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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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From the TFP A21 Dev Stream - Episode 1 with the bird's nest disappearing after looting, I immediately thought of the Light Grenade!

Mom and Dad Save the World (1992) a very stupid movie as well as this new feature. 


Hopefully there is a modder who can change this renewal.


Edited by Bear_with_Hat (see edit history)
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I'm on days 7. Will fight later. I have one question and two observations. First did someone change the weather
recently, to make it more active? If so thanks i like it.


The next two may get this moved to the bug section.


The first is when shooting the biker, i dismembered his left leg at the knee, instead of assuming
the crawler animation, he began to bunny hop. It may be his leg collider is too close to the ground.

He didn't walk on a phantom limb, but he wouldn't fall either, he just hopped up the mountain side

on one leg till i shot him again.


The second is something i saw before, and happened again in A20.7. When I melee the zombies, they get
a knock back spin around stun animation. It becomes a forever fall animation. They are not lunging,
they are spinning and falling with a spastic arm flailing motion. I backpedaled nearly 20 paces,
stabbing with the spear. I ran out of stamina, it hit me then died. it seems like a mis timing between
animations and states.


To get a clear picture look up Cinder in Killer Instinct, his ultra combo move.


Thanks for the game.


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11 hours ago, faatal said:

No, the AI is far from being done. There are no new bandits animations yet. They are using a combination of player and zombie anims, but player anims don't have root motion, so movement was hacked together and not great which leaves plenty of anim work to do.


Ah okay, I misunderstood then.

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10 hours ago, beerfly said:

Actually playing dead is dead with all the new stuff will bring lots more of cautious gameplay and cold sweat. And oh @%$# moments. 


That is very true!  I'm especially thinking of the Infested POI's early to maybe mid-game.

Those POI's are the main reason I hesitate to "man up" and go dead-is-dead.  :)


Even late game, will a buffed-out M-60 with all the good stuff be enough, maybe TWO fully tweaked M-60's with a tweaked auto-shotgun... I don't know.  Which is a great feeling!!

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I remember that Richard Huenink - being the ever overoptimistic guy - said in the dev stream that they were releasing the kraken maaaaybe hopefully May.


Well...May is already a few hours old...so where is it?



...hehe...next time when they do a dev stream and Rick is starting a sentence that might include such a guess,

the picture will just resolve into static, and when it returns Rick just sits there, mouth being completely taped,

and we will get a new "pokerface" meme from Lathan, because everybody else acts like nothing happened.

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I remember that Richard Huenink - being the ever overoptimistic guy - said in the dev stream that they were releasing the kraken maaaaybe hopefully May.


Well...May is already a few hours old...so where is it?

 Really....Where is he? My coffee is already cold:)


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19 minutes ago, LTKarhel said:

I remember that Richard Huenink - being the ever overoptimistic guy - said in the dev stream that they were releasing the kraken maaaaybe hopefully May.


Well...May is already a few hours old...so where is it?

 Really....Where is he? My coffee is already cold:)


*Taking away your cold coffee and replacing it with a cold beer*


Soon, very soon we`ll have our first minutes in the new alpha, scratching our heads and wonder what to begin with first. 

Its the calm before the storm, enjoy it :)

3 hours ago, Aldranon said:


That is very true!  I'm especially thinking of the Infested POI's early to maybe mid-game.

Those POI's are the main reason I hesitate to "man up" and go dead-is-dead.  :)


Even late game, will a buffed-out M-60 with all the good stuff be enough, maybe TWO fully tweaked M-60's with a tweaked auto-shotgun... I don't know.  Which is a great feeling!!

Hell yea, with M-60 in every hand among the brain eaters. 


This one reminds me when I demolished a small POI in wasteland with a shotgun from inside out, defending myself from everything interested in what I was doing there, alone. Damage from falling blocks almost killed me, but it was a mine near the house that finished me. Fun times :)

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Всем привет. Не знаю, задавался ли кто-нибудь этим вопросом, но сможет ли кто-нибудь из присутствующих на этом форуме ответить мне, что будет с пвп? Я понимаю, что эта игра больше подразумевает себя как чистая PVE-игра, но мне все равно очень нравится режим pvp здесь, хотя на мой взгляд он недоработан. И у меня было несколько вопросов о будущем. Я буду очень рад, если вы, ребята, сможете мне ответить. 1) Итак, первый вопрос: что будет с телом игрока после выхода из игры? Он также полностью исчезнет из игры при выходе из сервера? Или я очень надеюсь, что тело игрока останется на сервере, где подобные механики также реализованы в таких играх, как rust, ark и Conan. Просто не очень приятно, когда ты тратишь много времени на набеги на дом, а его хозяин может просто положить в себя кучу ценных вещей и спокойно выходить, не опасаясь за свое барахло. Разве разработчики не думают о том, чтобы добавить такой момент? 2) Есть ли какие-то планы по балансировке куба, дающего вам права на территорию? (извините, я живу в Германии и пишу через английского переводчика, потому что я плохо его знаю, поэтому это может быть непонятно) Например, чтобы куб не давал защиту ваших построек х10, а просто не позволял строить рядом со своей территорией и если бы вы хотели захватить базу игрока, вы бы разбили куб и поставили свой и забрали базу себе. 3) Планируют ли они улучшать анимацию при получении оружия? Например, доставая револьвер, персонаж вращал его на пальце, а также мачете, таким образом, скажем так, «играя с оружием», крутил мачете, нож, биту. Когда он вытаскивает винтовку, он дергает затвор и тому подобные анимации. Только в обиду не скажут, но давайте договоримся, что сейчас это выглядит коряво и некачественно на уровне старых игр 2000-х годов. 4) Отображение одежды, которую носит 1 человек? + реализм))) 5) добавление вида от 3-х лиц? Я знаю, что он есть у админов, но выглядит он немного так себе, я бы тоже хотел осмотреть своего персонажа при запуске, но в принципе это не важный вопрос. 6) Самое главное для меня. Это возможность забрать транспорт убитого вами игрока. Меня реально бесит, что я застрелил игрока на велосипеде, а он просто заблокирован И Я НИКАК НЕ МОГУ ЕГО СЕБЕ ЗАБРАТЬ. ОТМЫЧКИ НЕ РАБОТАЮТ. Может быть, найдется что-то в виде замка, который можно взломать или сломать? И возьмите транспорт себе. В принципе, это все, что меня интересует. Буду нереально рад, если мне кто-то ответит. Я оставлю этот пост в двух разделах. Спасибо модераторам и сообществу!!!!

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14 minutes ago, Kiril said:

Всем привет. Не знаю, задавался ли кто-нибудь этим вопросом, но сможет ли кто-нибудь из присутствующих на этом форуме ответить мне, что будет с пвп? Я понимаю, что эта игра больше подразумевает себя как чистая PVE-игра, но мне все равно очень нравится режим pvp здесь, хотя на мой взгляд он недоработан. И у меня было несколько вопросов о будущем. Я буду очень рад, если вы, ребята, сможете мне ответить. 1) Итак, первый вопрос: что будет с телом игрока после выхода из игры? Он также полностью исчезнет из игры при выходе из сервера? Или я очень надеюсь, что тело игрока останется на сервере, где подобные механики также реализованы в таких играх, как rust, ark и Conan. Просто не очень приятно, когда ты тратишь много времени на набеги на дом, а его хозяин может просто положить в себя кучу ценных вещей и спокойно выходить, не опасаясь за свое барахло. Разве разработчики не думают о том, чтобы добавить такой момент? 2) Есть ли какие-то планы по балансировке куба, дающего вам права на территорию? (извините, я живу в Германии и пишу через английского переводчика, потому что я плохо его знаю, поэтому это может быть непонятно) Например, чтобы куб не давал защиту ваших построек х10, а просто не позволял строить рядом со своей территорией и если бы вы хотели захватить базу игрока, вы бы разбили куб и поставили свой и забрали базу себе. 3) Планируют ли они улучшать анимацию при получении оружия? Например, доставая револьвер, персонаж вращал его на пальце, а также мачете, таким образом, скажем так, «играя с оружием», крутил мачете, нож, биту. Когда он вытаскивает винтовку, он дергает затвор и тому подобные анимации. Только в обиду не скажут, но давайте договоримся, что сейчас это выглядит коряво и некачественно на уровне старых игр 2000-х годов. 4) Отображение одежды, которую носит 1 человек? + реализм))) 5) добавление вида от 3-х лиц? Я знаю, что он есть у админов, но выглядит он немного так себе, я бы тоже хотел осмотреть своего персонажа при запуске, но в принципе это не важный вопрос. 6) Самое главное для меня. Это возможность забрать транспорт убитого вами игрока. Меня реально бесит, что я застрелил игрока на велосипеде, а он просто заблокирован И Я НИКАК НЕ МОГУ ЕГО СЕБЕ ЗАБРАТЬ. ОТМЫЧКИ НЕ РАБОТАЮТ. Может быть, найдется что-то в виде замка, который можно взломать или сломать? И возьмите транспорт себе. В принципе, это все, что меня интересует. Буду нереально рад, если мне кто-то ответит. Я оставлю этот пост в двух разделах. Спасибо модераторам и сообществу!!!!

Hi all. I don't know if anyone has asked this question, but will anyone on this forum be able to tell me what will happen to pvp? I understand that this game is more like a pure PVE game, but I still really like the pvp mode here, although in my opinion it is underdeveloped. And I had a few questions about the future. I will be very happy if you guys can answer me. 1) So, the first question is: what will happen to the player's body after leaving the game? Will it also completely disappear from the game when you leave the server? Or I really hope that the player's body will remain on the server, where similar mechanics are also implemented in games such as rust, ark and Conan. It's just not very nice when you spend a lot of time raiding a house, and his owner can just put a bunch of valuable things in himself and calmly go out without fear for his junk. Aren't the developers thinking about adding such a moment? 2) Are there any plans to balance the cube giving you territory rights? (sorry, I live in Germany and I write through an English translator, because I don’t know him well, so this may not be clear) For example, so that the cube does not give protection to your buildings x10, but simply does not allow you to build next to your territory and if you wanted to capture the player's base, you would break the cube and place your own and take the base for yourself. 3) Do they plan to improve the animation when getting weapons? For example, taking out a revolver, the character rotated it on his finger, as well as on the machete, thus, let's say, "playing with weapons", twisted the machete, knife, bat. When he draws his rifle, he pulls the bolt and similar animations. Only they will not say offense, but let's agree that now it looks clumsy and of poor quality at the level of old games of the 2000s. 4) Displaying the clothes worn by 1 person? realism))) 5) adding a view from 3 persons? I know that the admins have it, but it looks a little so-so, I would also like to inspect my character at startup, but in principle this is not an important issue. 6) The most important thing for me. This is an opportunity to pick up the transport of the player you killed. It really @%$#es me off that I shot a player on a bike and it's just blocked AND I CAN'T TAKE IT FOR MYSELF. LOCKPICK DOES NOT WORK. Maybe there is something in the form of a lock that can be picked or broken? And take your own transport. Basically, that's all I'm interested in. I would be really happy if someone answers me. I will leave this post in two sections. Thank you moderators and community!

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8 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

I remember that Richard Huenink - being the ever overoptimistic guy - said in the dev stream that they were releasing the kraken maaaaybe hopefully May.


Well...May is already a few hours old...so where is it?



...hehe...next time when they do a dev stream and Rick is starting a sentence that might include such a guess,

the picture will just resolve into static, and when it returns Rick just sits there, mouth being completely taped,

and we will get a new "pokerface" meme from Lathan, because everybody else acts like nothing happened.

He said mid-May.  Not just May.  :)

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3 minutes ago, Riamus said:

He said mid-May.  Not just May.  :)


Still seems pretty optimistic.  I'm still guessing closer to the Steam Summer Sale (which honestly would be a great idea - game goes on sale to entice even more new players) since the following streams have hinted that things still need to be finished before A21 is finished.

Edited by Old Crow (see edit history)
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24 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


Still seems pretty optimistic.  I'm still guessing closer to the Steam Summer Sale (which honestly would be a great idea - game goes on sale to entice even more new players) since the following streams have hinted that things still need to be finished before A21 is finished.

Keep in mind that Mid-May is for experimental.  Most people who buy the game from that sale aren't going to be using experimental, so trying to align it with the sale wouldn't make any sense.  The plan is that they complete their dev streams (I think there might be one more this week), then do streamer weekend, then release that Monday after the streamer weekend.  This assumes no major bugs appear before then that may push it back.  Experimental does not include everything that is in A21, though most.  Certain things may be added during experimental like more POI updates and bug fixes before A21 goes officially live.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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Most likely Mid-May for streamers and Late May for us folks.


I am very OK with it as I don't fully understand everything with A21.  Mostly just how crazy will the "Super Zombie Kill-fest" POI's get? 

So, we just push the steamers across the field that says "Danger! Minefield!".

We'll take notes.  :D



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1 minute ago, Aldranon said:

Most likely Mid-May for streamers and Late May for us folks.


I am very OK with it as I don't fully understand everything with A21. Most just how crazy will the "Super Zombie Kill fest" POI's will get.  

So, we just push the steamers across the field that says "Danger! Minefield!".

We'll take notes.  :D

Well, we get it the Monday right after Streamer Weekend, whenever that happens.  Streamers get it for the weekend and then we get it immediately afterwards.  It isn't like streamers will get it for a week or two.  The idea is that they get to show things off and also, as you say, walk through the mines for us.  There will be few people from TFP available to deal with bugs that crop up on streamer weekend.  On Monday when they release experimental to everyone, they'll all be there and ready to work on bugs that occur when everyone starts playing it.

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2 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Well, we get it the Monday right after Streamer Weekend, whenever that happens.  Streamers get it for the weekend and then we get it immediately afterwards.  It isn't like streamers will get it for a week or two.  The idea is that they get to show things off and also, as you say, walk through the mines for us.  There will be few people from TFP available to deal with bugs that crop up on streamer weekend.  On Monday when they release experimental to everyone, they'll all be there and ready to work on bugs that occur when everyone starts playing it.


Your right, it should be quick and painless (for us viewers).  One of the streamers I know I will watch is Jawoodle as he is completely immersed in the game and is pretty good at figuring the stuff out.   Neebs Gaming if they play it that weekend and then about a half dozen of my other favorites.


A weekend of super hype sounds great to me!

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It would be best not to give out any data at all. i mean when approximatley the game will be available Get the patch ready. Test it with the streamer and if everything runs fine, then announce an opening date. And then bring it out.

everything else is annoying just for you and for the gamers. Because now everyone is waiting for the weekend..wich weekend? next? about next? 2weeks?3weeks?june?..you now what i mean

Edited by LTKarhel (see edit history)
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5 minutes ago, LTKarhel said:

It would be best not to give out any data at all. i mean when approximatley the game will be available Get the patch ready. Test it with the streamer and if everything runs fine, then announce an opening date. And then bring it out.

everything else is annoying just for you and for the gamers. Because now everyone is waiting for the weekend..wich weekend? next? about next? 2weeks?3weeks?june?..you now what i mean

Everyone has different views on that.  Rick likes to give dates.  Lathan clearly didn't like that.  I prefer to have a general idea so I know what to expect.  The issue isn't really that they give estimated dates.  The problem is that too many people take these estimated dates as being set in stone.  They said they'd like to have it out for mid-May, but not that it would definitely be out then.  If everyone just accepted that this date isn't a guarantee and that it's just a general idea that could be changed, they wouldn't be so upset if it gets pushed back and we'd still all have a good idea that it is coming soon.  Besides, even if they didn't give that date, the fact they opened the streamer weekend applications already tells us this information in a somewhat more general way - not specifically mid-May, but instead "in a few weeks to a month" from when the applications were opened.  You can't entirely hide that this is coming soon and so not giving a general idea of the timeframe isn't really beneficial to anyone either.

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1 hour ago, Riamus said:

 then do streamer weekend, then release that Monday after the streamer weekend.  This assumes no major bugs appear before then that may push it back.  Experimental does not include everything that is in A21, though most.  Certain things may be added during experimental like more POI updates and bug fixes before A21 goes officially live.


This burns, we waited over a year to be placed in a situation where we have a good weekend and opportunity to play along side the streamers share the fun plus experiance but instead we have to sit and watch agonisingly again (dev streams already watched before hand) before we get our hands on it 'some time after'.


Be nice if they changed this method of delivery and be fare to there supported loyal customer base and release into experimental to everyone at the same time which they so easily could do.

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2 minutes ago, Jay_ombie said:


This burns, we waited over a year to be placed in a situation where we have a good weekend and opportunity to play along side the streamers share the fun plus experiance but instead we have to sit and watch agonisingly again (dev streams already watched before hand) before we get our hands on it 'some time after'.


Be nice if they changed this method of delivery and be fare to there supported loyal customer base and release into experimental to everyone at the same time which they so easily could do.


It isn't "some time after". It is the Monday after the Friday that the streamer event starts. 2-3 days from the start of the streamer event and usually a matter of hours after the streamer event ends. It has been this same exact formula now for about six years so I'm not sure why you think the amount of time you will have to wait is ambiguous.


You are correct that they could easily release it for everyone at the same time. It is the very simple matter of not putting a password on the experimental build. Since it is so easy there must be a good reason they don't.


Actually there are a few good reasons they don't but being as how this is the sixth year those reasons have already been repeated hundreds of times and obviously repeating them again isn't going to accomplish anything. Sorry you don't like the streamer event.

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seriously... again LMAO :)


the only change that will take place in how they release it will be that the last release was a20 and this release will be a21. the method is still the same as it has been for several alphas... TFP decides when should it be available for the public and then (then) they decide that the friday before will be for the streamers so a21 will generate more hype hopefully from stream viewers who havent played the game before.


but yeah... sorry to make some people mad but it goes out the same way now as it has in the past. but they do discuss amongst themselves when its ready for the public 1st  and 2nd when its going to go out to streamers.


I also want to add that to the BEST of MY knowledge, our builds were never based on any sales dates... they like it when they line up but no sale has been a factor of when an alpha drops for experimental.... some holidays maybe...sometimes but not 100% on that either. :)


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52 minutes ago, Jay_ombie said:


This burns, we waited over a year to be placed in a situation where we have a good weekend and opportunity to play along side the streamers share the fun plus experiance but instead we have to sit and watch agonisingly again (dev streams already watched before hand) before we get our hands on it 'some time after'.


Be nice if they changed this method of delivery and be fare to there supported loyal customer base and release into experimental to everyone at the same time which they so easily could do.

Exactly.Year.Nothing terrible will happen if you wait another 2-3 days from the streamers weekend .

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With streamer weekend, the experimental releases on Monday.


Without streamer weekend, the experimental releases on Monday.


Not sure what the difference is (and yes, I understand the desire is to mass release it the same Friday as streamer weekend).  As someone that provides a lot of technical support, you never want to mass release a new project on a Friday if you want your people to have a weekend with their families after putting forth all the effort prior to the release.


And really, does 2 days wait really affect us that much?

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I'm glad for a Monday release (I don't give two flips about streamers).

This gives me 4 days or so to ensure my server is up and running how I want it and do some tests before we have a weekend long romp in 7D2D.


On the front of Dedicated servers, are there any specific changes to the server config file to be aware of?



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1 hour ago, Jay_ombie said:


This burns, we waited over a year to be placed in a situation where we have a good weekend and opportunity to play along side the streamers share the fun plus experiance but instead we have to sit and watch agonisingly again (dev streams already watched before hand) before we get our hands on it 'some time after'.


Be nice if they changed this method of delivery and be fare to there supported loyal customer base and release into experimental to everyone at the same time which they so easily could do.

This builds hype for the new alpha, this is what they have done for years, and i am excited to see what my favorite streamers get up to.  

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