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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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A moment ago i asked myself.

Why not adding a second Claimstone

Player Damage Multiplier the old

Zombie Damage Multiplier the new

(Both together would mean no difference between Zombies and Other players possible)


This way every Gamemaster can decide what he want in his game.

And if the Gamemaster allow it, the players can decide what they want.


Only if a player want a safe Bunker and a not safe Surface base he would need to build the bunker NOT under the surface base

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Maybe TFP should fix the exploits (SI and bedrock bases) in the upcoming alpha's, so that everyone can play as they wish. Normal players/hardcore players/elitists/noobs can play A17 and beyond. Exploiters/cheaters/noobs can stick to A16.4. Everyone can play as they want.




Please don't....what was it A14,,, that was the all, bug crushing, exploit fixing, optimization alpha.....we all know that it didn't. That's for beta..a totally different iteration of game development.





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Please don't....what was it A14,,, that was the all, bug crushing, exploit fixing, optimization alpha.....we all know that it didn't. That's for beta..a totally different iteration of game development.






I know that bug-fixing is a sport for beta but the current SI system is causing problems with other systems, such as caves, which are built on top of it.


I don't expect "all bugs fixed" but as it stands the SI system is more of a hindrance than a help.

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I had an idea regarding complicating underground bases.

It is resource heavy to simulate smoke or lack of oxygen, but lets tackle the same problem from another perspective.


The game already detects an "indoors" status for temperature and weather. Why not use the same mechanic to make all forges and campfires take twice the time to complete anything - simulating the player not making the fire as big as he would outside (for smoke and fire hazard reasons).


This would even add immersion. Realistically you should not put campfires and forges indoors whether above or below ground. Everything taking twice as long should be enough incentive to motivate you make your fires outdoors.


I like the idea.

Would definitely serve as a decent approach to have a tradeoff for safety (safe but slow).

With this idea we could have still safe bunkers AND cool caves filled with mutant moles and lava zombies and whatever else at the same time, just that these threats aren't roaming in any way or attacking a base and are to be found by exploring underground. Think that could be a compromise. You can achieve safety with enough effort put in. And you can find danger if you leave safety just as it is now, but cooler and not bashing one or another playstyle.

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I like the idea.

Would definitely serve as a decent approach to have a tradeoff for safety (safe but slow).

With this idea we could have still safe bunkers AND cool caves filled with mutant moles and lava zombies and whatever else at the same time, just that these threats aren't roaming in any way or attacking a base and are to be found by exploring underground. Think that could be a compromise. You can achieve safety with enough effort put in. And you can find danger if you leave safety just as it is now, but cooler and not bashing one or another playstyle.


I dunno. Slowing something down usually means more grind and that's a tough sell. No one wants anything more grindy.


Though slower output on forges just means making twice the forges to overcome it.

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I dunno. Slowing something down usually means more grind and that's a tough sell. No one wants anything more grindy.


Though slower output on forges just means making twice the forges to overcome it.


Means twice the Ressources to make them and twice the place.


So they question is how much work it would be. The win is small, if the needed work is small too i like it.

Finally it would lead only to a minor decision the player need to make

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I had an idea regarding complicating underground bases.

It is resource heavy to simulate smoke or lack of oxygen, but lets tackle the same problem from another perspective.


The game already detects an "indoors" status for temperature and weather. Why not use the same mechanic to make all forges and campfires take twice the time to complete anything - simulating the player not making the fire as big as he would outside (for smoke and fire hazard reasons).


This would even add immersion. Realistically you should not put campfires and forges indoors whether above or below ground. Everything taking twice as long should be enough incentive to motivate you make your fires outdoors.


You would (In real life) be able to use the forge or campfire to draw fresh cool air into any cave system just by using a vent (Pipe or small tunnel). The heated air & smoke would rapidly rise to he highest point in the cave (where you place the vent) or would be funneled directly with a vent just above the heat source out of the cave system creating a vacuum that would draw fresh air in from any source including a small crack under the door.


I don't understand why people see this as a problem. If you don't want to live underground, then don't. If you don't want to play with people that do, find (or make) a server that outlaws it...

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Means twice the Ressources to make them and twice the place.


So they question is how much work it would be. The win is small, if the needed work is small too i like it.

Finally it would lead only to a minor decision the player need to make


Still sounds like more grind. Which again, is always a very tough sell and tends to get people pissing and moaning pretty quick.

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If you don't want to live underground, then don't.


What if I DO want to live underground AND I want to have to defend my position and overcome hazards in order to establish it in the first place? What if I want to do that MORE than I want to just ignore it all?


What if I don't want to force anyone out from underground or make it impossible to go there and what if I actually don't care at all how anyone else plays the game but completely and selfishly only am focused on what I want?


What about that?

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I don't understand why people see this as a problem. If you don't want to live underground, then don't. If you don't want to play with people that do, find (or make) a server that outlaws it...


To a degree I get where some of this is coming from. On one hand, the people who want underground to have zero safety feel like they've got half their world as basically unplayable boring content. On the other hand, you have people who are actually okay with half a world as plainly safe and solutions like "turn off zombies then!" puts them in the same boat as people who want a dangerous underground. The way people are pitted against this problem makes this a lose/lose argument.


The solutions tossed around like diggers and what not, IMO are very narrow minded solutions. Very tunnel visioned. Which is why I'm an advocate for POI's/Prefabs underground and turn the whole underground into nearly as rich of a biome as top side. Done that way, you can have all the dangers that face you up top, down below. And you still don't have to use things like digging zombies to do it.


But Roland, way way way back in this conversation made the best point that I think was made in the whole discussion.


"We don't know what AI will look like in the future". (or something like that)


So adding all these ideas now is useless. AI changes alone may resolve a lot of this. AI changes alone likely will open up a slew of opportunity to put in way better ideas than diggers and such.


So for now, it's a point that probably should get put on the back burner from an argument perspective at least. Now's really not the time to be worried about that.


Rather... They're talking about bringing in Bandits, NPC's, more Vehicles, etc. I wish they'd give us a few more road map items to discuss to help drag people away from topics that aren't even really being dealt with right now. Would probably make conversations here much more productive and fitting for what's actually coming down the pipe in the nearer future.


- - - Updated - - -


What if I DO want to live underground AND I want to have to defend my position and overcome hazards in order establish it in the first place? What if I want to do that MORE than I want to just ignore it all? What about that?


They you sir are a very bad ostrich and you really should practice putting your head in the sand. :p:D


I get you. But I don't think now's really the time for that discussion ya know? AI first, figure out it's real limits, and then let's figure this stuff out.

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You would (In real life) be able to use the forge or campfire to draw fresh cool air into any cave system just by using a vent (Pipe or small tunnel). The heated air & smoke would rapidly rise to he highest point in the cave (where you place the vent) or would be funneled directly with a vent just above the heat source out of the cave system creating a vacuum that would draw fresh air in from any source including a small crack under the door.


I don't understand why people see this as a problem. If you don't want to live underground, then don't. If you don't want to play with people that do, find (or make) a server that outlaws it...


Pretty simple point and an easy fix. Second this post.

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What if I DO want to live underground AND I want to have to defend my position and overcome hazards in order to establish it in the first place? What if I want to do that MORE than I want to just ignore it all?


What if I don't want to force anyone out from underground or make it impossible to go there and what if I actually don't care at all how anyone else plays the game but completely and selfishly only am focused on what I want?


What about that?


Well then I'd say your so called "zipper accident" has caused some brain damaged and altered your mental state to a point where you are ultimately confused about what you want. That means "we" have to dictate for you what you "want".


The "High Council" has decreed that a server configuration option should be created to toggle the underground threat so that everyone is a winner.


I nominate something like the underground worms in Terraria. Or what about "Snakes in Bases" on horde nights?


And, this is great distraction from the real conversation topics like, will we get more nipple rings in the game?

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What if I DO want to live underground AND I want to have to defend my position and overcome hazards in order to establish it in the first place? What if I want to do that MORE than I want to just ignore it all?


What if I don't want to force anyone out from underground or make it impossible to go there and what if I actually don't care at all how anyone else plays the game but completely and selfishly only am focused on what I want?


What about that?


Sound like you would need a PVP server. This would meet those needs or wants right now.


However the game has so many other things that seem more important. Thanks for working on those, like the AI and physics and such.

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What if I DO want to live underground AND I want to have to defend my position and overcome hazards in order to establish it in the first place? What if I want to do that MORE than I want to just ignore it all?


What if I don't want to force anyone out from underground or make it impossible to go there and what if I actually don't care at all how anyone else plays the game but completely and selfishly only am focused on what I want?


What about that?


I don't relay care how people want to play (To each there own).

I am just tired of this debate where a lot of people try to claim living underground or using a campfire/forge would kill you when that is not true.


The fact is, people will always find a way to play how they want and who are we to say they are wrong.

The game is constantly evolving (AI improvements, Breadcrumb tracking, new infected, ect.) so, why is anyone complaining? Give it time, see where the devs take us. They have so much planed that we know nothing of.


If you relay can't wait, (1)find like minded players & only play with them. (2)make your own server. (3) play solo games. or (4) Go cry in your bed at night and try back in a few months.

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The fact is, people will always find a way to play how they want and who are we to say they are wrong.


Absolutely correct. We have no place telling other players how to play the game. The kicker however? TFP does have that place, and they've said that underground will not remain a bastion of safety that we as a player base have become accustomed to. So there you have it!

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Absolutely correct. We have no place telling other players how to play the game. The kicker however? TFP does have that place, and they've said that underground will not remain a bastion of safety that we as a player base have become accustomed to. So there you have it!


Someone needs a nap or a hug!

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Well since the world is based on Arizona (Navezgane is in AZ and the RWG is based on Navezgane), alligators would not really fit. The wildlife so far is based on real AZ wildlife even to the extent that the “boar” is clearly a Javelina.


If more animals were to be added, I’d suggest either bobcats, mountain lions or bats. As well as some domestic barnyard animals like horses, goats, sheep and cattle.






i haz pet goat????

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Have whatever ya want. Based on doesn't mean exact replica. I'd like a goat too for that matter. And now after reading that guys post, I want a hippo, a cobra, a cheeta, a rhino, and a monkey. Well... 3 monkeys... And a barrel... Wooden.


Be sure to ask for an orangutan to be the leader of your compound. It will be great!

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