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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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After looking at some streams, I noticed a few things (I watched a few streamers and compiled a few bits from all of them):

A21 is quite polished, yet it has a few inconsistencies:


.Some cabinets do not stay open when looted.


.Some visual inconsistencies with water, but way better than before.


.Some popping where it should't be (some vehicles don't have a great LOD distance on higher settings, or weird distances at lower ones).


.Magazines are too buffed. They are too abundant, resulting in an even faster progression than in a20, which is totally avoidable. maybe reduce them like in half?


.Steel weapons by day 10-12? Not even power leveling, oops.


.Water filters are a bit too abundant too. They need a bit of a nerf, specially at the trader (5 filters on day 1?, come on!)


.Reloading animation bug for double barrel shotgun (reported in the alpha 21 pool with video proof).


That's it for now.  I hope that helps!

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I believe some streamers were playing with increased xp gains (up to 300%) so that would result in them being higher level than normal. Tradersstage (like gamestage en lootstage) is dependant on player level.That explains why you're seeing steelweapon at day 12ish.


But it could still be in need of further tweaks of course.

Edited by Wulf (see edit history)
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15 minutes ago, Wulf said:

I believe some streamers were playing with increased xp gains (up to 300%) so that would result in them being higher level than normal. Tradersstage (like gamestage en lootstage) is dependant on player level.

Yes the player level is a factor but early on not the biggest. I know from at least one streamer that played on default settings and bought a Q3 steel spear on day 8. You can tell from the XP a player get when he kills a zombie if he plays on default XP or not.


https://www.youtube.com/live/XzAKIzkGXvc?feature=share&t=4010 (1:06:50)


At 1:10:40 he showed his level and explained how to calculate the trader stage.

He was at level 17, quest tier 2 and had 2 points in Daring Adventurer at this point in time. That resulted in a total trader stage of 71.


Edited by RipClaw (see edit history)
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1 minute ago, Doomofman said:

Streamer I watch is on 100% XP and by going full on into Daring Adventurer has a Q6 Steel Spear by day 15 or so


OK, even I think that's too OP.

IMO the spear is now the best melee weapon because it's hard for zombies to hit you (3+ meter range) if you have room to maneuver.  And that is the weakness and the appeal of a perception build for me.

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Wow... sure am glad the majority of folks will just get out there and play, rather than have the need to rehash everything they saw streamers do over the weekend.  The streamers are fun to watch and all but that's the thing.  Their playstyle is designed for entertainment purposes. At least let us little gamer dweebs TRY things the way they are before feeling the need to demand 'balance' for everything new after what must have been a painstaking process for the developers.  You know, most people do NOT play the way streamers play.  All the people I know play to have fun.  Could be my idea of fun is not the same as yours.

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I didn't watch any of the streamers; I have my own playstyle - like everyone else has theirs.

Didn't want to have the A21 experience spoiled - I want to discover it all on my own.

So anxious to try out all the new changes. I'm 6.2K hours in and foresee doubling it.

7DTD just doesn't get old.

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1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

Bought from the trader ? That is probably due to the trader stage and Daring Adventurer as explained here



No. I am specifically stating that, through the use of magazines that unlock tools and a bit of perk investing in tools, you can get to steel weapons in less than 12 days.


You can also reinforce that fact by getting magazine bundles and spawning buried supplies to get several completion magazine bundles, though while possible, it is not necessary as with just a "normal gameplay routine" (lol, normality folks) you still get to them.


That's a balance issue. I would tune down the three-pack magazine in loot a bit. A tiny nerf that would do wonders to ensure most end game content passes at least the 2nd to 3rd horde mark .

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1 hour ago, Doomofman said:

Streamer I watch is on 100% XP and by going full on into Daring Adventurer has a Q6 Steel Spear by day 15 or so

Meanwhile JaWoodle, doing day 12 horde night with T6 stone spear.

And T1 pistol, T5 hunting rifle, T1 lever action rifle, T2 AK.

Dunno, we gonna need way more data to know the balance.

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For alpha 20 streamer release I watched every day for 4-6 hours of live streaming, then probably 4 more hours of videos on Youtube each day as well. This time, found I had very little interest in watching live streamers as most of them were doing multi player and I play solo and those styles are not the same. So within the first hour I stopped watching A 21 streamer events. I tuned in when they were setting up games, but as soon as they started playing multi player I turned it off. 


I am much more interested in playing the game solo or rwg worlds than watching others spoil all the new things for me. But, I have over 4800 hours playing the game and still not burned out and excited to see what is next.


I hope the Fun Pimps have good data harvesting programs running on the experimental to track all the things we think need balancing. This will allow them to get a much larger pool of information together before making any balance passes based off streamers runs and more on general play of their core audience.



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36 minutes ago, semu said:

Its great you have your reasons not to watch! I have a few friends who also didnt watch because they didnt' want to know the changes till in game themselves.

I also saw several streamers who literally play just for fun/die all the time/play like "normal" players (if you are meaning players who don't play at high level).   Some of those streamers hadnt had a viewer count over a few people max and were clearly not as experienced. 

I never said I didn't watch!  I watched hours of gameplay from many different streamers all with differing playstyles.  What I was saying is that the people who come into the forums to comment on things they 'watched' while never actually playing the game saying this or that needed a nerf, should shush it and actually play the game before commenting!  Sorry for the misunderstanding.  I absolutely appreciate each and every streamer who gave it their all this weekend and their work gave me an increased desire to dive into the new alpha and enjoy what has been created for us.  However, I would very much like the chance to experience it as the developers put it out there for myself.  Just saying...

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A22 i recommend that early release be giving NOT JUST TO STREAMERS but to SERVER MANAGERS and HIGH POPULATION servers. This really does need to go in effect because here we are again...... all the server owners and server managers for the multiplayer scene scrambling on release day to get our servers ready to open. 








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24 minutes ago, FranticDan said:

Suggestion: Infestation quests to include screamer/s. T2 = 1 screamer, T6 = 5 screamers. Throughout the POI, located in difficult to stealth kill so they are likely to scream.

Not a bad idea, as it stands now they don't seem to be much harder at all or not very noticeable at least on the lower tiers (I haven't seen an infested T5 yet). 


Could even add some feral radiated zombies (maybe not more than a handful on lower tiers) for extra challenge.

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Maybe giving the infestation quests a certain percentage boost to players overall game stage level eg. Tier 2 infestation 5% tier 3 15% tier 4 25% and tier 5 (technically tier 6) percent to 35% if a player is something like game stage 50 these bonuses could add an extra challenge as more higher tiered enemies will spawn not only that if they are in biomes with gamestage boosts they could combine and make for a daring but fun and rewarding experience.


I haven't played it myself but I'm really excited to dig in and see what's up soon.

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35 minutes ago, Teezer said:

Would be nice to not release the Alpha too late so European ppl can enjoy it too today


Unfortunately, like any game developer out there, the schedule is typically based on where they are located at.  Since they have to do some work today prior to mass release of the experimental, it is going to be based on where they are located at (US Central Time).  If it was based in Europe, you would probably be getting it in your afternoon while the US would be getting it in the morning.

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