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All I do now is killing, killing, killing.


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Now I have played A18 long enough to get an impression where the journey goes and I'm disappointed.

In A16 and A17 I had a good mix of adventuring, crafting and trading. Usually I leveled fast to level 70 with adventuring, then to level 100 with crafting good gear, and then mining, base buidling and trading stuff to other players.


All I do now is killing, killing, killing. I even throw away all loot, because I have all gear on Q6 since level ~70 and have all books. The gear crafting phase from previous version isn't anymore and trading rare stuff makes not much sense since everything except solar cells can be crafted.


The fun with unlocking all trees is also gone since you don't need that, just collect all books and unlock all without points. The game is now done after level ~70, when you have looted all your Q6 gear and all books. Only thing remaining is base buidling and they have removed asphalt.


So I drive with my motobike from factory to factory, raise my level for points I don't need and throw away all loot because I don't need it. Sorry, Pimps, but something is completely wrong with the game now.

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if asphalt being gone is what breaks it for you (I read your OTHER thread complaining about that) this game may not be for you, its more than rushing endgame gear and all the books


its sounds like you may Min-max a little to hard, and don't have any narrative to the story you make with each character...no why or hows, just pure data...im guessing most games get boring for you if all you do is powerlevel to endgame...


that's just what im getting from what you've written, I may be completely off base


have a good day, good luck, may the horde chase you forever but never catch you

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Seriously, up your difficulty and horde spawning amount and you won't be throwing any loot away at all and needing every level-up. I'm struggling to keep up resources to defend my base lol.


Idk, in A16 the game was over by day 3 - 7 depending how lucky one gets. You seem to be very lucky getting all Q6 by level 70, the only Q6 thing I have is my M60 MG, I'd make a new character if you're bored, seems like you won that one lol.

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I only play on servers, therefore can't change settings. The one I play on has survivalist difficulty and loot abundance 200%. But even with 100% it would make not much difference. I'm also not an min-maxer because I don't care if another q6 part maybe have 3 points more or not, I'm already overpowered.

They made the game loot centric and I get that crazy much loot that I don't need a garden anymore, which was also a must have in A16 and A17. I don't craft ammo anymore because I get so much that i have storage full with ammo.

Don't you see the difference? Good mix of all in A16/A17 and always busy with improving ... and now a bored zed mass killer.


I think now the game was ready after the introducion of vehicles, and needed only final polishing after that. But instead of doing only this, final polishing and then releasing the final version, the Pimps tinkering from here and there and only disimproving the game.

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I only play on servers, therefore can't change settings. The one I play on has survivalist difficulty and loot abundance 200%. But even with 100% it would make not much difference. I'm also not an min-maxer because I don't care if another q6 part maybe have 3 points more or not, I'm already overpowered.

They made the game loot centric and I get that crazy much loot that I don't need a garden anymore, which was also a must have in A16 and A17. I don't craft ammo anymore because I get so much that i have storage full with ammo.

Don't you see the difference? Good mix of all in A16/A17 and always busy with improving ... and now a bored zed mass killer.


I think now the game was ready after the introducion of vehicles, and needed only final polishing after that. But instead of doing only this, final polishing and then releasing the final version, the Pimps tinkering from here and there and only disimproving the game.


Loot Abundance makes a bigger diff than you think, it also doubles the stack sizes of anything you find in stacks of, like, say, ammo for example. On 100% loot some things give 30-50 bullets, so on 200%... you get the idea. I get what ya mean about no real need to craft, but that was their way to get around forcing people to have to go intel. However, your still basically forced to go str if you wanna be any good at mining or melee.


They need to get rid of these stupid stats and go back to learn by doing at least for the weapons+their perks. Darkness Falls mod for a17.4 does this and its way better than a17.4 vanilla in almost everyway, performance is worse thou as it has 3x the spawn rates and a ton of new zombies and the compo-pack poi's, but its overall a much better experence.


- - - Updated - - -


No worries, the loot rebalance is in progress. They know it's way too high atm.


My issue is tier 3+ things just drop way to often even during the first 7 days. By the end of day 20 or so you should be lucky to ever find a t4 item even with lucky looter maxxed imo it should be that rare. You also have to consider part of the problem is the reinforced chests at the end of almost every poi, they just drop to many things. Should be 1 weapon or armor per chest MAX with a very VERY small chance of 2, compared to now where on 100% loot i've found as many as 4-5 weapons in 1 chest.

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Maybe instead of finding rounds there are mostly just the resources for crafting ammo inside the loot boxes. That would help the crafting game. So you find bullets, casings, and gunpowder (and not necessarily all together). Then you have to craft your own ammo. It would also help those specializing and only really needing one type of ammo as they could use all the mats to produce what they primarily need.

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I only play on servers, therefore can't change settings. The one I play on has survivalist difficulty and loot abundance 200%. But even with 100% it would make not much difference....They made the game loot centric and I get that crazy much loot that I don't need a garden anymore, which was also a must have in A16 and A17. I don't craft ammo anymore because I get so much that i have storage full with ammo.

Don't you see the difference? Good mix of all in A16/A17 and always busy with improving ... and now a bored zed mass killer.


Find a new server that does 50% or 100%. It does make a difference. 200% is huge. 50% and 25% are going to give you a more survival flavor while 100% and definitely 200% is going to be way more of a loot and shoot. I agree that TFP have shifted the game more towards loot and shoot and away from survival but upping the loot to 200% definitely magnifies the problem.

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Find a new server that does 50% or 100%. It does make a difference. 200% is huge. 50% and 25% are going to give you a more survival flavor while 100% and definitely 200% is going to be way more of a loot and shoot. I agree that TFP have shifted the game more towards loot and shoot and away from survival but upping the loot to 200% definitely magnifies the problem.


When I see all those servers that list 300% loot 500% xp (or whatever), I vomit a little in the back of my throat. Just saying.


It takes some work to find a good server now days. OP dont judge the game by those standards. It can be a lot better, just find a better server. Vanilla settings with a little higher difficulty (I like survivalist or insane but have been playing forever)


Also I think there was some weirdness with MP servers and loot at some point in this experimental so that could have made it worse if they didnt wipe as the experimental progressed.


Oh and still some incoming balance to loot happening still afaik, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Maybe instead of finding rounds there are mostly just the resources for crafting ammo inside the loot boxes. That would help the crafting game. So you find bullets, casings, and gunpowder (and not necessarily all together). Then you have to craft your own ammo. It would also help those specializing and only really needing one type of ammo as they could use all the mats to produce what they primarily need.


This would be wonderful to balance the relevance of crafting compared to looting.


If they can drop the abundance of loot slightly and drop the base quality of loot moderately I think it would work well. Finding the perfect balance may be impossible, but it could get close where you can work towards getting the mats to craft the next tier, but also get a surprise when you find the next tier, but then can also craft the weapon in hopes of better stats.

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Maybe instead of finding rounds there are mostly just the resources for crafting ammo inside the loot boxes. That would help the crafting game. So you find bullets, casings, and gunpowder (and not necessarily all together). Then you have to craft your own ammo. It would also help those specializing and only really needing one type of ammo as they could use all the mats to produce what they primarily need.


Ayup, I think that would be a good tuning approach for A18. Ammo is just too common (at default settings anyway).

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I wonder how many complain without disclosing their loot %

Not just loot tho, lol

Problem is how do you balance a game that has infinite possibilities per player. You already see the result of that around here.


Guy1- "There is too much loot, its just stupid" (has it set to 200% loot)

Guy2- "Forget the loot, Blood Moons are impossible zombies rip though my defences too ez" (has bloodmoon set to x64)

Guy3- "XP gains are too slow, fix your dumb game" (has 100% xp when he could have put it on 300%)

Guy 4- "Game sucks, I have all the best crap by day 21" (Has it set to 2 hour days)


I get it though, those would be nice options to have.


Where does it end though? Sliders for every stat on every weapon and entity in the game in the main menu? Sliders to adjust the amount your other sliders can slide? Sliders for your slider's slider for that truly unique experience?


I am just joking though, it is a good idea. But if it happens I hope that would be end of it.


Anyways, time for lunch



Was responding to someone wanting sliders for damage and HP for zombies, I actually like the idea for that more than some of the other sliders we have (looking at you shared xp) Just thought it was amusing tho.

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>Only plays the game on 200% loot

>Actually makes a post complaining that the loot is too dang high



On servers the XP multiplier is mostly x3 or x5, and loot abundance 200% or 300%. But in A16/A17 I got into the "I have all" state earliest above level 100, now I reached it with level 70. So where is the advantage of the new system?

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Most people will never even come to the forums and complain about that, but just consider the game broken and move on. There are many more things worth looting in A18 and this is a great thing. But since there are also many schematics that are alternative to perks, raising your loot settings can ruin your experience. Recommend that you set it to 25% or 50% or find another server. In the future when balance is finalized, options will probably become much more descriptive.

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Maybe instead of finding rounds there are mostly just the resources for crafting ammo inside the loot boxes. That would help the crafting game. So you find bullets, casings, and gunpowder (and not necessarily all together). Then you have to craft your own ammo. It would also help those specializing and only really needing one type of ammo as they could use all the mats to produce what they primarily need.


I think the loot tables should be rebalanced too (though honestly not sure if this is already the case).


For instance, finding a friable round, let alone a stack of it, in a garbage pile seems fairly unlikely.


However, finding a small box of ammo in an ammo stash or sealed crate seems reasonable.


I think it would help immersion as well. I love the idea of finding maybe some gun powder in a garbage sack, some casings in another, and some tips in yet another. Especially with the change that ups your chance of finding crafting table schematics in destroyed tables this helps point you to crafting your ammo.


And then when you hit the mother load (10 or 20, I dunno) actual, complete, ready-to-fire bullets in a stash or crate it feels awesome.

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