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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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This is going to be the last puzzle. The remaining unknown features of A21 will have to remain unknown until either dev streams start or the update happens. I decided to make you actually work for this one so the nonogram is a real one I generated and the solution to it is part of the puzzle. It isn't just an image of any nonogram. 


I'm not completely happy with the ending but hopefully it gets the point across. :) 



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18 hours ago, Roland said:


It uses the active quest selector so only one at a time can be displayed on the screen and if your crafting recipe is displayed the quest marker for any current quest will not. There may be further development on it.

Does the quest "complete" and unpin itself once you've crafted the item? Or you have to manually unpin to get rid of it?

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23 minutes ago, Doomofman said:

@Roland How certain are you that the nonogram is actually solvable?

At some point I did get stuck but I uncovered what looked like the letter "B" at the bottom left. I took a wild guess and assumed the puzzle is just a bunch of letters. So based on that logic I did some guessing from there and got this



shouldn't it be flurry instead of flury?

I dont know if it's actually solvable using normal nonogram logic tho. I used some roland logic instead :)

Edited by NekoPawtato (see edit history)
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13 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

At some point I did get stuck but I uncovered what looked like the letter "B" at the bottom left. I took a wild guess and assumed the puzzle is just a bunch of letters. So based on that logic I did some guessing from there and got this



shouldn't it be flurry instead of flury?

I dont know if it's actually solvable using normal nonogram logic tho. I used some roland logic instead :)

Oh the Pimps are going to be funding a Porn Movie.

Edited by Fanatical_Meat (see edit history)
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Nonograms are kinda fun


So flurry of blows is the first part. The rest I still have no idea on


If I'd to guess I'm assuming either Flurry of Blows is also being removed and it's perks added to the main perk for each weapon or is being moved to a different skill tree

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35 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

Flurry of blows added to all trees/perk branches?

The pic combo does look to read "to all, And to all talent/perk/skill trees". I'm not sure how to do the number puzzle though so I can't check if "Flury of Blows" is accurate.


Edit: If so, then it looks to me like they're rolling all of the "must have" melee combat perks into the individual weapon perks themselves instead of requiring cross tree point investment to get them.

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2 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

The pic combo does look to read "to all, And to all talent/perk/skill trees". I'm not sure how to do the number puzzle though so I can't check if "Flury of Blows" is accurate.

Flury of blows is correct, given my vast knowledge of nonograms which I've gained over a long long time (two hours or so 😝)

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I don't think it would be sensible for TFP to distribute all buff perks into the trees. Flurry of Blows was a nice perk but not the uberperk nobody could do without like Sexrex (IMO). If this is really it, I'd rate that as disappointing though naturally it has to be seen in context of all changes to the perk tree


Looking at the riddle It could also be that the perk is moved somewhere else, but again I don't see that making sense as AGI would need an equal substitute. Especially moving it to strength as substitute for sexrex would not make any sense.


My idea (knowing about the "moon" childrens book) is that flurry of blows is changed to only work on blood moon but is made a lot stronger. This would correct the balance problem that AGI is a good attribute under the week but a "handicap" in blood moon because all points in stealth are useless.


Is there another name for santa clause that could work for the first picture?


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13 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Is there another name for santa clause that could work for the first picture?

He is also called Kris Kringle.


EDIT:  The image is from a book titled "The Illustrated Treasure of Classic Children Stories." This picture was used to illustrate the poem "The Night before Christmas".


Edited by RipClaw (see edit history)
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I think a general skill tree would be a better option than spread it over all skill trees. This way Flurry of Blows and Sex Rex for example would be overall much more effective and friendly.


That being said, I believe TFP is aiming into a more specialization route. Is it bad? Not at all, but I'm afraid new or casual players will stay  away from A21.

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2 minutes ago, lord_ahriman said:

I think a general skill tree would be a better option than spread it over all skill trees. This way Flurry of Blows and Sex Rex for example would be overall much more effective and friendly.


That being said, I believe TFP is aiming into a more specialization route. Is it bad? Not at all, but I'm afraid new or casual players will stay  away from A21.

I'd agree I still miss the misc crafting tree way back when for the secondary perks It was cool and would be nice to see a few perks not tied to any attributes imo.

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