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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Will audio be getting a pass for A17? Specifically, I was wondering if the Pimps have looked at the Steam Audio SDK since it's compatible with Unity and free. Positional audio is a game changer to me. I don't know the implications of trying to implement this in a voxel setting but I'm hopeful.


Do you mean they could use audio for when entering a building and out in the environment and stuff?

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And what of the people just now getting the the game, and just now joining the forum? What a waste.


Look, I don't know who these "people" are Aldranon was talking about, 'cause I'm reading through the past few pages and not seeing any kind of sense of entitlement, but instead people asking for clarification.


Here's my recollection of events, complete with the actual quotes and my interpretation of those quotes.


MM comes out with an update showing us new stuff.


Me: Clearly abandonware (sarcarsm in full effect)


MM: Alpha 17 is beta, and by all rights SHOULD have been a sequel there is so muc work being done (sarcastic in reply)


People: Alpha 17 is beta?


Me: No, he was joking


Roland: It is almost beta in the grand scheme of things. Alpha 17 is definitely near the end of the alpha phase. No joke. Most features listed in the kickstarter goals are in the game and the ones that are not could be added after final release. Are all of those features at a finished state? No. That is exactly what beta phase is for. (Roland being mathematical in stating that since the game is over 50% complete it's closer to beta than not).


Gazz: A17 means Alpha 17. Literally, explicitly, and inyofacely. Parts of it start smelling a bit beta-ish if you will... (Game is still an alpha)


See the confusion?


Don't listen to Gazz, unless you want a headache. ;)

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Do you mean they could use audio for when entering a building and out in the environment and stuff?


The Steam Audio SDK has features that allow for sounds to be changed based on what is between you and the sound. For example, a zombie is louder if there isn't a wall between you. Or if the wall is wood the zombie is louder than if the wall were concrete. Also, the sound can reflect of materials and be changed based on what type of materials its reflected off of. There are other features that allow you to pinpoint exactly where a zombie is in relation to you thru HRTF functions. Check out the linked demo, it's pretty freakn awesome.

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Then what was Madmole talking about when he said that Alpha 17 was in Bata?


Open your mind and imagine that "APLHA" really is what the release will be. Otherwise, they would change it to B1 or Beta Alpha if you get my numerology.


Just because Mad Mole is excited that the ALPHA is coming along nicely and the product is starting to take on beta qualities is a clear indication that this ALPHA release is on track to move us way down the development path towards the longest sentence written on the forums in the last 30 seconds.


Heck, for that matter, what does it matter what the call it as long as it becomes solid and we get to play with it. In today's development cycles, alpha, beta, charlie and delta all get thrown around like a cheap stripper. So, enjoy the ride and try to get your $20 worth.

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I'm sure he wasn't referring to you as it was in a video he made awhile ago, when he used to make videos often. I remember it seemed to really bother him, that people he thought had his back, actually were stabbing him in the back on the TFP's own website.


Ah right I remember that now. It did seem like it got to him and I can understand why. When your hard work gets trashed like that it's never fun, for sure.


Even IF something had been said officially... this is development.

Things change all the time.


And what IF A17 were a beta? Technically that would mean a content lock but TFP are more flexible than that so at best it would be an alpheta.


Then there is the issue that there is no specific time frame for how long an alpheta can last. It could be B17, B18, B19 and so on.


This is all fighting over one word that doesn't even mean anything special here! This is also why no one is seeing this as a problem that needs to be adressed...


I think such instability is one of the reasons for all the confusion and aprehension, but I guess it's part of the process.


MM said some players are dreading the day the game is coming out of alpha, and I'm one of those people even if my concerns might not be justified.


"Who cares if it takes until 2030" right? Right. The longer it takes, the more features that makes it in, the more polished the game becomes before it goes gold, the better.


The thing is when MM post something or says anything in his videos, people are going to get crazy over it no matter what because of how much they care about the game. I for one has been a bit too much involved lately...


They are in control of how they choose to feel about it. ;)


On a serious note, though, quite a lot of user feedback (and bug reports/fixes!) have come by way of the forum so this is definitely not a one way road.


No hard feelings really, just a bit too much of zealousness when it comes to my concerns about the game.


It sure ain't, it's one twisty road made of multiple paths branching back and forth then leading no one knows where...

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The Steam Audio SDK has features that allow for sounds to be changed based on what is between you and the sound. For example, a zombie is louder if there isn't a wall between you. Or if the wall is wood the zombie is louder than if the wall were concrete. Also, the sound can reflect of materials and be changed based on what type of materials its reflected off of. There are other features that allow you to pinpoint exactly where a zombie is in relation to you thru HRTF functions. Check out the linked demo, it's pretty freakn awesome.


Im gonna have to check that out, it sounds definitly worthwhile.

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The Steam Audio SDK has features that allow for sounds to be changed based on what is between you and the sound. For example, a zombie is louder if there isn't a wall between you. Or if the wall is wood the zombie is louder than if the wall were concrete. Also, the sound can reflect of materials and be changed based on what type of materials its reflected off of. There are other features that allow you to pinpoint exactly where a zombie is in relation to you thru HRTF functions. Check out the linked demo, it's pretty freakn awesome.


It would be good if when you're tunneling at bedrock, the zombies on the surface didn't sound like they were standing right behind you. It's almost like the game tends to ignore any distance that is filled in with solid material, such as the distance from bedrock to ground level.

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It would be good if when you're tunneling at bedrock, the zombies on the surface didn't sound like they were standing right behind you. It's almost like the game tends to ignore any distance that is filled in with solid material, such as the distance from bedrock to ground level.


This is one of my biggest gripes, not being able to tell if they are above, below, or at the same level.

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