde night value thing is...

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