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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I always thought the Bandit were not in because of the accuracy issues, or the fact that Bandits are dead accurate and will murder you the second you turn a corner.

I hope the new buff system allows for a accuracy balance and can be applied to the Bandits later.

It very much does.

An item/skill/buff can apply an "effect". Since NPC or zombies can (theoretically) have skills, some can be bad shots.

Or it can be a random buff applied on spawning. Not sure which exact way 1.0 of that will be working...

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It very much does.

An item/skill/buff can apply an "effect". Since NPC or zombies can (theoretically) have skills, some can be bad shots.

Or it can be a random buff applied on spawning. Not sure which exact way 1.0 of that will be working...


As long as we can call the effect that causes the NPC's to suck the "Guppy Effect" I'm happy.

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Generator/Battery/Solar panel question please.


Question please. Just got around to placing a second generator on a 4x4x4 column on the outside perimeter of my topside base to power 2x shotgun turrets facing down two axis of said perimeter. I go back on to the roof of my bunker and there is no noise coming from my first generator (had to be on the roof, fumes an all). So first question is: does noise/sound effect only come from last genie placed. Also would have used a battery bank but have never found a schematic. Have bought one from a not previously visited Trader which I've already used as an inline backup if the topside genie gets fragged, so do schematics exist? Also solar cells/panels which would have been great to recharge a battery bank during the day to run during the night (on a timer). Never found/seen any of them in the game either (saw one on a fellas YouTube demo). DO they exist as finds or should I just keep looking for more more (not visited) trader's and up the Secret Stash perk to the max? I thought these things were all in for A16 but perhaps they are not fully implemented and are to be completed in A17? Thanks.

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You are doing right, maybe you haven`t leveled enough to be able to get the solar bank/sells from traders. Battery bank schematic is midgame stuff and can be found in traders.

Sound of the engines ..lets see what the guys will say, I have two and they are around 50 blocks away, so sound is good.

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hey viking g

dont give up. i have played many many games and the latest one im on i got my first 2 solar panels from the one trader - one after day 13 restock and one the next. i play maximum day length so am up there a wee bit in char level - not sure what level im on as its game play i like not number building ( ha ha! just checked my level and its 80 and saw i had enough points to go secret stash 3 woo hoo!).

keep playing i suppose....


map = 'sod the xbox''


i got sick of terrain resets so am playing on the pc for now.


with the xbox controller though :-)

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It very much does.

An item/skill/buff can apply an "effect". Since NPC or zombies can (theoretically) have skills, some can be bad shots.

Or it can be a random buff applied on spawning. Not sure which exact way 1.0 of that will be working...


I'm looking forward to the potential to enhance recipes. For instance, imagine adding honey to a lot of different foods for a, er, not wellness boost without having to script up separate items for "red tea with honey", "goldenrod tea with honey", "cornbread with honey", etc.

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Upgrading to the newer verion of Unity... has this helped with performance issues such as memory leaks and reduced ammount of RAM the game uses in general ?


I don't believe that the memory leaks caused by to many players on server (more that 8), has anything to do with the Unity engine...


In terms of ram usage, it's the same...

We need better game optimizations, which will of cause not happen until we are well into beta...


Of cause I don't know this for sure... But it really does not make sense to optimize an alpha product... Just saying...

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Will the new bike be made by different pieces or will it be a single entity?

Will you have a backpack?

there will be difference in velosity?


-my little brother asked me if it is necessary that in the post apocalypse everything has rusty spikes,

and I told him that yes obviously

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Will the new bike be made by different pieces or will it be a single entity?

Will you have a backpack?

there will be difference in velosity?


-my little brother asked me if it is necessary that in the post apocalypse everything has rusty spikes,

and I told him that yes obviously


I believe it was said that the new hog will be the speed of the current minibike at top limit and the minibike speed will be reduced to suit so it feels like progress when you get the hog.

And as for bike parts... i'm not entirely sure but it was touted to have 'Mods' or 'attachments' but yh not sure it was pretty vague as its still being worked on no doubt.

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The plan might change, but the plan is to just plop it down after crafting it. So instead of a chassis you will have a full bike. This saves slots used now for "parts" and opens that data up for "mods". It's all pending the new legendary gun system, which is influx so its all an educated guess right now.


Gun mod on bike or am I being optimistic?

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The Guppy Effect will be a buff from a disgruntled Duke's army soldier where they become passive aggressive about the state of the Dukes army, its leadership, etc. You will get a mission called "Double Agent" where you have to find the spy and take care of him and his acolytes.


I like it!

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The Guppy Effect will be a buff from a disgruntled Duke's army soldier where they become passive aggressive about the state of the Dukes army, its leadership, etc. You will get a mission called "Double Agent" where you have to find the spy and take care of him and his acolytes.


Off topic will we get a headshot only option to kill zombies in this release?

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The Guppy Effect will be a buff from a disgruntled Duke's army soldier where they become passive aggressive about the state of the Dukes army, its leadership, etc. You will get a mission called "Double Agent" where you have to find the spy and take care of him and his acolytes.


So if you're drunk and have the Guppy Effect applied to you, what happens?

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