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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I'm not gonna say you are lying I just have trouble wrapping my head around that. are you saying you prefer the blunderbuss to later shotguns or just that you like it as a T1. I guess I can see the latter I just can't see Regularly using a gun that blows it's load on 1 shot even if it hit like a freight train. Reloading in a bad situation is death, Especially early on. I'd rather have a pistol or SMG (both of which I personally find are much easier to acquire far earlier than a pump shotgun) Where I can kill more than one (or two because of AOE on the buss) Zombies with a clip before I gotta reload. It's actually the same problem I have with the double barrel but it still gets 2 shots and reloads twice as fast.


I guess my problem with the shotgun progression Is that it really feels like there is a lack thereof. the Double barrel Feels only marginally better than the Blunderbuss and then the pump Sits in line with most of the t2 weapons instead of the t3's it's supposed to match.


I mean I kinda feel you on the other shotguns and stuff, but yeah, I do really like the blunderbuss.


It is easy to make, and the ammo is pretty cheap too. It can 1 shot a basic zombie without much investment. It actually has okay range, and kinda works better at a little range going for a headshot... not really far, but yeah.


So early game you can spec into it, get ammo and do lots of fetch quests, strip the POIs of paper and have lots and lots of ammo for it.


If you invest in shotguns, have bandolier and also invest in run and gun, its reload isn't that big of an issue.


The real reason I like it is because of how cost effective it is. A lot of people will blow through all this ammo on horde night, but the blunderbuss ammo is cheap and can 1 shot... who cares about the reload if you are spamming shots from your ledge on horde night. 500 blunderbuss ammo means you can probably kill around 450 zombies cheap on horde night lel.

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EDIT: TL;DR, I think the required bow parts involved in crafting bows might be bugged. In my game, the required bow parts goes up with the quality bow I can craft. T5 requires 3 times more bow parts to craft than a T1, in my game.


This is not a bug. What is missing from the GUI is a method to craft weapons of a lower quality to prevent craft deadlocks because you level the perk faster than you find parts.


Incidentally that would have been another reason in A17 to suicide :cocksure:



Steam should make it so that you need a min of X amount of hours in order to write up a review. I hate seeing bad reviews from players that have less than 25 hours in game.


Not that easy. There are games you can finish in 20 minutes and have no replay value.

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I mean, I get that, But it's also legitimately the T1 shotgun in game, Which makes early shotgunning just... Bad until you get a double barrel which is still... Just bad. Manageable with perks until you get the Pump, but I feel like that's not what a t2 weapon should be. your t2's should be your bread and butter, you want to hang onto them until you find or manage to get the parts for a t3 to replace it Not barely manageable if you focus on maxing the perks for it.



I should also note I have Used slugs That i have found and they are AWESOME from a damage perspective and do exactly what you want as an "AP" Shotgun round, I just feel that the UI for ammo switching is too clunky to swap in a situationally and slugs are too costly to craft enough to use exclusively. I'd honestly rather slugs be cheaper and less powerful so I can actually justify using them when I could make 2-4 of another type of round instead.


I know its not really ideal, but you could carry two shotguns, one with slugs one with normal shells

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Btw Night vision goggles start appearing at trader at rank 3 better barter


yeah not to fond of gear for non intel builds being locked behind an intel build perk of that level. should be more like hey, you seem pretty perceptive/strong/ agile <insert stat desc here> I got some specialized gear that might interest you.

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Bad weekend for me. In three separate games I died on day 2 or 3, the same way each time. Always a wolf while I'm chopping down a tree. By the third game I was super paranoid, taking 5 or so swings at a tree, then stopping to take a look around. A junk turret would have helped, but none to be found so soon in any of these games. In the last game a miner was coming toward me, so I shot a couple arrows at him, and then the wolf from behind, instant bleed. As I wrapped it while running, the next bite... bleed, wrap, and yet again with the bite and bleed, then dead. I have no problems with any animals if I know they're there. I'll even take on bears with a bow sometimes if I absolutely have to. I'm calling cheap deaths as I rage quit for the weekend, lol.

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Bad weekend for me. In three separate games I died on day 2 or 3, the same way each time. Always a wolf while I'm chopping down a tree. By the third game I was super paranoid, taking 5 or so swings at a tree, then stopping to take a look around. A junk turret would have helped, but none to be found so soon in any of these games. In the last game a miner was coming toward me, so I shot a couple arrows at him, and then the wolf from behind, instant bleed. As I wrapped it while running, the next bite... bleed, wrap, and yet again with the bite and bleed, then dead. I have no problems with any animals if I know they're there. I'll even take on bears with a bow sometimes if I absolutely have to. I'm calling cheap deaths as I rage quit for the weekend, lol.


TFPs - 3, Atomic - 0 😂



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I don't know if I hate that or people who leave negative reviews for games they've spend thousands of hours on more. I mean with that amount of time they've already gotten their money's worth and obviously enjoyed it enough to spend a lot of time on it, so why leave a bad review?


Those bastards took 2000 hours of my life away! Stay away from this game it will consume your soul!

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MadMole, what happened to your mancrush Kelvin Fatstelum? :) lol


Judges almost robbed Till. Horrible fight tho, ugh


For such a great card it kind of a POS. Fatselum didn't fight half the fight he did against Adesanya. Wonder Boy showed he's still got it, but Luque didn't get him into a clinch and throw knees, which is how he always wrecks everyone. Black Beast clearly lost but since he's a fan favorite they gifted him a win.


Kevin Lee, wow training with GSP has turned him into a new man. Gillespie though needs to go down to 145, he is TINY.


Walker...WTF. As soon as he said he wants to show the world he's not just a knockout artist and can go the distance I cringed. Dude you are nitrogycerin shut up and KO dudes. He pranced around and didn't throw anything, and it was clear that Anderson was intimidated, but eventually he's like ♥♥♥♥ it and started throwing and caught the guy. Walker doesn't have the best chin but he's dangerous as hell IF HE THROWS. He failed to throw and didn't fight how he gets it done and it cost him.


Burgos Delivered, that guy is just a brawler but his size won the fight for him.


That Edman guy, holy hell, 21 years old and puts Tavaraz away effortlessly in the first round.


That black guy who wrecked Arlovski is nasty everyone will be ducking him.


Masvidal is the real deal, he has improved a lot. Very snappy with good combos and nasty elbows. I am sure he will get a title fight against Usman/Covington winner. Too bad they stopped the fight that cut wasn't so bad. He made Diaz look stupid. Undercards were better than the main event for the most part. Masvidal delivered until it was abruptly ended at least.

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Bad weekend for me. In three separate games I died on day 2 or 3, the same way each time. Always a wolf while I'm chopping down a tree. By the third game I was super paranoid, taking 5 or so swings at a tree, then stopping to take a look around. A junk turret would have helped, but none to be found so soon in any of these games. In the last game a miner was coming toward me, so I shot a couple arrows at him, and then the wolf from behind, instant bleed. As I wrapped it while running, the next bite... bleed, wrap, and yet again with the bite and bleed, then dead. I have no problems with any animals if I know they're there. I'll even take on bears with a bow sometimes if I absolutely have to. I'm calling cheap deaths as I rage quit for the weekend, lol.


And we improved these quite a bit, they howl before they attack now, before they were just stealth biters. Some people complained were dumbing it down lol. They are still super nasty.

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And we improved these quite a bit, they howl before they attack now, before they were just stealth biters. Some people complained were dumbing it down lol. They are still super nasty.


Yeah, I remember them doing that after those changes. I've heard it in action before and it was definitely helpful.

I'm not sure what happened. I may have lost focus, or maybe something else.

In one case it was raining, and as soon as it stopped, I could tell that a world spawn was triggered because suddenly there were zombies nearby. If a wolf spawns in an area you are already at, would it howl? If a wolf is going for a zombie and changes its mind and heads at you, will it still howl?

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Well A18 is a treacherous game, filled with death at every step! I finally got my 25 death "Achievement" and I must say I am now "The Most Interesting Survivor in the world!"


I don't always fight zombies... but when I do, I choose Dos Club! Dos Club... when you want to live til hoard night! :)

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Enthusiasm, I'm not sure. :p Being a hermit has its downsides; social situations are not my strong suit. Lol (In other words, weirdness/oddness is frowned upon, and rightfully so.)


Still, it's the best we've got.


Welcome to the hermit club lol. I feel yah, it sure does tend to have a negative impact upon ones social skills and or social behavior. :)

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The blunderbuss is the gimmick item that you only use one or twice for the sake of using it, like the night vision goggles. :p


Hey now, as a stealth player that does not adjust gamma or brightness (I prefer the more realistic graphics, I.E. dark shadows) NVGs are a must have and without them... its just not possible to play after the sun sets. :)

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This is not a bug. What is missing from the GUI is a method to craft weapons of a lower quality to prevent craft deadlocks because you level the perk faster than you find parts.


Incidentally that would have been another reason in A17 to suicide :cocksure:





Not that easy. There are games you can finish in 20 minutes and have no replay value.


ahh very true but I'm talking about games that take more than 25+ hours to play. The games that are tiny and take only a few hours is not included when I made my statement. :)


- - - Updated - - -




Ah well, the gif was too large and it converted it to an image apparently lol.


The best way I found to post gifs here is to post a direct link to the site hosting it or upload it to https://postimages.org/ then post a link to the uploaded image.

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