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Things Happen. What's Caused You to Rage Quit?


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Things go wrong. Either we knew better, or we just didn't know. And we get angry, and quit either the current session (start over) or shelve the game until we've managed to cool off and are willing to give it another go.  What's p1$$ed you enough to Rage Quit? For me, its usually playing so well, levelling nicely, and then allowing myself to be cornered by some mid-tier zeds who end up eating me and my lunch. And I know not to let that happen....

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I like to make the game just hard enough that I die frequently early game, but not so hard it becomes an impossible challenge (for me). I like to have zeds be “easier to kill” but have more of them generally. I throw in some zed mods to add boss like zeds but manually drop their spawn probability so they occur rarely (and will stomp me early game). I’ve recently gotten into modding overhauls, just to see how far I can press my luck…


anyway, I rage quit rather often, but the more recent memorable ones are:

- suffered and suffered and finally got a base up in a poi. Nothing planned or fancy, just “I think this will last a few horde nights”. Bullets and guns were many (Harry’s calibers mod) but so varied they were not useful yet. Out of sheer luck I found a kitana. Omg finally I had a real weapon. Horde night comes (randomly). On my base, shooting arrows and some guns from a 1 story high point, as I left a spot for zeds to mostly jump to get to me (some could, random fights occurred in the base). I was going to make it… weapon swapped and …. Threw my kitana down into a pile of zeds.  Fought to kill them all. Kitana despawned. Minutes later, daylight. Base damaged very badly. I quit, as it seemed appropriate and I had my fun.


- made a game too hard (added lots of fog in day and night, hard to see) .Died waaay  too often, losing the crucial starting items granted via a “first day” starter kit. Could not craft bedroll, ax , or anything but a sharp stick/spear. Constantly surrounded by my backpacks from previous deaths but unable to get to them long enough to escape. Was able to make small “base” in broken house poi. Rabbit came running down the stairs and actually spooked me as I just saw fast movement in the darkness. Then a Bear came upstairs and swatted me through a doorway while I was trapped in my hidey hole desperately trying to use a stick to break out windows. Nope. I’m done.

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13 minutes ago, Jugginator said:


Idk if you ever saw it, but someone... idk... some mad mole... did this while recording.

I can imagine it happening, but alas I don't recall seeing it. I take back the reference to QA and posit this: 'Just because someone is in charge doesn't mean they know what's going on.'



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Hi, I'm new here but this just happened yesterday:


I usually set up a frame cube with a storage chest on top, in front of trader. Yesterday I was in a hurry (in game) and accidentally moved all the loot from chest into my inventory. I hastily was putting it back, intending to get out what I needed to take with me, but somehow put whatever fit back into my inventory. Then, I must have moved a bit, which caused me to remove the cube instead of opening the chest. As a result, the chest fell and broke, and my loot fell on the ground in a loot bag. So, here I have a full inventory, had to make a chest, make room for the chest, place the chest...all that was an unexpected mess and then just as I went to grab the loot from the "dropped loot" bag, it disappeared. I was so mad. I tried to see if there was a way to rewind time or something...but that only set the clock back, it didn't change any of the events. I was only on day 2, but I had a pretty decent amount of dukes and a lot of good stuff from tearing things down, and quick questing, looting, etc.

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2 minutes ago, ashaherro said:

Hi, I'm new here but this just happened yesterday:


I usually set up a frame cube with a storage chest on top, in front of trader. Yesterday I was in a hurry (in game) and accidentally moved all the loot from chest into my inventory. I hastily was putting it back, intending to get out what I needed to take with me. I must have moved a bit, which caused me to remove the cube instead of opening the chest. As a result, the chest fell and broke, and my inventory fell on the ground in a loot bag. So, here I have a full inventory, had to make a chest, make room for the chest, place the chest...all that was an unexpected mess and then just as I went to grab the loot from the "dropped loot" bag, it disappeared. I was so mad. I tried to see if there was a way to rewind time or something...but that only set the clock back, it didn't change any of the events. I was only on day 2, but I had a pretty decent amount of dukes and a lot of good stuff from tearing things down, and quick questing, looting, etc.

It's happened to me a few times as well. That unfinished block just clicked away and to lose your cooking pot and grill along with the food and drink because the fire ring was placed on a block that wasn't upgraded.  Start over.

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14 minutes ago, ashaherro said:

Hi, I'm new here but this just happened yesterday:


I usually set up a frame cube with a storage chest on top, in front of trader. Yesterday I was in a hurry (in game) and accidentally moved all the loot from chest into my inventory. I hastily was putting it back, intending to get out what I needed to take with me, but somehow put whatever fit back into my inventory. Then, I must have moved a bit, which caused me to remove the cube instead of opening the chest. As a result, the chest fell and broke, and my loot fell on the ground in a loot bag. So, here I have a full inventory, had to make a chest, make room for the chest, place the chest...all that was an unexpected mess and then just as I went to grab the loot from the "dropped loot" bag, it disappeared. I was so mad. I tried to see if there was a way to rewind time or something...but that only set the clock back, it didn't change any of the events. I was only on day 2, but I had a pretty decent amount of dukes and a lot of good stuff from tearing things down, and quick questing, looting, etc.

I feel your pain! Definitely one of many lessons you'll learn the hard way in this game. Similarly, many players are tempted to store things outside of a POI before a quest. For the love of god, place that chest in the street (outside of the bounds of the POI) because when you click that yellow check mark to begin the quest, anything that does not belong to that POI will be deleted. Alternatively you can place the chest AFTER you start the quest.



@Melange I just posted the following in a different discussion, but I just saw this thread started and it felt appropriate.


I remember my very first playthrough of 7DTD. A19, Navezgane. I built my base in the wilderness POI that has a watchtower and army truck. I was well into day 45+ (I honestly can't recall how far, but it was far). My horde base was at the base of this tower, but the way I had it setup was that the original supports would not be touched by zombies. I built a larger 3x3 central column that served as the horde base, and it extended all the way up to the tower itself. I figured with that central column, I'd be safe upgrading the original pillars to ensure it would remain standing in the event of errant demo explosions. Unfortunately at the time I did not know how fragile stability was in this game (definitely worse in A19). While upgrading one of the pillars (I had already successfully upgraded two of them) the structure decided it had enough and crumbled before my eyes. I don't know what triggered it, but the sight of my weeks of hard work, materials, supplies, food, weapons, everything crumbling to a pile of rubble was probably one of the saddest moments in my gaming life.


Lessons learned, of course. I don't think I've ever had a catastrophic collapse since, 600+ hours in.

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I used to rage quit if I died far from my base and so I'd have to run forever to get my backpack and all my stuff. Then I switched to "Delete all" on death and I never rage quit anymore. My stuff is just gone so no need to go get it-- just start crafting new. :)

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3 hours ago, Melange said:

Things go wrong. Either we knew better, or we just didn't know. And we get angry, and quit either the current session (start over) or shelve the game until we've managed to cool off and are willing to give it another go.  What's p1$$ed you enough to Rage Quit?

Rage Quit? When things go wrong, that's when the fun begins. 


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One of the reasons I stopped playing public servers back in 16.4 was the sheer amount of wandering I would do.   I could travel 4Km on my mini bike, die from something stupid, and loose everything.


in A17 the particle effects were killing my machine.   Seriously, I'd loose about 55 fps from dust clouds.  Ugh..


Don't think I've rage quit since.

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2 hours ago, Roland said:

I used to rage quit if I died far from my base and so I'd have to run forever to get my backpack and all my stuff. Then I switched to "Delete all" on death and I never rage quit anymore. My stuff is just gone so no need to go get it-- just start crafting new. :)

Can't rage a about getting your stuff back when it's deleted when you die *taps head*

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3 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

I feel your pain! Definitely one of many lessons you'll learn the hard way in this game. Similarly, many players are tempted to store things outside of a POI before a quest. For the love of god, place that chest in the street (outside of the bounds of the POI) because when you click that yellow check mark to begin the quest, anything that does not belong to that POI will be deleted. Alternatively you can place the chest AFTER you start the quest.



@Melange I just posted the following in a different discussion, but I just saw this thread started and it felt appropriate.



Good tip on the quest marker...I wasn't sure of the range...I typically only keep storage at major transport routes/ or home POI locations because I am a heavy looter and I would lose track of all of my chests real quick...

3 hours ago, Melange said:

It's happened to me a few times as well. That unfinished block just clicked away and to lose your cooking pot and grill along with the food and drink because the fire ring was placed on a block that wasn't upgraded.  Start over.

YES!!! I lost thousands of dukes, cooking pot, grill, about 85 meat, lots of eggs, two handlebars, a bunch of forged steel and iron, and a bunch of other stuff...so mad. I think it was that the loot disappeared so fast, even though I intentionally dropped a bunch of rotten flesh and glass prior to that, and it was still there...oh well. Maybe from now on I will just upgrade that block.

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4 hours ago, Roland said:

I used to rage quit if I died far from my base and so I'd have to run forever to get my backpack and all my stuff. Then I switched to "Delete all" on death and I never rage quit anymore. My stuff is just gone so no need to go get it-- just start crafting new. :)


I went the other direction and changed to drop nothing on death... when I'm not playing perma death, that is.  I've only recently went back to allowing myself to die and continue so I still struggle with it a little.  When I'm allowing myself to die and continue playing I figured out that the wasted time going to get my stuff added zero to my enjoyment of the game so I just stopped that from happening once given the option.


As for the original topic...  It's hard for me to remember anything that kept me away from 7DTD for long, though I have taken breaks to do other things from time to time.  I moved a few years ago and stopped playing because my real life became very busy.  I think I missed part of A17 and nearly all of the A18 cycle because of that.  The closest I've come to rage quitting recently was a corruption issue on a game crash.

7 hours ago, Jugginator said:

When I go to use my push to talk button and drop my bow on hordenight


Oh wait...


I remap my drop key to either nothing or Backspace so there's no way I accidentally hit it.

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I have "rage quit" from 7Days a few times. The most recent being when I accidentally yeeted myself from the gyro while descending to land on Higashi, but instead of falling on the helipad, I dropped over the wrong side. I patiently waited for the splat but by some "miracle" I landed on a cop zed. I survived the fall, losing all but a sliver of health. I cackled in glee and started to run.


The cop exploded as my fingers pressed Shift-W and that's when I died.


I set my headphones down, turned off the monitor, and had a stiff drink.

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Off the top of my head.....all preventable mistakes....damn love this game lol....


1) Was using frame blocks as scaffolding along the outside of a large POI.  Picked one up by accident and fell and broke my leg.  End of permadeath run...should have known better.


2) Early game, went into a gas station on a loot run.  Went to loot something in a small closet and got blocked in by 2 zeds.....dead...should have known better...



3)  Early game, see dog house next to trailer POI, sneak around to see if dog spawned nearby.  No dog. Proceed to clear and loot.  Run across the same POI somewhere else and try to do the same thing.  Dog spawns this time and kills me.....should of know better...

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I was happily mining iron. Underground with pickaxe singing a merry tune and I heard a scream up top wanting me to go up there for a chat. I was not in the mood for a chat, so I took her head off.


Back down the mine, damn it I missed a rung on my ladder and fell. O broke my leg. That is not to bad as I have a plaster cast. Put that on and started where I left off. Singing a different merry tune. Damn it, will these cold callers learn. Yep, up I go again to say nt intedrested. Back down thr mine, not the easy way, fell off my ladder AGAIN, I broke my other leg and no plaster casts left. On my way back to base running as fast as I can and I am being overtaken by a slug. What is that growling at me now, a damned dire wolf, trying to fight that bad boy, it did not go well.


Oh well, time to swear and quit. At that time I walked/hobbled/limped away

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I rage-quitted when a bug locked me into my gyro and the only way out of it was to force close the game. Upon reload, I'd lost all the items in my toolbelt. This was after somehow not rage-quitting after looting a Woodbury player created POI and having tons of loot stashed in my gyro only for my gyro to poof out of existence halfway home. I was already set up and nearing endgame so I wasn't so upset about losing the gyro. The loot hurt though. I had a bunch of level 6 items in there and oodles of stuff waiting to be dropped into storage for later projects. The toolbelt was the last straw. With the randomness of the specs on items, I wasn't about to try to respawn them in and "deal" with it.


Eh, cooling off. I'll get back to the game, always do. Just really s*cks in the moment.


Edit: all previous rage-quits were me being a loot whore and having no ability to move.

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11 hours ago, Stranded_Napkin said:

I rage-quitted when a bug locked me into my gyro and the only way out of it was to force close the game. Upon reload, I'd lost all the items in my toolbelt.


As far as I know this bug hasn't been fixed yet.

Although it's uncommon, losing your stuff on a long game is devastating. Sure, you can add back similar items, but they won't be as good as the items you continually replaced over many hours of play.


8+ months of not playing. Here's to hoping this one gets fixed. Please.




-Arch Necromancer Morloc

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On 8/9/2022 at 1:18 PM, Melange said:

@doughphunghus woah, individual playstyles are indeed different. What you do is not for me. But, given all the effort in your last scenario and to be betrayed by a seemingly innocent rabbit? Hell, I'd consider modding bunnies out of the game myself.

They’re kinda like chickens in that they always seem to pop up in weird places when you least expect it. I had a rabbit once run into my base (the small White House on the cliff in the desert in navezgane) and so I kept it as a pet, which was a joy even though it’s weird that it was that much fun. I guess just the novelty of it, and it was my first “in game pet”.


So I forgive them in times of betrayal.

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