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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Started my perception build, got rekt twice already, wile e. coyote got me bleeding out a couple times now and no bandages yet. Improved RWG is dope, no more repeating POIS so far and bigger cities.


Oooo, cant wait to see what improvements robert has cooked up.

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Started my perception build, got rekt twice already, wile e. coyote got me bleeding out a couple times now and no bandages yet. Improved RWG is dope, no more repeating POIS so far and bigger cities.


So have coyotes replaced wolves early game? Just wondering.


And I am very intrigued by how you will defeat later gamestage hordes and take on POI's post day 30+ with a perception build. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!


Could you not have made regular bandages with cotton when you had spawned in? :p

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@madmole In A17.4, in 8k worlds, towns always spawn in the following locations. (Marked by the X's.) I can't remember if I've already asked you this (forgive me if I have, my memory is a little foggy today), but I'm just curious... Will town spawns follow a similar pattern-based system in A18, or will they be randomly placed through RWG maps?



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Started my perception build, got rekt twice already, wile e. coyote got me bleeding out a couple times now and no bandages yet. Improved RWG is dope, no more repeating POIS so far and bigger cities.


this will be an interesting watch, happy about the rwg, I wanna see the perc build, see how the weapons progress and deal with hordes

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Well it sounds like I could have it wrong at least in the case of steel. We'll see...I personally like the downgrading path instead of straight to air because it gives time to repair. Destroying instantly to air is a lot more difficult if you are trying to repair as you fight.


I like this as well, I always wondered and imagined if it would be fun to see the zombies go through all the upgrades you put on the block even if it was upgraded all the way from wood frame.

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MadMole, I would like to see you do an Intel build.


1. you professed you are not so good with traps, and it could help see how to improve it for others. but, more importantly


2. all other builds have weapons assigned except Intel. that is just from the glimpse of the trees you previously showed us

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MadMole, I would like to see you do an Intel build.


1. you professed you are not so good with traps, and it could help see how to improve it for others. but, more importantly


2. all other builds have weapons assigned except Intel. that is just from the glimpse of the trees you previously showed us


Stun batons and junk turrets are two weapons . The junk turret you can carry around and fire

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Infection is reworked again. Here are the release notes:


+Changed: Brand new infection system. Infection is easier to contract when you have low health than high health. 1% is barely infected, at 100% infection you die. Stage 1 lasts one (real time) hour and up to 14% and has no side effects. Stage 2 lasts 3 hours (up to 57%) and is-25% stamina recovery. Stage 3 lasts 3 hours and is -35% stamina recovey and -1 to all attributes. You die if it reaches 100%. Getting may hit increases infection. Take antibiotics to cure infection, such as honey, herbal antibiotics or pharmacy grade antibiotics. Antibiotics lessen stamina recovery penalty by half while curing.


But I thought that the timing would hold consistent with the title of the game?

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Meh, someone will figure out a better way. The solution is genius and right in front of their face, but overlooked yet IMO. I know a guy who invented free energy that is coming to the market. Well its solar, but then uses heat and cold to generate endless energy once its started.


Is it a sterling engine running a generator?

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As many bullets as you go through in one horde night I am really worried about getting brass. I wish there was a way to mine the resources and smelt some brass.


The trick is not flooding the players with easy/passive methods of obtaining brass early on because in that scenario crafting ammo would never be a challenging prospect, while ensuring that later on, between repairing and upgrading your base and mining for resources, that the player can keep up with the required quantity of brass to continue to fight the 7 day hordes. As madmole suggested, smelting down dukes could be the answer, but so far, this idea has only been suggested and not practiced. We'll all have to play A18 and figure out this issue for ourselves, if the issue will be present for the majority of players in the first place.

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