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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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In response to 10681: Yes. For them it's in name only but for the public it means something. "frees them up" simply means "go public" instead of developing behind closed doors.


In response to 10685: Yes. And there's a good PR reason for that.


In response to 10687: You are just the latest in a long line of goofballs worrying that the devs will abandon this game. It hasn't happened and it won't happen.


In response to 10690: Promises promises....


In response to 10699: I don't know yet. I hope not.


In response to 10704: What Gazz said.


In response to 10713: they're definitely cruising along. You didn't notice how quickly they went from concept art to fully drivable jeep? Doubting the Pimps can be....faatal....





I promise never again. But the Trolland within said "At least once..."


/Thank you Xeen

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Meh. A wise person will wait and see how things turn out, unless you know its arc or trajectory.


What do we know about TFP's arc?

-MM doesn't quit and is somewhat of a perfectionist.

-TFP seem committed to making their name a symbol of quality.

-The recent hiring of new talent underlines a long term focus.


Those alone should give most people satisfaction that 7D2D will not end up a half-baked product once all TFP efforts are completed.


This in a nutshell - well said.



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I sincerely hope that bandits and a better NPC/zombie AI gets added before going Beta/Epsilon/Gold. Since they are main features of the game, being alluded to ~2 Alpha's ago, and they would have a hard time optimizing/streamlining the game in Beta without these features.

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Meh. A wise person will wait and see how things turn out, unless you know its arc or trajectory.


What do we know about TFP's arc?

-MM doesn't quit and is somewhat of a perfectionist.

-TFP seem committed to making their name a symbol of quality.

-The recent hiring of new talent underlines a long term focus.


Those alone should give most people satisfaction that 7D2D will not end up a half-baked product once all TFP efforts are completed.


All true...

But the real reason some choose to vent their unfounded frustrations here, is not based on much thought I believe. It's just an easy place to vent with no personal consequences...

Others may choose this approach of negative commenting, to try and force a response from a dev (we all know this feeling, but most of us are adults enough to resist it).


All in all, the proof lays in the wording...

Most of the post saying stuff like: "why are you not done yet?", are clearly written by people who have absolutely no ideas what it takes to create a game... And with limited funds and manpower, at that...


What makes these posts dumb in my book, is that they attack what they don't understand...

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You didn't notice how quickly they went from concept art to fully drivable jeep? Doubting the Pimps can be....faatal....


I promise never again. But the Trolland within said "At least once..."


I actually didn't notice, so good point. No doubt about how faatal they can get with vehicles now for sure. The thing is, it's the rest I'm concerned about.


Trolling a troll is all good, so troll away Mr. Trolland haha.

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Alpha 17 is beta, and by all rights SHOULD have been a sequel there is so much work being done.


Madmole said A17 is beta right here




As well as alluding to it in the video about Gyrocopters


Thanks Jax! :)


Apparently there is some confusion in this about the game going gold.


Notice that Madmole is talking about Alpha 17 not 7D2D.


Basically it means that TFP's are finished with adding content to the latest alpha and are now testing it.


But don't hold your breath, this testing will take awhile and will be some time till we see any new content in the game.

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a new game, DEAD MATTER will be a competition for 7daystodie ^^


(exept those, who have potato pc)


Sure... It's scheduled to hit Alpha1 in the 4th quarter of 2018 (was planned for Q1).

It's success is by no means guaranteed.

You could also say Survive the Nights was also competition...

Lots of work will be required in both titles to even come close.

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a new game, DEAD MATTER will be a competition for 7daystodie ^^


(exept those, who have potato pc)


I told TFP they needed to move fast because their idea was just too good and competition would be coming.


Here's my Review from 2015



2,748.5 hrs on record


Will be cloned because it's just too good of a game. Has everything I wanted in a game and they keep adding more content and improvements. Highly recommended!

Posted February 2, 2015.

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Can you make a sculpture from the concept? That's the true testament of story success...


I'm sure it could be done but the lead time on sculptures is worse than EA games. I could show you an "A1" version but it would just be a ball of clay. :) . I have, though, thought about doing Zombie miniatures and a version of my character all geared up with my favorite "go to" stuff.

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I'm sure it could be done but the lead time on sculptures is worse than EA games. I could show you an "A1" version but it would just be a ball of clay. :) . I have, though, thought about doing Zombie miniatures and a version of my character all geared up with my favorite "go to" stuff.


That sounds sweet - I bet you could make some nice bank on the side doing something like this for streamers, forum members, etc. etc. Maybe even convince TFP to contract you to make official swag for them to sell...



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All I have to say about the Gyrocopter is I'm glad the "Fun" in Fun Pimps is not dead!


- - - Updated - - -


I'm sure it could be done but the lead time on sculptures is worse than EA games. I could show you an "A1" version but it would just be a ball of clay. :) . I have, though, thought about doing Zombie miniatures and a version of my character all geared up with my favorite "go to" stuff.


Don't forget the full texture sculpture is a DLC that you have to buy... I mean since we're comparing it to EA games.

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a new game, DEAD MATTER will be a competition for 7daystodie ^^


(exept those, who have potato pc)


Not really, its not going to release for months, and then its going to be looking at years and years of development time just like every game. So it will be a rough state for the next 4-6 years.


It's also not voxel based so creative building is limited to reinforcing existing structures, you can't build your own, etc. So its not really that similar at all. Its more like H1Z1 or Survive the nights which are both bleh atm.

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This escalate quickly from When A17 got release to what FunPimps do after Beta release. Those who are worried, it take at least 2-3 yrs to get out of Beta, not that funpimps are slow, but it is complex software to build with all ears to public criticism.


Also, I love to see another game from them, it is what they do, why stop on one. Just love this game,

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Yeah, usually because players think of TFP as an entity.

TFP is like one person and can only effectively work on one thing.

It's just that it doesn't work like that...

TFP consists of multiple people and not all of them can even work on 7DTD at all times. I mean what would a concept artist do when the game is approaching beta? Think about it...


I think of you folks as a behemoth comprised of several bodies grafted into one. Like a fleshy Voltron.


Which is the reason the behemoth isn't going into 7DTD... it would expose your weaknesses.



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