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This is the kind of point of view that makes me go facepalm about some reviewers.


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On 8/16/2022 at 7:20 AM, meganoth said:


Calling a sensible business decision greedy is like calling a lion bloodthirsty when he eats an innocent lamb. Now I don't know if it was a sensible business decision to enter game pass and epic store, but I see long-term advantages for players (more choice of platform) and you haven't shown how that is so bad for players. In fact generally cross-platform play is on the wishlist of players for a lot of games. Are you the representative of the steam-community that is disappointed other unwashed masses are let in?


The bad stuff is all short-term as far as I can see. A percentage of players have to endure a sub-par browser for a while. And new players coming from game pass encounter a few bugs.


In essence business as usual, features that get shown in an unfinished state to players and bugs that take a long time to go away. Remember how long players had to endure minibikes sinking into the earth? Two years. If you don't want to see bugs, don't buy a game in EA. 


If TFP is really greedy and ignores the community, then it always was doing that. I don't see a change.



A developer who tries to finish a game after 8 years in EA is a bad thing for you? Meanwhile a part of the community you speak of complains about the game taking too long! What now? Which group should TFP try to please? And did you see any signs of crunch? Wouldn't features and bugfixes come at an accelerated rate if they were in crunch now?


What did TFP promise and fail to do, by the way?

You mentioned duration but the only promise I heard from them was "Its done when its done".

You seem to complain about bugs but did they ever promise to have a bug-free game in EA?

You mention gamepass. Did they promise to never enter gamepass or epic store?



1) Child, we are not uncivilized animals.

2) The bad stuff may be short term but it keeps coming, therefore making it longterm.

3) Yes I do as me and my cousin and everyone who genuinely cared at that point helped explore what was causing it. EA grabed us with the same "player feedback needed" in the beginning with bf 3, 4 1 5 and 2042. wow did it to. So don't manipulate us anymore. we're tired of it.

4) I'm astonished. Very unprofessional Meganoth.

5) Not necessarily. in some cases crunch has caused setbacks. Lack of sleep causes you to be less aware, potentially causing errors, missing a meetings or even unfinished work. Its pretty clear who they want to please.

6) to listen to community feedback, because at the time it was the lifeblood of the game. Adding things, discussing things. Just like EA. just Like Blizzard. Just like Ubisoft. Wildcard, Klei. the list goes on. It's fun until devs start ignoring feedback. it starts small but becomes more noticeable. until someone wiz prives you wrong mathematicallyI remember when they posted that "Its done when its done" response. it was a irritated response to everyone asking wtf is the release. but hey kudos to them not caving to player pressure.


since this is an active topic, anyone know where to find LAN option since a20?

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6 hours ago, SURVIVE said:


6) to listen to community feedback, because at the time it was the lifeblood of the game. Adding things, discussing things. Just like EA. just Like Blizzard. Just like Ubisoft. Wildcard, Klei. the list goes on. It's fun until devs start ignoring feedback. it starts small but becomes more noticeable. until someone wiz prives you wrong mathematicallyI remember when they posted that "Its done when its done" response. it was a irritated response to everyone asking wtf is the release. but hey kudos to them not caving to player pressure.

"it's done when its done" was good idea. Well - during first few alpha they were writing date of released of new alpha - but sometimes they didn't do this in time so people were complaining about that. So to avoid "you guys said that nest alpha will be released 20 May but it's now 21 May!" they decided to write "it's done when it's done" because they don't have to worry about time

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14 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

If you say so.

It was tried. It was ignored. They do not discuss. Simple as that. Their way or the highway.

It's all fine and dandy until you just so happen to trigger their opposite opinion biases a slight bit beyond those other people. Some people have natural bias toward others more so than others too. Something to consider, but perhaps it's being dismissed?

We shall see. It's early days still and I expect the same treatment over here as over on Steam. I'm more than certain the same thing is going to happen here as did there, but as I said, it's early days. I'll say the wrong thing someday that goes against a bias and I will be removed. Patterns. Remember?


If you can't help it and eventually start to insult people, that is on you. The pattern is very easy: Insult someone and you get a warning or ban. That happens to everyone by the way, so that pattern is global.


14 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

Exactly. It's considered nonsense. The rules go one way generally and they typically favour the praise or people with power. People get lumped into the same pot of stew regardless right or wrong. What if he was a she? How would their treatment be then? I have witnessed girls being treated differently than guys. What about that situation?

14 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

Funny how there is a different set of guidelines for certain types of people or their comments. You say we should ignore these baits, trolls, etc. that attempt to create situations, but at the same time, those people are allowed to continue doing it without repercussions, but the moment someone says something to oppose or call them out, they are the ones who get punished? Seems reasonable. /s


You constantly claim there is a different treatment between yes-people and no-people, even here. But you haven't reported a single post yet. You haven't shown any evidence. So what can I say to that? "No, it is not that way". And you will reply "Yes". And I'll say "no". 😉. If you just reported a post here in the forum that was clearly ban-worthy by someone who praises TFP and I can't show you a likewise post by a TFP-critic, I would be shown as a hypocrite.   


14 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

Actually I've done this in past. I didn't respond to those people, but they were allowed to continue going on and on about me or my comments trashing them or trying to publicly shame myself, others or our comments. I appreciate your proposal to try and create a solution, but the sad fact is I and many others have tried your proposal, but it simply doesn't work because these mods don't care about anything other than what they want to care about. Others are allowed to continue to step out of line without consequence. Bias.


If things were being done right in the first place, I wouldn't be here commenting and agreeing with Reach Gaming about these kinds of bad patterns that consistently repeat themselves.

If you wrote it somewhere else, I haven't had a chance to read it. Life can get busy and I sometimes may miss things. I don't really need to prove much of anything. The proof is right in front all our faces to see. Go to Steam. Look over the discussion board history. If you're looking closely enough and have an open mind about this subject, you very well may notice patterns. If not then well, there's not much else I can do. It can all be browsed and looked over on your own. I'm not here to spoon feed. I said where it all can be found before. I'm not metaphorically digging through the trash so you don't have to do any work on your own.

This pretty much proves the point in itself. It's all a big joke to them.


...proceeds to talk about moderation. Oh the irony of double standards.


I'm talking about moderation generally as I have allowed you to do it, talking generally. But the removed paragraph was talking specifics and even my lenient interpretation of the mod-discussing-rule can not accept that.


And you see, it didn't lead to a ban, I just edited out the stuff that went too far. 


14 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:


The double standard pattern is also another very real pattern.


Reach Gaming could have pointed that out too, but if he pointed out every pattern and  included in his video, it would probably be about a four hour long video.



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15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

I know that MC didn't buy TFP. But  game pass was a argument of sony ( btw this everything was sounds so strange - i mean coments of both Sony and Activisions) 


Game Pass as a whole might be an argument of sony that MS is controlling too much in gaming. But 7D2D is already on game pass, so even if the government would look at single games on game pass the deed is already done. And again, the time frames don't work out.


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:


Did you watched "Zombie SS" ? i love this movie


I assume this is an alternative title of "Dead Snow"? In that case, yes, seen it and liked it.


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:


While 7dtd was looking like pure horror game while now 7dtd is  survival tower defence sandbox with horror elements.


Considering that horror, survival, tower defense and sandbox are all part of what 7D2D should include I'd say TFP did something right.


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

HL1 is typical SCI-FI shooter ( like serious sam - here it's mean it's not scary but enemies are not humans)


The H.R.Giger aliens in the movie Alien are also not humans, but obviously designed to induce horror.


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:


Well that's true. Water or LBD is more popular topics. Well except behemoth - i think this topic is pretty dead.





This post is just 20 hours old.



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8 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

1) Child, we are not uncivilized animals.

2) The bad stuff may be short term but it keeps coming, therefore making it longterm.


Without being more specific you just sound like a "glass half empty" guy. Lets wait and see if the browser interface gets updates. If it isn't you will be proven right.


8 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

3) Yes I do as me and my cousin and everyone who genuinely cared at that point helped explore what was causing it. EA grabed us with the same "player feedback needed" in the beginning with bf 3, 4 1 5 and 2042. wow did it to. So don't manipulate us anymore. we're tired of it.


Since you are speaking to me, I'm just a normal forum user with too much time to post here and a side-job of being moderator. I didn't manipulate you and I didn't tell you that feedback was needed. Though what did TFP say about feedback exactly? Did they tell you that players would be designing the game? Surely not. Did they say they want feedback and error reports from players on specific features? Probably.


And I did see that negative feedback on features made them rebalance or change those features. I never saw them redesign the game completely because of feedback of some players. if you expected that, your expectations were just too high.


8 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

4) I'm astonished. Very unprofessional Meganoth.


No surprise, I'm not here in a professional capacity. But really, I'm only saying that if you are already fully convinced that they are slimy @%$#s and out to manipulate you then they probably were from the start.


Getting on other sales platforms is a very natural step to get a game into the reach of as many people as possible. If that already triggers your mistrust then I really can't help you.


8 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

5) Not necessarily. in some cases crunch has caused setbacks. Lack of sleep causes you to be less aware, potentially causing errors, missing a meetings or even unfinished work. Its pretty clear who they want to please.


Ok, so we can't totally rule out crunch. But do we have any signs of crunch occuring? I don't see any.


Now I might be misunderstanding what you meant with "scrambling to finish their game". If you want to say it takes them a lot more time than they thought I would agree. If you want to say they are now in some kind of panic mode I don't see any signs of that. They already had bandits in the game, if they were trying to rush release they simply could take whatever they have, call one of those bandits Duke, add a quest to kill the Duke, and release the game any time now. That they don't is a sign they are not in any kind of panic mode.  


8 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

6) to listen to community feedback, because at the time it was the lifeblood of the game. Adding things, discussing things. Just like EA. just Like Blizzard. Just like Ubisoft. Wildcard, Klei. the list goes on. It's fun until devs start ignoring feedback. it starts small but becomes more noticeable. until someone wiz prives you wrong mathematicallyI remember when they posted that "Its done when its done" response. it was a irritated response to everyone asking wtf is the release. but hey kudos to them not caving to player pressure.


At the start of development EA was a totally new experience for TFP. I can imagine they first listened too much to anything said by forum users until they maybe noticed that they could find every imaginable opinion on their forum about anything and that they had to be more careful. (This is just a theory that could explain what you seem to have observed).


I'm pretty sure that no game could ever have any features in it if the developer for example just removed any feature when there is at least 1 person saying that feature is bad. Because there is always someone saying a feature is bad. So a developer in EA has to be selective. And that means that a lot of people post their opinion and are seemingly ignored.



8 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

since this is an active topic, anyone know where to find LAN option since a20?



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2 hours ago, meganoth said:


Game Pass as a whole might be an argument of sony that MS is controlling too much in gaming. But 7D2D is already on game pass, so even if the government would look at single games on game pass the deed is already done. And again, the time frames don't work out.


Is from gamepass is in gamepass from shorter time that "rumors" about MS takeover 


2 hours ago, meganoth said:




I assume this is an alternative title of "Dead Snow"? In that case, yes, seen it and liked it.


Sequel is rly good too. Btw check Frankenstein's army if you have a while


2 hours ago, meganoth said:


The H.R.Giger aliens in the movie Alien are also not humans, but obviously designed to induce horror.


Yep but - Alien is typical "slasher" horror movie  like  Hallowen  or "the thing" while... AVP or aliens colonial marine was designed like typical PS3 shooter.  HL1 was designed more like Serious sam enemies but more "serious" but not in horror style. So some games can looks a little bit like "horror" inspired - Bioshock or singularity but only have horror elements. NZA 1&2 are more horror focused that this games


2 hours ago, meganoth said:

This guy have just 1 post .... do you create new account just to show i'm wrong?🤪 i'm joking.


Well : Behemot zombie, children zombie and hornets have 1 common thing - no chance  to be included. Behemot because new animation system, children zombie because banned in few countries and honerts because almost nobody like them.  This topic i think nobody take as realistic anymore.

While LBD and fishing are connected with new thing like water overhoul and LBL - well LBD and  fishing was a little bit dead until news about perks reworks and fixes of water

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2 hours ago, meganoth said:


And I did see that negative feedback on features made them rebalance or change those features. I never saw them redesign the game completely because of feedback of some players. if you expected that, your expectations were just too high.


Well hornets are example that TFP care what community thing about changes and features.

@SURVIVE : well a lot of thing were changed/balanced or will be change like traders quest because TFP listen community. I can complain about some TFP decisions but that's 100% that they are read what people writing on  forum

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5 hours ago, meganoth said:


Without being more specific you just sound like a "glass half empty" guy. Lets wait and see if the browser interface gets updates. If it isn't you will be proven right.



Since you are speaking to me, I'm just a normal forum user with too much time to post here and a side-job of being moderator. I didn't manipulate you and I didn't tell you that feedback was needed. Though what did TFP say about feedback exactly? Did they tell you that players would be designing the game? Surely not. Did they say they want feedback and error reports from players on specific features? Probably.


And I did see that negative feedback on features made them rebalance or change those features. I never saw them redesign the game completely because of feedback of some players. if you expected that, your expectations were just too high.



No surprise, I'm not here in a professional capacity. But really, I'm only saying that if you are already fully convinced that they are slimy @%$#s and out to manipulate you then they probably were from the start.


Getting on other sales platforms is a very natural step to get a game into the reach of as many people as possible. If that already triggers your mistrust then I really can't help you.



Ok, so we can't totally rule out crunch. But do we have any signs of crunch occuring? I don't see any.


Now I might be misunderstanding what you meant with "scrambling to finish their game". If you want to say it takes them a lot more time than they thought I would agree. If you want to say they are now in some kind of panic mode I don't see any signs of that. They already had bandits in the game, if they were trying to rush release they simply could take whatever they have, call one of those bandits Duke, add a quest to kill the Duke, and release the game any time now. That they don't is a sign they are not in any kind of panic mode.  



At the start of development EA was a totally new experience for TFP. I can imagine they first listened too much to anything said by forum users until they maybe noticed that they could find every imaginable opinion on their forum about anything and that they had to be more careful. (This is just a theory that could explain what you seem to have observed).


I'm pretty sure that no game could ever have any features in it if the developer for example just removed any feature when there is at least 1 person saying that feature is bad. Because there is always someone saying a feature is bad. So a developer in EA has to be selective. And that means that a lot of people post their opinion and are seemingly ignored.





1) so you would say the browser is half finished?

2)  Didn't say you did and was speaking to the staff that have a REAL job.

3) Game didn't need to be redesigned at all. where you drew that conclusion is pretty random.

4) Again, very unprofessional. I would never say that about the company I work for. No they weren't like that initially no. greed can change your moral outlook.

5) its already sold around the world. it was basically minecraft 2.0. MP offered extra cash but came with its own set of intergration problems.

6) Never said they were panicking. Said scrambling. you don't need to be losing your mind while you scrambe to do something. you were just lazy af and did something last minute. that is scrambling.

7) refer to point 6.

😎 I imagine the raw feedback from any person thats real would upset some people. Like if everyone kept thumbs downing you. eventually they would probably remove the thumbs down.

9) The minority shouts the loudest. the rest of us just laugh.

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46 minutes ago, SURVIVE said:

1) so you would say the browser is half finished?

2)  Didn't say you did and was speaking to the staff that have a REAL job.

3) Game didn't need to be redesigned at all. where you drew that conclusion is pretty random.

4) Again, very unprofessional. I would never say that about the company I work for. No they weren't like that initially no. greed can change your moral outlook.

5) its already sold around the world. it was basically minecraft 2.0. MP offered extra cash but came with its own set of intergration problems.

6) Never said they were panicking. Said scrambling. you don't need to be losing your mind while you scrambe to do something. you were just lazy af and did something last minute. that is scrambling.

7) refer to point 6.

😎 I imagine the raw feedback from any person thats real would upset some people. Like if everyone kept thumbs downing you. eventually they would probably remove the thumbs down.

9) The minority shouts the loudest. the rest of us just laugh.

9 I think most people would agree with @meganoth :)


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1 hour ago, SURVIVE said:

1) so you would say the browser is half finished?


I never use the browser myself, I play on a private server. But I have seen the protests by users here in the forum and I trust people like pApA^legba to be accurate about the facts. So without having any first hand knowledge I would say the browser needs more work.


1 hour ago, SURVIVE said:

2)  Didn't say you did and was speaking to the staff that have a REAL job.


Fair enough.


1 hour ago, SURVIVE said:

3) Game didn't need to be redesigned at all. where you drew that conclusion is pretty random.


Let me rephrase my point: I see that TFP observes and acts on user opinion, but they do not follow their suggestions directly. A common outcry with a new features is "This feature is bad. Please remove it again". If TFP hears enough of those opinions they will act and change the feature, but not remove it. Or people give specific ideas what has to be changed to make the feature work. And almost always the change then adopted by TFP is an entirely different one nobody had posted. Now would you say that in such cases TFP did listen to the community or not?


1 hour ago, SURVIVE said:

4) Again, very unprofessional. I would never say that about the company I work for. No they weren't like that initially no. greed can change your moral outlook.


Again: I do not work for that company, I don't get a single cent from them. As such I can say very unprofessional things.


Yes, greed can change people. But I would say most people drop their ethics or resolutions only in bad times. And for TFP it seems to have been smooth sailings (expect for that telltale episode). At least there are no signs of any financial troubles, like a rushed release to be done with it. They still have the money to develop 7D2D till the end and start development of two new games. Does that look like financial trouble?


1 hour ago, SURVIVE said:

5) its already sold around the world. it was basically minecraft 2.0. MP offered extra cash but came with its own set of intergration problems.


MP? Do you mean MS aka Microsoft? Yes, gamepass inclusion surely is extra cash and so is to be presented to some of the kids that only have played Fortnight till now. But the thing is: The work to include cross-play for epic and MS store has to be done anyway if they want cross-play with the future console version. So they did it now and get the most from that work. Absolutely basic commercial common sense.


Is your point really that TFP should have forfeit gaining a few 100k dollars(?) just so that you don't need to enter the ip address of your server for a few months?


1 hour ago, SURVIVE said:

6) Never said they were panicking. Said scrambling. you don't need to be losing your mind while you scrambe to do something. you were just lazy af and did something last minute. that is scrambling.


Ah, ok. I assume the browser is the thing they have scrambled in your mind. And I fully agree, that seems to have been rushed. Though I also seem to remember that there was something about the microsoft deal that forced the timing. Wasn't 7D2D in the initial lineup for gamepass or something similar?  


1 hour ago, SURVIVE said:

7) refer to point 6.

😎 I imagine the raw feedback from any person thats real would upset some people. Like if everyone kept thumbs downing you. eventually they would probably remove the thumbs down.

9) The minority shouts the loudest. the rest of us just laugh.



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1 hour ago, meganoth said:


I never use the browser myself, I play on a private server. But I have seen the protests by users here in the forum and I trust people like pApA^legba to be accurate about the facts. So without having any first hand knowledge I would say the browser needs more work.



Fair enough.



Let me rephrase my point: I see that TFP observes and acts on user opinion, but they do not follow their suggestions directly. A common outcry with a new features is "This feature is bad. Please remove it again". If TFP hears enough of those opinions they will act and change the feature, but not remove it. Or people give specific ideas what has to be changed to make the feature work. And almost always the change then adopted by TFP is an entirely different one nobody had posted. Now would you say that in such cases TFP did listen to the community or not?



Again: I do not work for that company, I don't get a single cent from them. As such I can say very unprofessional things.


Yes, greed can change people. But I would say most people drop their ethics or resolutions only in bad times. And for TFP it seems to have been smooth sailings (expect for that telltale episode). At least there are no signs of any financial troubles, like a rushed release to be done with it. They still have the money to develop 7D2D till the end and start development of two new games. Does that look like financial trouble?



MP? Do you mean MS aka Microsoft? Yes, gamepass inclusion surely is extra cash and so is to be presented to some of the kids that only have played Fortnight till now. But the thing is: The work to include cross-play for epic and MS store has to be done anyway if they want cross-play with the future console version. So they did it now and get the most from that work. Absolutely basic commercial common sense.


Is your point really that TFP should have forfeit gaining a few 100k dollars(?) just so that you don't need to enter the ip address of your server for a few months?



Ah, ok. I assume the browser is the thing they have scrambled in your mind. And I fully agree, that seems to have been rushed. Though I also seem to remember that there was something about the microsoft deal that forced the timing. Wasn't 7D2D in the initial lineup for gamepass or something similar?  




Well i agree with you about that. Well TFP can be pretty calm about their finansial situation. About MP - well... honestly i don't care but if i good remember this old topic about MP this problem is solved 

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3 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

3) Game didn't need to be redesigned at all. where you drew that conclusion is pretty random.

Says you.


3 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

4) Again, very unprofessional. I would never say that about the company I work for. No they weren't like that initially no. greed can change your moral outlook.

He's not paid by TFP, neither are you, and you sound much more "unprofessional" than him.


3 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

6) Never said they were panicking. Said scrambling. you don't need to be losing your mind while you scrambe to do something. you were just lazy af and did something last minute. that is scrambling.

Curious how you completely ignored the first part of his response, so that you could look like you know better.


3 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

9) The minority shouts the loudest. the rest of us just laugh.

And here we go... another guy who thinks he's the spokesperson of some HUGE group of people to make his opinion look "grander".

Why doesn't people ever speak for themselves? :rolleyes2:

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Just now, Jost Amman said:

Says you.


He's not paid by TFP, neither are you, and you sound much more "unprofessional" than him.


Curious how you completely ignored the first part of his response, so that you could look like you know better.


And here we go... another guy who thinks he's the spokesperson of some HUGE group of people to make his opinion look "grander".

Why doesn't people ever speak for themselves? :rolleyes2:

The fourth defender everyone give him a cookie!

2 hours ago, meganoth said:


I never use the browser myself, I play on a private server. But I have seen the protests by users here in the forum and I trust people like pApA^legba to be accurate about the facts. So without having any first hand knowledge I would say the browser needs more work.



Fair enough.



Let me rephrase my point: I see that TFP observes and acts on user opinion, but they do not follow their suggestions directly. A common outcry with a new features is "This feature is bad. Please remove it again". If TFP hears enough of those opinions they will act and change the feature, but not remove it. Or people give specific ideas what has to be changed to make the feature work. And almost always the change then adopted by TFP is an entirely different one nobody had posted. Now would you say that in such cases TFP did listen to the community or not?



Again: I do not work for that company, I don't get a single cent from them. As such I can say very unprofessional things.


Yes, greed can change people. But I would say most people drop their ethics or resolutions only in bad times. And for TFP it seems to have been smooth sailings (expect for that telltale episode). At least there are no signs of any financial troubles, like a rushed release to be done with it. They still have the money to develop 7D2D till the end and start development of two new games. Does that look like financial trouble?



MP? Do you mean MS aka Microsoft? Yes, gamepass inclusion surely is extra cash and so is to be presented to some of the kids that only have played Fortnight till now. But the thing is: The work to include cross-play for epic and MS store has to be done anyway if they want cross-play with the future console version. So they did it now and get the most from that work. Absolutely basic commercial common sense.


Is your point really that TFP should have forfeit gaining a few 100k dollars(?) just so that you don't need to enter the ip address of your server for a few months?



Ah, ok. I assume the browser is the thing they have scrambled in your mind. And I fully agree, that seems to have been rushed. Though I also seem to remember that there was something about the microsoft deal that forced the timing. Wasn't 7D2D in the initial lineup for gamepass or something similar?  





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22 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

Ha this topic blew up after I said my piece.


It was mostly regarding youcantgetridofme needing vent about the Steam forum.


22 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

Roland out of care for your well being I found this for ya since you seem to think I'm restricted to points only.


a brief statement or account of the main points of something

Example: "a summary of Chapter Three"


Haha...so translation: "I have nothing to refute the specific counterpoints you made so here's some random nonsense" Gotcha. Thanks for conceding the point.


21 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

honestly can't listen to you because you remind me if all the "MVP" players on the wow forums in the general section constantly defending the atrocious decisions the company was making.


No, you can't listen to me because I am an actual member of the staff and can bring facts and inside knowledge that destroys the narrative you're trying to spin using speculation and worst case scenario babbling. What you want is to engage with other members of the community who support TFP but who don't have any more facts than you do. That way you can say inane things like "TFP obviously has no roadmap and they are floundering along without any purpose or goal" and that's your opinion and then someone will answer and say "I think you wrong and they are doing a great job steering the ship" and then you call them a fanboi and insult them a bit maybe acting like they are a young child because it is just their opinion vs your opinion and there are no real facts. Since I have facts and am an eye-witness and have actual knowledge of behind the scenes workings, your idle speculations can't stand up to that and your attempt to troll fails. Look at what just happened between us.


1) You speculated that the devs don't play the game any longer and ignore all critical and important fan feedback

2) I shared actual facts that I witnessed that showed your assumptions to be untrue.

3) You responded with a literary lesson that refuted nothing because you knew that you had nothing because you came to the conversation with guesses and I came as an eye-witness


I don't blame you for not wanting to engage with me since your purpose here is to troll and push your doom and gloom narrative. Mouse over my name and press ignore, amigo, if listening to me is too upsetting. :)


22 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

FYI nearly everyone would, following the guidelines, tell them to shove it where the sun dont shine.


Where is nearly everyone? Oh right, they're too afraid to come here and voice their opinion because "they'll get banned". But...wait...they're NEARLY EVERYONE right? If nearly everyone came here and said in various levels of colorful language to tell the devs to shove it where the sun don't shine, how could we few moderators ban nearly everyone? We'd be overwhelmed and the whole culture of these forums would flip and become predominantly antagonistic and derogatory towards the devs instead of respectful and hopeful. If only nearly everyone would just show up. Maybe start a petition to, you know, make nearly everyone aware and coordinate the big day.


22 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

In fact I'm pretty sure that's why the guidelines were made, to protect their "Righteous defenders"


That's just something trolls, who want the forums to be predominantly antagonistic, say. You want to be able to spout doom and gloom nonsense about the devs and get 20 likes for your comment and when someone disagrees they get jumped on and told to stop being  "inappropriately familiar" with the devs. You want every other post calling anyone who likes the game a fanboi. Despite the fact that there are plenty of places you can go on the internet where you can get exactly that culture where those who hope the devs succeed are always on the defensive and every worst case scenario that is spewed in a post gets repeated over and over and over and hailed as the obviously correct analysis of what is going on. You hate that this forum exists where members of TFP respond and give actual explanations and shatter the doom and gloom you're trying to propose. Well, the good news is there is plenty of places you can go for that. Here, you can criticize features of the game you don't like all you want but if you insult the members of this forum or the developers you will not be welcome.


You're obviously pushing the limit of what you can get away with and I'll just say that if you have any criticism of the game go ahead and voice that but you need to back away from calling people names. Mega isn't going to be bated by being called a child and I'm not going to be bated by being likened to manic WOW MVP player supporters (whatever that might be...lol). The more you post the more it is evident you have an agenda to try and get a flame war going. If you keep at it I'll ban you myself so you can tell nearly everyone how unfairly you were treated for doing nothing.

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11 hours ago, Rotor said:


You misunderstand me.  My apologies as I forgot /sarcasm tag.


He thought you were the first of nearly everyone showing up.


7 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

2)  Didn't say you did and was speaking to the staff that have a REAL job.


I'll answer simply by backing up @meganoth. The devs have never billed their Early Access as a way for investors to help steer the ship. They appreciate feedback and bug reports and they use that feedback to make some decisions but they've never asked community permission before adding something or removing something. It is always hilarious to read someone who is shocked that TFP added something that nobody ever asked for. TFP has been in complete control of development and never once tried to dupe anyone into spending their $8 by promising them a seat at the developer's table. Early Access for this game has been an early chance to play the game while it is still being developed to witness the changes that happen and see how the game evolves. Community feedback may cause some balancing changes and may even result in actual additions (or edits) to the game down the line.  They gather that feedack from many sources as well as stuff they can track as players play which gives them the real truth about how nearly everyone is playing.


Feedback isn't going to effect things much these days since the game is almost finished. Now most player dreams for what isn't included in the vanilla experience is going to have to be a mod. Now if your attitude is that you don't want to give feedback if they aren't going to implement what you say and they shouldn't ask for it if they aren't going to bind themselves to do whatever is suggested, then I have to echo the sentiment that your expectations were set way too high about what your early access was going to grant you.


3 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

The fourth defender everyone give him a cookie!


Everyone? or nearly everyone? Exactly how many cookies can I expect Jost to receive just as soon as one of these two groups finally arrives?

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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42 minutes ago, Melange said:

I'll take a baker's dozen please. 12 for me, and could you gift wrap the one with its head in the wrong place? It's for someone special.


You say "head in the wrong place," but I would argue that the "place" is exactly the correct location, especially if it happens to correlate with what may still be known in the Army as "the four corners of contact."

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1 hour ago, mprojekt said:

You say "head in the wrong place," but I would argue that the "place" is exactly the correct location, especially if it happens to correlate with what may still be known in the Army as "the four corners of contact."

I'm not familiar with the four corners of contact reference. There's a cookie in the other series of photos in @Maharin's link that shows a misplaced head. I was going from there...


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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

I assumed he was talking about one's head up their.....but that is just where my mind went when mprojekt mentioned head, 4 corners, and the army.


Sounds something one of the soldiers would say about the officers.

Thanks guys. Not too difficult to figure out. Still standing at the counter to pay for my order. Guess @Maharinwent for a one-liner break 😄


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