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Posts posted by arramus

  1. @wickidaurazgaming has kindly created an instructional video on the Cooking Stations mod which is built into the Oakraven Forest Modpack. It is comprehensive and introduced at a regulated pace which supports a wide spectrum of players. Other videos have been created specifically for other Oakraven Forest Collection Mods and they are linked directly from the first post or within wickidaurazgaming You Tube channel.



    This video introduces the Water Well type features and has also been added to the first post.



    And for the Storage Crates (Sign Cupboards).


  2. Pushed a small update to the Cooking Stations.


    The Pot Stove icon called PotStove is potstove in xml. The icon was also replaced to potstove but Github didn't recognise the difference and wouldn't update it. It was manually deleted and replaced. It has also been pushed to Moddb. The same also for Big Cooker...

  3. @Pundito

    Make the Meat Grinder on the workbench.



    Place it somewhere appropriate.



    Grind the bone into Bone Meal. The meat grinder needs a Skill on Master Chef to unlock and is useful for making early game 'smoothies'.


    A small update for a couple of models.


    The pallet and barrel were increased in size to make them 1 block high. This allows things placed on top of connected to join.




  4. 8 hours ago, Pundito said:

    What a fantastic mod!
    Thanks for making it - it's a lot of fun.


    One question: where do you craft bone meal?
    We tried some many things ... it shows the sign of a fire place, oven or stove but nothing worked.


    Thanks in advance,

    Ah yes, the Bone Meal. Thanks for posting this question in here as it'll help other people when they search for it.


    If you make a Meat Grinder machine, it will convert 20 bone into 1 bone meal.

    And then if you make a Blender, it will allow you to use the bone meal in some nutritious smoothies.


    A bit of a learning curve and getting to know the new Cooking Stations.


    We have:-

    Meat Grinder - bone meal - fresh mince meat - rotten mince meat

    Blender - makes some drink type recipes

    Mixer - makes the acorn bread dough (needs more recipes for the future)

    Fish Farm Table - makes dishes specific to fish caught in the fish farm. They cannot be cooked elsewhere.

    Chicken Coops - all these dishes can be made in a regular camp fire or new custom oven.

    Bee Hives - all these dishes can be made in a regular camp fire or new custom oven.

    Hydroponic Farming - all these dishes can be made in a regular camp fire, or new custom oven.


    This is possibly a good project for @wickidaurazgaming to add to their YouTube since they already introduced many of the Oakraven Forest mods.

  5. The Oakraven Forest Modpack provides players with an 'out of the city' gaming experience.
    Players have access to a variety of custom tools and resources that provide greater levels of self sufficiency and quality of life.
    It is heavily influenced by Oakraven's Forest Collection and acts as a Modpack show case.
    It also contains some of Oakraven's unreleased modlet content to provide a greater level of immersion.


    Modpack Download

    The (A20) Oakraven Forest Modpack can be downloaded here:


    (Some users have reported the zipped file suggests it is corrupted when attempting to download it. We have not been able to verify this as it has downloaded appropriately every time we tested so far. Users receiving this error warning can use the GitHub Desktop Application which resolves this issue. It also allows you to keep the files up to date without needing to download the whole Modpack repeatedly. https://desktop.github.com/ )


    It is bundled up with a sample 6K World called OAK6K01 which considers specific POIs which need to be in a certain Biome for context (Snow Orc POIs are in the Snow and Old West is in the Desert).

    It is hidden by a Spoiler ^^



    The Oakraven Forest Modpack has been primarily compiled for players who have played through the main game.

    It is an additive Modpack and nothing that impacts regular gameplay (progression, assets, etc) has been removed.


    In addition to the Oakraven Forest Collection mods, additional community creations have been bundled into this Modpack to bring cohesion and expansion.


    Install directly into the main directory Mods folder. A new Mod for textures requires it to be installed here. It will cause errors in the appdata area.
    The creator of the texture Mod has been contacted. It will look similar to this:



    ASSETS INCLUDE: (Click directly on the name of linked mods to be taken to an instructional video kindly created by @wickidaurazgaming)

    ===== 1-OakModpack ====

    This 1-OakModpack provides an abundance of Oakraven's modlets alongside a variety of expansion and quality of life mods.
    The mix is quite eclectic and gives players further opportunities within the framework of 7D2D content.

    This Modpack contains the following modlets/modifications:


    - Oakraven On/Off Lights (Unpowered Steampunk Lights and Jukebox)

    - Oak Traps (Custom Traps)

    - Oak Modpack UI (Custom HUD features)

    - Replace Mod (Block type replacements and additions)
    - Dragon Cannon (Custom Weapon)
    - New Weapons (Custom Weapons)
    - Space Ship Supply Drop (Futuristic flyover in place of regular plane and supply crate)
    - Torches Lights (A collection of wood burning lights)
    - Water Wells and Sinks (A variety of custom water sources such as wells and stand pipes that can be placed within a player's boundaries)
    - Rock Drills (Provides a gentle resource trickle for underground materials while out questing)
    - Draw Bridges (A variety of walkways the act like horizontal plane draw bridges)
    - Cooking Stations (Blenders, Mincing Machine, and Stove/Oven type appliances)
    - Sign Cupboards (More storage choice variety)
    - Power Things (Renewable power solutions)
    - Hydroponic Farming (Farm underground with good returns, new crops, and a few new meals...and Fireflies)
    - Fish Farm (Craft fish farm plots, place a starter kit, let them grow, harvest and eat)
    - Chicken Coops (Find Baby Chicks in nests, place them in a Coop, reap the rewards)
    - Bee Hives (Find Queen Bees, Craft Bee Hives, Collect Honey Comb and make some nice treats)
    - Oakraven Workstations (7 Custom Workstations - Oakraven Forge, Tatatin Forge, and Copper Force, Chemistry Station, Powder Mixer, Cement Mixer, and Ammo Bench)
    - Oakraven Traders (5 selected custom traders to give Bob, Hugh, Jen, Joel, and Rekt a short vacation to Navezgane)
    - A20 Skyrim Style Lockpicking MiniGame (Makes lockpicking skill based)

    - JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes (Customised expansion to Wandering Hordes)

    - KhaineGB's Inventory Lockable Slots Mod (Allows players to stop essential items being removed form the backpack when bulk moving)

    - A19 Farming For A20 by Syco54645 (Rebalancing for Hydroponics)
    - Clear Bulletproof Glass (Allows players to craft clear bulletproof glass similar to the regular type)
    - Guppycurs' Guppy Vulture entity for the desert biome.
    - Quest - Blood Moon Vanguard (Gives players an incentive to stay for Horde Night and pick up a Skill for completing an objective)
    - Quest - Eliminate the Horde (Gives players a Craft/Build/Upgrade Quest opportunity to survive a wave of grunt/feral/radiated entities)
    - Quest - Pest Control (Gives players a starting quest to cull laboratory specimens from 1-ZombiezPack)
    - Quest - Snow Orcs (Cull Darkstardragon's Orcs in the snow)
    - Quest - Infestation (Cull Xyth's Spiders with arramus' expansion abominations)
    - Quest - Beast Bust (Eliminate Darkstardragon's Flying Beastz)
    - Quest - Beast Boom (Eliminate Darkstardragon's Land Beastz)
    - Quest - Summon Fox Friend (An item to spawn the 0-XNPCCore Fox to offset despawning)


    In addition, some Addons that are powered by 0-Score and 0-XNPCCore and bundled directly are as follows:


    - 1-SurvivorzPack (A collection of helpers who can assist you, for a price)
    - 1-OrczPackAlpha and 2-OrczPackBeta (The Orcz have taken over the Snow Biome)
    - 1-khzmusik_Zombies (A variety of well crafted entities to enhance regular 7D2D zombie interactions from khzmusik)
    - 1-ZombiezPack (A variety of hostile looking zombies from Darkstardragon)
    - 1-GansSpecialZombies (A variety of fancy dress type zombies from GanTheGrey) + 2- Feral and Radiated
    - 1-NPCXSpiderPack and 2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion (Spiders for the Wasteland and Desert Biome)
    - 1-FantasticBeastz (Mythical Beasts for the Wasteland and Desert Biome)
    - 1-YeOldeUndeadPack (A variety of Medieval undead + 2- Radiated)


    OakModPack Creators and Developers in Alphabtical Order from Z - A:


    @xyth and @sphereii with @Mumpfy for branding - Created the A20 Skyrim Style Lockpicking MiniGame. (The assets are embedded and remain as per original).
    Xyth - Created the 1-NPCXSpiderPack.
    Syco54645 - Created A19 Farming For A20 (Crops return to seedling once harvested and you no longer get seeds when you harvest).
    Oakraven - Created Oakraven Forest Collection assets.
    @MichaelL. - Supported OAK_NPC_Bandits_Settlement_01. (Look out for that awesome airship).
    @Laz Man - Created Quest - Blood Moon Vanguard and Eliminate the Horde.
    @khzmusik - Created 1-khzmusik_Zombies.
    @KhaineGB - Unlocked Inventory Lockable Slots Mod.

    @JaxTeller718 - Bigger Wandering Hordes Mod.

    @Guppycur - Guppy Vulture entity.
    @GanTheGrey - Created 1-GansSpecialZombies.
    @Darkstardragon - Created 1-ZombiezPack, 1-SurvivorzPack, 1-OrczPackAlpha and 2-OrczPackBeta, 1-FantasticBeastz, and 1-YeOldeUndeadPack. Also performed an abundance of play testing and coding support through the connected 'Not Medieval Mod'.
    arramus - Supported the Oakraven Forest Collection with NPCMod and Addon integration, 2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion, Fox things, xml, compilation, distribution, quality control balancing, and even added the odd icon or two.


    Currently released standalone Oakraven Forest Collection modlets can be found here.


    ============ Custom POIS and RWG ===========

    The Oakraven Forest Modpack incorporates a variety of custom POIs that are built into 7D2D's Random World Generator Tiling System.
    In addition, Worlds are created with custom features in addition to regular default features.

    Features and customisation is as follows:

    - The Old West area of 7D2D has been expanded and has traders (An Old West Trading Town).
    - Downtown has been totally removed because it can be quite heavy to render the POIs along with entities and NPCs at the same time.
    - Custom POIs will appear within some of the default areas (residential, rural, commercial, etc) and allow in the Wilderness.

    There is some crossover in the towns, districts, and areas above.


    It is highly recommend that players/communities also bring in some Compo Pack 48 content to enhance the experience.

    The Compo Pack 48 is fully compatible with the Oakraven Forest Modlet and will not impact on game-play in any way.

    Fabbersville is particularly suited to the theme of the Oakraven Forest Modpack, and was bundled in with the first release.

    Unfortunately, feedback suggested it restricted adding in additional Compo Pack themes such as Medievil Village and Mega and was removed to give more flexibility.

    The Compo Pack is administered by @stallionsden and the Compo Pack team and provides high quality expansion and great rendering performance due to rigourous care and quality control. Check this thread for more details:



    === 0-Score, 0-XNPCCore and Addons ===

    The NPCMod is a community made asset that gives life to custom made NPCs, among many other features.
    0-Score and 0-XNPCCore power the Addons compiled into 1-OakModpack. Addons have been compiled directly into the 1-OakModpack to reduce latency.
    Care has been taken to ensure creators have been credited both in this Readme and within the xml files.


    ===== Random Main Menu Background =====

    This modlet is cared for by @closer_ex and provides Modpacks and Overhauls with a custom Main Menu Background image that is shown randomly.
    This provides a very nice feature to personalise and highlight different aspects of what players can face.
    It can be downloaded here, among many other delights. closer_ex combines modding with some complex coding, and has been very willing to assist other modders.





    For Players and Server Admin/Hosts who have never installed a mod before, here are some simple step by step instructions:

    1. If you've never installed a mod before, it is necessary to create a Mods folder in the main directory, typically inside
    \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die. In the future, this location may change and we'll update instructions at that time.
    If you have a custom install or your server host has modified the installation location, then you may have to explore.

    2. Simply make a new folder called Mods (with a capital M to reflect standard nomenclature) in your '7 Days To Die' main directory folder.

    3. You can now drag all of the mod folders directly out of the zipped file, and it can be placed directly into the Mods folder.


    Does this Mod need to be installed in the server/client host? = YES
    Do players also need to install this Mod? = YES (because it contains custom content that cannot be downloaded from the server).


    The contents of this Modpack contains these folders and files.

    The bottom two files can be removed. The Readme mirrors the contents of this thread. The zipped Pack01 contains a 6K World that can be unzipped and placed in the Worlds folder if needed.


    * Launching the Modpack will require EAC to be set as False/Off due to the custom content.


    Starting Out as a new Player

    Once you spawn in game, you will see your tool belt contains different items to usual.

    The first thing to do is open the can of Friendly Fox Food to receive 20 meat. This allows you to hire the friendly fox which also spawns in your close vicinity.

    If you are unable to see the fox, it may be chasing zombies.



    You will also see a Fish Stick pack. This contains two items, a Fish Stick melee weapon and a Perch Pie for sustenance.

    The First Stick will be either Quality 5 or 6. It does more damage than a wooden club but less than a baseball bat.

    It provides more experienced players a chance to start from where they left off while still offering a challenge.

    This Fish Stick was crafted by Forest Hermit @swmeek who will answer any questions on how best to use it.



    Additional items include Quest items. One is for Laz Man's 'Eliminate the Horde' quest and the other is for a 'Pest Control' quest that asks players to keep certain entities under control. In this case it is 3 experimental entities from Darkstardragon's 1-ZombiezPack.



    It is recommended to complete the initial Survival Quests because upon completion players are given a 'Blood Moon Vanguard' quest that asks players to eliminate entities from Darkstardragon's 1-YeOldeUndeadPack entities. This is a collection of Medieval looking entities that will only appear during Blood Moon in Grunt, Feral, and Radiated form (Chaos type).


    Just as usual, players are then directed to a Trader or Multi-Trader. The Trader POIs are just the same as usual but with a little customisation.

    As the rotating Billboard shows (switch between 3 different images each side), trading hours have been extended.



    Trader Bird Man replaces Trader Hugh as your friendly weapons expert.



    Get your first quest from the Trader, and pick up some side quests along the way. There are 7 elimination type quests in total.



    About the Environment

    The tiling system incorporates default POIs but also supports the Compo Pack just as well. This show the CP48 Fabbersville with Rural as its district. It renders very smoothly for lower end systems and provides lots of looting and questing.



    The Old West supports Traders and has also been expanded.



    Some things to consider about the Biomes for the World added into the Modpack:

    Snow - Contains Snow Orcs (powered by the NPCMod)

    Wasteland and Desert - Contains Mythical Beasts and Spiders (powered by the NPCMod)

    Forest - Provides players a retreat, beyond Horde Night 'Ye Olde Undead Pack' (powered by the NPCMod)


    Biomes also contain friendly hireable assistants although they are loathe to go into the Wasteland and Snow and will be a much rarer sight in those areas.


    World Assets

    Without giving too much away, there are a fair number of custom features covering tools, weapons, farming, and other quality of life additions.





    Some craftable items will force the player to go into the Wasteland to collect crystals, Forest to search for Bee Logs, and Desert to search for Peppers. The vast majority incorporates regular world items.


    There are some fun weapons to explore, some of which are the Punk series of hand held shooters.



    There are so many wonderful vehicle mods out there including @bdubyah's Vehicles as well as @Ragsy 2145's Vehicle Madness and some single modlets for individual creations.


    As such, this Modpack includes some token gestures grabbed from the Server Side Vehicle mod with some modifications to ensure they do not conflict. They are all added to Progression, Loot, and Traders to match the regular vehicle types.


    Spider Rider

    Between the Minibike and Motorcycle but with its own unique traits. ^^



    There may be a few more surprises to explore.


















  6. 4 hours ago, darkknightoffl said:

    Hey there.

    I downloaded this mod link yesterday https://github.com/drkstardragon/NMM

    my brother and I spend 4 hours trying to figure out why it wouldn't do the full download it would stop at 1.3 I've plenty of storage but a lot of files were missing we did everything over and over and even write in every single missing file from his copy to get it to work and would only get to creating player be for f1 kick in with nothing but solid red error .is there something were are missing cause it worked fine for him but when I did everything he did it never worked.

    Downloads for Github and Moddb are identical at the moment.

    You can also try Moddb if this happens again in the future as long as everyone uses the same build.



    These are custom files and require the anti-cheat EAC to be turned off or it will bring errors.

    Other than that, if you share the same builds there should be no conflicts or warnings.

  7. 3 hours ago, Canute said:

    It would be perfect if you could add the spider animations to it.

    How did you animate the horses and flying 4x4 errr pegasi at NMM ? Maybe the same way for these minibike.


    The horse is from Zilox and uses a buff to trigger the run animation.

    The Pegasus in its idle state continually beats its wings that way and didn't require any additions on top.

    The spider is as it is for that state and is just a cosmetic attachment. As it's a paid model built into 1-Spiders, the 2- version simply links to the mesh asset and takes it no further. Just sitting on the spiders back as it runs would be a very nice touch to it.


  8. 2 hours ago, Gamida said:

    If I recall the game did make a folder and add the server xml files but I think it may remove them again when game is closed. Not %100 sure but I think I did see them before.

    There are some files that get kept in a saved folder. It is all a bit fuzzy now.

    That is what I recall as well from earlier builds. A18 certainly retained more detailed server files that showed the modified xml changes when running mods.
    That appears to have been stripped down.

  9. 27 minutes ago, binny said:

    could anyone tell me why im not able to right click to put my  chicks into the coop??

    I just tested the most recent version to check there are no bugs.


    I had 2 chicks in my hand and right clicked when the prompt appeared.



    The two chicks were accepted and removed from the toolbelt.



    I can confirm there were no bugs on a clean Navezgane world.


    As for your own setup, can you test it on a clean Navezgane world with no other mods to confirm if the issue persists. It may relate to a conflict, world assets, or other feature.

  10. A small experimental Mini bike as an extension to the 1-NPCXSpiderPack for anyone who wants to try it out.


    It is hooked up to Skill 3 Grease Monkey with schematics, loot, and trader chance.
    It is a little faster than usual with a larger fuel tank and a bit hoppier. It also stuns hostiles who come into close proximity.

    It suppresses rather than damages. Hopping at a vulture in pursuit can stun it for a few seconds to give you some peace.






  11. 3 hours ago, TechieZero said:

    I think the Sorcery Mod just had an update...hint...hint...


    Just keeping this dream alive. 😁


    Do you mean the compatibility patch that appears to be hosted on the Sorcery Mod Discord is no longer valid?

  12. Pushing a small update to the Chicken Coops part of NMM since Oakraven updated it for the base.


    Nests have their own model when ready to harvest and will downgrade to a regular nest. This is a 120 minute cycle once looted which takes longer than Coops and keeps them as a more effective farming asset.



  13. Added a couple of updates as follows:


    Hydroponic Farm Mod
    The wild plants have had their luminescence toned down a bit so they are not glowing from so far away.
    They'll continue to go through further lighting tweaks as they are play tested during all the weather types.

    Light Off



    Light On for the benefit of night time desert harvesting.



    Chicken Coops

    A small update to distinguish looted and unlooted nests. Unlooted nests will show as 'full' regardless of the contents. Nests will respawn every 120 minutes.



    And empty nests are just the same as default.


  14. Adding a couple of updates to the (A20) Server Side Vehicles:


    - Spider Bike

    This is the mini bike with cosmetic upgrades and a Knock Down buff that will cause a little entity damage.

    The bike is faster than the mini bike and has a larger fuel and storage capacity with the same level of fuel efficiency.


    It is an intermediate step between mini bike and motorcycle/Hell bike.



    The Knock Down buff is simple to use. Ride into an entity and perform a little hop for effect if you so desire.



    Down they tumble.



    This is a defensive weapon with very little damage. It will give you time to get away.


    - Whirligig

    The Whirligig has a small cosmetic update to give context to its faster flying speed and capacity.

    The new small quest generator has been attached to the engine mount in a position that allows the propeller to look like it is attached.


  15. 1 hour ago, virtualhex said:

    Thanks for this great mod! I have a question. I am trying to use another mod that doubles the amount of zombies, but it is also doubling the amount of NPC's in my game and turning it into Grand Theft 7 Days. Is there a line in one of the config files where I can adjust the chance of an NPC replacing a zombie and lower the value? (I'm assuming that's how it works?) 

    The double zombies mods typically increase the overall zombie count potential for most, if not all, spawning groups. Since the NPCs are also governed by those, that is what you are seeing.


    To compensate for the doubling of zombies, it may be best to simply halve the probability of an NPC spawning. It may not be exactly proportional as it doesn't always quite work that way, but you should see a nice reduction in NPCs among the increased number of zombies.


    For each of your Add On Mods, visit the entitygroups.xml and halve every probability value.


    If it says (as an example):

    <entity name="animalWildTurnip" prob="0.1"/>

    this can change to:

    <entity name="animalWildTurnip" prob="0.05"/>

  16. 8 minutes ago, Games&#x27;n&#x27;Grumble said:

    do you think it is possible to divide some additions into modifications for transport in order to change them if desired?

    There is always more room for additions and modifications to existing vehicles that can be done privately or potentially added to the whole mod release.

  17. Additional entries that may require purging, changing, or increasing prob depending on the intention.


    Line 43 <entity name="enJoggerFemale5"/>

    Line 44 <entity name="enJoggerFemale5"/>

    Line 44 <entity name="enJoggerFemale5"/>


    Line 100    <entity name="enJoggerFemale5"/><entity name="enJoggerFemale5Feral" prob=".25"/>
    Line 101    <entity name="enJoggerFemale5"/><entity name="enJoggerFemale5Feral" prob=".25"/>
    Line 102    <entity name="enJoggerFemale5"/><entity name="enJoggerFemale5Feral" prob=".25"/>


    Line 218     <entity name="enBusinessman3" prob="1.5"/><entity name="enBusinessman3Feral" prob=".5"/>
    Line 219    <entity name="enBusinessman3" prob="1.5"/><entity name="enBusinessman3Feral" prob=".5"/>


    Line 421    <entity name="enStripper1"/><entity name="enStripper1Feral" prob=".5"/>
    Line 422   <entity name="enStripper1"/><entity name="enStripper1Feral" prob=".5"/>
    Line 423  <entity name="enStripper1"/><entity name="enStripper1Feral" prob=".5"/>
    Line 424   <entity name="enStripper1"/><entity name="enStripper1Feral" prob=".5"/>


    Line 2536        <entity name="enLabCreatureFemale3" prob="1.0"/>
    Line 2537       <entity name="enLabCreatureMale3"     prob="1.0"/>
    Line 2538      <entity name="enLabCreatureFemale3" prob="0.25"/>
    Line 2539       <entity name="enLabCreatureMale3"     prob="0.25"/>


    Line 2546        <entity name="enLabCreatureFemale3" prob="0.75"/>
    Line 2547       <entity name="enLabCreatureMale3"     prob="0.75"/>
    Line 2548      <entity name="enLabCreatureFemale3" prob="0.50"/>
    Line 2549       <entity name="enLabCreatureMale3"     prob="0.50"/>


    and GS 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 for this set to Line 2549.


    I was not thorough for scoutHordeStage, sleeperHordeStage, and feralHordeStage, and just checked the first line as that is far too much.


    Definitely needs additional eyes on this, but a first scan.

  18. I was 'pinged' in a Rage PVE server Discord message about the bug where entities are spawning as invisible and did some deeper analysis to check for potential issues. It goes as follows:


    A client side console popup error while in Shotgun Messiah (factory_lg_02)

    2022-07-06T08:59:47 2733.905 EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    2022-07-06T08:59:47 2733.952 INF Discarding NetPackagePlayerStats for entity Id=41459
    2022-07-06T08:59:48 2735.058 INF Discarding NetPackagePlayerStats for entity Id=41457


    This was recorded and helped with locating where it happened, what volume is operating, and who should spawn.


    Group: Zom Utility Worker - Possible 5 to spawn out of 9 waiting.



    It appears that 1-2 entities bugged out as the video only shows 4 spawning for this area when it should have been 5. However, the console error infers 2.


    The player level was about 57 and under GS100.


    This GS group shows a double entry for enUtilityFemale1 where the second one was potentially supposed to be enUtilityFemale2 as per other groups and the corresponding Feral version. That double entry may have been enough to bug things out on this occasion. Fine toothed comb time it appears.


    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='zombieUtilityWorkerGroupGS50']">
    	<entity name="zombieUtilityWorker" prob="0.85"/><entity name="zombieUtilityWorkerFeral" prob="0.1"/>
    	<entity name="enUtilityFemale1" prob="0.85"/><entity name="enUtilityFemale1Feral" prob="0.1"/>
    	<entity name="enUtilityFemale1" prob="0.85"/><entity name="enUtilityFemale2Feral" prob="0.1"/>
    	<entity name="enUtilityMale1" prob="0.85"/><entity name="enUtilityMale1Feral" prob="0.1"/>
    	<entity name="enUtilityMale2" prob="0.85"/><entity name="enUtilityMale2Feral" prob="0.1"/>
    	<entity name="enUtilityMale3" prob="0.85"/><entity name="enUtilityMale3Feral" prob="0.1"/>
    	<entity name="enUtilityMale4" prob="0.85"/><entity name="enUtilityMale4Feral" prob="0.1"/>
    	<entity name="enUtilityMale5" prob="0.85"/><entity name="enUtilityMale5Feral" prob="0.1"/>


  19. A small update for both the Github and Moddb builds.


    - T1 POI (Medieval house Kamelot Domo 02) by PapyKero.




    PapyKero uploaded this POI to Nexus and kindly gave permission to add it to the NMM. It is a 3 storey house with a similar play through to Guppy's house but with its own unique layout and style. A very decent high quality build.

  20. 1 hour ago, radish said:
    Thank you for answering. solved.
    I asked the question because I wanted to make an elf a friend, not a quest.

    It means you are looking for the Elven Archer that we can hire. It sounds like you found her.

  21. 2 hours ago, radish said:
    Excuse me for being busy.
    Where are the elves?
    It's less visible than previous versions.

    There are 4 Elves, Sword/Swear/Crossbow/Archer.


    Nothing much has changed with them over time except the Crossbow and Archer appear a little less because players feel they are too powerful.
    However, these two will appear quite a lot in the NMM_Bandits_Joust_Arena_01 POI.


    They can appear in the Snow, Forest, Wasteland, and Desert at any time. They will appear more in the 'Wasteland' (Orcland) because the friendly/survivor kind do not appear as much. They can also appear in some POIs. These POIs are:


    _MazeSm_by_MPLogue (T3)

    _Petra_Indiana_Jones_by_MPLogue (No Tier/Special)

    _Rose_Abby_byMPLogue (No Tier/Special)

    NMM_Bandits_Joust_Arena_01 (T4) - Crossbow and Archer Elf have a high chance of being in the towers.

    NMM_Cave_01 (T3)

    NMM_cave_04 (T3)

    NMM_hostilechurch_01 (T4)

    NMM_nest_01 (T5) - This one contains A LOT of Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, and Elves.

    NMM_stables_01 (T1)

    NMM_vanilla_cave_03 (T1)

    xcostum_Medieval_Jarls_Estate(by_Eihwaz) (T1)

    xcostum_Medieval_Doune_Castle_Riah(by_Riahsaurus_Rex) (T5) - This one contains A LOT of Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, and Elves.

    xcostum_Medieval_Castle_Spartan_v3(by_Ericbeaudoin) (T5)

    xcostum_Medieval_Castle_Destroyed(by_Zyncosa) (T3)


    For the Crossbow and Archer Elves visit the NMM_Bandits_Joust_Arena_01 POI more often because they have a good chance to appear in the towers. It is because the 4 towers can hold 16 'Bandits' and some of them will be Elves. If you get this POI as a quest, attack it once before starting the quest and then again once it is clear for a double chance to see 32 types of Crossbow/Archer type.


    However, for the Spear and Sword type of Elves, it is best to visit Orcland more often because they have a lot of competition in Forest, Snow, and Desert with friendly NPCs. And even after that, there are also a lot of Bandit types.


    Orcs (12 total)

    Orc Gurl, Orc Bandit, Orc Raider, Orc Archer, Orc Crossbowman, Orc Shaman, Orc Slavemaster, Orc Matron, Orc Slave Bald, Orc Slave Beard, Orc Berzerker, and Orc Uruk.


    Goblins (10)

    Goblin Club, Goblin Shaman, Goblin Chief, Goblin Spear, Goblin Knife, Goblin Archer, Goblin Crossbowman, Goblin Gurl, Goblin Cook, and Goblin Baker.


    Knight Pack (1)

    Chaos Marauder


    Ogres (3)

    Ogre Sword, Ogre Axe, and Ogre Mace.


    And finally the 4 Elves

    Dark Elf Crossbowman, Dark Elf Sword, Dark Elf Spear, and Dark Elf Archer.


    30 Bandits in total but only 4 Elves in that group. The Dark Elf Crossbowman and Dark Elf Archer have a higher chance to be seen because they are placed in a special group for ranged Bandits carrying Bows.


    However, the chance to see the Dark Elf Sword and Dark Elf Spear is much lower because there are so many other types in their group. Players really need to visit the Wasteland or those special POIs above to see them more often.


    Is your question linked to trying to find the Dark Elf Sword and Dark Elf Spear for the quests? They are not so easy to find...

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