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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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"- Reduced zombie kill XP"


I thought that the XP rebalancing would involve raising the XP for the other activities (since besides punching grass, it's fairly low atm), not just lowering the zombie kill XP. This will make progression super slow. I guess we'll see how that plays out.


It’s not the final intended version. Raising the other ways of getting xp is going to take longer. This is still experimental so you are witnessing several fixes and balances in progress.


Don’t worry. Gazz has a spreadsheet.

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"- Reduced zombie kill XP"


I thought that the XP rebalancing would involve raising the XP for the other activities (since besides punching grass, it's fairly low atm), not just lowering the zombie kill XP. This will make progression super slow. I guess we'll see how that plays out.


Yeah, I was hoping the same, but I'll see how it feels before passing judgement.


I ran into a wolf and dog day 1. (Not sure if they were shacking up together, but they didn't give me a chance to ask. I respawned in a snow biome, the first I've really seen of it since a16.


The landscape felt less huge town, and more towns separated by natural landscapes, which feels more like a17 to me, good.


I was starting near the 1st quest trader before (which I liked) but now it looks like a trek to find one.


Framerate feels better, but it's hard to tell in the first day or so, with no player builds.

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For good or bad, the team generally keeps working everyday. Lots of things sneak in during the process of making test builds, but that is fine, since experimental releases are primarily for us to get feedback from the community and for the community to see what we are doing. It is not about a long term or complete gaming experience. That is what stable is for.


We could just dump test versions to experimental every day, but people would have to keep restarting, so we would not get to see them progress very far and some days there would be nasty bugs where they could not do certain things at all.


You all (TFP) have made an AMAZING game. I really wish that if people think they could "do it better" than learn to be modders, but please quit complaining about the current game! I first found 7DtD a couple years ago and have loved every version they have brought out. I look back at screenshots I took when I first started and compare them to what I see in the game now, and it is a completely different game. TFP don't let the naysayers get you down, some of us LOVE what you have created for us and will continue to do so! Just sayin'


- - - Updated - - -


How do we find a link to see what's in the new build and what was changed?


Can't we just have a sticky or something?


I want to see what's been fixed, changed, nerfed, or screwed up...er... "balanced".


when you download the 'new version' on steam it says View News or something like that. Click on that and it will take you to the patch notes.

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Literally tens of millions of your players are complaining about the XP grind...

Considering that 7 Days to Die hasn't even sold one ten of millions, I think you literally just made up a number to try to bolster your personal opinion.


I personally felt like we were leveling way too quickly, especially once we get better at killing zombies. It wasn't uncommon to level multiple times in a single game day when fighting zombies.

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"Zombie movement settings Nightmare speed"


oh dear god, what the f--k does this mean????

Sweet dreams!



Considering that 7 Days to Die hasn't even sold one ten of millions, I think you literally just made up a number to try to bolster your personal opinion.

Actually it's 3.5 trillions.


1 for every zombie killed in computer games.

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It’s not the final intended version. Raising the other ways of getting xp is going to take longer. This is still experimental so you are witnessing several fixes and balances in progress.


Don’t worry. Gazz has a spreadsheet.


All praise the spreadsheet gods.

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Considering that 7 Days to Die hasn't even sold one ten of millions, I think you literally just made up a number to try to bolster your personal opinion.


I personally felt like we were leveling way too quickly, especially once we get better at killing zombies. It wasn't uncommon to level multiple times in a single game day when fighting zombies.


it was a joke.


TFP: I'm now discovering that you've removed the "end bonus" from harvesting that was present in b208. Like when I spend 15 minutes waiting on stamina regen to chop down a 1200 tree with a Level X stone axe (because it doesn't matter what level it is, it still does the same dmg), there is no more bonus on the final chop, which gave like 50-75 extra wood before. Is this intended? If so, why was it not on the patch notes, nor discussed at all?

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Lowered Wandering Horde Count and increased delays between Wandering Hordes.




Meanwhile one of my best tracked downloads is the Increased Wilderness Spawns DL and the Increased Wandering Horde Modlet. There seems to be a disconnect going on here. And with lower zombie XP REDUCING wandering hordes may not be the best way to go here. Hopefully you guys snuck in some xp in other areas.


The process isn't complete yet Jax. The devs paused briefly what they were doing to get this new build out and now they will continue. So please don't pick out one change and treat it as the final product for anything in experimental. As I've tracked the feedback since wandering hordes were first released there are quite a few people who do find frequent huge hordes that constantly interrupt them in their repairs and fortifying to be annoying. So the disconnect isn't entirely true. The player base is multi-faceted and this change will be welcome to those who like it.


With this change the modlet for increasing horde size and frequency is STILL available for those who want it that way.

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TFP: I'm now discovering that you've removed the "end bonus" from harvesting that was present in b208.


Oh my Gaaaawd are you serious?




What the hell are they drinking/smoking at the staff meeting that would possibly make them think this was a good idea?


Whoever is in charge of budgeting needs to get their cheap *ss on the phone and hire someone to explain to them why games like Candy Crush make 3 times the money!


This is disappointing.

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it was a joke.


TFP: I'm now discovering that you've removed the "end bonus" from harvesting that was present in b208. Like when I spend 15 minutes waiting on stamina regen to chop down a 1200 tree with a Level X stone axe (because it doesn't matter what level it is, it still does the same dmg), there is no more bonus on the final chop, which gave like 50-75 extra wood before. Is this intended? If so, why was it not on the patch notes, nor discussed at all?


quick. Post it as a bug and see how they answer!

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Oh my Gaaaawd are you serious?


What the hell are they drinking/smoking at the staff meeting that would possibly make them think this was a good idea?


Whoever is in charge of budgeting needs to get their cheap *ss on the phone and hire someone to explain to them why games like Candy Crush make 3 times the money!


This is disappointing.


Why? Didn't people want to keep A16 but with fancier graphics and better AI....?

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For now.


hence "opt-in".


Frankly though, since the reduced zombie XP is part of a whole of different XP balancing measures, I would not have applied it until the other tweaks also kicked in. Otherwise the progression speed is reduced and there's no testing for the whole package of XP rebalancing.

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It’s not the final intended version. Raising the other ways of getting xp is going to take longer. This is still experimental so you are witnessing several fixes and balances in progress.


Don’t worry. Gazz has a spreadsheet.


I have to give "The Fun Pimps" this one. They did open up the "Experimental" part to all players of the game. I have to say this by itself was a huge leap forward for "The Fun Pimps" to allow players to experience the experimental phase of the game. Hello all players! They are releasing so far pretty consistent updates now as "Experimental". I am super happy that 7 Days to Die is moving in a progressive direction. Before A17 was released - it was over a year for any updates or positive feedback in moving forward for the game. All players should be happy that the "Developers" opened up "Experimental" to be played and tested by the users. TFP are making progress - Please don't blast them now, let them work their magic (they lost their magic and special powers for over a year, but hey - they are back now.)


TFP - Thank you for the frequent updates on the game - keep it up.


@Roland - How do I get 4 (four) green bars under my name? I got my 1 (one) green one back from a mishap in the past. *I made a public apology on here for my negative comments in the past - they were produced from lack of game updates...:)* Or something like that.



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The process isn't complete yet Jax. The devs paused briefly what they were doing to get this new build out and now they will continue. So please don't pick out one change and treat it as the final product for anything in experimental. As I've tracked the feedback since wandering hordes were first released there are quite a few people who do find frequent huge hordes that constantly interrupt them in their repairs and fortifying to be annoying. So the disconnect isn't entirely true. The player base is multi-faceted and this change will be welcome to those who like it.


With this change the modlet for increasing horde size and frequency is STILL available for those who want it that way.


By no means am I treating it as the final build but its LULZ anyway. I know what experimental is all about. I also knew to expect it since well history and all kind of dictates which way balance tends to swing in these matters.


I have also seen a lot of feedback about the new quality system. Im wondering if there will be any focus on adjusting or tuning that as well or is that something that is locked in place, even if the community has been very vocal about those changes?

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TFP: I'm now discovering that you've removed the "end bonus" from harvesting that was present in b208.

Oh. so that was fixed but I wasn't notified.

I need to update the block damage / harvest amounts for that. Heh


Still listed as open, though. The wonders of software development!


Also: I cannot see that happening at all. Are you just pulling my leg?

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Wow, the snark is REAL tonight with the "higher ups". Get ready Roland, just looking over these patch notes it seems that you guys are hitting all the wrong marks with the community for some reason.


Even though I don't agree personally with some of the communities complaints, it seems as if almost none of the concerns people have had this past week have even been addressed. XP spread, gun loot balances, zombie damages, quality indifference, anti building sentiment in perks. Not one of them addressed.


I keep hearing "Its Experimental, relax" but so far the path seems set in stone for the most part. Before you know it it's going to be "Its stable what can you do". Theres a lot of good stuff in there don't get me wrong, and by no means am I dismissing any work that has been done because its obvious they are working around the clock to fix things but we keep being told they are reading, they know what we want. Yet still.... nothing really changes for the most part.

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Frankly though, since the reduced zombie XP is part of a whole of different XP balancing measures, I would not have applied it until the other tweaks also kicked in. Otherwise the progression speed is reduced and there's no testing for the whole package of XP rebalancing.


There will be testing for the whole package once it is completed at a later stage of experimental. We aren't done. There will be more experimental updates to come. They absolutely are going to do whatever is on their task list and some things will get partially done at any given release. That is the way it is. You would have gone crazy this past year if you had access to the previous 220 builds...

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Don't be an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. We increased passive XP, so the net result is pretty much the same. Unless all you do is kill stuff you should level at the same speed as before, and passive / support role players aren't screwed.


Well that's good news that I didn't notice on the Patch Notes. What is "passive XP" and how is it earned? Are we talking about things like mining and crafting?

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