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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Zt. Did you not see MM in the video climb up the lattice work........ I did.


Did mm state that in the future vines may be in as well. He said the latrice was in.


Maybe instead of whining bout everything maybe actually watch the video and really listen and concentrate on what is being said.


I doubt you got banned for no reason...


I saw the video and I didn't say he didn't climb what looks like three sets of wooden ladders. I'm on about vehicles, vines aren't there - nothing to show, just like the vehicles but they aren't mentioned.


Roland said he wont add until he sees them, but did he see vines? I didn't, did you?



I think 90% of the time a lot of things happen in here because of miscommunication. When I first joined there were some replies to some posts I made that made me pissed off and some that sort of hurt. Eventually it was found to be posts being taken the wrong way or my own lack of communication skills that were the problem. And I am a nice guy, the rumors I started about it probe it :). Anyway, the thing is you have to take a look at what you have written and see if there is a possibility that it could possible in some small way be taken the wrong way. With so many members it is likely that someone will. The other thing is to try not to turn it into flame war so the mods have to get involved. Most people here probably meet at some time or another on a server and it would be nice if there wasn't bad blood between them from the very beginning. Remember that guy that you are shooting in the back (or him doing it to you) could have been a good ally on the server if things had gone a little smoother.



Yeah, youre right. But there are those people that wake up in the morning determined to take offence by things. Thats why its difficult to have a conversation, like what I mentioned the above, the contradiction of adding things to the A17 list - when in doing so Roland violated the Rules he himself set, nothing that isn't seen and revealed or done (more to MadMoles point) would be added.


However in that one post he has simultaneously violated that rule (since there isnt any vine to be shown or done as far as I'm aware, and managed to set a double standard by failing to add four wheel vehicles to the list that MadMole said was in.


So when I call people hypocrites for doing what they forbid others to do (go off topic and juarez's whore talk from Roland in an A17 thread) and for ading things to a list that are in precisely the same category as others (vine vs 4 wheelers) it is not to hurt or troll people.


I am just calling things out as they are.

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Please do tell how you do this! It would be helpful, although, I don't want like a over the top amount of animals.


In spawning.xml, near the top it has a few lines for each biome. Look for lines where the entitygroup property contains animals. I increased the maxcount to 3 and reduced the respawndelay to 1 on these lines. This allows more animals to spawn in each biome and they should respawn more quickly. I know you can go hunting without doing this, but this simply removes some of the time spent searching for animals.

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How is that working out for you?


Do you set it up so more animals spawn in in areas that are far away from man made structures?


I'm not sure how to do that. I just increase the number spawned per biome. I'm not sure there is currently a way to keep them out of cities, unless you tell the random world generator not to place cities in biomes where you have animals spawning.

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ladders as trellice for now:


vehicles (and he is referring to a vehicle with 4 wheels not 4x4 (yet)):


hope this helps :)


Cheers joe, but I think we can agree a 4 wheel vehicle is a 4 wheel vehicle, but it four wheel, rear wheel, or front wheel drive, right?


Please dont tell me its a rocket powered trolley that people were talking about lol...

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Cheers joe, but I think we can agree a 4 wheel vehicle is a 4 wheel vehicle, but it four wheel, rear wheel, or front wheel drive, right?


Please dont tell me its a rocket powered trolley that people were talking about lol...


heck it could be a skateboard for all we know (which has 4 wheels) just joking of course sorry :) rocket powered... hehehe i think when time comes it will be the modders doing crazy things like that.

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ZT. It is against the rules to publicly discuss moderator actions. Your posts are so negative that they result in pages of arguing and disrupt the thread. I’ve warned you about this but here you go again. Friendly banter is okay because it improves community cohesiveness. Insulting the developers and predicting doom and gloom is not allowed. This is a final warning. If you can’t drop what has happened in the past and make a clean start from now then the bans will continue.


As I’ve said in the past I will only add those things that Madmole mentions that I also happen to know are being added to A17. I’m not adding four wheel drivable vehicles until I know they are in for A17. Please keep in mind that I have access to a much longer list of A17 features that are being worked on.

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ZT. It is against the rules to publicly discuss moderator actions. Your posts are so negative that they result in pages of arguing and disrupt the thread. I’ve warned you about this but here you go again. Friendly banter is okay because it improves community cohesiveness. Insulting the developers and predicting doom and gloom is not allowed. This is a final warning. If you can’t drop what has happened in the past and make a clean start from now then the bans will continue.


As I’ve said in the past I will only add those things that Madmole mentions that I also happen to know are being added to A17. I’m not adding four wheel drivable vehicles until I know they are in for A17. Please keep in mind that I have access to a much longer list of A17 features that are being worked on.


Im all for friendly banter. Just make sure you are crystal clear about what is on topic and off topic. You are the moderator and I understand that, just dont be like some dirty corrupt cop and failing to adhere to the standards you set.


I like a good crack on, and it's nice, especially speculation on the four wheel thing like unholyjoe and the rocketboard (xD) but you also have to accept some doom and gloom. What kind of life would it be if everyone was agreed on a proposition and behaved only happy lest they were punished.


Funny actually because I have just been watching a Monty Python with EXACTLY that premise ^^



- check it out for a bit of fun)


And you know you dont seem like a nob when you explain these things and make distinctions. You cant just assume that we all know what you know, Roland.


And so we can take it from your post and from the list edit that climbing vines are going to be a thing? I wonder where else we may find them? Maybe caves or caverns (if they get in?)


Im a little sad though at the realisation that the four wheelers arent quite there yet. But oh well, at least they are on the cards.

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as we all know there is a gore block duping bug that still exist and is noted by TFP even in A16.4. I was testing a standalone MP game with all the default setting and the bug is NOT there, I tested it over and over and it is gone - that is good. But as soon as you run the 7DTD Server (a real server - not a standalone client with MP turned on) the bug is still there.


my question is how is the code different that the bug does not show up in client running as MP vs. Server code?



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as we all know there is a gore block duping bug that still exist and is noted by TFP even in A16.4. I was testing a standalone MP game with all the default setting and the bug is NOT there, I tested it over and over and it is gone - that is good. But as soon as you run the 7DTD Server (a real server - not a standalone client with MP turned on) the bug is still there.


my question is how is the code different that the bug does not show up in client running as MP vs. Server code?




The short answer is that in a server-client model there's always a delay between performing an action and the rest of the network being synchronized with that change. This delay is caused by having to send the data about the change from the player who performed the action to the server and then on to the rest of the connected clients. When running the game locally, even as a MP server, this synchronization is unnecessary.

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Madmole, Gazz, Roland?


Is there any kind of information we can get about what kind of changes, other than Vultures, are being made to the Sleeper system? Are Sleeper Volumes going to work differently? The "Sleepers" bullet point at the start of the thread stated "Sleepers 2.0". So I'm wondering if there's any substantial changes to the guts of the sleeper system other than adding new sleeper volume groups of entities (i.e. vultures).


Apologies if this was asked... Thread's gotten a bit long... Can't imagine why... *innocent whistling*

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Vultures and the best way to deal with them



Warning: Possible spoilers.




Vultures are very hard to attack. They can be very annoying and persistent enemy. Also be fastest way to contract the disease.

Attacking them is very hard because they can fly and present a very small moving target to you.


Just remember that sometimes an enemy's greatest strength can be it's greatest weakness. If you know how to exploit it.

If you see one coming after you. Wait until it is just several meters away. Then sidestep and hit it with your best hand weapon as it passes.


This may take some practice but with a few try's you can knock them right out of the sky.

Also don't worry about it suddenly turning because it simply can't, not when it has committed all that speed into it's dive to get you.

It can only turn slightly as it's moving so fast.


Don't forget to harvest it with a bone shiv or knife for feathers and other loot.



But if you simply want to avoid them. Simply place or go around objects. This will confuse it. Or go into a building, which if can not follow you in.

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Vultures and the best way to deal with them



Warning: Possible spoilers.






1) don't let them in when they knock

2) ask to see their credentials and their qualifications for representing you in a court of law

3) ask for their track record of the last 5 law suits they handled


Oh, wait, you were talking about the birds?

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[*]Removed player collision from yucca and aloe to improve travel


I think it should be harder to go off-road, to make you want to stick to the roads and paths. If you want to travel in forest, burned forest or wasteland, you'd have to clear a path for maximum speed/access. I haven't really noticed, but do roads and paths provide speed-buffs as it is?

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as we all know there is a gore block duping bug that still exist and is noted by TFP even in A16.4. I was testing a standalone MP game with all the default setting and the bug is NOT there, I tested it over and over and it is gone - that is good. But as soon as you run the 7DTD Server (a real server - not a standalone client with MP turned on) the bug is still there.


my question is how is the code different that the bug does not show up in client running as MP vs. Server code?






There ya go.



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I get banned for talking about addressing bugs in a bug report forum, for speculating when thats all that can be done, and yet Roland gets to post crap like 'juarez's whores horse' and now people are talking nonsense about unicycles and pics of Duke Nukem and that is fine?


What disgusting double standards there are here.


I would like to point out something someone else said on here which was a legitimate question, why aren't vehicles listed (4 wheel)?


MadMole did NOT say vines were in, but *maybe* in the future, but he DID say the 4 wheel vehicles were in. So why the hell are vines and trellises listed as A17 features?


Even getting rid of the vehicles from the discussion isn't it yet more going back on their (Dev/Rolands) words not to post things that aren't definitely in the game? Yet that's exactly what's happened - including things for the A17 build that thusfar are nothing but a *maybe* - just wtf is that?


Also, I would like to point out the sly wording used in the new exp bar. That is a useless addition, experience bar? Why? Doesn't that clutter up the screen with additional useless information? Ah, well thats why the described it as an 'ultra thin' bar.


Why? Becuase they dont want to seem like hypocrites (which they are) arguing hunger and thirst or maps on screen is clutter, yet they add an exp bar which is completely useless.


It may show you how close you are to levelling, but whyhave it at all when reducing clutter is already something theyve done by having the level up as a pop up (which is actually a good thing by the way.)


Having an experience bar doesnt tell you how many points you have, its only a general experience meter and doesnt tell you how much youve advanced in individual skills (mining tools, construction etc). Useless.


I'll wait for the usual complaints. And by the way Roland, instead of banning me to avoid conversation, try talking with me as a person and lets have some positive dialogue.


This is coming from someone who has been (and still is) very critical of the game and TFP's way of doing things in the past: what a.. constructive.. way to start a conversation.

Positive dialogue? Is that when you call TFP hypocrites?

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I'll wait for the usual complaints. And by the way Roland, instead of banning me to avoid conversation, try talking with me as a person and lets have some positive dialogue.


If you followed this advice I can guarantee you that you would never have been banned. You weren't banned for what you posted. You were incapable of posting without calling someone a name. I've never read a post by you that wasn't rude and had at least 3 paragraphs out how unfairly you were being treated. Maybe stop posting on forums and find something that makes you actually happy because you for sure aren't now.

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I get banned for talking about addressing bugs in a bug report forum, for speculating when thats all that can be done, and yet Roland gets to post crap like 'juarez's whores horse' and now people are talking nonsense about unicycles and pics of Duke Nukem and that is fine?


What disgusting double standards there are here.


I would like to point out something someone else said on here which was a legitimate question, why aren't vehicles listed (4 wheel)?


MadMole did NOT say vines were in, but *maybe* in the future, but he DID say the 4 wheel vehicles were in. So why the hell are vines and trellises listed as A17 features?


Even getting rid of the vehicles from the discussion isn't it yet more going back on their (Dev/Rolands) words not to post things that aren't definitely in the game? Yet that's exactly what's happened - including things for the A17 build that thusfar are nothing but a *maybe* - just wtf is that?


Also, I would like to point out the sly wording used in the new exp bar. That is a useless addition, experience bar? Why? Doesn't that clutter up the screen with additional useless information? Ah, well thats why the described it as an 'ultra thin' bar.


Why? Becuase they dont want to seem like hypocrites (which they are) arguing hunger and thirst or maps on screen is clutter, yet they add an exp bar which is completely useless.


It may show you how close you are to levelling, but whyhave it at all when reducing clutter is already something theyve done by having the level up as a pop up (which is actually a good thing by the way.)


Having an experience bar doesnt tell you how many points you have, its only a general experience meter and doesnt tell you how much youve advanced in individual skills (mining tools, construction etc). Useless.


I'll wait for the usual complaints. And by the way Roland, instead of banning me to avoid conversation, try talking with me as a person and lets have some positive dialogue.


Easy there Fella...


The items listed at the front of the thread, in all likelihood, are items Roland actually talked to TFP about or was sitting in on a meeting while they were discussed. So while MM may have said something in the video to the tune of "work in progress" or "may get added", Roland, if he's still the one maintaining the first post, probably has it on good authority that those items are indeed getting added to A17.


On top of that, TFP can write down whatever the hell they want. They really do have the right to say and not say whatever they want. So if they hinted at 4x4's being in A17 but don't want to list it yet, then they won't. If they've hinted at Vines, and want to list it, they will.


Chill out man.

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