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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I have been modding my xml files to get more animals. I was finding food to be a little too scarce lately. Got tired of living on cat food.


For A16 games for me seems like it's been pretty good. 1st few days almost require careful Snowberry consumption. Once I have a Crossbow, Sniper rifle, or AK-47, animals aren't a problem. (and this is usually around day 21ish. About same time I have potatoes, corn, and blueberries going) I always go for supply drops and treasure (and don't always travel in a straight line) and usually return to base with 20-50 pieces of meat. And, I really used to HATE Wolf/Dire Wolf random hordes. Now I LIVE for them.


Once you get a mini bike it seems like collecting meat is easy. Just pick a day and drive all over the place (especially green biomes - or along the edges). You should see 'lots' of animals. (Make sure to stop occasionally to 'look' around...) I usually get chickens and rabbits following roads. Almost NEED a rifle for those freaking rabbits... The shotgun/rabbit perk is fun - but could take some time! Almost impossible with a NailGun...

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For A16 games for me seems like it's been pretty good. 1st few days almost require careful Snowberry consumption. Once I have a Crossbow, Sniper rifle, or AK-47, animals aren't a problem. (and this is usually around day 21ish. About same time I have potatoes, corn, and blueberries going) I always go for supply drops and treasure (and don't always travel in a straight line) and usually return to base with 20-50 pieces of meat. And, I really used to HATE Wolf/Dire Wolf random hordes. Now I LIVE for them.


Once you get a mini bike it seems like collecting meat is easy. Just pick a day and drive all over the place (especially green biomes - or along the edges). You should see 'lots' of animals. (Make sure to stop occasionally to 'look' around...) I usually get chickens and rabbits following roads. Almost NEED a rifle for those freaking rabbits... The shotgun/rabbit perk is fun - but could take some time! Almost impossible with a NailGun...


Normally you can hunt from day 1 or 2 onwards.

Make a bow and sneak near deers. Headshot kills or you have run and shot it a second time. Then it goes down even with a 25 or 50 bow.

Wolves are a little bit harder, but as they can't climb properly just look for the big stones or walls or build a small tower by woodframes..sneak and shoot them. 3-5 arrows in the head and you can loot it (more hides and meat). Boars are the same but easier to kill. In case of emergency: run :-). Snakes are easy to kill with a club.


With 10+ meat from the beginning you can easily start your garden after 3-6 days (depending on daytime) and afterwards there should be no problem anymore with food.

Love to play Valmod as there are tons of recipes for looted food (like cans) which give +wellness like meat

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Cant wait to see vehicles folks!!


you're god damn right


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Believe me I am with you on that one, im more excited for the regular bike than i am about the hog, simply because then I do not have to always be searching for gas everywhere I am going, and hopefully i wont have to worry about a book to make the bike


I am more interested in the 4x4 just because with the new physics it'd be just amazing

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Normally you can hunt from day 1 or 2 onwards.

Make a bow and sneak near deers. Headshot kills or you have run and shot it a second time. Then it goes down even with a 25 or 50 bow.

Wolves are a little bit harder, but as they can't climb properly just look for the big stones or walls or build a small tower by woodframes..sneak and shoot them. 3-5 arrows in the head and you can loot it (more hides and meat). Boars are the same but easier to kill. In case of emergency: run :-). Snakes are easy to kill with a club.


With 10+ meat from the beginning you can easily start your garden after 3-6 days (depending on daytime) and afterwards there should be no problem anymore with food.

Love to play Valmod as there are tons of recipes for looted food (like cans) which give +wellness like meat


1) Run backwards away from the wolf, shoot him with a bow, he pauses, keep running backwards, reload, shoot again. I love finding wolves. Day 1 on I get a ton of meat.


2) Boars: Same approach as wolves.


3) Stags: More annoying for me. I usually end up sniping them from a considerable distance away where they don't respond when shot.


In 3 out of 5 games, I have a forge up by the end of day 1. In pretty much every game, I have a cooking pot at least. Once the forge is up, I make a hoe, find some seeds, and get to it. Also, having access to a desert (with yucca) helps big time.


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I can't wait to see Madmole get his bike stuck on the many cinderblocks placed on all the roadways. ;)


I don't understand why there are so many cinderblocks on the road to begin with...wtf were people doing before they got turned into zombies?

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I don't understand why there are so many cinderblocks on the road to begin with...wtf were people doing before they got turned into zombies?


Since cinderblocks are easy to build with, perhaps early in the apocalypse people were hauling them around everywhere to reinforce their houses/bases and when the blocks fell off the truck/wheelbarrow/whatever, they just left them.

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It's true. Some people (looking at you Jackel!) have over a thousand posts. Kray kray.


...but yeh, you'll find that 1) Pimps don't release er, release dates, because when they did they were always wrong, and 2) It takes a while. They have an "it's done when it's done" strategy that has served them well. Oh, and 3) Even if it comes out, it'll be an experimental release, meaning you'll have to opt into it on steam and it'll be buggy as heck, so you can report bugs.


Good luck, and enjoy many more months of A16.


Oh that's rich coming from a guy with 15k+ posts, where likely 14k is from the toilet. :D But yeah, total Kray. lol


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I suppose we could add rumors about npc raiders and survivalists. ;)


Freaking... TEASE. The whole lot of ya! :D

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Normally you can hunt from day 1 or 2 onwards.

Make a bow and sneak near deers. Headshot kills or you have run and shot it a second time. Then it goes down even with a 25 or 50 bow.

Wolves are a little bit harder, but as they can't climb properly just look for the big stones or walls or build a small tower by woodframes..sneak and shoot them. 3-5 arrows in the head and you can loot it (more hides and meat). Boars are the same but easier to kill. In case of emergency: run :-). Snakes are easy to kill with a club.


With 10+ meat from the beginning you can easily start your garden after 3-6 days (depending on daytime) and afterwards there should be no problem anymore with food.

Love to play Valmod as there are tons of recipes for looted food (like cans) which give +wellness like meat


I agree you can hunt from day 1 onwards. I just don't make it a super high priority (for most games). I was hoping to point out that animals might seem more 'plentiful' when you have 'easier' means for dealing with them. (double shotting stags does not seem efficient to me. I'd rather pursue a rabbit with nailgun...) And reverse walking wolves: not so good for me. I almost always 'trip' over something (I do not mean falling over necessarily, I mean losing the shot.) And then dead. and I know it's a game - but I try really hard to avoid dying. (And that's single wolves. I've had 2 direwolves and 5 wolves (sometimes with dogs!) near the beginning of the game. (although it seems to have been much better in the latest revs))

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I suppose we could add rumors about npc raiders and survivalists. ;)


They could add it to the list of phrases the trader says and totally complete their kickstarter goals that way.


Player 1: Hey did TFP ever add quests?


Player 2: Sorta. Go talk to a trader and he'll tell you there are rumors of quests down south.


Player 1: What about vehicles?


Player 2: Oh yes. The trader will talk your ear off about the vehicles he thought he saw one time.

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Personally I enjoy the traders as they are right now, adding more dialog to them would be fun, i especially enjoy trader rekt, when you go into his inventory and then out without buying anything he gets steadily mad, then you have actual trader joel, he is kind and well mannered, the last trader which i dont remember his name since he doesnt spawn that often, i think his name is bob, he is such a softy and a push over, all you guys need to do is add female varients of all the traders to liven that aspect up some more, even if the female voice actor copies the lines, to me it would make it interesting, on another note has there been any discussion of adding other crops into the game, like onions, watermelons, turnips and things like that? @Gazz

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I suppose we could add rumors about npc raiders and survivalists. ;)


Hey Gazz....any chance of us getting a wheel block or strut block for modding? If you build a plane or helicopter....you can only use the cylinder block to raise it off the ground. PLEEAASSEEEE!!








Also ..maybe a propeller block as well.....blade traps are the only thing you can use..its ok....but has to be high enough to place ....ergo the higher wheel block.







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I wish they would put apple trees in the game. Apples and apple pie for hunger, the juice could hydrate and increase wellness. You could find them in stores and growing wild around towns or even a couple in a back yard. A orchard might be too much, but one or two trees in a town would be nice.

Imagine, growing apples and taking the empty cans and making apple jam LOL. Last week I made apple pie jam, eight half-pint jars. Will make more in a couple of weeks.

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I don't understand why there are so many cinderblocks on the road to begin with...wtf were people doing before they got turned into zombies?


Take a drive down I-5 and see all the open tailgates and you'll have a good idea how they got there ;)


Seriously tho- I would think the Duke has a fleet of post apocalyptic vehicles for his crew to collect "1/2 of your ♥♥♥♥" and would have employed slave labor survivors to clear the roads of such debris.

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