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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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Pre orders were doing fine before Kickstarter. We were reluctant to do a kickstarter because we were already extremely successful in pre orders. Kickstarter might have actually hurt sales because we had a key distribution problem and disabled sales for over a week when sales were booming, so we maybe have lost more revenue than gained. We greenlit on Steam, KS was just a tiny fraction of revenue and it had a bunch of ambitious features we were forced into, honestly we might have been done and by now and done better without it.


I thought the kickstarter was very successful for you as you got more then double then the goal. It's reported TFP deleted their contact details as they got bombarded with emails etc. Which complicated things with Tripwire Interactive whom had to do a takedown and thought that was the reason TFP lost sales for over a week.

Have to ask, it's been 5 years after the estimated delivery that will the "5x5 grid Crafting System" be included as listed on the kickstarter? I noticed it was in game then was taken out.

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"Ammo is too underpowered! Big buff needed!" Lol


It feels like its not in balance yet. Make more bullets but reduce the damage per bullet isn't a good idea IMO.


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I thought the kickstarter was very successful for you as you got more then double then the goal. It's reported TFP deleted their contact details as they got bombarded with emails etc. Which complicated things with Tripwire Interactive whom had to do a takedown and thought that was the reason TFP lost sales for over a week.

Have to ask, it's been 5 years after the estimated delivery that will the "5x5 grid Crafting System" be included as listed on the kickstarter? I noticed it was in game then was taken out.


TFP thought it was a clunky way of doing things and I have to agree. What is gained by having it?

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You should have first asked gently, and made dinner for romance class. Not take it directly.


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There's only one of us in here romancing stones or rocks.


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Wash your hands before waving them around, young man!


especially after what you and snowdog have been doing.

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Hehehe! :D


- - - Updated - - -


I wouldn't worry too much about it. I thought pedantry was banned before waking up to a two page conversation about processor architecture. :-)


Lol yeah.. This dev diary has long stopped being a dev diary. More a 'dev free-for-all'.

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If you find all the parts to the 4x4 (or any vehicle) in Pass-N-Gas boxes, you can assemble the vehicle at the workbench with no perks/levels required. An oversight perhaps?


Huh. *Shrugs* I assumed it was a feature because you could do the same back in A16 with a minibike; the book was only need to craft (and repair?) the parts, but you could find the parts out in the wild.


Can we find wheels out in the world? I always had to make mine. I don't recall ever finding any but then maybe I never looted enough. Finding 4 wheels by Day 3 still seems damn lucky to me.





In your video I noticed 2 things. These are not me telling you how to play just observations.


1. You didn't seem to have any of your storage crates sorted and it looked like you were having some trouble finding stuff when it was coming down to the wire.

The Golden Rule I was told was ABC - Always Be Sorting.


2. When you were shooting the zombies in your killing corridor you didn't take the oppotunity when there was a lull (for just a few seconds) to reload your weapon.

The Golden Rule I was told was ABC - Always Be Reloading.


















Yes, I know. A lot of players have said The Golden Rule is ABC - Always Be Crafting but I didn't find that amusing enough :D



I also know that having to explain your own joke is lame but I just didn't want the multitude of posts I would get about it ;)

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Can we find wheels out in the world? I always had to make mine. I don't recall ever finding any but then maybe I never looted enough. Finding 4 wheels by Day 3 still seems damn lucky to me.


Yup, you can find wheels out in the world. They can be found in cars or, much more commonly, in garage storage boxes. You can find any vehicle parts or materials to make vehicle parts in garage storage boxes. (:

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If you find all the parts to the 4x4 (or any vehicle) in Pass-N-Gas boxes, you can assemble the vehicle at the workbench with no perks/levels required. An oversight perhaps?


Yup, you can find wheels out in the world. They can be found in cars or, much more commonly, in garage storage boxes. You can find any vehicle parts or materials to make vehicle parts in garage storage boxes. (:


Good to know. Am in process of trying to make a couple of 4x4's for the group. Will have to do some wrenching and looting I guess lol

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Good to know. Am in process of trying to make a couple of 4x4's for the group. Will have to do some wrenching and looting I guess lol


Just make sure you go on a scavenger hunt for Pass-N-Gas boxes. Lol The places they always spawn are Joey's Used Cars, Pass-N-Gases (of course), Water Work Treatment Plants (I'm assuming you know the super quick way to the loot room?), the old brick fire stations (not the bright red ones), and more often than not, the Gearz POI.

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Just make sure you go on a scavenger hunt for Pass-N-Gas boxes. Lol The places they always spawn are Joey's Used Cars, Pass-N-Gases (of course), Water Work Treatment Plants (I'm assuming you know the super quick way to the loot room?), the old brick fire stations (not the bright red ones), and more often than not, the Gearz POI.


You seem to be watching all the videos of JaWoodle to get to know all these places.

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Just make sure you go on a scavenger hunt for Pass-N-Gas boxes. Lol The places they always spawn are Joey's Used Cars, Pass-N-Gases (of course), Water Work Treatment Plants (I'm assuming you know the super quick way to the loot room?), the old brick fire stations (not the bright red ones), and more often than not, the Gearz POI.



Ok Thanks

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MM, I just saw the latest video and I have to say I'm disappointed at no dogs, vultures, bears and very few demolishers. And they only came in the end when you were running around outside.

I would love to see some blow up in your dart trap corridor or inside your base with that increased block damage they got after your day 84 video.

If I understood it correctly, their block damage got buffed from 500 to 5000 after your day 84 video. Which is also shown by that demolisher making a huge crater in the ground in this video.


Imho demolishers are a nice addition to the game but this increased explosion block damage needs a rethink/rework to get into the right spot. Like the ability to take them out without detonating them, just like we can do with cops.

It would be nice if you could experience first hand how quickly they will wreck all your hard work if you get unlucky and get swarmed by a few inside your base like in the day 84 video.


Anyway, keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to A18, hopefully this year and hopefully without demolishers blowing up my base every horde night :)

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Its pretty bad when we have a #gate about something that never happened or will happen but is simply a "what if..." speculation by one member of the TFP team. If we are going to squirm about other timelines in the multiverse there are way worse scenarios than this one...


People are eager for a18, so they chatter. Upon reading MM's follow-up posts, voxel ain't going anywhere, but this was a good opportunity to encourage developing it further, and leverage that uniqueness.


If you haven't seen any of the hype about Hytale, you should check it out...it's a new voxel world game like Minecraft on steroids. It including a complete model editor, and including the same developer tools to create the game.


Imho, thats the way to go to build a active community from the start.


7days has that as well, and even has Guppy fostering a Haven for modders. It's kind of like an early access DreamWorks of a sort, with a place to spitball ideas.


I'm eager for a18 as well, but I have new Minecraft updates to play, new no man's sky, and a huge pile of unplayed AAA games I really need to either start or finish.


We'll fire up our mothballed 7 days server once a18 ex drops, but want to follow the buzz here till then.

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Not with mods, I built an insane hotel/casino with elevators and a ton of parts, wired up electricty, juke box and a lot of settlers and it ran great. MY biggest pet peave is 1 block per meter, which means you can't put a bunch of small decorations on top of a single block, and you are stuck on a 1 meter square grid, you can't build a house on a cul de sac. You can't rotate 360 degrees. We have some solutions there though for the next tech we've talked about. Hopefully we can overcome them for our future games.


7DTD 2 Confirmed?

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As far as the latest horde video, it sounds like you are starting to hit the imbalance I was taLking about a few weeks ago.


With a developed trapped base, you get to the point where repairs and ammo creation take so much material (brass and steel) and time that you can't keep up with horde nights.


Later game balance is just as important as early game. At your progress level, getting enough steel, concrete, brass and ammo should be a little easier than I think it actually is right now.


The value in traps is to help you keep up with horde nights, and using them shouldn't be wasted time as you mentioned a few times.


If materials were more abundant repairs would be faster, upgrades and additions of traps could keep up with horde difficulty increase, and sufficient ammo would be craftable.


I think around day 120 was where it just got so bad that abandoning the base for casually defended throw away buildings was the only way to keep up with hordes anymore.


I'm not sure if levelling isn't fast enough to gets perks to get more materials, or if material collection is a little too low to keep up later game.


Ideally, resource collection should get easier as you progress, so exploring and looting are still viable.


Maybe some of the books or perks need to be enhanced a little more to help keep up with later game?


MM, you had mentioned you might be ready to retire this playthrough. I'd like to see you get to maybe day 130 or so to see later game balance, and make tweaks to improve it's viability for sp gameplay.


Since you have some time on your hands because of the mfs, this is a great opportunity to see the later game you haven't experience in a long time, and make adjustments for it.


(Even small things like a door dropping two door knobs instead of one makes a big difference when you consider the longer gameplay experience, and how much additional resources that could have been gathered.)


Looking forward to the next two horde nights!

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It would be nice if you could experience first hand how quickly they will wreck all your hard work if you get unlucky and get swarmed by a few inside your base like in the day 84 video.


"they will wreck". Do you have a crystal ball or a time machine? Oh wait, Guppycur told you the password to TFPs repository, right? :cocksure:

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As far as the latest horde video, it sounds like you are starting to hit the imbalance I was taLking about a few weeks ago.


With a developed trapped base, you get to the point where repairs and ammo creation take so much material (brass and steel) and time that you can't keep up with horde nights.


Later game balance is just as important as early game. At your progress level, getting enough steel, concrete, brass and ammo should be a little easier than I think it actually is right now.


The value in traps is to help you keep up with horde nights, and using them shouldn't be wasted time as you mentioned a few times.


If materials were more abundant repairs would be faster, upgrades and additions of traps could keep up with horde difficulty increase, and sufficient ammo would be craftable.


I think around day 120 was where it just got so bad that abandoning the base for casually defended throw away buildings was the only way to keep up with hordes anymore.


I'm not sure if levelling isn't fast enough to gets perks to get more materials, or if material collection is a little too low to keep up later game.


Ideally, resource collection should get easier as you progress, so exploring and looting are still viable.


Maybe some of the books or perks need to be enhanced a little more to help keep up with later game?


MM, you had mentioned you might be ready to retire this playthrough. I'd like to see you get to maybe day 130 or so to see later game balance, and make tweaks to improve it's viability for sp gameplay.


Since you have some time on your hands because of the mfs, this is a great opportunity to see the later game you haven't experience in a long time, and make adjustments for it.


(Even small things like a door dropping two door knobs instead of one makes a big difference when you consider the longer gameplay experience, and how much additional resources that could have been gathered.)


Looking forward to the next two horde nights!


Quite a few of us have been trying to draw attention to this for some time now. Concrete is never a problem, steel is ok.

While some of us argue that horde night should not be easily avoided by getting in a vehicle, at some point it is like the game is forcing you to do it, because it is the only cost-effective way to cope, in terms of materials and time to obtain them.

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